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1999 Drum Corps International
Show Reviews - As Posted on RAMD!
Reviews On This Page Were Last Updated on Friday, August 13, 1999
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Thursday August 5
E. Rutherford, NJ (DCI)
OK, here goes...
First of all, the Hawthorne Caballeros Alumni Corps put on a history
lesson, doing a show straight out of the '60's/early 70's--it was fun
and the corps showed just what old time drum corps was all about. I'd
never seen a show like this in person (only on video), so I found it
interesting to see live. It was kind of like getting in a time
I didn't write down the scores (note to self--don't leave the office to
go to the show without grabbing a pen out of your desk), but I see
they've already been posted. One question--I thought they announced
Cadets as 93.6 and SCV as 93.7. Do I need my hearing checked?
My seat--47 yard line, 40 rows up. Horns pointed right in my direction.
Southwind--great job for being their first year back in competition, and
their first year in Division 1. Marching was surprisingly clean (more
about this later). I thought the American Salute arrangement was
interesting with it's use of dissonance and the funky mello parts. Nice
to hear a different take on this classic for a change. Only
complaint--tempo was too slow--they need to crank it up a notch or two.
Color guard book MUCH improved over 2 years ago, when it was a mess (as
I noted in my review then, the kids did the best they could, but the
writing was bad, IMHO). Brass was pretty solid, though they lacked the
volume and punch of finalist corps. Really nice job keeping Summon the
Heroes together. No let down at the end--conditioning must have kicked
in by now. They need more oomph, however (put that in your
spellchecker). This could be a corps to watch for on Saturday night in
a few years.
Colts--Solid show--but not the lock for finals that they looked like
just one week ago. Did they have an off night? OK, here are the
positives: nice sound from the hornline--fairly balanced and playing
with muscle (but controlled), great drill and visual effects--very well
thought out with lots of GE, great arrangements--kudos Chuck. And the
negatives: marching was DIRTY tonight! Remember what I said about
Southwind's marching? They were cleaner than Colts. Interval and
alignment problems all over the field. And the new closer just didn't
do it for me... show ended a little flat. Chuck, I like the
arrangement, but it sounded like a song for the middle of the show, not
the end, IMHO. Overall, the show design and arrangements are strong,
lots of GE, nice horn line. This show should be in finals. But, IMHO,
if they don't clean the feet, they be watching Saturday from the stands.
Crossmen--the new unis are bland. The promotional literature from
earlier in the year shows them with white pants, which looks much
better. I'm wondering if they're going to put on the whites Friday or
Saturday night next week to get some extra GE... On with the show: I
liked Blue Shades. After listening to the original wind band
composition, I wasn't sure what to expect, but they have shortened and
rearranged it to capture the essence of the piece. Horn line was solid.
When October Goes was a nice change of pace after Blue Shades. From a
programming perspective, I didn't think Appalachian Morning worked as an
effective closer to the show. Drum line was good, but they are missing
the old Crossmen groove. The guard really stood out tonight. They were
tight! Couple of drops on weapons, but other than that they did a
really good job and added to the show. Flag work was second only to
Cadets in execution. Crossmen were cleaner than Colts, hence the score.
But, IMHO, Colts have a much better program. I don't see Crossmen
making a dramatic leap in score this year at finals. Someone mentioned
that they came out of nowhere in '97 to finish 6th, which I don't really
agree with. They were within striking range of that position for a good
part of the season, and there was even much discussion on RAMD about it.
After seeing them during the season, it seemed to me that they were a
bit underscored at that time, and that they had to repeatedly prove they
deserved it to the judges before they got the score they had earned at
finals. Crossmen this year are not underscored.
Blue Knights--WOW! I can't say enough about this corps. IMHO, they
should have beaten the Cavaliers. I told the person I went with that I
thought they deserved to score better than the Cavaliers, but that they
probably wouldn't. Unfortunately, I was right. Last year they were
solid, but this year they have shown they belong with the elite.
Wonderful hornline, with incredible balance, and a nice pyramid of
voices. Played with lots of muscle. Lots of volume. And lots of good
intonation. Great drill, and they had the 3rd cleanest feet of the
night (behind SCV and Cadets). This is the first drumline that really
caught my attention. Very effective book (I believe Hardimon wrote it).
I took a coworker with me (he's a percussionist) and he said the same
thing. Only drawback was that the guard didn't really catch my
attention during the show. I did notice a few times some of the unique
flag designs, but that's about it. It may have been the way they were
staged... or maybe it was the way the brass and percussion were
upstaging them! :) These guys are making a move--I see them probably
getting 6th, and maybe even 5th. I'm hoping the judges will give them
the score they deserve (see my rant of Crossmen '97 above).
Cavaliers--those who have posted before saying that the show doesn't
grab you musically: I agree. The show is just flat musically. Drill
wise, it's been there, done that. I only saw 2 sequences that made me
smile. I think they've gone to the well too many times with some of
these moves. Usually I don't mind seeing a corps do a few trademark
moves every year... maybe it's because I found the program so boring.
It wasn't the drill moves, it was the context. Hmmmmmm... It could
also have been the execution (see below). Horn line was good, not
great. Pit really stood out (as usual), but not the battery. Guard was
good, but not as good as past editions, IMHO. Again, nothing in the
guard book really grabbed me either. And what's with the
Flintstone-esque outfits in brown? The other problem I had was that the
marching was dirty. Alignments weren't too bad, but lots of interval
problems and MAJOR phasing problems with the feet. No phasing
musically, but some of the guys feet were so far off they were almost
out of step. It was very distracting. Usually I like the Cavaliers. A
lot. Not this year.
Cadets--Watch out SCV and BD! This show has championship written on it.
Should be one hell of a week coming up. Horn line is fantastic; much
cleaner than I had been led to believe on RAMD. Do they have the best
hornline this year? No. probably the 2nd or 3rd best. But it's good
enough to win if they can put the rest together. Percussion was solid.
Very solid. Drum breaks/solos really got my attention. Tenor soli
pretty clean, and long! They seemed to almost run out of chops at the
end. Best guard, hands down. Absolutely phenomenal. I even like those
damn taxi props that I had made fun of earlier, based on the pictures
posted on the net. Lots of GE--IMHO this show is more fan friendly than
those of the last 2 years (which were basically "Look how many notes I
can play. Be amazed." and I was... ). The bouncing and shaking plumes
situation, while not ideal, were much better than I have seen in recent
years. Ballad is probably the weakest section--poor musical selection,
IMHO. But the rest of the show makes up for it. I like this show.
Very much. Very, very much.
Santa Clara Vanguard--Cleanest marching of the night, hands down.
Barely anything left to clean. "T" that collapses into a box is very
cool, and I didn't mind too much that it was repeated. Though, I think
it would have been more effective to do a variation on it the second
time... like do it in reverse, or partially collapse, then reopen.
Great hornline. Great balance and intonation. Lots of muscle where
needed, lots of control in the soft parts. Only caveat--sopranos got
"raspy" in the second half of the show, and had very dirty articulations
in the last Barber piece before Blue Shades. Guard was good, but not as
good as Cadets (or, Crossmen when talking about flag work). The modern
dance stuff worked for me... it was fairly well done, and this was
probably the guards' best part of the show. The goosestepping was not
what I was expecting, and I actually liked it. I seem to be in the
minority on that one... Loved the percussion last year--Jim Casella
wrote a hell of a book--but this year I barely noticed them. The few
times I did notice them, I remember thinking that they were kind of
quiet and not contributing much (though, watch those cymbal players!).
