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How to Become a Member of
The Sound Machine
Band Membership
Membership in The Sound Machine is open to all young people, 13 through 21
years of age, that play a brass, woodwind or percussion instrument or that
have some experience in color guard or pageantry arts. Auditions for some
sections may be required. Membership is available on two levels. Level One
members plan to go on the band's Summer Tour of 7 to 16 days. Level Two
members participate in all activities except the tour, will be alternates in
the field show program and have a lower fee schedule. We encourage all
members to go on this tour, if possible, because it is a great learning
experience. If a Level Two member decides later to go on tour, they must
make up the difference in the fee schedule.
Prospective members may attend one rehearsal free of charge, to see if The
Sound Machine is the group that they wish to join. If the prospective
member decides to join, they and their parents must read the handbook, then
fill out and sign the Membership Application showing that they understand
the responsibilities that come with membership. The Parent Survey and the
Authorization to Consent to Treatment forms must also be filled out and
signed, and a parent or guardian must attend a short meeting with the Director.
Payment of the first month's fees must be made when the application is turned
in. Refer to the section on membership costs for the fee schedules.
After the application is accepted new members will be measured for a uniform.
Uniform accessories that will be needed can be ordered at this time.
Musicians will be issued a music folder and given the opportunity to check-out
a band owned instrument, if needed, at a $10.00 per year fee. Color guard
members will be issued their own personal practice flag and pole for a $10.00
fee. All other equipment needed is the responsibility of each member.
Starting Membership and Costs
To start your tenure with The Sound Machine, turn in your completed application
and first membership payment (Checks made payable to The Sound Machine) to
the Director. Make sure that a parent or guardian attends, for a short
meeting with the Director. Please note that the amounts listed on the right
are the costs of the program that The Sound Machine provides. There will be
MANY fund raising projects that members can take advantage of to offset the
cost of their membership.
The basic cost for a member who joins in October and does not go on Tour
(Level Two Membership) is $180.00! This figure is calculated from ten months
of Dues, Uniform Cleaning Fee, Insurance Fee and Tour. The total looks like
this: $150 + $25 + $5 + 0 = $180.00 Payments are made from October thru
July (See chart below). No dues are collected in August or September because
the band is usually out of session most of that time. A member's first
payment covers uniform cleaning, insurance and first months dues!
The basic cost for a member who joins in October and wants to go on Tour
(Level One Membership) is $530.00! The total looks like this: $150 + $25
+ $5 + $350 = $530.00 If Tour is less than $350, then the total is less.
The band always plans for the longest Tour, so the initial fee schedule will
be figured with the highest Tour cost. If the final Tour cost is less, the
last monthly payments will be less, accordingly. This may sound complicated,
but we have had difficulty collecting Tour money, at the last minute, over
the last several years. This will make it easier, by spreading the Tour
payments over a longer period of time. Basic membership fees are paid every
month and the Tour Payments are made from March through June (four months =
four payments). If a member joins late in the season, these payments can be
adjusted so that they are easier to make.
These are the costs that MAY be incurred as a member of The Sound
Monthly Dues (October thru July) | $15.00 |
Yearly Insurance Fee (B. S. of A. Explorer Post #629) | $ 5.00 |
Uniform Cleaning Fee (Prorated) | $10.00 - $25.00 |
Joining in the Fall (Oct. - Dec.) | $25.00 |
Joining in the Winter (Jan. - Mar.) | $20.00 |
Joining in the Spring (Apr. - June) | $15.00 |
Joining in the Summer (July - Aug.) | $10.00 |
Summer Performance Tour | $150.00 - $350.00 |
Marching or Dance Shoes (If needed, Approved only) | $25.00 - $30.00 |
Shorts (Black Spandex - Band; White - Color Guard) | $9.00 - $25.00 |
Suspenders (If Needed, band only; Snap-on are best) | $3.00 - $12.00 |
Sound Machine T-Shirt (Optional) | $10.00 |
White Socks (Band only) | $2.00 - $10.00 |
White Gloves (Band only) | $3.00 per pair |
Tights (Color Guard Approved only) | $10.00 |
Leotard (Color Guard Approved only) | $25.00 |
Instrument Use Fee (Paid yearly, if Needed) | $10.00 |
Band Camp Fees (Used to buy Food only) | $12.00 - 15.00 per Camp |
Band Jacket (Optional) | $65.00 |
Extra Trips (If Approved by the Membership) | $10.00 - ??? |
The cost of all additional supplies (shoes, tights, leotard, shorts, t-shirt,
etc.) is variable, depending on which items the member already owns. Many of
these items are used in the school band and color guard programs as well!
Some of these items are optional and not required. Some of these items are
purchased through the band, and must be paid for when they are ordered. The
others may be purchased at local stores, such as K-Mart, Target, Wall-Mart,
etc. If you have any questions regarding these costs, please feel free to
The Sound Machine experience is so outstanding, that we highly encourage
parents to allow their youngsters to participate in our educational program.
PLUS, for any parents that would like to help on tour, they will travel with
the band for FREE!! |

Band Membership
Summer Tours!
Booster Membership
E-Mail Form
Rehearsal Camps
The Sound Machine holds three Band Rehearsal Camps each Spring. Camp number
one will be held on Friday evening through Sunday, in March at a location to be named.
Band Camp number two will be held in April and Camp number three on Memorial Day weekend.
Friday evening through Monday, also at a location to be named.
A copy of our "Band Camp Check List" is available here:

