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1999 Drum Corps International Scores
Scores Were Last Updated on Saturday, September 4, 1999
Listed are the show dates, the scores will be filled in as they are available.
Feel free to print or copy these scores, after all, they're for you! Recaps
are courtesy of DCI's Offical Web
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Send any scores, reviews, comments or questions to: scores@soundmachine.org
Saturday August 28
Montreal, QUE (FAMQ)
Provincial Championships
Division I
80.1 Les Etoiles
Division II
88.5 Les Senateurs
87.3 Les Stentors
83.4 Academie Musicale
78.5 Les Sentinelles
76.2 Les Melomanes
Division III
82.2 Les Per-Clairs
Saturday August 21
Syracuse, NY (DCA)
93.0 Brigadiers
92.1 Empire Statesmen
91.7 Buccaneers
90.3 Caballeros
84.9 Hurricanes
82.1 Crusaders
81.1 Grenadiers
79.6 Bushwackers
79.1 Sunrisers
78.7 Kilties
DCA Recap
Make sure you check our
DCA Seniors Scores Page
for the scores for the while season!
Thursday August 19
Acton Vale, QUE (FAMQ)
Division I
77.0 Les Etoiles
Division II
85.0 Les Senateurs
81.4 Les Stentors
74.9 Les Sentinelles
69.7 Les Melomanes
Division III
73.4 Les Per-Clairs
Sunday August 15
Springfield, IL (DCM)
70.2 Cincinnati Glory
61.5 Racine Scouts
58.0 Cadets of Brooklyn
54.1 Memorial Lancers
52.8 Spectrum
50.6 Ainad Sr.
49.9 Kingsmen
DCI's Offical Recap
Fleurimont, QUE (FAMQ)
Division II
81.6 Les Stentors
79.9 Academie Musicale
71.3 Les Sentinelles
66.1 Les Melomanes
Division III
71.7 Les Per-Clairs
Saturday August 14
Madison, WI (DCI)
DCI World Championships
DCI / DCA Senior Preview Show
Camp Randall Stadium - 12 Noon
89.3 Syracuse Brigadiers
85.7 Minnesota Brass
76.3 Rochester Crusaders
72.8 Kilties
62.8 Govenaires
60.4 Chops, Inc.
DCA Recap
Madison, WI (DCI)
DCI World Championships
DCI Championship Finals
Camp Randall Stadium
98.4 Santa Clara Vanguard (TIE)
98.4 Blue Devils (TIE)
97.0 Cavaliers
96.4 Cadets of Bergen County
93.7 Glassmen
93.4 Madison Scouts
92.5 Blue Knights
91.2 Phantom Regiment
88.6 Boston Crusaders
87.0 Crossmen
86.3 Carolina Crown
86.0 Colts
Incredible... a tie again!
Brass - Blue Devils
Marching - Blue Devils
Ensemble Music - Santa Clara Vanguard
Ensemble Visual - Blue Devils
Percussion - Cavaliers
General Effect - Santa Clara Vanguard
Guard - Blue Devils
Jim Jones Leadership Award - Jeff White, Cavaliers
DCI's Offical Recap
DCI's Offical Captions
Read the Review
Friday August 13
Madison, WI (DCI)
DCI World Championships
DCI Semi Finals
Camp Randall Stadium
98.6 Blue Devils
97.6 Santa Clara Vanguard
96.8 Cavaliers
95.5 Cadets of Bergen County
93.8 Glassmen
93.0 Blue Knights
92.2 Madison Scouts
91.7 Phantom Regiment
86.7 Crossmen
86.5 Boston Crusaders
85.3 Carolina Crown
85.2 Colts
----- All above go to Finals -----
83.0 Bluecoats
81.3 Magic of Orlando
78.4 Southwind
76.9 Spirit of Atlanta
75.3 Pioneer
DCI's Offical Recap
Read the Review
Thursday August 12
Madison, WI (DCI)
DCI World Championships
DCI Quarter Finals
Camp Randall Stadium
97.8 Blue Devils
97.0 Santa Clara Vanguard
96.8 Cadets of Bergen County
95.8 Cavaliers
93.4 Blue Knights
93.3 Glassmen
92.1 Madison Scouts