The one time the snares had a big break, they were ticking all over the
place. I love the opener by Philip Glass, and the two Barber
symphonices were great as well. They took a page from the Cadets
playbook and "grounded" small groups to play the difficult passages,
while the rest of the corps moved around them for effect. I liked the
Crossmen version of Blue Shades better, but Vanguard's version is also
well done, and makes for an interesting closer to the show. Overall, a
great show, and a great performance. They deserved to win
tonight--better execution.
General comments about the race for the title... if I were SCV or BD, I
would be concerned about another Cadets late season surge. Now, I
haven't seen BD, so I will use SCV more as a reference. All 3 corps are
very close at this point. SCV was very clean tonight, particularly in
marching. From most accounts, so is BD. Cadets are very good, but they
still have a lot of marching to clean up (not major problems, but some
alignments and intervals were not perfect). After seeing SCV and Cadets
together, it's obvious that SCV is closer to maxing out their show. If
Cadets can clean their marching to the same degree that SCV currently
has, they should jump ahead in points. IMHO, the Cadets show has much
more GE than SCV (and don't get me wrong, I really like the SCV show a
lot), strong horns and percussion, and with clean feet they can repeat
as champions. Again, I haven't seen BD, so... but if they are as clean
right now as has been indicated on RAMD, IMHO Cadets could pass them up
as well. The fun part is, no one knows! All 3 corps could just as
easily end up in 3rd as in 1st.
Mark Sperry
Well, this is my first JR corps show this year, and after 2 or 3 senior corps
Southwind - nice to have you back - - not too shabby - just needs some beefing
up in spots - LIKE THE COLORGUARD - the big hats and the horse flags NEED TO
GO! The corps marches very well - better than the Colts! They need o play a
little better - but a nice package to return to the field! The MAdison people
did a nice job putting this possible future big time corps back on the map!
Colts - MESSY MESSY MESSY - I have loved this corps in years past - but MAN do
they need to march better! Nice show - but the drill is a mess! If they wanna
be top12 - they better clean it up! I think they are more comfy in the
semi-classical arena - when they ventured into some of the Jazz rock stuff it
seemed very "band-ish"? So - just clean that drill and play a little better!
Blue Knights - WOW - great job! When I heard they beat the Glassmen, I was
suprised - but not anymore - what a great musical package! One of the best of
the night! Horns have a wonderful balance & blend and the perc is just
dynamite - one of the few battery sections of the night where you could hear
all the voices clearly! I really liked them when they did this TRITTICO
package back in ?94? - the drill was much crazier then - but now it seems a
little more simplified - although the last drill segment was kinda nuts-with
direction changes every four - eight counts! NICE JOB - at least 6th - maybe
top 5! By the way - BRAVO to the one armed mellophone player - WHAT AN
INSPIRATION to see this young person doing what they were doing! Marching ,
playing nailing everyhorn move just as well - if not better - than the other
horn players! CONGRATS - you are an inspiration to us all!
Crossmen - umm---kinda left me ????? - - I love the opener - alot - the guard
is great - although the unis are suspect! The ballad is ok - kinda blah - and
Appalachian Morning -- - dont ya think you could have blown the dust off of a
better choice than this!? The 94 version is MUCH MORE SOLID and this one does
not fit in the show - especially the cut & paste drum solo and closing chords
that were thrown on!! I am dissapointed by this choice - I think this was poor
last minute planning! BUT - this corps does know how to get solid in the last
week of the season - so ya never know - BY THE WAY - I HATE THE NEW UNIS - well
- hate it a strong word - kinda dark and(and I love dark - Blue devils -Blue
Knights - but i think they make them look small - sorry to tear ya a new one
x-men - but i tried to like you! Really I did!
Cavies - WOW - what a great _ FUN SHOW - thats right - i used cavies and fun
and great in the same sentence! I LOVED IT! They made me like them more &
more as the show went on! I love the use of the recurring Classical themes and
the guard was FUN - although a little tacky with all the tricks at times! The
perc is great - the horns were not as "cavie-crass": as usual - actually kinda
nice ! I think they could do damage if they fix some of the ensemble probs -
no lower than 4th though! Thanks for an entertaining and complex package - you
guys hit a good show once every few years - THANKS!
Cadets - CLASSIC - although dirty at times - they are the masters of mad drill
- but I must say that when you do is so much for so long in a show and year
after year - it kinda loses it WOW - ya know what I mean?!? I think its
amazing what they do - but it seems to be getting a little SAME OLD?! But I
did think they were great! I DONT BUY THE TAXI CABS AT ALL! But I think they
were integrated quites well - kinda got myself in a catch 22 there....anyway -
must have been missing a tenor player tonight - they still laid down a classic
cadet tenor feature to knock my socks off! The horns did a nice job tonight -
AND THE GUARD IS THE BEST ON THE FIELD - PERIOD! They need to clean it up and
then maybe they can do top 2 - but SCV and BD seem to have a lock on those
spots now!
Speaking of SCV - HOLY !@*#&!@^&* - they are GREAT - not as visually WOW as
the cadets - but the package is wonderful! I heard that they were kinda ho-hum
in the clinic in the afternoon - well---NO HO HUM HERE! THEY ARE SERIOUS ABOUT
TAKING THE TITLE - in a major way! The show is so smartly put together and the
drill is just right - the way they unfold the opening set it wild and the 2
sets of folding V's into T's into boxes are AWESOME! Might be the move of the
year - a fresh taste after the stale cadet winding boxes! I think the guard is
just kinda there with SCV - but pretty solid - lots of dance and body - but
seems appropriate with the very contemporary music! The horns are powerful and
the drums are too - although the battery tuning left me wanting more tenor and
bass voice - coulda been the stadium though! ANYWAY - I cannot believe that BD
is beating them by a point! I think its gonna be a very interesting DCI's -
Flame away!
Hi all. Attended Giants Stadium show last night & though I'd offer my
humble perspective. (Just a fan here--for about a decade--never a
participant). I throw these reviews of mine out here because on the one
hand I feel sorry for those out West who, after June, it's "See ya!" On
the other hand, it's great for me to get to see a show like this (w/six
likely finalists) at season's end (not to mention the mega shows @
Allentown). It's like this every year for those fortunate enough to
live in NJ & I for one am grateful.
My vantage point for the festivities: upper tier, exactly on the 50.
Cannot beat that (sat lower tier last year--never again, the shouting
and roar from the concession stands was DEAFENING).
SOUTHWIND: I'd never seen this group before (never heard of them,
actually). However, they definitely made quite an impression. First of
all, for some relatively unknown corps to come into Bergen County and
decide to end their first song with CBC 98's closing block move (it
looked pretty identical, complete with the little switcherooo in
direction) is quite a statement--and they pulled it off to a great
reaction from the crowd. From that point on, I think a lot of folks
opened their programs to see just who the heck this corps was that just
shocked them! Overall, a real solid performance--drillwise at times I
personally perceived a Cavaliers influence--and I think next week they
should have a great semi's finish. If they build on this momentum of
theirs, I suspect they could be challenging top 12 in a couple of years.
*FYI Southwind Fans: despite all the "big guns" at this show, Southwind
generated a lot of buzz--as I went thru the crowd during intermission, I
could overhear many, many "wow, who was that" type remarks. They should
be very proud of their achievement this year!
