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Wednesday June 28
Duncan, SC (DCI Atlantic)
Hello all......just a few thoughts about the show. (disclaimer: these are
my thoughts and I am in no way forcing them upon you....)
First off, the sky was nappy but it held off. Lightening threatened the
beginning of the show (they attempted to clear the stands--operative term
being "attempted") and it also kept Kiwanis from stepping off on time. The
stadium was quite nice. We had great seats and a nice size crowd. Anyway....
Tampa Bay Thunder (51.30) was up first. WOW! What a way to make a first
impression! I was thoroughly impressed with the drums and they had some
great soloists! Horns could open up a little more and that would cause for a
better sound, but I really enjoyed them! Way to go guys!!
Scenic City (35.70) was second up. They tried, and that's all that matters.
Rough, rough show. Needs lots of work....(and a drum major uni that fits).
Kiwanis Kavaliers (49.90) was the next to grace the field. Ok job for just
starting out on tour. Really enjoyed the weapon work. The "helicopters"
were a bit cheesy for my taste, but maybe they'll paint them or something.....
Spirit of Atlanta (57.30) was fourth. Lots of holes (at least I hope they
were holes--at times there was twenty or so yards between one player and the
next). Show did not scream Spirit at all. Enjoyed the percussion and
cymbals! =)
Crossmen (67.95) was next....the only word I could say after this show was
"DAMN!!!" What an absolutely AWESOME show!!! By far, the BEST Crossmen show
I have EVER seen. (I'm a young'un, btw.) The red on the uni is astounding
and the overall look of the corps in opening set is Spectacular!!! Guard
colors are awesome and the guard itself was a sight to see too!! Awesome
soloists as well!!! Keep it up guys, can't wait to see how this show has
grown by DC!!!!!
Carolina Crown (68.45) was next to last. As we have come to expect, the
guard is great! Much passion is shown through those guys, great weapon
work!!! The show _is_ harder than any Crown show I've seen/heard and these
guys mean business!! I do think the .50 gap between Crown and Crossmen was a
fair call.
Cadets (78.80) finished up the evening and what better way!!! Loved the
show! Loved everything about the show, actually!!! The change to Bb was
definitely for the better, imho. Their sound is rich and well
blended.....and I loved it!!!
The evening ended with a "Mass Brass" of the three YEA! corps playing two
pieces. No clue what they were, but in the words of Notabando "YEA!
fuuuuuuukkkkkkkkkinnnnnnnnn loooooouuuuuuuuddddddddddd" (or something to that
effect, lol) Great night for drum corps, nice breeze blowing after the
threat of the storm. Well, that's it. Can't wait to see more in
Brandon =)
Brief Review - good crowd for a show in a very small town in a "marginal" drum
corps area. Weather was "iffy" all night (thunder storms all around the area,
but not in the immediate stadium area), up until about the end of Kiwanis
Kavaliers performance. The Kavaliers were delayed for approx 30 minutes by an
intermittant rain that began towards the end of the Scenic City performance.
Tampa Bay Thunder opened the show. A good Div II/III performance. Still shows
early season effects...drill needs much cleaning. Crowd enjoyed it. The
stormy music of "The Wreck of The Edmund Fitzgerald" fit right in with the
views of far-away thunder storms developing in the background. They will do
well this year.
Next was Scenic City. They tried very hard, and had several very interesting
moments in their show, but it needs work in every aspect. Major intonation
problems and drill problems.
Spirit of Atlanta was third on the program. I dunno...maybe it's just me, but
their music is sorta strange, and doesn't fit the "mold" of Spirits of the
past. The sound was good, drill needs cleaning. The Spirit drumline brought
down the house, with more audience appreciation evidenced by the applause,
whistling and cheering at the end of the percussion feature than any other
corps of the evening. Will see them again a couple more times in the next
couple of weeks. Hope that I will "grow into" their music. When they clean it
up, it will be an EXCELLENT show.
Fourth came The Crossmen. Good show, much cleaner than when I saw it last
week. THE MUSIC ROCKS!!! Audience really got into the show, specially in the
couple of "park&bark" spots, where the brassline comes to the sideline & lets
it fly! Percussion ok, but not at all like what you normally expect from
Crossmen. The multicolored guard uniforms are SPECTACULAR, and the guard does
a good job. Over all, needs much cleaning in several parts of the drill.
Carolina Crown came on "next to closing". Music book is very difficult this
year. They are MUCH better and drill MUCH cleaner than last week. If they
continue to improve as fast as they have in the last 5-6 days, they will be a
force to be reckoned with at finals. The "ballad" in the show - "Diego's
Farewell" - is beautiful. Guard work is superb! I would have scored them a
little bit higher over Crossmen than they were scored, but, then, I am no
judge. Liked their show much better than last year's.
Finally, The Cadets. Well, what more can you say?? Cleary the outstanding
show of the evening. May suffer, like Atlanta, from the "unfamiliar" music.
It was very well performed, in all aspects, with real highlights in ALL
sections, specially in the auxillary work. Far and away the cleanest show of
the night. Intonation and volume right there where it ought to be. Drill good
(hell, drill was outstanding for an early season show), and the guard, well,
Those are just my opinions, and are probably wrong.
All in all, an enjoyable show. Looking forward to Lynchburg tomorrow night.
C. D.
For a while it seemed is if naming the show Thunder in the Valley was going to
be a little too appropriate, but the weather cleared up and we had a beautiful
cool night of drum corps.
First up was the Tampa Bay Thunder (18B, 23P, 12G). When you are a first year
corps it takes some daring to open your show with a song about a shipwreck
(Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald). The Thunder, however, did a pretty good job
for being small and inexperienced. The staff must have cut their drum corps
teeth in the 70s. The Thunder played an arrangement of Legend of a One-Eyed
Sailor complete with a female mellophone soloist ala Blue Devils. The drumline
is the strength of this corps.
Scenic City (22B, 12P, 6G) was not ready and I am sure it was not a fun night
for the kids or the staff. I had a flash back to an early spring camp in 1979
when the corps I was in, the Blue Stars, marched and played through Strike Up
The Band for the first time. One by one horn players became lost and dropped
out until there was just one veteran third baritone left honking the music. It
didn't get quite that bad for Scenic City, but it was close.
Kiwanis Kavaliers (28B, 25P, 20G) were a big step up from the first two units.
Their show featured music from Miss Saigon. The music is arranged well and they
should turn out to be an enjoyable drum corps to watch. They played the last
minute or so at a standstill. I especially admired a Contra who because of
holes in the hornline was standing up front, playing well, without another horn
within 10 yards. Instant, unplanned Contra solo!
Spirit of Atlanta (46B, 31P, 20G) was another big step up over the Kavaliers.
With that being said, and not to offend anyone on this board, in my opinion,
Spirit has absolutely no chance at being a finalist this year (and I would love
to see them back in the Saturday night show). The show is pleasant (the closer
especially has great potential), but I cannot see how they can clean the show,
develop confidence in the kids, and compete for a top 12 spot in just a month
and a half. Spirit did receive the first standing O of the night.
I enjoyed Crossmen and Crown last night more than any year I can remember for
either corps. They are unquestionably solid Top 12 units and will be crowd
pleasers everywhere they go. Both played music that was accessible and
recognizable. I'd like to thank both corps for that.
