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2000 Drum Corps Associates Scores
Scores were last updated on Sunday, September 3, 2000
Listed are the show dates, the scores will be filled in as they are available.
All Senior Corps scores will be listed here so comparisions can be made!
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Sunday September 3
Syracuse, NY (DCA)
Open Class Championships
98.0 Brigadiers
95.7 Caballeros
95.1 Buccaneers
94.8 Empire Statesmen
91.7 Minnesota Brass
91.3 Hurricanes
89.7 Crusaders
87.8 Grenadiers
83.0 Skyliners
82.1 Bushwackers
Saturday September 2
Syracuse, NY (DCA)
Class A Championships
71.3 Generations
71.0 Corps Vets
67.9 Bayou City Blues
63.3 Westshoremen
60.9 Alleghany Night Storm
Syracuse, NY (DCA)
Open Class Prelims
97.0 Brigadiers
94.4 Caballeros
94.4 Empire Statesmen
93.3 Buccaneers
90.7 Minnesota Brass
89.8 Hurricanes
88.7 Crusaders
85.6 Grenadiers
83.5 Skyliners
82.7 Bushwackers
74.2 Heat Wave
Saturday August 26
West Haven, CT (DCA)
94.7 Brigadiers
90.9 Buccaneers
86.6 Crusaders
81.2 Skyliners
79.7 Bushwackers
54.2 Westshoremen
DCA Recap
Toms River, NJ (DCA)
91.9 Empire Statesmen
91.4 Caballeros
87.6 Hurricanes
84.2 Grenadiers
67.3 Generations
DCA Recap
Saturday August 19
Scranton, PA (DCA)
92.9 Brigadiers
90.6 Empire Statesmen
89.7 Caballeros
89.3 Buccaneers
86.0 Hurricanes
84.9 Crusaders
76.1 Bushwackers
DCA Recap
Saturday August 12
Rochester, NY (DCA)
90.2 Empire Statesmen
84.5 Crusaders
83.8 Hurricanes
80.6 Grenadiers
64.5 Generations
DCA Recap
Saturday August 5
Buffalo, NY (DCA)
89.2 Brigadiers
86.4 Empire Statesmen
83.8 Minnesota Brass Inc.
79.5 Crusaders
78.0 Grenadiers
74.6 Bushwackers
50.2 Night Storm
DCA Recap
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Saturday July 29
Cumberland, MD (DCA)
84.9 Buccaneers (perc, ge)
84.4 Caballeros (brass, vis, dm)
80.9 Hurricanes
74.2 Skyliners
57.1 Heat Wave
DCA Recap
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Hudson, WI (DCM)
Minnesota Brass, Sr.
Govenaires, Sr.
Chops, Inc., Sr.
Sunday July 23
Toms River, NJ (DCA)
83.1 Buccaneers
80.1 Hurricanes
72.1 Skyliners
71.2 Bushwackers
EXH Quest
EXH Phoenix
EXH Jersey Surf
DCA Recap
Saturday July 22
Clifton, NJ (DCA)
82.3 Empire Statesmen (all ge)
81.2 Caballeros (brass ex, vis ex, dm)
80.5 Buccaneers (perc ex)
76.1 Hurricanes (soloist)
70.0 Skyliners (hg)
67.2 Bushwackers
DCA Recap
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New Hartford, NY (DCA)
85.6 Brigadiers
77.8 Crusaders
75.2 Grenadiers
62.2 Generations
53.0 Allegheny Night Storm
DCA Recap
Saturday July 15
Reading, PA (DCA)
79.7 Caballeros
78.7 Buccaneers
73.2 Hurricanes
69.0 Skyliners
66.3 Bushwackers
DCA Recap
Warren, PA (DCA)
83.9 Brigadiers
80.3 Empire Statesmen
73.6 Crusaders
71.3 Grenadiers
45.3 Allegheny Night Storm
DCA Recap
Sunday July 9
Lakewood, NJ (DCA/DCI)
National Dream Contest
Senior Division
77.80 Caballeros
77.10 Buccaneers
66.30 Skyliners
63.80 Bushwackers
Division I
82.20 Carolina Crown
75.30 Spirit of Atlanta
74.50 Jersey Surf
62.00 East Coast Jazz
62.00 Spartans
DCA Recap
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Saturday July 8
Saturday July 1
Bridgeport, CT (DCA)
74.2 Caballeros
73.1 Buccaneers
69.6 Hurricanes
66.5 Grenadiers
59.7 Bushwackers
DCA Recap
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Endicott, NY (DCA)
76.4 Brigadiers
73.9 Empire Statesmen
67.8 Crusaders
61.5 Skyliners
47.1 Heat Wave
DCA Recap
Saturday June 24
Waterbury, CT (DCA)
71.6 Caballeros
68.5 Hurricanes
61.3 Skyliners
59.3 Bushwackers (1.5 pen)
49.3 Generations
DCA Recap
Saturday June 17
Phoenix, NY (DCA)
73.3 Brigadiers
69.0 Empire Statesmen
60.3 Grenadiers
DCA Recap
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South Brunswick, NJ (DCA)
66.2 Caballeros
63.0 Hurricanes
57.9 Bushwackers
56.2 Skyliners
EXH Jersey Surf
DCA Recap
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