COLTS: one running theme I noticed w/all of the corps was just about
EVERYONE had the hornline engaging in strange body movements (horn
players running w/arms outstretched like they are flying, horn players
squatting, etc etc etc). For those Star 93 bashers among us, I guess
it's time to concede that that particular show was indeed
innovative--heck, a lot of last night's shows had weird body poses
integrated in (I credit Star because I don't recall anyone else with
such bizarre body movements before them). That said, Colts had the most
numerous weird posing of all--again, very Star 93-like at times, with
horn players squatting and wobbling to and fro. I am not usually fond of
Colts shows, but this one was interesting to watch because of all of the
looney moves and running drill parts. Unfortunately their guard had
problems--it seemed with every big impact toss, there was always that
ONE person who dropped (damn her!!) Other than that, they certainly have
a unique show on their hands (for them). If all goes well, they should
not have too much trouble making top 12.
BLUE KNIGHTS: I thought this corps absolutely KILLED last year at Giants
Stadium, maybe even better than their Finals performance. Well, 1999
is no different. They do extremely quick drill maneuvers and it seemed
as if no one was struggling to hit their marks--it just flowed well.
Great visuals. Great flags in the ballad--they are truly unique with the
designs they have been showing off last few years. It comes as a
surprise to me they are above 90 and really closing in (don't remember
them ever being this close to the top before). Hope they keep it
up--maybe, just maybe the world will get to see this magnificent show
Saturday live on TV! (Hmmmmm....who will it be????)
CROSSMEN: They also have a really nice show on their hands (not quite
the thriller of 1997, though). Unfortuanately, one of the horn players
took a tumble in plain view on the 50, but he recovered in a heartbeat.
Also, this late in the season, they still have problems keeping those
black plumes on their hats--saw one on the field last night. (back at
Allentown in June, about seven or eight littered the field by the end of
the first number). NAIL THEM IN!!! Their guard again is very
strong--but maybe its just they aren't costumed right, but I thought
they didn't have the impact they should be having given how good they
were. Enjoyed the big drum roll toward the end, but it could be turned
up a bit for more effect. Still like their new look.
CAVALIERS: this show was visually magnificent. Again, a lot of drill
moves we have come to expect--but it's all so pretty and perfect that I
don't mind the repetition.The guard had lots of fun little things tossed
in there that I hope gets captured on the broadcast. I particularly
liked the move where the hornline forms a wedge, then something like
four members at a time starts rotating & this ripples up the entire
wedge--really a WOW moment! Their second number, starting off
w/purposely loud "Duts," was fun from start to finish. I don't know if
many people consider them challeners for no.1 this year, but I'd say
they possibly have the show for it--and on a really good night, they
could pose a legitimate threat. We shall see--best of luck to them!
SCV: I always enjoyed the theatrical version of this corps (1980s), but
since 1997 they have taken on a new identity I think. Really intense!
Intensity like no one else. And those whipping turns they do! They shock
the system, they are so precise & intense. I'd say they probably topped
everyone in brass--they were really loud and meant business. Once agin,
musically esoteric (not quite as strange as last year) and again
excellent drillwise. I must say the "T" move everyone on here raves
about, it was good and got a great reaction both times--but maybe not
the most jaw dropping move ever done IMO--but always great to see a new
power move & now SCV has one to call their own. They scored just .3
above CBC, but I thought maybe it would've been a bigger win (maybe 1
pt) Turned up a few notches, it could win a title
CADETS OF BERGEN COUNTY: many on this newsgroup seem so critical of
props (hey, what about SCV's magic tricks and pants-changing booth??!),
but the taxi cabs in this show are a DEFINITE plus. I'd even say this
show, with the theme being as it is, could benefit with even more. The
cabs and briefcases absoluely fit in with the idea of this show & bring
a little fun back to a Cadets show (after last year's esoteric
staccato-note fest). I'd question the changing of pants by SCV more than
anything if one wants to carry on about peppering a show with
"meaningless" props/gimmicks. This is all to say that this years (few)
Cadets props certainly have their place & actually most folks applauded
when the doors made their appearance. Anyway, following SCV's loud
intensity, the Cadets' softer perfoming hornline actually came across at
first as being kinda weak to me (not necessarily true, though). The
opening spiral lacked the tremendous effect it had last year (again,
everything seemed on the soft side right now). Great CG, who must be the
favorite to win that caption this year. Hope the broadcast captures the
bear-hugging rifle toss (let's hope it's caught, too:)) I really like
this show, but when I saw it in June I had the same complaint I have
now: the first half has 8th Championship all over it, but to some
extent the ballad and MOSTLY the closer doesn't wrap it up like it
should. The closing music is there, set up for something great, but I
don't think the visual and drill delivers all that it could (or perhaps
this corps has spoiled me with their plethora of nice maneuuuuuuvers
that I'm being overly critical). But I heard a lot of comments in the
crowd around me like "well, they have a week and are known to make lots
of changes..." so maybe I'm not alone in my assessment. I am still
holding hope that CBC's staff is continuing to play games with the
audience and all along they have the REAL DEAL closer all ready for a
surprising unveiling in Madison. Gosh I hope so. But, i will say this:
CBC still seemed like they had more room to grow (more volume, better
attacks on impacts), more so than SCV, so perhaps they don't even need
to add a thing to challenge. We'll know soon enough. FYI: for those who
say the "gunfight 96" segment isn't from the Big Apple, it really is
there on the CD of the original symphony (movement 3 about 7 minutes
HONORABLE MENTION: Cabelleros alumni corps gave a lengthy pre-show
performance that had people literally stomping their feet! It was
interesting to see the way a corps show looked like 20+ years ago (since
I discovered DC in 1985, most corps by this time were running and
zpulling by then). Glad they came!!
Hope my perspective helped anyone out there get a flavor of these corps'
Jason Petteway
Lynn, MA (DCI)
With lightning flashing in the distance and the grass still damp from late
afternoon showers the Boston Crusaders held their home show in the historic
Manning Bowl in Lynn Mass. Below are my thoughts regarding the corps
performances from last night. Unfortunately, because of a mix up with tickets
(hint:don't order tickets on-line) I am unable to comment much on visual as my
seats were very low as opposed to the high seats that were ordered.
6th Spartans, 65.0 - Sorry guys missed your performance! From
under the stands you sounded fine.
5th Spirit of Atlanta 76.9 - In just a week
since last viewing the in Nashville performance has increased noticeably. The
new guard uniforms and large new silks unfurled during the finale were
effective. Unfortunately for Spirit, they still lag behind the pack in most
judging categories. The horn/visual book seems to difficult for the corps to
master and there were a number of horn 'uglies' and Spirit is just not getting
the volume out of their brass line that they should. Percussion sounded tight.
The auxiliary really should not dance. The arrangement of 'Jump,Jive and Wail'
was infectious. Hopefully members will not be so disappointed in Madison that
they will not return. With another years experience this young corps could be a
power house next year.
4th Magic 80.2 - Unlike Spirit, Magic has not had the good sense to change
their guard uniforms. They really are distracting, especially on the male members.
Their arrangements of Chuck Mangione favorites were well done although the
hornline especially the middle voices seemed to be still struggling with
performance. 'Land of Make Believe' was a total delight. Percussion is a weak
spot. The crowd really enjoyed their show.
3rd Boston Crusaders, 85.0 - Scoring what I
believe is their highest score ever attained in DCI the big question seems to
be: will Boston make the finals cutoff and end their 27 year absence in finals
competition? Judging by what I heard last night in my humble opinion you will be
seeing them Saturday night. Bluecoats seem to be Boston's last hurdle and they
have convincingly beat them by 1.7 to 2.5 points the last several nights.