First up was the Crossmen (59B, 29P, 30G). I really enjoyed their musical show.
In The Mood will be great come August when the hornline has a little more
strength and endurance. I am assuming they have not finished the visual design
for Nobody Does Me Like He Does. There is very little movement during this
piece. I am really looking forward to watching this show progress during the
Carolina Crown (50B, 30P, 36G) was a bit of surprise for me tonight. They
perform a sophisticated, entertaining, and well-designed drum corps show. Their
drumline is a strength. I am sure the horns will get stronger during the summer
and when they do, Carolina Crown should be able to make a run at a Top 8
finish. Hopefully they will soon fill the horn holes and get on to cleaning a
great show.
If I had to pick between the long-term potential of Crown and Crossmen I would
choose the Carolina Crown based on the quality of the show design and the
drumline. However, I am sure we will see these two corps neck and neck up until
finals week.
Now on to the Cadets (60B, 29P, 30G?). I took my family to Disney World in
March, so they too played recognizable music for me! Beautiful Cadet show with
mixed tempos, good horn volume, great soloists, and entertaining theatrics.
Obviously a corps whose only goal is to win a championship. I especially
enjoyed the first minute of the show with the opening clock sounds, the
backfield playing, and the full frontside impact. I also thought the fingering
each others horns bit was pretty cool (which followed a very good drum
feature). But is it all good enough to win a championship? I don't think so,
but then again I haven't seen a June drum corps show since 1984, so I don't
have a reference point for how much a corps improves during the season. I will
view the Cadets again July 14 in Columbia. Maybe then I'll think differently.
Finally, a personal note. While walking out of the stadium I ran into Moe
Latour, tour director for the Cadets. Moe told me he is in his 51st year of
drum corps. Moe was summer director of the Blue Stars back in the 70s and early
80s. I believe he spent some time with Phantom in the 80s and he was director
of the Bleu Raeders in 1972 when they made finals. Is there anyone else left
out there that was in a staff position for a finalist in 1972 that is still
doing it for a finalist today? I would think there would be a place in the DCI
hall-of-fame for someone like Moe Latour who has spent so many years getting
drum corps down the road safely and on time (and that was a heck of a job with
the Blue Stars in 1979!).
One last bit for you traditionalists out there - I watched the Cadets for about
an hour yesterday afternoon. Whoever was running the practice spent a lot of
time pointing out first "trumpet" mistakes. The "tubas" also received a little
Mark Jordan
Mankato, MN (DCM)
Once again, I love Blakeslee Field in Mankato. What a wonderful
place for drumcorps. The weather turned out to be great, too,
except for a few drops of rain late in the show. It rained like
crazy earlier in the day, so I was a bit worried. Now, for the
Decorah Kilties: How could I criticize anything these kids do?
I'm always impressed to see kids that young performing on a
drumcorps field. Of course, execution is really rough. I think
the music could be arranged to make it easier for the kids.
Perhaps more unison horn parts.
Chops Inc: Rough. They'd be funnier if they could play and
march well, which I believe is the foundation of drumcorps. The
drumline was a lot better when they just did parades. For all
intents and purposes, the hornline consisted of Greg Hiniker on
soprano, and then some horn holders. The sole colorguard member
at the end was entertaining, though. Overall, it just seemed
like this show was thrown together a couple days ago.
Govenaires: Yesterday someone posted that Chops was better than
the Govies. I couldn't possibly disagree more. The Govies had
a well-thought out show, played well, and marched pretty well.
The hornline was balanced, rather than having one screaming
soprano carrying the whole corps. The colorguard was as strong
as when I saw them last year. The drums were only okay, though.
I think the Govies biggest strength is that they know what
they're capable of and program accordingly.
Capital Regiment: Nice uniforms. I don't think I've seen these
guys before. The Prince of Egypt is good music...hmm, I'd like
to hear Vanguard play it. Not likely, I suppose. The drumline
was the strongest section. The horns didn't really play well
until the close, "Make His Praise Glorious."
Blue Stars: Two years in a row, now, I've been impressed with
the Blue Stars' marching. They do some tough stuff, and do it
quite well. The drumline was also strong, but I seem to
remember last year being better. The hornline was rather weak,
I expected more sound from them. This will be a good show in
Colts: I kinda dig the new uniforms. They make me think of the
Glassmen, but atleast they don't look like a high school band
anymore. The opening soprano statement was very similar to the
theme from The Jetsons. Overall, the opener was pretty strong,
nice drill for that part, too. Everything else, until the last
30 seconds, was dull. Their hornline sounds like a bunch of
individuals playing loud separately, rather than an ensemble
with unified power. However, they have potential to do well.
Madison: The opening set was immaculate. Awesome diaganols!
They have the pit off to stage left, so the hornline can come
right up to the stands. At Blakeslee the front sideline is
about 10 yards from the stands, so a corps like Madison can do
some serious damage. They have a "toilet bowl" drill similar to
the Cadets, but I like this version better. The horns played
sloppily, but not as sloppy as the colorguard, which has been
documented at length. Lots of drops. The drums left no
impression on me, which is probably bad. I liked the drill, and
am 75% sold on the music, but not quite. From a programming
standpoint, it doesn't hold a candle to 1999.
Regiment: They didn't march very well tonight, but played quite
a bit better than Madison. I sure don't know why Madison won
brass performance. Especially from a member to member
standpoint, Regiment was a lot better. The colorguard nearly
made up the difference in the two corps' visual scores. I'm
really starting to like "Petrouchka," which has some badass low
brass parts. I believe this was the last performance of the
current drill to "Rite of Spring," and contrary to what someone
else wrote, drill changes do not imply watering down. In fact,
nearly every time we changed drill when I marched, the drill got
better. That doesn't necessarily mean more difficult, but
certainly more exciting. That's what counts anyway. I'll see
them on Monday at Show of Shows, then in DeKalb, so they've got
some time to clean the new stuff up.
In general, I rated Madison and Regiment very close to each
other, which is how the scores played out. Scouts get the edge
in marching execution, Regiment gets the edge in brass and
percussion execution. Naturally, I liked Regiment's show
better, but the Shostakovich Polka in Madison's show was pretty
sweet, too.
Michael Oldemeyer
Tuesday June 27
Rosemount, MN (DCM)
First of all, don't believe the scores. They were all too high based on the
execution tonight. I never really pay attention when they announce the judging
panel, and perhaps there was a judge missing, but the scores were inflated.
The scores from the St. Cloud and Alexandria shows were much more in line with
the performances tonight.
Chops, Inc. - I was surprised they were beat by the Governaires - REALLY
surprised. I thought they were much better than the Govies. They have a kind
of early to mid 80's VK air to them, and the crowd enjoyed their performance.
They had a soprano soloist that absolutely screamed the entire opener -
absoltuely amazing player. Not a bad performance for a relatively new senior
corps that reherses very little.
Governaires - I was very disappointed by their performance, and thought their
score was drastically inflated. They were just so sloppy. It looked like they
just learned the show that afternoon. The drill was so god awful dirty. The
playing lacked confidence, and hte soloists were cracking up a storm. The show
did not have has much entertainment or pazaz as they did last year.