91.7 Phantom Regiment
88.5 Crossmen
87.7 Boston Crusaders
86.5 Carolina Crown
85.8 Colts
84.5 Bluecoats
82.6 Magic of Orlando
78.8 Southwind (tie)
78.8 Spirit of Atlanta (tie)
77.8 Pioneer
----- All above go to Semis -----
76.5 Patriots
76.3 Kiwanis Kavaliers
73.9 Mandarins
73.8 Troopers
73.7 Spartans
73.2 Tarheel Sun
72.2 Les Étoiles
71.6 East Coast Jazz
70.2 Blue Stars
DCI's Offical Recap
Read the Review
Wednesday August 11
Madison, WI (DCI)
DCI World Championships
DCI Division III Prelims
92.9 Blue Stars
92.8 Mandarins
89.5 General Butler Vagabonds
87.4 Phantom Legion
86.5 Yokohama Scouts
85.3 Raiders
84.0 Lake Erie Regiment
83.8 Yamato
---- Break off ----
82.2 Cincinatti Glory (tie)
82.2 Capital Regiment (tie)
81.8 West Coast Sound
81.3 Les Senateurs
80.0 Citations
75.7 Emerald Knights
75.0 Legend of Texax (tie)
75.0 Edmonton Strutters (tie)
74.5 Conquerer II
73.6 Phoenix
73.8 Academie Musicale
72.0 Knight Storm
70.3 Marion Cadets
66.3 Spectrum
66.0 Bandettes
64.6 Cadets of Brooklyn
63.8 Racine Scouts
55.3 Illusion
55.1 Scenic City
50.9 Ridge Raiders
50.8 Joliet Kingsmen
50.2 Kilties
43.4 Twilight Optimists
00.0 Memorial Lancers (withdrew)
DCI's Offical Recap
Thank you to Scott Jow for these scores!
Madison, WI (DCI)
DCI World Championships
DCI Division II/III Championships
and Showcase of Champions
Camp Randall Stadium
Check DCI's WebCam for a LIVE view!
Division III
93.7 Mandarins
92.2 Blue Stars
89.3 General Butler Vagabonds
88.5 Phantom Legion
86.3 Yokohama Scouts
84.4 Raiders
83.3 Yamato
82.7 Lake Erie Regiment
DCI's Offical Recap
Division II
96.3 Patriots
95.3 Spartans
93.6 East Coast Jazz
91.6 Americanos
88.7 Jersey Surf
DCI's Offical Recap
Madison, WI (DCI World Championships)
Individual and Ensemble Competitions
96.6 Snare ...........................
96.2 Multi Tenor ...................
95.9 Multi Percussion .........
96.4 Timpani ........................
97.2 Keyboard .....................
99.3 Auxillary ........................
97.8 Flag ..............................
93.0 Contra ..........................
90.0 French Horn ................
99.0 Soprano .......................
97.0 Mellophone ..................
95.0 Baritone .......................
97.0 Percussion Ensemble
98.0 Bass Drum ..................
97.0 Cymbal Ensemble ......
91.0 Brass Ensemble .........
91.5 Mixed Ensemble .........
Santa Clara Vanguard - Ercan Erhan
Cavaliers - Brian Spicer
Magic of Orlando - Daniel Villanueva
Blue Knights - Zack Albetta
Phantom Regiment - Kimberly Springer
Madison Scouts - Todd Ditchendorf
Madison Scouts - Jamie Benigna
Madison scouts - Jeff Robilard
Cavaliers - Corey Meals
Blue Knights - Andy Smart
Phantom Regiment - Alyssa Schild
Santa Clara Vanguard - Ryan McGeorge
Madison Scouts #1
Blue Devils
Phantom Regiment
Blue Devils
See The Whole List
Tuesday August 10
Sun Prairie, WI (DCI)
DCI World Championships
DCI Division II Prelims at 7 AM
93.8 Patriots
92.7 Spartans
91.1 Americanos (tie)
91.1 East Coast Jazz (tie)
89.2 Jersey Surf
----- Break off -----
88.8 Seattle Cascades
85.3 Capitol Sound
81.7 Allegiance Elite
76.7 Teal Sound
74.7 Kips Bay
70.6 Les Stentors
69.3 Dutch Boy
Check DCI's Cybercast for videos!