Musically there is much to love about this show. Percussion is tight but it is
the hornline that really makes this show. The middle voices really shine in the
English Dance segment. Ten contras provide a deep bass backbone. During the
ballads last chords the corps spread over 100 yards filling the back of the
Manning bowl with a sound that provided the evenings first goosebumps. Visual
performance is still a bit of a sore point. Finally all 23 members of the
auxiliary are marching and executing equipment work. Opening large silks were
effective as were the guards striking violet uniforms. However much cleaning
still needs to be done regarding flag work. If visual can be cleaned Boston
could blow past Colts into 11th place!
2nd, Madison Scouts, 89.00 - For once I agreed with the angry crowd when scores
were announced. Madison should not of been in second place. From looking at the
recap Phantom seems to be ahead a bit in every caption. Percussion has always
been a sore point with Madison but the corps is uniformly strong across all other
sections. Visually Madison has a more difficult book than does Phantom. The look
of the guard as well as the music seems to give Madison a slightly retro 80's
look this year. The arrangements of JCS are some of the best in DCI allowing
the corps to express a wide range of emotions. The hornline showcased Madison's
brilliant soprano line. It is hard to believe but Madison could be anywhere from
5th to 9th in Madison. Things are still very fluid in this block of corps so
don't write Madison off yet!
1st Phantom Regiment, 90 - Phantom broke 90
for the first time all season and had to be pleased with themselves by beating
Madison for the 2nd time in two nights. From my low seat Phantom's hornline
sounded wonderful tonight. The soprano runs during the opening statement were
truly impressive as was the deep dark 'Phantom' sound provided by Phantom's 14
man contraline. Tchaikovsky's 4th 5th and 6th symphonies allowed Phantom to show
many emotions. Visually Phantom's program was slow in developing. When you
compare the velocity that most of the top 8 corps march with, Phantom just does
not compete. They are definitely stronger than they were last year and seemed
actively in the hunt to improve their 8th place finish from 1998.
Finally, for what it is worth below are my picks for Madison.
1 Santa Clara
2 Blue Devils
3 Cadets
4 Cavaliers
5 Blue Knights
6 Glassmen
7 Phantom
8 Madison
9 Crossmen
10 Carolina
11 Boston
12 Colts
Mark Montgomery
Wednesday August 4
Pittsburgh, PA (DCI)
Wow, what a great show. I've been reading all these posts about SCV, and how
this is their year, but I don't know about that, the Cadets were really on
tonight, and I would hate to be SCV right now, well, here's the review.
Cadets- Great show! I loved the taxi. I was into their show from the
beginning. The drill was really on tonight, I didn't notice any major
mistakes. I did notice one hole in the brass, I can't remember if it was a
contra, or mellophone. I loved the tenor solo, my mouth hit the ground after I
heard that! Excellent show, they are in good shape for the finals!!
Glassmen- Good show, but not nearly as exciting as the Cadets. They have
really come along way these past few years, and they are only going to get
better. I just think their show lacked a little energy, in comparison to the
Cadets. They drumline sounded real tight, and they also had a strong brass
sound. I just don't think they have what it takes to be in the top 3 just yet.
Carolina Crown- Great show!!!! Just raw power from beginning to end. I love
how they just come right at you from the start. I did notice some phasing
throughout the middle selection however, other than that, it was a great show.
I loved the guard, their costumes were great!
Kiwanis Kavaliers- First time I've ever seen this corps, and I was very
impressed. I felt bad for them cause they were ready, in their on field set up,
but they had to leave the field for about 15 minutes so they could redo the
yard lines. The delay didn't seem to bother them. Thier drumline had some
great licks, cool visuals, and were very tight. They had a very big, and bold
brass sound as well. I really like the uni's as well. Great job!
Pioneer- I'm sorry guys, I missed you this time, I was out trying to find the
Glassmen warming up. I'll catch you in Allentown, if your there.
Tarheel Sun- I really enjoyed their show this year. I was really into the
popular selections, and I loved the drumline visuals, especially the broken
watch one. I thought the gaurd did a really good job, with some tough moves.
They also had a great brass sound. They had some problems with the drill
eearly on, but recovered nicely, great job!
Troopers- I can't tell you how many times I yawned during this show. I've
never seen a cheesier show, with the yee-haws, and the drumline prancing
around. I could never get into this show, too boring for me, sorry guys. I
did enjoy listening to your drumline warming up before the show if it's any
consolation. Better luck next year.
General Butler Vagabonds- I was impressed by this small corps. They had a lot
of young talent in their group, and they did a very nice job. I just wish they
would get better uniforms, can someone please tell me the reasoning behind
these uni's? Thanks. Other than that, great job, I love Les Mis.
Well, it was a great night for drumcorps, and hopefully the Cadets will come
out on top in a week. Please let me know what you thought of my review, so I
can make it better the next time. Thanks!
Mike Antonucci
Mt. Lebanon Drumline
Class of 2000
Tuesday August 3
Erie, PA (DCI)
Well, tonight it was a beautiful night for DCI!! It was clear and moonlight
with a slight breeze from the Northwest. All I have to say that it was
perfect weather for DCI. Just a note: I am a DCI fan and I am in the
marching band, so I know most of the things going on.
Starting off tonight's show is the hometown corps, the Lake Erie Regiment.
For being a D3 corps they started things off very well. They had phasing in
the entire show IMO. Nevertheless, it was a great show. It seemed like the
young adults were a bit tired from the day of drill. There were holes here
and there, but it just might be intervals that need to be fixed. I have to
say that LER pit section is very very strong for a D3 corp! The overall
package will defiantly deserve them a spot in the top 7 in D3 finals.
General Butler Vagabonds - GBV played Les Miserables, a favorite of mine.
The colorguard portrayed peasants very well with the make-up and costumes.
This seemed to be a very big D3 brassline. You could definitely hear the
difference in LER and GBV's horn quality. GBV was louder, but it lacked the
luster, the quality, and tone of LER. This will earn them a spot in D3
finals. I would like to see a D1 corps play this show! It might be
Boston Crusaders - Last year I did not like their show at all. This year I
liked it very much so. The whole corps used color in a very effective way.
There are still some nasty moments in drill (2 contra's almost collided), but
it should be fairly simple to fix. The beginning of the show sounded like
there was a touch of phasing, but it went all good after that. BC has a very
nice rich sound to them this year. It was nice to see them where they
belong. A finalist for sure in my humble opinion!
Spirit of Atlanta - They were scheduled here but they had a mishap of a flat
bus tire! I'll put them here in their spot. This show had a lot of Park n'
Barks with movement of not that much. You could tell they just put some new
drill visually in lately. Nuttville was very disappointing. It is supposed
to be fast and nasty with the full Latin sound. It sounded like my high
school band played it better then they did. The whole upper brasses should
play the melody just not some soloist. I think they had a good show here but
not what it takes to be a finalist.
Magic of Orlando - The Music of Chuck Mangione. What a great jazz show for
them to play. This has the potential to be a top 12 show. They just need to
clean it up a bit. Something that I thought was disturbing was the
colorguard costumes, but they did fit Magic's motive. The one thing I really
didn't like about their show was the ending. It was like it was finished all
of a sudden.
Bluecoats - I really liked this show. Sparkly new sashes and new gauntlets.
But why did they have black gauntlets? Does that mean they might be getting
new uniforms? Maybe we'll see. This was a very strong show for them. In my
opinion, they deserved higher than 4th, probably 3rd. This show is what the
BC need. Waiting them to win one day very soon!