Cincinnati Glory - This is the first year I have ever caught Glory at a show,
and I have been impressed on the MN leg of the tour thus far. They are small,
but they seem to focus more on quality than on trying to make their very small
hornline have the impact of a line with 60+ members. Good TQ&I for June, and a
very well written book. They do suffer from what all small corps suffer from -
lack of impact. Due to the sheer lack of numbers, they don't have much of an
impact musically or visually. There is only so much you can do with 4 low
brass in a drill. The guard is very good for their numbers. The music
selections (Copland) were good, but did not get much of an audience response,
because there was simply not that much volume. Overall, they have a good show,
and they perform very well.
Americanos - The Bizet music is very reminiscent of 97 Glassmen and 90 SCV, but
they do it quite well. They place the pit on the field with large black
backdrops behind them, which are very distracting. They block out a good
portion of the field. Overall, they have a good show, and are performing it
well for a corps their size. They should do well in August at Championships
this year.
Pioneer - They were the only corps that I felt the scores were in line with
where they deserved to be. They have a great show, and are performing well.
The have a couple of soprano soloists that can wail, and hte horn line overall
is much stronger than last year. The drum line is strong, just as it has been
for the past several years. Comparing this edition of Pioneer with last year
at this time in the season, they are performing much much better. They seem to
be well on their way to improving on last year's performance. I really liked
their show.
Minnesota Brass, Inc. - They have a great show again this year. It's
entertaining, and well performed. The soprano solists are good, but had a few
minor problems tonight. The drum line is strong, and they play some notes.
Stylistically, their percussion book is more like the junior line sof the 80's,
which was actually nice to hear. The drill holds them back a bit. The corps
is doing a good job at this stage of the season, but the overall design is just
a bit lack luster. If they could get better drill design, it could really help
their show.
Phantom Regiment - I am probably in the minority, but I like the new uniforms.
I think they fit the show quite well, and they make the corps much more
readable than the all black. I'm not sure yet if I like this show. They have
some nice moments, but it just seems to me that the music is a bit chopped up.
They take great works - primarily Petrouchka and Rite of Spring, and rather
than playing the work, they chop it up. I guess it's too condensed for my
tastes. I love the Rite of Spring. It's my all time favorite piece, so that's
probably the problem. I really wanted to love this show, but I just don't. I
guess the way I see it is that there is so much material that could be
explored, and they took snippets and crammed it all together. It just seems
too bastardized. One positive comment on the musical book - the balad. It's
quite beautiful.
The show has a lot of difficulty, and the corps struggles at several points.
There was a lot of phasing tonight, tone quality often suffers from the
difficulty, and the drill needs a lot of work. If they are planning on a lot
of changes and rewrites (which I am sure they are), it will hold them back,
since they will be spending time learning the re-writes and changes, rather
than cleaning.
The last thing that really bothered me, and several other people I spoke to, is
that the visual program simply does not fit the musical program. When the
music is screaming huge violent looking flags, they are using rifles, and when
the music screams rifle work, they are using long flourscent poles. The drill
does not quite fit either.
Who knows - maybe a few more viewings and seeing some changes on the field will
win me over. Right now, I am disappointed with the design of the show. I
think they are stronger than the past few years, but their show could hold them
Tim Kviz
Sky Ryders 85-88
Various Others 78-84
Monday June 26
Tampa, FL (DCI Atlantic)
I went to both the Orlando and Tampa shows. I was quite impressed with several
corps. This is just my two cents.....
Div. III
Tampa Bay Thunder: Good effort. There are balance issues, partially to the fact
that they only have two baritones. There were instances when the sopranos
were coming out a little "crass". However, they have a soprano player who can
take it upstairs pretty well. At times when they arrived at the louder dynamic
levels, there was potential for good ensemble sound and blend, but again if a
balance issue didnt come into play, there were induviduals sticking out. There
is a lot of room for improvement, which is good in some ways. The show has
potential. The guard seemed decent for a Div. III corps, but I must say that the drumline
was a treat to listen to. There was a noticeable difference in quality from Orlando
to Tampa. However, I dont think it was enough of an improvement to tag Teal
Sound, speaking of which......................
Div. II
Teal Sound: Well, I think it is pretty easy to say that this corps was a
delight to watch, because of the HILLARIOUS conga player. This kid was SO into
the music, he really caught the attention of the crowds in both Orlando and
Tampa. Teal Sound has a deeper, darker hornline by far than Thunder. When they would
have a "park and blow" session, they kept a good amount of ensemble blend and
consistency. I enjoyed thier show. I like the uniforms as well. I totally "dig"
what they are trying to do with the program, but I think they totally got
ripped in Tampa. Teal Sound should be placing at least 3 points above Thunder. Teal Sound's
hornline takes Thunder's hornline to school and back.
Div. I
Spirit of Atlanta: In Orlando, I was really dissapointed with them, in so many
ways. Many missed notes, bad intonation, minimal amounts of blend, thin overall
hornline sound. Blah, blah, blah, ........however, in Tampa, it was a totally
different ballgame. The difference between Orlando, and Tampa was like night
and day. Many things that were not there in Orlando were definitely there in
Tampa. I like the change in repertiore. I think as long as they stick to
southern themes they will be ok. They dont always have to play jazz. It is a
tasteful change to play what I would call southern "legit" music. I liked the
highsticking at the end of the show done by the snares. Spirit still has the
potential to make into top 12, but it will be tough. They would have to bridge
an 8 to 10 point gap at this juncture, but already they have jumped four points
in two days. It is still a long season, so anything is possible.
Carolina Crown: To be quite honest, I always considered Crown to be a corps
that usually always had a good, solid drumline/pit and guard, with a hornline
that never had the "horses" to backup the show. I never felt they had the
intensity or volume to max out the show. In 1995, they had good in intensity at
times, but often they lacked volume. All I have to say is, "WOW!!!!" Thier
hornline is kicking total A$$. They have the "horses" this year, and they are
using them. I never thought that kind of volume and intensity could come from
them, but sure enough, they did it. In Orlando, they tagged Crossmen fair and
square. In Tampa, I still think they should have beat Crossmen but only by
about 0.3 or so. Crown still has some issues with the small details of the
hornline sound. There is this one point in the show where the some of the
hornline kneels and the rest stand, in three lines close on the front sideline,
and they just crank out the sound like never before. When you think it is going
to stop, it just keep going and going. However, there is some lack of
cleanliness on the softer dynamic levels. The show has oodles of potential, and
in the end I think they'll beat Crossmen in DC because of it. On a side note, I
was extremely impressed with thier alto section.
Crossmen: Like Crown, Crossmen has made a MAJOR improvement from last season.
This time last summer, they had about 3 contras, and several other holes. They
have a full hornline, and what appears to be some baritone holes, but I may be
mistaken. They sound great. They possess great amounts of volume, but I think
sometimes they might be pushing the limit on the sound quality, not that they
cant do it, but it could be better if there was just a little better ensemble
consistency, balance/support and blend. I must say though, great hornline. A
very loud hornline as well. Great baritone section, especially the leads.
Cadets: Great show, all around. In Orlando, Gino Ciparani, brass caption head,
gave a mini-clinic with the Cadets hornline. I dont think I have heard anything
louder in my life! IT WAS LOUD!!!!!! At least not when coming from a DCI
hornline. At the end of the clinic, he asked if anyone wanted to come down on
the field and hear the hornline. That was funny as hell. It seemed like
everyone rushed down there, including myself. The B-flat horns sound just fine.