DCI's Offical Recap
Read the Review
Madison, WI (DCI)
DCI World Championships
DCI Division III Prelims POSTPONDED until tomorrow!
Due to the rain last night and the field condition this morning, DCI
decided to cancel division III prelims for today. Division III will
begin tomorrow morning at 7:00 am at Camp Randall.
The word I got from the powers that be is that when it clouded up this
morning and looked like rain again they decide then to postpone
things. The main reason was that Ashley Field in Sun Prairie, for
some unknown reason, has had major problems growing grass this year.
The school administration didn't want to take any chances for it to be
torn up so the mutual decision was made between Sun Prairie
administration and DCI.
Now, the forecast I saw this morning said it would cloud up in the
morning which is what happened and that there would be no rain today
which is also what happened. As soon as division II prelims ended,
the sun was shining and there was a very nice breeze.
Did this upset people. Oh yeah. Having lived in Sun Prairie for
almost nine years before I moved to where I am now and my kids all
SPHS graduates I do have my opinions about the school system which I
won't go into here except that the field has looked just fine all
summer, completely covered with a nice turf. Take that for what it is.
Now, the division III's get to hold their prelims at Camp Randall
which should be a thrill for all of them. Too bad things turned out
the way they did. Yes we need to keep good relationships with schools
in order to have places to hold our shows....but....sometimes you
should start rethinking things.
Report by Frank Schoenbach on R.A.M.D.
Monday August 9
Sun Prairie, WI (DCI)
DCI World Championships
DCI Division II Prelims
featuring 11 Division II Corps
Sorry, tonights events were RAINED OUT!
They will start tomorrow morning at 8 AM and run until the
Division III corps take the field. It will be a busy day!!
Sunday August 8
Washington, DC (DCI)
95.0 Santa Clara Vanguard
94.1 Cadets of Bergen County
90.7 Blue Knights
90.1 Madison Scouts
87.5 Crossmen
85.5 Carolina Crown
85.3 Colts
80.4 Magic of Orlando
77.3 Spirit of Atlanta
75.7 Southwind
72.3 Tarheel Sun
DCI's Offical Recap
Thank you to Philip Mohr for these scores!
Canton, OH (DCI)
94.0 The Cavaliers
92.6 Glassmen
90.6 Phantom Regiment
86.1 Boston Crusaders
83.8 Bluecoats
76.1 Kiwanis Kavaliers
73.3 Troopers
71.7 Les Étoiles
DCI's Offical Recap
Menasha, WI (DCI)
North American Open
Division II
91.8 Patriots
90.8 Spartans
89.0 Americanos
87.0 Seattle Cascades
86.7 Jersey Surf
81.9 Capital Sound
79.2 Allegience Elite
76.9 Teal Sound
76.3 Kips Bay Knight Club
68.7 Les Stentors
68.3 Dutch Boy
DCI's Offical Recap
Menasha, WI (DCI)
North American Open
Division III
94.6 Mandarins
93.0 Blue Stars
90.1 Phantom Legion
89.7 Yokohama Scouts
89.7 General Butler Vagabonds
88.3 Yamato
85.7 Raiders
83.4 Cincinnati Glory
83.3 West Coast Sound
83.3 Citations
82.9 Lake Erie Regiment
82.5 Les Senateurs
75.8 Marion Cadets
75.4 Legend of Texas
75.0 Emerald Knights
73.7 Conqueror II
72.3 Academie Musicale
71.9 Knight Storm
70.3 Edmonton Strutters
68.9 Phoenix
67.9 Spectrum
66.0 Cadets of Brooklyn
64.6 Racine Scouts
60.4 Illusion
60.1 Bandettes
51.4 Scenic City
49.6 Ridge Raiders
47.0 Joliet Kingsmen
40.2 Twillight Optimist
DCI's Offical Recap
Saturday August 7
Allentown, PA (DCI) #2
DCI Eastern #2
94.4 Blue Devils
93.8 Cadets of Bergen County
92.8 The Cavaliers
90.3 Phantom Regiment
84.6 Carolina Crown
79.7 Magic of Orlando
77.0 Spirit of Atlanta
76.1 Southwind
75.5 Pioneer
71.7 Tarheel
High Guard - Blue Devils
DCI's Offical Recap
Read the Review
Grand Haven, MI (DCI)
US Coast Guard Open
Division II / III Parade
Finally - See below for the scores from last nights show!