Phantom Regiment - Ahhh! This is my favorite corps. The one thing I really
like about this corps is that the drum majors (I am one also) have a nice
flowing style with a touch of the click in it. It was very easy to be
watched. The contra line for PR is always outstanding. Contra's ARE what
make PR. At least that is what I think. I went to their rehearsal quickly,
and it seemed like they just put new visuals in and were touching up things.
They all worked very well in their show (winner High Visuals and best DM). I
liked the part where the were in the Northwest corner facing us in the field
and that they marched almost diagonally towards the 50, that was very PR. I
do always love the attitude foot thing they do, I think it was at the end of
the 2nd song they did this. I'm thinking they will place in the Top 7 at the
Madison Scouts - When I attended their clinic today, when they did their run
through, it didn't seem all that impressive. WOW! Was I wrong to say the
least. In unison it seemed like they took it up an entire notch! I loved
their style of Jesus Christ Superstar, it is so Madison like. I liked the
part when the pit sung a tone that fitted in with the music. It fit in the
piece really good. Madison was the winners of High Horns and High Drums
tonight. I think if Madison just fine tunes the drill and works on the
battery phasing in the later parts of the show, they will be a Top 5 corps.
In my final thoughts I would like to say that all the colorguard sections in
every corps, WOW you were on tonight. I only saw one drop the entire night.
That is really good. The Erie Thunderbirds Sr Corps, a great show like
usual. Good Luck to all the corps and have a successful season and many too
follow. Chow!
Mike Brandt
Monday August 2
Huntington, WV (DCI)
I'm not really sure I'd call it a review, but here are my thoughts from
last night's show. Discalimer: I'm a brass guy and know little about
percussion. My comments will be pretty general, anyway. The weather
was very pleasant, by the way. Thank goodness the heat abated a little
bit. The high was just above 80, rather than the 95 degree temps we've
been seeing here all summer. Marshall's stadium is a great site for a
show, and the large crowd was very appreciative of all the corps.
In order of performance:
Yamato, 52.5 -- Cute show. These kids can really play! They could be
on track for a Div III finals spot again this season. The music is a
lot of fun and much of it will be familiar to anyone who's seen the
films "Antz" and "A Bug's Life." I didn't care for the big props (I
rarely do) but I understand the rationale of wanting to take up field
space when you're marching a smaller unit. The ramps were used to some
good effect, though.
East Coast Jazz, 60.3 -- ECJ's soloists really kick some ass, but I'm
not sure if it's good to build your whole brass book around a couple
soloists. No big deal, of course, just something that occured to me
while I was watching them. On the whole, I liked this show a lot.
Good, old fashioned drum corps. The show is quite demanding, but the
corps does a great job of "selling" it. The guard is really talented,
as well, but those costumes? Hmmmmm . . .
Troopers, 68.4 -- Somehow I liked this show more when I saw it a couple
Saturdays ago in Toledo. Can't really put my finger on a reason, but it
didn't strike me in the same way this time. I'm still amazed at how
much better they are than at this point last season. I sure hope that
they can continue the trend. The horn line seems to be handling their
book pretty well, though they are still having trouble with some of the
more difficult sections. Marching really needs work. Their weakest
section is definately the color guard. Not a slight against the kids,
but against whomever wrote their stuff. A lot of the dance is really
goofy and adds little to the show. Equipment work is okay.
Boston Crusaders, 81.4 -- Second time viewing BAC this summer and I
can't get enough of this show. The visual program is really nice, and
the music is great. The hornline is clean and crisp. No major problems
that I can detect with this corps. They're the most pleasant surprise
of this season, as far as I'm concerned. I notice that the Bluecoats
are gaining on them, though, so they're really gonna have their work cut
out for them if they want to stay ahead. There is one thing that bugs
me, however: Enough with the solo sabre work already! Okay, we know
the guy is good, but do you really need to show him off five or six
times (or more?) during the show? It's nice that you have one member
who can throw a seven or whatever, and do a pirouette before he catches
it, but I'd much rather see a whole line doing work in unison. Might as
well put him in a spangled unitard and call him a twirler.
Magic of Orlando, 77.7 -- I've always been a big fan of Magic in the
past, and I usually am one of their staunchest defenders when others
label them as being "bandos." This season, though? Well, let's say
that the show failed to grab me. Sure, the music is familiar, but
there's nothing special about the arrangements or the performance. A
Mangione show should be a lot of fun, but this one fell kind of flat
IMO. It's hard for me to say if it's a problem of performance or show
design, though. Side note: I was majorly annoyed by the teenyboppers
screaming at the bare-chested guard guys. Not Magic's fault, of course,
but geez -- shut up and watch!
Bluecoats, 80.9 -- Another show that didn't excite me the way I'd
hoped. There nothing that's obviously wrong to me . . . it's just a
feeling you get sometimes. The show does have some really nice moments,
and the hornline is on top of things. My percussionist friends seemed
pretty underwhelmed, however. Is this the problem? (I heard that
there's not a single vet in the battery. Can anyone confirm?) To me,
their show appears more complex than BAC's, so they might be able to
catch up if they can clean. Slightly humorous note: People from around
here were commenting on how, with the silver sash and black gauntlets
this season, the 'Coats look exactly like Capitol High School -- one of
the biggest "wannabe" bands in the area. No big deal, but I thought I'd
mention it in case anyone knows whom I'm talking about.
Phantom Regiment, 87.0 -- PR isn't at the same level as Cadets, SCV, or
BD this year, but it's still a heck of a show. The music is familiar
and accessible. The brass are handling their parts fairly well, but not
spectacularly. They're good, but they never really blew me away. I
guess the drill could be part of the problem. I did notice some
slightly bent lines, misshapen curves, and uneven spacing. Nothing
major, of course, but you don't expect any of that from Phantom at this
point in the season. Great look for the guard, BTW. These are
definately my favorite PR guard unis since about 1991.
Blue Devils, 93.1 -- Wow! What other word applies but "Wow!"? Many of
you may remember me saying that I haven't really been thrilled with the
Devils shows for the past few seasons (and it's true) but not so this
year. I have to say that this is my favorite BD show since 1994,
perhaps even 1988. The hornline is truly amazing. The cleanest I've
heard since Star '93. After seeing their brass score from Murfreesboro
(9.7) I knew they'd be awesome, but they surpassed any expectations I
may have had. As for their drill being easy? Hell, no! Perhaps there
aren't the freaky-hard moves that we get from CBC, but there's nothing
easy about it. And unlike what I saw from Cadets in Toledo, BD's feet
look impeccably clean . . . no bouncing, either. It's almost needless
to say that the guard is totally fabulous. The costumes are kind of
ugly, but not the worst I've ever seen. Not that it really matters when
they're this good, though. One thing I really like about their guard is
that usually, when one group is dancing, another group is doing
equipment work. I like dance when it's done well, but it often doesn't
project, and it never provides the same level of visual effect that a
flag or rifle can. So IMO it's nice to have something else visual to
focus on at the same time. Love the sabre work, too. I hate to sound
like "Rondo," but I really think that "it's theirs to win or lose" this
year. SCV will not have an easy time regaining the lead. Blue Devils'
victory concert is lots of fun. I wish I had the chance to see the
on-stage show sometime. "Legend of the One-Eyed Sailor" is killer.
Daniel O'Neal
Sunday August 1
Charlotte, NC (DCI)
My Creditials... none worth mentioning... I'm just a fan for 9 years...
Crown's Home Show... It was really hot.