My girlfriend, (another drum corps enthusiast), didnt even know the difference,
she thought they were playing G bugles. I dont believe it is a huge difference.
I think however, that there are some minute differences. I think the blend is
better, which allows for better balance. It really is a great sound. The only
slight dissapointment I had was that they didnt play as loud in the show as
they did in the clinic. Great all around show. Definitely a contender for a DCI
Championship in August.
Soloists: The only honorable mentions I can give are the following. Crown had
a decent alto soloist if I remember correctly. Crossmen had a pretty good
baritone soloist, and Cadets had a good baritone soloist but he/she didnt
project that well at either show. Other than that there were several soloists
that needed work.
This summer should definitely prove to be an interesting one, with many
suprises. Sorry, that my two cents developed into ten dollars.
Sunday June 25
Costa Mesa, CA (DCI Pacific)
Unlike Friday, I didn't have to work all day and spend 2 hours in 20mph
traffic, and that certainly makes for a much more pleasurable evening. Our
seats ( I took a neighbor who had never heard of drumcorps before and was
absolutely blown away!!!) were 23 rows up (out of about 26 I think ) and
smack dab on the 50 - well worth the $25 price for the premium seats. The
"program" consisted of a one page calendar and a photocopied sheet of
paper - for $3!! Funny how Pacific Crest was able to provide a
professionally printed one for the same price. Today was hot and very
muggy, but it turned into a beautiful, balmy evening. Due to previous
plans, we arrived at Orange Coast College while the Blue Devil B corps was
on the field, so we browsed the souvie stands (I have a new Troopers
Tshirt!) and got some drinks......
Troopers - 5th 58.? Sorry I didn't write the scores down. Much better than
on Friday. There are a lot of holes in the drill, which makes clarity (of
the star and the sunburst, for example) a problem. I was unsure about their
choice of Amazing Grace, but they won me over - this really is quite a nice
hornline. Nice solos and a nice, full, wel-balanced sound. "America" from
WSS (it reminds of Dave Grusin's arrangement) was also really nice. There's
still lots of cleaning to do, but I think it can be done because the demand
is within this corps' grasp. While I felt the crowd reaction at Glendora
was mostly polite applause, the Standing O they recieved tonight was
genuine, heartfelt, and well-deserved. Oh and I got a cool baseball cap
with the crossed sabres on it, too!
Blue Nights - 4th 72.? Great show from BK tonight. Fast, exciting, loud,
and demanding. I think with a complete show they could also be beating SCV
if it were cleaner, but they still have some challenges in this area. The
horns put out more sound than the Gmen, but also have some control problems.
On the big chord of the night, a few bad releases were heard. The Drumline
was very exciting, as was the color guard. But that guy's gotta get a shirt
on, and the waistband of his jockey shorts shouldn't be visible. One of the
soprano players fell down, but in 2 seconds it was as if nothing happened.
The show has a fast roller coaster ending - it kind of reminds of the cadets
last year. BK is going to have a great season!
Glassmen - 2nd 75.05, 75.15, something like that. The guard was stretching
and warming up on the lawn across from the ticket booth, so I got a close-up
look. I like the wigs! More important, I like the Glassmen!
I think the hornline plays with a better sound than the Blue Knights, and
tonight maybe even better than SCV. This really is a very entertaining
show, if somewhat less demanding (for now) than BK. Any corps that can put
a group of guys in purply velvet body suits and have them running across a
football field holding hands and get a standing O for it has got to be doing
something right. The horns sound very clean, with none of the articulation
problems I heard from BK and SCV tonight. There's some very thrilling
percussion playing going on, and I really wish I could learn more about
percussion so I could appreciate it more (any suggestions?). This is a
corps that I hope is as glad they came out West as its audience is.
Santa Clara Vanguard - 3rd 74.2? - Still not finished. What they do have is
very demanding and still needs a lot of work, but what a thrill!!!!!! I
don't think the hornline played quite as well tonight as in Glendora. While
the loud parts of Adagio ( and I had great seats for it!!) were fantastic,
the softer parts had some phasing and articulation and intonation problems.
The color guard is the best SCV guard I've seen in years. I'm fortunate
that I'll be going to Washington for finals, so I'm looking forward to the
finished product. I was speaking to an SCV staffer during the announcement
of BD's score, and was told it'll be worked on all this week. I'm looking
forward to the finished product, as I think this is going to be another
great year for SCV.
Blue Devils - 1st - didn't hear the score as mentioned above, but it might
as well be 90. This corps is just amazing - everything about this show
just has me awestruck! Hornline, whatever the key or volume, is simply as
good as it gets. Drumline is incredible - the pit feature, the snare
feature, the tiniest girl moving the Earth with her Tympani! The color
guard is already displaying its super-human abilities. Drill is fast-paced,
non-stop, and complete. I don't mean to sound like a gushy sycophant (look
it up), and in years past I haven't been the biggest BD fan, but this show
is truly remarkable. If there is a corps out there who can beat them, I
can't wait to see that show!
Good night from Long Beach.
Don Davis
Here is a partial review for tonight's Costa Mesa show (My
wife and I got there late). I did not write the scores down,
so please bear with me. Remember this is only opinion, and I
welcome everyone's thoughts. With that said, here we go:
Mandarins (2nd Place): The corps looked a little bigger
than last years with the same uni's. This years show is not
as exciting as last years, although the design is pretty
good. The music meshes well. This is a straight drum corps
show and the music runs along the same line as last years.
It is not as fast paced, but still good. This could be the
year they get beat at nationals, but I hope not.
Pacific Crest (1st place): WOW! What a great sound from this
group. It's hard to believe they only practice a couple of
nights a week. A very big sound and a very strong sound for
this part of the season. The "Joan of Arch" music is just
straight forward drum corps. No gimmicks, no props, just
good music and drill. They had a couple of good GE hits in
the show, including the crosses at the end. Look out Texas,
this corps will make some waves. Very clean for being their
first week of the season. If this corps went to nationals,
they would be a shoe in for the top 6.
Open Class Division:
Troopers (5th place): Remember the days when the troopers
were a top 12 corps? Well, they're not that good, but could
be in a couple of years. A very young group of kids, but
when this show is cleaned up, it could be one of the best
they have had in a while. The "America" from West Side Story
has a lot of cleaning to do, but it is a great arraingment.
Amazing grace was wonderful, and they closed the show with
"Stars and Stripes" and their trademark sunburst drill.
This corps can only continue to get better, and they will.
Blue Knights (4th place): Uniform update: in case you have
not heard, the corps is sporting new uni's. Gone are the
"Sony trademark" purple and white dot uni's. The corps is
dressed in mostly black, with a white and blue stripe on the
side of the cadet. They look a little too much like the Blue
Devils unis, very simple and black. None the less they look
great. As for the show, someone in the stands mentioned that
this show reminded them of Suncaost Sound in 1986 (Stan
Kenton show). Although some parts do remind me of that, this
show is a little more classical. A wonderful horn and drum
book, and a fast paced drill, BK will be a top 6 corps this
year. The drill is so fast, that I counted three horn line
members that ate turf tonight. Good recoveries by all, and
luckily no one was hurt. The drum line is playing some very
clean beats, and the horns are playing with more volume than
last year. The end of the show is identical to last years, a
little louder and a little faster. I became a BK fan
tonight and will be surprised if they don't shock a few
people in College Park this August.