Friday August 6
Allentown, PA (DCI) #1
DCI Eastern #1
94.8 Santa Clara Vanguard
90.9 Glassmen
90.2 Blue Knights
88.9 Madison Scouts
86.9 Crossmen
85.2 Boston Crusaders
82.8 Colts
82.0 Bluecoats
74.0 Kiwanis Kiwanis
71.0 Troopers
68.7 Les Étoiles
DCI's Offical Recap
Read the Review
Grand Haven, MI (DCI)
US Coast Guard Open
Division II Finals
91.5 Patriots
89.7 Americanos
89.2 East Coast Jazz
86.3 Seattle Cascades
84.8 Capital Sound
Division III Finals
90.1 Mandarins
89.2 Blue Stars
85.4 General Butler Vagabonds
85.3 Phantom Legion
81.6 Yamato
81.3 Yokohama Scouts
DCI's Offical Recap
Division II Prelims
91.4 Patriots
87.8 Americanos
87.3 East Coast Jazz (tie)
87.3 Seattle Cascades (tie)
84.5 Capital Sound
78.6 Allegiance Elite
77.4 Teal Sound
76.2 Kips Bay Knights Club
69.1 Les Stentors
68.4 Dutch Boy
Division III Prelims
89.8 Mandarins
89.7 Blue Stars
86.7 General Butler Vagabonds
85.5 Phantom Legion
85.4 Yokohama Scouts
84.0 Yamato
83.0 Cincinnati Glory
82.2 Raiders
80.6 Capital Regiment
79.4 Lake Erie Regiment
78.4 Citations
73.9 Les Senateurs
71.4 Phoenix
70.2 West Coast Sound
70.1 Knight Storm
68.6 Legend of Texas
68.3 Edmonton Strutters
67.9 Conquerer II
67.4 Emerald Knights
64.9 Marion Cadets
61.2 Spectrum
60.4 Cadets of Brooklyn
60.0 Bandettes
53.8 Racine Scouts
42.7 Joliet Kingsmen (tie)
42.7 Ridge Raiders (tie)
DCI's Offical Recap
A VERY LARGE thank you to Christopher S. Green for these scores!
Thursday August 5
Wednesday August 4
Rome, NY (DCI)
89.6 Phantom Regiment
88.9 Madison Scouts
84.2 Boston Crusaders
82.5 Bluecoats
79.0 Magic of Orlando
75.9 Spirit of Atlanta
70.3 Les Étoiles
67.4 Spartans
DCI's Offical Recap
Thank you to AeroLax14 for these scores!
Pittsburgh, PA (DCI)
94.2 Cadets of Bergen County
90.9 Glassmen
86.0 Carolina Crown
74.6 Kiwanis Kavaliers
72.7 Pioneer
72.3 Tarheel Sun
69.9 Troopers
64.8 General Butler Vagabonds
DCI's Offical Recap
Read the Review
Kitchener, ONT Canada (DCI)
Division II
90.2 East Coast Jazz
88.9 Patriots
88.1 Americanos
86.9 Jersey Surf
85.5 Seattle Cascades
---- break-off ------
82.3 Capital Sound
78.5 Teal Sound
76.6 Allegiance Elite
74.7 Kips Bay Knight Club
70.9 The Stentors
68.9 Dutch Boy
Division III
86.1 Blue Stars
81.3 Raiders
80.6 Lake Erie Regiment
78.5 Cincinnati Glory
78.1 Capital Regiment
---- break-off ------
76.9 Les Senateurs
73.8 Phoenix
73.6 Conqueror II
70.0 Edmonton Strutters
69.4 Acadamie Musicale
69.2 Legend of Texas
69.2 Emerald Knights
67.6 Knight Storm
64.8 Sprectrum
63.9 Marion Cadets
59.2 Cadets of Brooklyn
59.1 Bandettes
52.0 Illusion
44.9 Ridge Raiders
35.2 Twilight Optimist
DCI's Offical Recap
Kitchener, ONT Canada (DCI)
Division II
91.6 Patriots
91.4 East Coast Jazz
89.2 Americanos
87.4 Jersey Surf
87.2 Seattle Cascades
Division III
87.1 Blue Stars
82.9 Raiders
80.8 Lake Erie Regiment
80.2 Cincinnati Glory
79.1 Capital Regiment
DCI's Offical Recap
Tuesday August 3
Centerville, OH (DCI)
93.4 Blue Devils
92.4 Cadets of Bergen County
85.6 Crossmen
84.4 Carolina Crown
73.9 Pioneer
70.6 Troopers
66.7 Mandarins
57.3 Cincinnati Glory
DCI's Offical Recap
Thank you to Steve Pollino for these scores!