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The Sound Machine Summer Tours!
The Sound Machine Summer Tours
As an example the 1996 Sound Machine Summer Tour was Thursday, July 11th, through
Tuesday, July 16th. We traveled to Sunnyvale on Thursday to compete in the Summer
Bands International Show hosted by The Spirit of Sunnyvale Youth
Band that evening. We stayed in Morgan Hill on Thursday and Friday
nights. Friday evening's competition was at the Drum Corps West Show in
Santa Clara, hosted by the Vanguard. Saturday we moved our
housing to Fairfield and competed at the DCW Show in Stockton. Sunday the 14th,
we had a "free day" in San Francisco. Monday Morning we traveled to Yosemite
National Park and visited the sites. We exited the east side of Yosemite
that evening and stayed at Lee Vining School in Lee Vining. Tuesday we took a
leisurely drive home through the Eastern Sierra and stopped and visit
interesting locations and fished for trout on the way. We arrived home
about 9:00 PM.
Summer Tour
Since 1988, The Sound Machine has embarked on performance tours that have
taken the band to places such as San Diego, San Francisco, Sacramento and
Mount Shasta, California; Salem, Oregon; Mount St. Helens and Seattle,
Washington; British Columbia, Canada; Las Vegas, Nevada; Boise, Idaho; Ogden,
Utah, Cheyenne, Wyoming and Denver, Colorado. The band holds memberships in
Summer Bands International and Drum Corps West, that supply a list of
competitions, from which the band may choose, to develop a tour itinerary.
Educational points of interest along the tour route may also be included in
the itinerary. These tours may last from 6 to as many 17 days, depending on
the performance schedule. Tours are organized into performance days,
rehearsal days, travel days, laundry days and free days (sight-seeing).
The tours teach the members of the band to organize their time, to budget
their money, cooperation, self-discipline, to take care of their belongings,
to clean-up after themselves and, in general, responsibility.
The cost of the tour may vary, depending on how many days the tour lasts and
how many miles the buses travel. The band will provide an average of at
least two meals per day for each member. All other meals are the members
responsibility. Housing will be primarily in junior or senior high school
gymnasiums or multi-purpose rooms, along with the shower room facilities.
The shorter tour may cost as little as $150 and the longer tour could cost
$350 or more. Members should bring enough spending money to have at least
$5 per day, and more if they plan to buy souvenirs or gifts. The Sound
Machine Staff always works very hard to create the best possible tour
experience for the members, at the lowest possible cost.
Space is at a premium when loading the buses and equipment truck, so members
are advised to bring only what is necessary when they pack their bags.
Refer to the Tour Checklist. When the band travels, there is a lot of
planning involved to get buses, the equipment truck and other support
vehicles, such as a motorhome and trailer towing vehicles, organized so that
the tour runs smoothly. Parent support here is crucial. The band needs
help with projects like setting up housing locations (phone contacts), menu
planning and purchasing and organizing the food supplies.
The Sound Machine has a policy that all parents who travel with the band and
assist with jobs like chaperoning, food preparation, equipment handling and
driving, travel for FREE, except for their spending money.

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Booster Membership
Every family is strongly encouraged to be an active member of the booster
group. It is critical to the entire organization that The Sound Machine
Boosters be strong and active. To do that we need every parent, guardian,
and friend to be involved. That means attending booster meetings and
participating in planning and organizing.
BE A PART! Join a committee, be a chairperson, run for office. Every person
is vital and needed for the success of The Sound Machine. There is a job
or responsibility to fit every person's schedule and life style. Don't
hesitate to find and fill a niche.
The Sound Machine could not do what it does and be what it is without a
strong supportive booster group. The boosters are primarily a fund raising
organization for the band, and should provide most of the Band's financial
needs. The boosters will meet once a month, except for the month prior to
the Inland Empire Invitational, when it meets once a week. Meeting dates
will be announced.
BOOSTERS! Go to the local competitions for sure and the tour competitions
if you can. These are fun and you'll see first hand how hard your member is
working and how much they are learning. Boosters sit together at competitions
for the band members to see and hear as they start and end a performance.
It's addictive. Once you start you won't want to miss a single performance.
Booster Committee Descriptions
BAND CHAPERONS - The Chairperson assigns the band chaperons and
instructs them in the proper methods and procedures to be used at various
functions. All chaperons are subject to approval by the Director.
FUND RAISING - The activities of this committee are quite varied,
but the object is to organize fund raisers to support the activities of The
Sound Machine.
FOOD & BEVERAGE - Arranges for food as needed for activities and
sponsored events. Plans menu, prepares and serves food for band camps and
on tour.
INVITATIONAL - This committee is responsible for coordinating the
following sub-committee chairpersons in all matters related to the
Invitational. Food & Beverage Committee, Set-Up, Clean_up, Information
Booth, Ticket Sales, Parking Lot, Stadium Preparation, Security, and Judges.
EQUIPMENT CREW - Transports instruments and equipment truck to
rehearsals and performances; unloads and loads equipment truck; maintains
the inventory on the truck; and maintains the equipment truck itsself.
TELEPHONE - A calling committee is organized which attempts to
call all members before functions such as booster meetings, Invitational,
unexpected events, etc.
NEWSLETTER - Duties include collecting articles, composing, typing,
reproducing and distributing a monthly newsletter to inform all members and
community supporters of The Sound Machine activities.
UNIFORMS & SEWING - Fitting uniforms, making alterations and
repairs, taking unforms to and from the cleaners, making flags, etc.
HOUSING - Make phone calls to help set-up over-night housing for
band camps, tour, and assist finding housing for visiting groups.
PROPS - Assist in the design and construction of props used for
the competitive field show or other functions.
VIDEO - Video tapes performances and some rehearsals for
educational and historical purposes.
PUBLICITY - The duties of this position include publicizing The
Sound Machine activities - Invitational, Tour, special events,
Awards Banquet, etc. - as well as the accomplishments and honors of The
Sound Machine, in local newspapers, radio and cable outlets.
All of these committees need support, so please help out where ever you can.