Santa Clara Vanguard (3rd): Before all of you Vanguard fans
start to freak out, the corps is doing fine and are on pace
for another top 3 year. The show is pretty much what we
have been used to seeing the past three years, constantly
moving, difficult drill, and great music. The show starts
slow and builds, but once they get moving, look out! A wild
and fast ride that has a couple of great GE moments. Adagio
for String is AWESOME!!! The horn line builds and builds and
builds... and just when you think they are playing at RFL,
THEY GET LOUDER!!! And they hold it for what seems like
forever. Standing ovation here. The last three minutes was a
standstill. I was told that they have the drill ready, it's
just not clean enough to put on the field, but will be there
next weekend. The closer was wonderful, with some rich
chords, and ends with the show winding down the way it
started, soft and beautiful.
Glassmen (2nd Place): I was really excited to see this show
and really let down after seeing it. A couple of exciting
moments, but nothing to write home about. None the less,
they are on pace to have a wonderful season. Drill is OK,
but not great, and the horn book could be better. This is
such a wonderful piece of music, but it seems like they were
more bent on being "artistic" and not playing to the fans.
There were several spots in the show that could have been
used for impact, but were not. Drums and horns were both
solid as well as the guard. Are they better than Santa
Clara? No, SCV should take care of them next weekend when
they put the closer on the field. None the less, hats off to
the Glassmen for coming to California. They got a wonderful
reception from the fans, and are welcome to come back
Blue Devils (1st Place): First off, for those of us who were
worried about the whole Bb thing... forget it. If you
wouldn't have told me, I would have never known. The Dev's
are very loud and very clean. But that is about it. The
show has no GE in it at all. There are a couple of cool
drill moves at the beginning and the end, but that is it.
Nothing (with the exception of the strength of the horns and
drums) that makes you want to get up out of your seat. The
guard is exceptional as always, but if anyone else has a
show that works the crowd, that will do the Dev's in this
year. The real disappointment for me was the music didn't
pass the "hum along" test. In other words, it is not
something I will be humming after listening to the CD next
fall. Last years show was a little more exciting. Don't let
this fool you, the Devils are very good this year. Do I
think they will win another Championship? It will be close,
but I will say probably not.
That's it. Don't let the gap between Santa Clara and the
Devils scare you. Yes the Devils are that much better, but
the Dev's are also very clean right now. If there is one
thing Devils fans should worry about is peaking too early.
Other than that, it was a great show. Again, please don't
flame, these are just thoughts and opinions. If yours are
different, please share them. Have a great night!
Well, just got back from S. Cal. Spent a few days down in the sun and
Mickey's place (Disneyland). I'm just going to give a few lines here and
there. The stadium was pretty good but the crowd sat in the sun most of
the div. 2 performances. I missed the first few corps.
Here's what i saw.
Pacific Crest: Great show. Alot like last years. HUGE colorguard. Maybe
to big. I sat up high and they have a nice drill.
Mand: Bigger than last years. Another typical manderians show. Difficult
music, demanding drill and great drumline. They should do well this
Troopers: Great to see them in CA. Very nice show. But i do think they
should compete in div. 2. Good luck to them.
BK: Total suprise here. I was never a BK fan. They put out nice show
here and there. Maybe it was the old unis. But this year is a new BK.
They have a more sophisticated look and feel to them. Very demanding
show, drill, colorguard, and musically. Drumline is smoking. I was
totally impressed with this corp. Crowd loved them too. It needs to be
cleaned up but when it is, watch out. They were my 2nd favorite of the
Glassmen: Beautiful show! They have a really classy look to them. The
music really fits them well. They don't really have impact moments but
you just have to watch the whole entire package to get the feel of this
show. It reminds me of Star of Indiana in 88, Porgy and Bess. They
deserved 2nd.
SCV: Ok, one of the reasons i love drum corp is SCV. I've seen them
since the 70's. I calls them like i sees them. They are struggling right
now. The hornline at times sounds like the old SCV and other times,
awful. The high point right now is the balled. It's beautiful and loud.
This show needs something. I don't know what. Colorguard is very good
this year. I'm going this sat to see them in San Jose, so i'm really
looking to see if they march a closer but right now, they don't look
anywhere near last years corp. I'm just being honest folks.
BD: Well well, so 10 DCI titles is not good enough for you guys. You may
have put together a classic BD show that people will talk about.
Absolutely awesome. I read another review of this show and they said
they have no GE. This show is GE. Period. They have no weakness. It's
scary. They are so together in every faze. They're sound is rich, dark
and very demanding. It's a winner.
Doug Avila
Looking throught the numerous reviews of the different
shows, I noticed that not many worte about the smaller
corps. I know that they might not offer as much as
the "BIG DAWGS" but these corps try just as hard and
deserve a little more attention....just food for
9th(45.80): Alliance - This brand new corps from San
Diego improved much since Friday's Glendora show but
you can tell they are just starting out. Hornline did
a nice job although the drumline needs a little more
cleaning. And unlike the people around me, I like the
purple unis!
8th(49.25): Legend Of Texas - The corps added more
elements to their show since I last saw it on Friday,
but it still seemed a little timid. It was cleaner
than the Alliance but the crowd didn't seem to get
into the show until a point when the entire corps
vocalized and danced a hoedown type of rythym.
7th(57.45): Esperanza - This is another new corps from
San Diego that was built around its award winning
winter guard. I LOVED the show! This corps has the
ability to do many things in the next couple of years.
The color guard was exceptional as well as the brass
line which didn't sound like a first year corps to me.
Looking forward to what they can accomplish next
6th(59.90): Impulse - Although the corps seems like
they are trying hard to become the next Bridgemen(or
as people in the stands would say, VELVET KNIGHTS
2000), it didn't do anything for me. I felt that they
were better on Friday as a whole. The drumline was
the one exception as they were VERY clean from start
to finish.
5th(61.45): West Coast Sound - A lot of the people
around my section didn't like them(but they were a
bunch of rude local high school students that talked
through everyone's performance). I personally liked
it. The selections of music they played worked well
with this corps(I still remember when they tried to
pull off Adventures In Time a couple of years ago).
Will do very well in Washington DC this August.
4th(66.15): Blue Devils B - I'm not really a fan of
the Blue Devil's B program but I enjoyed this show.
The Chicago music the play on the field this year
features the Blue Devil classic "Free". I didn't
really care for the new unis but when is it always
about the uniforms? The drumline really impressed me
as they were clean but not as clean as Impulse.
Overall, a nice solid performance.
3rd(68.85): Vanguard Cadets - My initial response to
this show on Friday was that the music they were
playing was too hard for them. My mind didn't change
much on Sunday. Since they are going to finals this
year, I know that they will spend lots of time on the
show and I feel this will definitely contend for the
DCI Division II championship. A very effective drill
that compliments the music well, but as of now, there
is a lot of cleaning to do.