Southwind: I didn't know what to expect but was very impressed. The opener was
solid with a big SW in the drill and they finished the song before the music
got stale(Johnny kept marching home again..and again..and again). The middle
of the show depicts the horse racing theme of Kentucky... and then the pulled of
Summon the Hero's very well.
Tarheel Sun: OK, some people got real confussed real quick becuase SW and Sun
look so much alike. Tar Heel did a relativly fun show I guess, but some of the
antics, I didn't buy- in Bohemian R. Like when the pit turned around and all
started to conduct the corps or when the tenors did the martian visuals with
sticks... kinda hokey but it was overall a good effort... the pit is huge and so
I'm hoping they graduate some of those players to the drumline... they need
numbers on the field.
Magic: I don't like the uniforms. I think this corps needs to return to their
Cirque roots. This show ... I don't remember anything about it except that the
brass was loud compared to the 2 before and they had 2 tenor players that
rarely played. I think the sound from the batery lends greater evidence to the
arguments that Premier..well... sucks. I don't think they'll be marching
Saturday Night.
Boston: Nice show... well received since it was mostly former Crown Music. I
hadn't heard Ludwigs in a long time. Their brass is solid but the guard is
clean and effective... don't like it when corps try to sing on the field...
Crusaders not Chorale. (Also: There is no reason why there should be a sing
sail on those intro flags... take the time to set them up... it was a big
distraction... especially on the 50)
Intermission: Thunder and Lightning...One hour later we return
Crown: {DISCLAIMER... I am in no way affilitaed with this corps and have not
supported the group as much since the YEA! takeover..I also havn't like a show
since Chess}
This Show Kicked my little ASS all the way home... by far the most entertaining
of the evening... it sounds like a musical but the GUARD IS UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
I can't say enough good things about them... they were practically flawless.
They sported these new uniforms at the begining... grey/dark grey
flowing.cover-up to the white and black. The Show is completely designed
around the guard... it is a 11 minute guard feature.
Now, That said... the marching sucks. The brass can play this year but the drill
was riddled with holes...I hope they were holes. Great Show..Don't miss it for
a hot dog or restroom break... save that for the Glassmen.
Side Note to Self-"Self, write a letter to DCI demanding that the guard's
performance be added in the overall score. Take 10 points out of Total
Ensemble and create the guard caption..these kids work too hard not to be
considered a part of the corps"
Madison: Nice show with great entertainment appeal..yadda..yadda..yadda. They
have some really cool drill this year and people were singing SuperStar under
their breathes at the end. Nice job guys.
Glassmen: If you go to Madison, take a nice comfortable pillow to sit on, and
then when the Glassmen come on the filed you make take a nap. I've listened to
Hungarian variation for the past 2 months to get ready for this show and was
very disappointed. The Audience lost complete interest after 2 minutes. This 3
year "Gold" trilogy has gone from good, to bad, to ugly. The guard was
distracting because their unifroms "jingle" and although I'm sure the guard is
good, you never see them because a) the Drill doesn't feature them at all and
b) their uniforms are too dark. I will stop now before I offend too many of
them but I feel this show was a real waste of the Kids' talent. I did like the
cymbals line, nice musical writing with effective phrasing... I had to find
something to like.
Blue Devils: See Glassmen, plus...big ensemble rip at the beginning of
Unchained Melody and nobody clapped during the wedge push to the back. My
friend, who is a die-hard devil fan, even the past 4 years, leaned over and
asked me, "Well, at least Vanguard is here" He thought they were coming on
next and was pissed to find out that they weren't there (They have been the
NightBeat's highlight the past 2 years) Not a stellar performance or show
design... featured guard members dropped and the soloists were weak. The Devils
didn't practice all day... took the day off to rest.... I think they may have
just been still asleep and going through the motions since they had no
competition.... Let's hope that was the case.
Everthing was pretty much down hill after crown so tonight all of
North Carolina will migrate to Wiston to see crown again and see their favorite
Vanguard. Sorry if I offended anyone... If you have a problem with this review
you can take a number and our operators will assist you as soon as possible.
Ok, I promised when I got home from work I would put up a short review.
This was the second year I went all out for the $50 VIP tickets and I must
say I will do it again next year. I didn't see Crown at all this year but
just read all the comments in this newsgroup to give me an idea. The
preview just warmed us up for things to come.
Also, let me note that I marched in jr high, hs, and college bands for 8
years way back when but never made it to the corps level. I was a horn
player so I normally pay attention to music but for this show I tried to
broaden myself and often found myself watching the guard more.
Also I must make note that I brought a corps "newbie" to the show, someone
who has never been to a show before. He was thoroughly impressed. We have
already planned on watching finals.
Well on with the review:
Southwind -- Like many other people, I was confused when I saw the yellow
uniforms. I thought something had happened to Southwind and Tarheel Sun was
going to perform first. But I was pleasantly surprised by the new uniforms.
This corps made an impression on me. This was a very solid show for a corps
that has been away for a year. I can see them in the top 12 very soon. I
picked them to be 7th.
Tarheel Sun -- Love the music. I was a bit skeptical about Bohemian
Rhapsody but they pulled it off very well. And "Don't Let the Sun Go Down
on Me" has always been a favorite of mine since playing/marching it in 9th
grade (Yes, I can remember that far back). I picked them as 8th.
Magic -- I guess I'm a sucker for Chuck Mangione so this show won me over
with the music. I didn't watch the guard too much for this show. I think
Magic did better this year with using more of the field. I picked them as
Crusaders -- WOW!!!!!! This corps gets my vote for the "Best use of Color".
The oranges and the greens really grabbed my attention. Marching was pretty
sharp too. Picked them as 5th, a step up from Magic.
Crown --- A bigger WOWWWWW!!!!! Since moving to Charlotte, I have adopted
Crown as one of my favorite corps (of course I love all corps) and every
year they impress me more. This year I think they jumped to a new level. I
actually felt like I was at the musical "Jekyll and Hyde". Their
interpretation in music, guard, guard uniforms was incredible. This is the
fullest sound I have ever heard from Crown. Like others have mentioned I
think the marching needs some work but I know Crown can put it all together.
I was on my feet for most of this show. I picked them as 4th.
Scouts -- The Scouts have always been my favorite corps of all time and they
just proved why tonight. The guard was awesome, the music was intense and
overall very entertaining. I was on my feet for most of this show as well.
I picked them as 2nd.
Glassmen -- The Glassmen were very clean, marching and musically. But the
show didn't do much to grab my attention. I was a little disappointed. I
picked them to be 3rd.
Blue Devils -- The Blue Devils always come up with interesting shows. Loved
the Rhythms concept. Marching, music, and guard were very sharp. I picked
them as 1st.
For something different, I also rate the corps on an entertainment
factor....looking at just how they appeal to me in general and not taking
into effect all the technical judging and such. Here's how i Ranked the
corps for entertainment factor:
1. Scouts --- All time favorite corps
2. Crown --- WOW!!!!
3. Blue Devils --- Blue Devils always get me but Scouts and Crown got me
4. Crusaders --- Very impressive for the first time i've seen them.
5. Magic -- Chuck Mangione !!!
6. Glassmen --
7. Southwind -- Love the southern theme....that's one reason i moved to
Charlotte :-)
8. Tarheel Sun -- Last but still entertaining. Someone has to be last,
Anyway, Thanks again to the Crown organization for putting together this
show. I'll definitly be there next year in the VIP section.
Jeff Schmehl
Jacksonville, AL (DCI)
Well my 3rd and last show of the season was tonight. Actually 3 in 3
nights isn't bad ; )Well.. everyone should know the scores by now so I
won't post them but here is a review of what I thought of tonights show.