Salem, VA (DCI)
93.2 Santa Clara Vanguard
91.1 The Cavaliers
90.0 Blue Knights
89.3 Glassmen
84.7 Colts
74.5 Southwind
70.5 Kiwanis Kavaliers
58.0 Yamato
DCI's Offical Recap
Erie, PA (DCI)
88.5 Madison Scouts
87.2 Phantom Regiment
84.7 Boston Crusaders
82.5 Bluecoats
78.4 Magic of Orlando
74.6 Spirit of Atlanta
66.3 General Butler Vagabonds
61.1 Lake Erie Regiment
Scouts - Horns & Perc
Phantom - Visual & DM
DCI's Offical Recap
Read the Review
Thank you to Mike Brandt for these scores!
Monday August 2
Huntington, WV (DCI)
93.1 Blue Devils
87.0 Phantom Regiment
81.4 Boston Crusaders
80.9 Bluecoats
77.7 Magic of Orlando
68.4 Troopers
60.3 East Coast Jazz
52.5 Yamato
DCI's Offical Recap
Read the Review
Winston-Salem, NC (DCI)
93.0 Santa Clara Vanguard
90.1 Glassmen
84.6 Carolina Crown
75.0 Spirit of Atlanta
71.2 Tarheel Sun
68.4 Les Étoiles
63.7 Spartans
DCI's Offical Recap
Sevierville, TN (DCI)
90.8 The Cavaliers
86.8 Blue Knights
85.3 Crossmen
83.4 Colts
70.8 Southwind
68.8 Kiwanis Kavaliers
DCI's Offical Recap
Thank you to Brandon Ward for these scores!
Greenville, MI (DCI)
Division II / III
89.6 Mandarins
85.1 Blue Stars
84.7 Americanos
83.1 Capital Sound
82.1 Phantom Legion
75.0 Allegience Elite
73.0 Yokohama Scouts
DCI's Offical Recap
Thank you to Scott Jow for these scores!
Marion, OH (DCI)
Division II / III
84.9 Seattle Cascades
76.5 Cincinnati Glory
75.5 Académie Musicale
70.3 Marion Cadets
68.9 Capital Regiment
68.4 Legend of Texas
63.7 Spectrum
49.5 Scenic City
47.5 The Volunteers
DCI's Offical Recap
Joliette, QUE (FAMQ)
Division II
79.7 Les Senateurs
73.4 Les Stentors
68.7 Conqueror II
63.9 Les Sentinelles
58.8 Les Melomanes
Sunday August 1
Charlotte, NC (DCI)
93.9 Blue Devils
90.5 Glassmen
89.0 Madison Scouts
85.0 Carolina Crown
82.1 Boston Crusaders
78.8 Magic of Orlando
75.7 Southwind
71.5 Tarheel Sun
DCI's Offical Recap
Read the Review
Jacksonville, AL (DCI)
92.2 Santa Clara Vanguard
91.1 Cadets of Bergen County
90.5 The Cavaliers
86.7 Blue Knights
83.5 Crossmen
82.5 Colts
73.2 Spirit of Atlanta
68.0 Kiwanis Kavaliers
High Guard - Cadets
DCI's Offical Recap
Read the Review
Ottawa, IL (DCI)
Division II
84.9 Americanos
82.3 Seattle Cascades
81.9 Capital Sound
Division III
82.3 Blue Stars
80.0 Phantom Legion
77.8 Yamato
66.1 Marion Cadets
59.3 Bandettes
DCI's Offical Recap
Norwich, NY (DCI)
Legend of Texas
Teal Sound
This show may have been cancelled since there is no news available about it anywhere!