2nd(72.20): Mandarins - GO MANDARINS! Well, maybe I'm
a little biased since my cousin dated someone from
this program a few years back. This show also has the
makings of a Division II champion(they moved up a
division this year) and their slections from the
Phantom Menace left the crowd floored. I recognized
some musical interludes put in from last year's show
but it works well here. The show was a lot better
today than it was on Friday and it actually was the
second that recieved a standing ovation(Pacific Crest
performed right before them and had numerous
1st(74.75): Pacific Crest - All I can say is WOW!!! I
mean, the corps only practices twice a week for 5
hours or so and they are like this?!?!? Thats gotta
be some scary news for those corps competing in San
Antonio when PC will be up agains the BIG
DAWGS(Division I corps). Word has it that they will
finally recieve Division I status if they beat at
least one Division I corps in Texas. Personally, I
feel that they would win DCI Division II in Washington
DC and possibly contend for a Top 12 position at
Finals(they could have done this last year
also).....however, they are NOT going to DC!!! For
those of you on the east coast that have a chance to
go to San Antoino to see them, you will NOT be
5th(58.25): Troopers - I feel sorry for this
corps...they did not get much of a response at either
the Glendora or Costa Mesa show....maybe it was
because of the selections they played. Visually, it
was OK but everything kind of left me wanting more. I
know this corps has an image and style(as every corps
does) but maybe exploring a different style could help
this corps a little more(ala Vanugaurd when they
played Copeland's Hear Ye Hear Ye)...or maybe I could
be wrong(like when BD played Romeo and Juliet).
4th(72.80): Blue Knights - This corps was most
definitely the crowd's favorite. I have seen this
corps in Madison last year and a couple years back
when they were here but this show was by far the best
they have ever done! The unis look a lot like BDB(in
fact I walked by them when BDB was right next to them)
but its a welcome change from the gray pants. If the
show were clean, they would have beaten Santa Clara
tonight but there were problems with articulation and
marching(they did the hardest drill all night...a few
people fell down near the end and at the end of the
show). This corps will surprise many people in DC and
they are legitimate top 6 contenders.
3rd(74.20): Santa Clara Vanguard - I'm an SCV fan and
always will be. However, I feel they might have tried
a little too hard on this one. Although I liked it
better here than on Friday, it feels very disjointed.
Only a few parts stands out for me like when the
hornline plays RFL for about 15-20 seconds or so and a
few drill moves at the end of their opener. Many
people in the crowd gave them standing ovations but
the response from the majority was that they didn't
like the show. What really didn't help SCV was the
fact that they haven't finished the show and were
marching many holes. I, as a loyal fan, was utterly
disappointed in both performances I saw, and I hope
that they can go on a hot streak to try and win it
again. Don't worry SCV fans, the show will get better
and they can contend. Will they beat BD this year?
Only time will tell, but from what I saw this weekend,
SCV might have to forget about beating BD and focus on
beating the Glassmen.
2nd(75.15): Glassmen - Hey, I actually liked them this
year! The production of Gershwin's "Concerto In F"
was perfect for this corps who are looking to break
the top 3 this year. The drill was superb and the
drumline was clean, but I didn't feel much energy from
the hornline. Maybe they were trying to balance a
little to hard or maybe it was fatigue. From what
people in the stands were saying, their performance at
Riverside was better. I haven't seen the Cavies or
the Cadets but both corps need to watch out for these
guys because they are for real! I'm happy that they
came to California this year and I hope they return
sometime soon!
1st(80.80): Blue Devils - One word to describe
BD...CLEAN!!!!! And I mean on all levels!!! Yes,
they are going to Europe and they could lose some
ground on a couple of corps but the feeling I got from
them was that they want the title again! I can
remember seeing both BD and SCV back in 94, 95, and 96
and thinking they weren't even in the same league.
Well, I feel like that again. The hornline, though
not as loud as BK or SCV(probably due to the Bb
horns), were very impressive! The question about
their volume changed once they played their victory
concert. The sopranos and mellophones have runs that
would wow any Cadet corps member or fan. The color
guard is just as exceptional and the drumline reminds
me a lot of SCV's. As with the Glassmen, many people
in the stands said they were better at Riverside. For
those people who say Europe will hurt them, it might
but you have to remember that back in 88, Madison went
to Europe and came out on top. I think BD will finish
this year with their 11th title....
On a final note, I would just like to say that it does
not matter if a certain corps is marching a difficult
drill or playing difficult music. If it isn't clean,
then they will lose. This isn't a slur against my
fellow SCV fans, but I don't believe Vanguard will win
it this year. I honestly believe that the real race
will be from 2nd through 6th place this year because
it will be close. I just can't see BD losing their
edge all that much even though they are going to
Europe. They are a class act organization and know
how to practice when they need to. And even if they
do get beat, I think the Cavies or the Cadets have a
better chance at it than SCV.
Chris Kim - DCI Fan
Orlando, FL (DCI)
Got a chance to head out and see DCI Orlando tonight, and THANKFULLY it didn't
get rained out like that past shows I've been hearing up in the midwest (even
though we had a torrential downpour about 2 hours before it). Here's my review:
Tampa Bay Thunder - Tampa Bay, FL - 39.40
Tradegy at Sea
Frankly, Thunder surely went for an entertaining show, yet it had a serious
look to it. The corps paid attention to detail, but along with any other corps
in this stage of the tour, THINGS NEED TO BE FIXED! =]. The Percussion, in my
opinion, were very strong and together. Very balanced overall from that
section, including the PIT who were pretty exciting as well. Could have had a
little more contribution from the Color Guard, and Individual problems can be
fixed over time. If Thunder keeps working hard at it, they can pull off a
wonderful inaugural season.
Teal Sound - Jacksonville, FL - 40.65
Music from Santana
This corps had ENERGY. Their brass line was very powerful and convincing, but
too much off a good thing is bad. Balance is an issue, so early in the season.
I heard sops and altos sticking out all over the place. Percussion had some
nice riffs going on, and contribution from color guard. Visual aspects were
very nice, and entertaining. I think the whole crowd, including myself liked
it. They looked like they needed to work on some feet issues.
Spirit of Atlanta - Atlanta, GA - 52.85
Atlanta - Spirit of the New South
When it was time to turn over to the Division I Corps, I was expecting to hear
much more, and YES I DID, from Spirit. It was a very exciting show, which
certainly did something for the audience, bring them good ol' south music, yet
turning it into a new form. Drill will come along in time, but looked pretty
good for late June. Brass Line was FULL and 'spirited', but still need to work
out some individual things. Percussion gave a good show along with Color Guard
who added in very nicely. Some even opted to give them a Standing O.
Carolina Crown - Ft. Mills, SC - 66.00
The Mask of Zorro
I never even heard that they moved from Charlotte to Ft. Mills? When I heard
them announced, I guess I was confused. I've heard past clips of their opener,
and my my my, have they sure changed it. Crown has a HARD book. Their
performance as a corps was very well, excellent I may say, as they came over
the X-men! The Percussion and Color Guard were very focused about the show, as
the Brass Line. There were times when they passed over the sideline, which I
thought was pretty neat, along with the condensing factors for loudness...I
won't be surprised if Crown gets in the Top 10 this year, let alone finals, but
someone would have to be dropped. Time will tell. All in all, very
entertaining. One of my favorites of the Night.
Crossmen - Newark, DE - 65.75
First thing I noticed about the X-men, was that they marched FAST. I could
literally see them marching half their show over 160. Along with that, their
percussion was TIGHT. I know Crossmen are known for their Jazz, and this year
is no exception for that. Their Brass Line was very full, yet controlled, along
with the Color Guard which complimented them. Personally, I think they did a
great job tonight, but Crown worked much harder....maybe only harder for a
quarter of a point.