First off this was at JSU (the school i attend) and I love the stadium
there, it isn't all that big but the sound is amazing inside the
Kiwanis Kavaliers- I didn't like this show yesterday, but something hit
me today that said, "hey this isn't as bad as I first thought" and i
really enjoyed this show tonight. Not sure what it was but I really
liked it. Wasn't the cleanest corps on the field but it was very good.
Colts- One of my favorite from this weekend. You don't exactly go
around humming the tunes as you walk out of the stadium, but what you do
is think "man that was one great show" and it was. The beginning is
powerful and fast. Very exciting opening statment. Love this first
tune. Then the stage gets really odd with some very strange chords and
some really great soloistic parts. The ending of the show is great with
some wild drill and incredible music. Love the vibes at the end of the
show holding over just a sec. Nice.
Blue Knights- Well I couldn't remember much about them from TN friday
(to much sun?) but this really is a good show. Nothing really strikes me
as being so good but man it is clean and they play it so well. You
don't go around singing this stuff either but the show as a whole is
really nice. Colors are very well used this year with this corps. I
love the use of colors in the guard during the ballad. Really nice
stuff going on with this group.. Top 12? of course Top 6? Maybe : )
Crossmen-I liked this show better in TN, not sure why but i did. I don't
really remember that much from this evenings show on Xmen, other than it
was pretty good. I just didn't care for tonights performance...
Although it was played well, don't get me wrong, i didnt feel like there
was enough emotion to have a great show...
The Cavaliers- Well this show was better here than in TN. I liked it
both places but this show tonight was on FIRE. Man.. This group can
play some notes. This was my mother's personal favorite, who usually
doesn't go for the more symphonic sound, I think it was the incredible
drill that got her. But my opinion was that it was a good show with
some dirt here and there which kept them from the top.
SCV- MAN!!! I don't know what to say about SCV. Words can honestly not
describe what i feel for this show. I won't even say them.. That was
The Cadets- Very nice, LOVE THIS GUARD!!!!! I don't normally say that
(I am a percussionist) but this guard takes my attention from the get go
and never lets go!! I don't really remember much tonight other than I
was intranced by this guard, the ladies are beautiful and elegant and
the guys ... Man they can toss!! This was closer than the score
indicated between SCV and Cadets but SCV did deserve the win, most
people in the crowd thought otherwise however.
Spirit of Atlanta- Well.. I like the show.. I do ... I don't like the
dirt... It is played well, the marching isn't very good and the hornline
likes to play out of tune.. But it is LOUD!! Crowd Favorite for the
evening (what do you expect home show!!) But still a good show.... Came
back out after the show and played the HELL out of Georgia!! Extremely
cool stuff.
Overall a great weekend for corps. I enjoyed it and can't wait till
2000 DC which I will be at. My first finals trip since 96 and i can't
wait. Well.. This is the last of my reviews because i have no more
shows to attend, please if you see a show WRITE A REVIEW! It takes like
20 minutes to do!! Good luck to everyone especially my buddies at SOA!!
GO BRIAN!!! If you see SOA and don't have someone to yell for yell for
Brian, vibraphonist on the front row in front of the timpani!! He is
great and a great friend of mine!! Good luck again and thanks for
Michael Bell
First off I would like to congratulate all the participating corps. It was a
good night for drum corps, especially when the sun went down and everything
cooled off. The JSU Stadium was packed on the home side and the crowd was very
receptive to every corps that performed.
Kiwanas Kavaliers
I have to say that they had a very good show. the corps have seemed to clean
up the ensemble tears that they were experiencing earlier in the season. Still
some ensemble issues and transition things that just stand out, but overall a
great show. Good Colorguard, but some excellence issues and staging issues as
well. 68.0
Spirit of Atlanta
I have to say that the corps is getting better. The problem is that they are
not consistent from one show to another. The staff has managed to fix some
high brass issues that were hindering them on the earlier shows, but visually,
there are still some elements that are not contributing to the overall package.
From where I was standing (Stage left 40 ydlne) I could still hear the feet in
the altos. The percussion section (snares and basses) is beginning to elongate
some very well executed phrases. Tenors have always been their strong point
(it seems like). Colorguard very nice ideas and the new uniform is working
better for them. they just need to link their ideas together better and make
the phrases flow from one process to the next Excellence is also a big issue as
well. I can say that there was much energy in their performance and they should
be commended for that.73.2
WOW!!! This corps has really done a turn around from years past. the drill
design seems fresh and new, the colorguard seems to be on a higher level from
years past and they seem to be more musical (a true overall package). Talking
with some of the staff I discovered that they have a new colorguard designer.
It is obviously working to their advantage. You can really see that Soddy
Daisy influence at work. The drumline articulates extremely well and really
compliments the corps. As usual, the hornline is great!!!! KEep a close watch
on these guys!!! 82.5
You know just when you thought that colorguard couldn't get any better, in
comes the Crossmen!!!!!!! What a great program. At first people said that
their guard was a Cadet clone, but after seeing them a few times I would have
to say that the Crossmen colorgaurd have taken own their own identity. It is
Fresh and different. Sre, their staff might have marched Cadets at one point
in time, but you can see their own personalities coming out in the work that
they design. The new corps uniforms are great as well. I wonder what made
them go with that Charcoal grey color? At any rate it is very effective. Hats
off to Don Taylor Sue Samuels and the entire Xmen staff. 83.5
Blue Knights
except for one year, I have always been an avid BK fan. When they performed
Trittico for the first time in 1994, I fell in love with the corps. This year
Trittico revisited is even better!!!!!! The dril design, colorguard costumes,
brass arrangements are all excellent. And I have to say that they have one of
the best ALTO lines in DCI!!!!!!!!! Hats off to the staff!!!! 86.7
They corps is very good this year. I really don't think that there is anything
that Mike Gaines produces that is bad. It is a very well put together program.
the colros of the flags and the corps uniform is excellent. And of course you
have that level of excellence that you come to expect from the Cavaliers.
Great Job!!! 90.5
It's a little different for them and I think the crowd had a little trouble
understanding the car parts on the field. However, one thing was clear:
Incredible drill design and brass arrangements. I few Alto problems, but
overall a very good show. 91.1
You know, When Santa Clara was on the field performing, I just sat there
thinking, you know, this corps has a very good shot at winning DCI!!!! This is
probably the most well put together show that SCV has ever produced. Great
feet, and as far as their musicality is concerned, well, I think they probably
won High Brass tonight. Excellent colorguard definately top 4 in DCI. Can't
wait to see what happens in Allentown!!!!! 92.2
I'm not going to rehash the corps' programs here. These are just my
impressions, from the perspective of a six year marcher and two year
instructor. This is the only show I will get to see this summer due to my
ate-up schedule.
In order of appearance...
Corps-Vets Senior Corps, Atlanta (exhibition)
The Corps Vets came on to open the show. The seemed extremely nervous. Was this
thier first show? It took a while for them to loosen up, but they played very
well. Thier program of jazz "classics" was a lot of fun and the audience really
enjoyed it. I loved the "uniform", as the kahki pants and green polo shirt
looked a lot like what the DCI judges used to wear at regionals. I was quite
surprised to see them march some drill, about 15 pages or so. This is a corps
that can really go places. I just hope they loosen up a bit more.