Lakewood, NJ (GSC)
Garden State Championships
Division II
82.8 Jersey Surf
76.5 Kips Bay Knights Club
Division III
81.1 Raiders
76.3 Quest
76.2 Phoenix
69.3 Cadets of Brooklyn
65.5 Spirit Of Newark
55.4 Illusion
52.6 Imperal Guardsman
45.5 Lucas Rhythm Nation
Division IV
65.9 Bracken
65.6 Long Island Sound
63.5 F.B. Regiment
62.9 Phoenix Kiddets
Saturday July 31
Murfreesboro, TN (DCI)
Mid-America #2
92.0 Cadets of Bergen County
89.5 Glassmen
87.8 Madison Scouts
85.6 Crossmen
83.3 Colts
81.4 Boston Crusaders
80.1 Bluecoats
70.3 Troopers
68.3 Kiwanis Kavaliers
63.2 Les Étoiles
DCI's Offical Recap
Read the Review
Clifton, NJ (DCI)
Garden State Open Finals
Division II
87.1 Patriots
86.3 Spartans
85.7 East Coast Jazz
79.3 Jersey Surf
71.8 Teal Sound
Division III
80.4 General Butler Vagabonds
78.6 Raiders
74.3 Les Senateurs
72.6 Citations
66.8 Phoenix
DCI's Offical Recap
St. Louis, MO (DCI)
80.4 Seattle Cascades
76.1 Allegiance Elite
64.4 Marion Cadets
52.1 Memorial Lancers
40.2 The Volunteers
32.0 Twilight Optimist
DCI's Offical Recap
Clifton, NJ (DCI)
Garden State Open Prelims
Division II
85.5 Patriots
84.8 East Coast Jazz
84.7 Spartans
80.5 Jersey Surf
70.1 Teal Sound
69.8 Kips Bay Knight Club
Division III
81.1 General Butler Vagabonds
78.6 Raiders
75.4 Les Senateurs
74.0 Citations
70.6 Phoenix
69.7 Emerald Knights
69.0 Knight Storm
67.8 Quest
67.6 Conqueror II
67.6 Legend of Texas
67.3 Edmonton Strutters
65.1 Académie Musicale
65.1 Spectrum
58.2 Cadets of Brooklyn
57.7 Spirit of Newark
51.6 Illusion
49.8 Imperial Guardsmen
36.5 Lucas Rhythm Nation
DCI's Offical Recap
Friday July 30
Murfreesboro, TN (DCI)
Mid-America #1
92.9 Blue Devils
91.6 Santa Clara Vanguard
89.5 The Cavaliers
86.4 Blue Knights
84.5 Phantom Regiment
82.4 Carolina Crown
76.8 Magic of Orlando
72.5 Southwind
72.2 Spirit of Atlanta
69.7 Pioneer
68.1 Tarheel Sun
All Captions: Blue Devils
Hign Guard: Blue Devils
DCI's Offical Recap
Read the Review
Williamstown, NJ (DCI)
Division II
88.4 Patriots
86.7 Spartans
86.3 East Coast Jazz
82.7 Jersey Surf
Division III
76.6 Raiders
74.1 Citations
66.4 Teal Sound
63.6 Quest
59.8 Edmonton Struuters
DCI's Offical Recap
Thank you to Nek730 for these scores!
Fond du lac, WI (DCI)
81.4 Blue Stars
81.1 Americanos
79.4 Phantom Legion
75.4 Yamato
66.2 Capital Regiment
55.5 Marion Cadets
49.0 Racine Scouts
44.6 Bandettes
32.5 Joliet Kingsmen
EXH Twilight Optimist
DCI's Offical Recap
Thank you to Peter Thompson for these scores!
Go to the Next Page of (July 99) Scores!
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