The Cadets - Bergenfield, NJ - 77.25
Disney's Millenium Celebration - We are the future
Great Feet, Great Visual, Great Guard, Great Music....THIS WAS A GREAT SHOW! I
still hit myself when I said earlier this year "Ohhh..Cadets are playing
'disney' music". Man, when I first heard their show on Liquid Audio, I knew
this was gonna be a contender for the Championship spot. Their book is
EXTREMLEY difficult and hearing them pull it off while marching technically
hard drill was just amazing. I was SO impressed with their altos...I believe
that they are the best DCI has to offer. Especially now, with the corps
switching over the Bb, it made them sound a whole lot better, but they still
have that same Cadet sound. Their Visuals were WONDERFUL, along with that Snare
Soloist guy, and the War Drums, and sideline Tenors. Sure to be a thrill over
the season, yet I sit here and ponder why the Cadets have 77.25, and BD is
already in the 80's?
So there's my review. All in All, great night. The Disney Hot Dog was pretty
good, but expensive in the wallet, the parking was horrible, and bastard
children were sitting in front of me, but it was all made up with a great night
of DCI!
Jason Litt
For a first yr corps they are not to bad.. The bass line is AN A CLASS BASS
LINE !!!!!!
the only thing was the choice of music just was not that appealing..!!! the
kids look like they will play the crap out of the show come mid season to
finals. it is just the book is very thin .. if there score is not very high
at the end of tour .. it isnt the kids fault it is the creators of the
show.... i wish this first yr corps all the best.. good jod kids .. work
work work...
all i can say is it take some BIG brass balls to take music from the
latin/jazz/rock arena and put it on the field.. if any one goes to watcha
show with this corp in it you will not know what the drill looks like on
the first tune.. because the conga player in the pit is just a freakin
insane player, he rocks ( kevin ) ....watched him the whole time ..like
everyone there was some dirt but its there second show some nice solos threw
out the show.. the only off moments i saw in the show .. not real slow
section in the show.. which is;not bad just everything was up up UP.. all
the time .. and they only march 3/4 of the show ( major drill changes in the
closer i was told ).. they will be hot come aug... work work...
loved the drum major ( cute as can be ) ( in blue spandex) kind of a dry
opener.. picks up inthe middle and then kinda dry out again at the end.. not
a lot of demand on the drill side of the show.. first time seeing dynasty
drum on the field in 6 years. snares where a little wet sounding. tenors
where nicly tuned basses where good also.. the drum solo is the high light
of the show.. watch the cymbals behind the snare line.. someone is going to
get hurt with a cymbal back there.. ( AJ ) the sad part is i do not see them
making finals with this show.. (sorry read disclaimer above) ...
IT. i sat there and watch the whole thing nothing grabbed me .. untill bird
land. WOW cool version i really like it . (thanks god not rick martin song)
WOW WOW WOW. THIS SHOW KICKS MUCH A$$ i am not a big C.C. fan at all but i
liked this show.. very dark horn line in your face.. madison flavor to the
latin music.. drum line is very very very clean, top 6 clean for right
now...the horns come down into the pit area (stage left) and just start
peeling skin off the first 3 rows.. ( OH MY GOD ) i see them some where in
around 10/9 range this yr.. great show.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ABOVE) ...
opener it played almost totaly back field..in a small stadium you can get
the full effect of the reverb sound you would get from a big concrete
stadium.. ( that was the only thing that really bothered me... ) the rest
holy crap-a-hoockie.. drum line is ungodly.. ( do i hear top drum this yr..
?) tenor solo is great.. bass playing traditional on one side of there
drums... back sticking pairadiddles ( holy sh#t ).. the one thing was the
sop lick where after words is to of to the side to see after the drum line
gets done... missed half of it completely ....BUT WHAT I SAW... WOW.....
one thing i noticed is the drill at the end wasnt the neck breaking cadet
drill we have seen in the past?? something coming down the road .. time will
Disclaimer: THese are nothing but my opinions. If you must flame, go
ahead and do so...it helps me figure out which people on RAMD are the
idiots who cannot accept others' opinions, and makes it a lot easier for
me when deciding how to feed my killfile. Besides, after facing some of
the most notorious names in RAMD's history, there ain't nothing a one of
you could say that hasn't been said before.
Tampa Bay Thunder (6th, 39.4)
This is a first-year corps that is in good shape. The percussion
section was very good, and they played a lot of notes with a lot of
enthusiasm. For some reason I was expecting them to be wearing blue
instead of red, and it threw me for a loop.
The drill is not particularly well-suited to this corps, as it has
some very young corps kids running all over the place out to the 30s and
beyond, which spreads what is already a weak sound. At this point, the
brass is the weakest chain, but I really believe a lot of it is the way
the drill is written. It needs to be closer together and not spread
apart...this isn't a top 12 corps yet, so the drill doesn't need to be a
Cadet/Cavalier special...all it has to be is Tampa drill. For now.
Teal Sound (5th place, 40.65)
The one thing that I can say about Teal's show is that the pit
player on the congas during theopener is a seriously EXCITED guy all the
time. It was like he was a show all unto himself. The music was very
good, but the percussion had a lot of problems, not the least of which was
the dude on the end who seemed to forget the entire middle section and
just sat there trying to get back into the game without much luck. Judge
was standing right in front of him too. Also a corps with a lot of
potential, the drill was a little better thatn Thunder's, but also too
spread out at times, and it seemed to linear for the flow of the music.
Spirit of Atlanta (4th place, 52.85)
Hmmm....I have to start off by mentioning that the drum major of
Spirit of Atlanta is one of the most beautiful young ladies I have ever
seen in the drum corps activity. She is also very good at what she does.
If I were a perverted old man, I would say "SHE'S FREAKING HOT!!!" But
since I'm not, I'll just comment that she really carries herself with
grace and elegance, and it looks very professional.
The show itself didn't really connect with me, because I always
associate Atlanta with hot jazz. Donald Grantham is a modernistic jazz
composer, and I'm not sure if his style of writing fits in with what
Spirit is doing, although they do it well. It is so nice to see this
corps out there and touring.
After the show I got to meet Jason Lowe, and after I twisted his
arm behind his back and got him to say "Geoff Jones is my uncle and The
Rock is gay," we talked. He's a cool kid, but very skinny. Maybe I'll
send him some cookies or something. ;-)
Crossmen (3rd place, 65.75)
This is easily their most entertaining show for me since 1991's
Metheny offering. This corps cooks! It was kind of weird to see Dean
Musson, Jeff Bridges, and Ron Coleman out there. You see...when I started
corps back in 1989, this trio was the nucleus of Florida Wave. Then when
I marched Regiment, they were a trio at Colts. Now they're with Crossmen,
and I think they have done a great job. IT was crisp, exciting, and
fluid. Nice job with the charts, Chuck.
The percussion just isn't the same as in years past, however, and
they will need to improve on that. It seemed to my friend that they were
playing in a Thurston style, but not pulling it off. I thought this corps
had done much better than the score indicated.