Kiwanis Kavaliers (8th, 68.0)
Announced as the Kavaliers' "return to jazz", this show seemed very flat until
the closer. The horn book seems to challenge, but the way they corps plays it,
it seems more of a chore than something they enjoy. Once they start the closer,
they really opened up and had some fun. This is a slightly smaller edition of
the KK that we're used to seein, announced at 111 members. The percussion
section is quite solid and color guard one of the more entertaining of the
night. I think they need to consider a uniform change if jazz is the direction
they wish to go in the future. The all-black with silver chains is a bit to
formal and dark for what they are trying to perform. I hope they are able to
lay back and have some fun with the first two-thirds of the show before finals
Colts (6th, 82.5)
This is the most refined Colts brass section I've ever heard. They still have
the loudness they've had the last few years, but it's not nearly as raucous or
harsh. This is a great example of a corps performing "obscure" music and not
only playing it well, but makeing it accessible to the audience. The crowd
really got into what they were doing, especially the closer (after the show, I
talked with Emily Nieuendorf, Colts' drum major, and she said most of the
closer is new as of the last week or so. She also said they love performing
this show). The visual program is a step up for Colts too. It intigrates well
with the musical book. This percussion section is also one of Colts' best
Blue Knights (4th, 86.7)
This corps is the REAL DEAL. I'd heard a lot about BK on the net, and watched
thier scores, but still I was
skeptical. Not anymore. Not only is this by far the best brass line BK's ever
had, the entire corps is playing with a confidence they've never had. This
brass line plays with a phenomenal fundamental sound, and for us low brass
guys, they really know what the pyramid of sound is all about. There is so much
bottom to this corps. The percussion was one of the most musical of the night,
even if they didn't ram as many notes as other corps. I don't know what they
put in the water these kids drink, but I hope they keep it up. This is really
something for BK to build on in the future. Also, each member of the brass and
percussion is wearing a small, round patch with the initials "CHS" on it. Very
Crossmen (5th, 83.5)
I don't know why some people are giving the X-men a bad rap. They certainly
play with more finesse that in recent years, and the fundamental sound of the
brass is as good as they have ever had. They don't seem to be trying to hide
as many glaring problems as they have the last three or four years (musically).
The percussion section was the big "ram" line, and the featurette in the
closer was old-time drum corps, something the audience loved. The color guard
is very good as always, and provide the only "color" the corps has. A rant: I
hate the new black and grey uniforms. When you are close to a member, they look
fine, but on the field they look washed out. I kept wanting to adjust the
color or contrast. Too bad it wasn't tv.
Cavaliers (3rd, 90.5)
I don't like the Cavaliers...never have. having said that, I really liked this
show as I love ode to Joy. The brass line finally seems to be making strides
towards playing with a good sound. This has always been thier weak point, and
the 99 brass is in my opinion thier best ever. They sometimes revert to the
crass sound of old, but never for very long. At time they sound absolutley
brilliant. I was a bit dissappointed by the percussion section. I don't know if
it was the writing or not...it just seemd a bit flat, as if the battery was
just trying to keep up with the horns. They march very well, with great feet.
Unfortunatly, unless they put a white stripe on thier pants, no one in the box
will ever know. Thier drill was standard-issue Cavaliers.
Santa Clara Vanguard (1st, 92.2)
With the exception of the modern color guard, when SCV played this show I could
swear someone had transported me back in time to watch the vanguard of old,
say 83-85. These guys rock. They have the some look and style SCV had when they
were the perennial brides-maids in the 80's. They play so well. This hornline
might be thier best ever, eclipsing even the 87 line. The percussion is a solid
as I've ever seen them. Unfortunatly, the color guard uniforms were so subdued
I didn't even notice them until they did a featured dance in front. I coulnd't
tell you if thier equipment work was any good or not...I never really noticed.
I hope it was just me. if not, this could be a problem come Finals. The drill
is fantastic. They move a lot, and it's really quite clean. They play on the
move better than any corps here tonight. I haven't seen the Blue Devils, but it
wouldn't surprise me at all if SCV takes it all in Madison.
The Cadets (2nd, 91.1)
They play a lot of fast notes. They play them clean. They run around...a lot.
Maybe I'm getting numbed, or maybe I expected more, but this seemed like
standard-issue Cadets. I've seen it and heard it all before. The brass is
really tight, especially on isolated articulations (of which there are many),
but they just don't have the warm sound SCV has (or maybe even BK). The drill
is great, but the "blender" is getting old. The color guard was outstanding as
always. They are definitly the strongest section. I love the use of the car
body parts. It really helped convey the "frantic" sense of New York. The crowd
liked Cadets tonight, but not as much as SCV.
Spirit of Atlanta (7th, 73.2)
No, they aren't going to make finals. No, they aren't clean. But you know what?
They are a lot of fun. Granted, this was thier home show, and crowd let them
know it. The brass is young, but has a handle on the jazzy style. The
percussion compliments the brass very well. The drill is fairly easy, and
should probably be cleaner than it is, but tonight no one cared. The had more
fun than any corps on the field tonight. My biggest beef: the arrangement of
Jum Jive & Wail just plain sucks. It sounds like Hal Leonard does drum corps.
They play it well though. After thier show, it was announced that the finale
would be a drum major only. The crowd was visibly dissappointed, but SoA
cheered everyone up by having the brass line return to the field to play
Georgia. Thanks, Spirit.
There was no victory encore tonight, and that ticked me off.
General observations:
What is it with all the color guard uniforms this year? Is the rest of DCI on a
subdue the colors kick? I understand trying to have the flags as the color
focus, but you barely notice some of the guards at all. Also, a note to CG
staffs: When you wear very thin material and the weather is hot and humid, a
certain reaction takes place. I may be a red-blooded American male, but I
didn't need to see what was very common tonight, I'll leave it at that.
As a whole, the soloists were a huge dissappointment. There were a lot of
fracks, and most of them didn't play nearly as aggressive as they should.
Granted, not every corps can have screamer sops like BD or even Scouts, but
this just shows a lack of maturity in the players, and I know talent isn't a
problem. It wasn't the hot weather either, because the people around me who
have been to other shows noticed the same thing.
Our yearly "stop the duht-duht" post. Drummers...it's gotton way out of hand.
When I can sit 50 years away from you and still hear you "duhting" over the
brass, it's too damn loud. It makes me wish we still had the not vocalization
rule of days gone by. it's about the lamest and unmusical thing you can do.
Exception that proves the rule: Cavaliers snare line duht's REALLY loud, but
it's immediatly parroted bu the rifle line. Very funny...the crowd dug it. A
challenge to percussion staffs for '00: Don't let your lines do this on the
field. I've never heard a big band drummer duht, and I can't recall hearing the
Chicago Symphony do it either. Challenge your kids to subdivide in thier heads.
it will be much more impressive, and a lot less distracting.
Someone needs to chain Hoopy to the fence. He spen all of Crossmen's show
running up and down the front sideline like a damn football coach. Take it
easy, George, you gonna give yourself an ulcer. It's a needless distraction.
An interesting note. All corps staffs were asked to stand outside the 40 yard
lines (away from center on the field) while thier corps performed. All staff
except the two YEA corps. Hmmm...
I though BK nad Cavaliers scores would be a lot closer than they were. I
figured if BK was an 86.7, Cavies were about at 88.8 or 89.0. But Cavies at
90.5, and six thenths behind Cadets? No way in hell. I thought the spread
between Cadets and SCV wasabout right.
I was pleasantly surprised to see Cadets' souvie van selling BD's cd. I thought
I was gonna have to order it online. Thanks, Cadets, and I hope BD is selling
John Adcock
Go BD!
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