Crown (2nd place, 66.0)
This is the first year that I have been entertained by
Crown...they have a really good show. The guard is very cool, although it
is distracting at times to have the ladies in totally different outfits,
albeit they are all black. The drill seems pretty cool and fast-paced,
and while there are still some major spacing and phasing concerns, the
package is there, and this could be Crown's strongest corps ever.
Cadets (1st place, 77.25)
I'll admit it: I was prepared to hate Cadets' show because of the
pretentiousness of calling a show "We are the Future." Given that Hopkins
has won several major victories in his quest to turn drum corps to his
liking the last few years, it struck me (and a lot of folks around me) as
overly pretentious.
I'll also admit that I do not like George, and I am sure the
feeling is mutual. The last few times I had a chance to speak with him,
he came across as rude, condescending, and arrogant. He seems to evoke a
lot of different emotions from a lot of different people.
That being said, this is the first Cadet show that I really,
really like since 1993's "In the Spring..." I was drawn into what they
were doing, and I thought the music was pretty cool, although a bit
lacking in the "meat and potatoes" department. The drill is typical Cadet
drill, and while there are some spacing concerns and some very poor
posture, this show seems destined for Top 3 status. After I see the
Midwestern corps in one week, I'll have a better idea. I really enjoyed
this offering by the Cadets, it seems they have rebounded strongly from
last year.
Other concerns:
The Disney Gestapo. I hate these people. I hate anything
connected with the anal-retentive people at Disney. Luckliy, this show
wasn't in the Magic Kingdom, otherwise we all would have had to wear
wristbands to go the bathroom, different wristbands to visit the
concessions, special caps to visit the souvie stands, etc.
There was a problem with our tickets, and some young skinny,
pimple-ridden usher-type gave us the standard "I AM THE LAW" treatment at
the gate. Luckily, there was a very nice lady from Rochester, NY (my home
town! Woo hoo!) that fixed our situation, and gave us comp. tickets. Way
to go, Stacy from NY.
I DID NOT LIKE the YEA format which blatantly excludes the three
smaller corps. I am sorry, I understand that there is a movement to
expand YEA and all, but that is just not fair to the other 3 corps who
also worked hard to be excluded from the finale. Totally unacceptable.
Being that George is such a lightning rod for criticism and controversy,
you would think he would keep a low profile. I counted no less that 17
times he was on the field or close to the sidelines or by the 50 yard
line. Dude....chill. Take a backseat to some of the great stuff going on
out there. You are not the show.
As for the Bb horns. This may be Cadets' best hornline since
1985, but I don't think it has to do with the Bb instruments. For the
first time since 1988, I can hear the Cadet contrabasses. Baris and Euphs
tend to die out into the sound under a mezzo-forte, while the alto voices
are very prominent. Soprano voices (see rant below) are obscured by the
altos, but that may just be the players themselves. I think Larry Shane
said it best: THey need to modify the soprano horn, open it up a bit.
Okay...have we just given up on even trying to distinguish between
a band and a corps? I mean, I KNOW that even the G bugles were
technically not bugles, and that they were technically trumpets. BUt one
of the cool things about the activity is the differentiation between us
and marching bands. Can we please still call them sopranos? They are the
soprano voice in the corps, right? So don't call them trumpets! Please!
Corps still break down into soprano/alto/tenor/bass, so let's not call
them tubas either! Yes, intellectually I know they are tubas. Humour us,
please. This is a harmless corps tradition. There is no need to destroy
it, even if certain people want to remake the world over in their image.
If I ever get a corps gig, to me they will always be sopranos,
altos, baritones (or tenorhorns), and contrabasses.
It was a good show, rain threatened but never followed through,
which was great. Nice to meet Forrest, who is the guy who makes the
little drum corps miniatures. He's finally got some Phantom ones, but I'm
still trying to convince him to create drum major "pulling the baton out"
figurines. I didn't get to meet any RAMDers, except for Lowe, but it was
a fun time. Can't wait for Sunday, as I will be at the Dixon show.
Feel free to flame...it won't bother me.
Nikk Pilato
Just wanted to say that it was nice having another show in Florida. Although
it would be nice if they could have it at a football stadium as opposed to the
baseball field.
Tampa Bay: Not a bad first show for them. The drumline plays with a lot of
confidence already. The bass drums are very solid, but overplayed with regards
to volume. They probably don't need 4 tenors, but what do I know. The
hornline was suspect, but it may be do to the somewhat difficult drill. They
just didn't seem to be able to solve the phasing problem. The drill has them
spread so far apart, it leaves them very exposed. The guard just didn't do
enough, but most of them looked young and as they progress this year, they may
add some more to the show. Overall, good, cleaning the drill I know will help
make everything else fit better.
Teal Sound: Nice unis...Hornline was the highlight of the corps. They played
with confidence in the ensemble. Soloists were very good (Soprano), the animal
in the pit had the whole section next to us going crazy (There is no way to
explain, just go watch Teal this year and check out the conga player). Stood
still for the last bit of their show, but other than that they marched very
well. I honestly don't recall to much of what the guard was doing, probably
not a good sign.
Spirit: Fell asleep, woke up, fell back to sleep....The only way I can
characterize this show. Not the kids fault...they did a great job...I like the
drill and they marched it very well. It just lacks some emotion right now, but
a very solid performance. Drumline...loose those damn Dynasty drums, when will
we learn..they sucked then and the sound only marginally better now. They
sound very "wet" just like the snares of about 20 years ago. They did some
Star, Blue Devil high sticking which was tasty, albeit unoriginal. Guard
performed well and had good costumes. Drum Major was very confident and
conducted the corps well. Probably top 12, just need the emotion.
Crossmen: Drum corps fan will be able to recognize most of their music which
is good. Very strong total package as far as performance of the show. Much
like Spirit, this show just really lacks some emotion untill the last few
minutes of Birdland. They marched very well, hornline smokes, drumline has a
few things to work on.
Crown: Not as clean as Crossmen at this juncture, but what a show. Some
phasing at first because of the demand of the drill. Good musical selection.
the show has heart and soul. Marching is dirty and contributed to some early
phasing problems, but got better as the show went on. Some nice pass through
drill towards the end, very strong hornline comes onto the sideline and just
rips your face off. Guard is very, very strong, I personally liked there guard
better than Cadets, but hey it's my opinion. Don't like that they all have
different tops though? Drumline played well for the most part and the pit made
a nice contribution. Prediction: They will be the one to compete for the
sixth spot before Boston. Just a hunch.
Cadets: First part of the show was weakened by too much backfield playing.
Especially the way this field was set up the sound just got swallowed up in the
night air. Backfield playing is nice if all venues are accoustically the same,
but they are not and it didn't do anything for the show IMHO. Other than that,
WOW. What a show. Fun, entertaining, loud. Just a true treat and the
highlight of the entire evening. Wasn't sure after listening to the recording
on Liquid audio how this would be on the field, but I was very impressed. The
drumline is on fire, the drill is all Cadets, just a little dirty right now,
and they sell that show 110%. A couple of the performers had a real hard time
making it to there marks on time, one guy darn near fell trying to stop on a
dime after getting a late start during one of the opening sets. But it is June
and I am sure is will be flawless by August. Great show, wonderful music, May
be another championship this year, the show certainly has the potential.
Hope you find these comments useful. Please return the favor those of you who
go to see shows later this year. Take 10 minutes out of life and write a
review for those of use stuck at home on our computers.
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