Here is the recap sheet for the seventh DCI championship, held in
Denver, CO, at Mile High Stadium on August 18, 1978.


                               CAPTION TOTALS
                       GE    GE   GE   Total   Brass Brass Brass  Mus  Total
                      Brass Perc  Vis   GE      #1    #2    Avg. Anal  Brass
 Santa Clara Vanguard  9.8  10.0 10.0   29.8   12.1  12.2  12.15  9.9  22.05
 Phantom Regiment     10.0  10.0  9.6   29.6   12.9  13.0  12.95  9.9  22.85
 Blue Devils          10.0   9.8  9.8   29.6   13.1  12.8  12.95  9.6  22.55
 Madison Scouts        9.9   9.6  9.7   29.2   12.0  12.7  12.35  9.4  21.75
 Bridgemen             9.7   9.7  9.8   29.2   12.4  12.7  12.55  9.5  22.05
 Spirit of Atlanta     9.7   9.3  9.3   28.3   12.6  14.0  13.30  9.5  22.80
 27th Lancers          9.5   9.2  9.9   28.6   10.9  11.5  11.20  9.1  20.30
 Blue Stars            9.4   9.1  9.3   27.8   12.4  12.5  12.45  9.2  21.65
 Crossmen              9.0   9.0  9.2   27.2   11.3  11.1  11.20  9.0  20.20
 North Star            8.8   8.6  8.6   26.0   11.5  11.3  11.40  8.7  20.10
 Guardsmen             8.9   8.9  9.0   26.8   10.8  11.8  11.30  8.9  20.20
 Kilts                 8.6   8.4  8.8   25.8   10.7  10.7  10.70  8.4  19.10
                       Perc  Perc  Perc. Perc  Total   M & M  M & M   M & M 
                        #1    #2    Avg. Anal   Perc    #1     #2      Avg.   
 Santa Clara Vanguard  11.4  11.2  11.30  7.8  19.10   20.8   20.4    20.60
 Phantom Regiment      11.0  10.9  10.95  7.9  18.85   20.5   20.0    20.25
 Blue Devils           10.8  10.8  10.80  7.7  18.50   20.6   20.7    20.65
 Madison Scouts        11.2  11.3  11.25  7.5  18.75   20.2   19.7    19.95
 Bridgemen             10.8  10.8  10.80  7.6  18.40   18.6   18.0    18.30
 Spirit of Atlanta     10.6  11.0  10.80  6.8  17.60   18.3   17.3    17.80
 27th Lancers          10.7  10.7  10.70  6.9  17.60   18.4   18.3    18.35
 Blue Stars            10.1  10.4  10.25  7.0  17.25   17.9   18.3    18.10
 Crossmen              10.7  10.5  10.60  7.0  17.60   17.7   17.4    17.55
 North Star             9.7  11.0  10.35  7.0  17.35   18.6   17.8    18.20
 Guardsmen             10.5  10.1  10.30  6.7  17.00   16.3   17.2    16.75
 Kilts                 10.5   9.5  10.00  6.4  16.40   16.1   16.2    16.15
                                FINAL  SUMMARY  
                        GE      Brass    Perc      M & M    Pen.   Score 
 Santa Clara Vanguard   29.8    22.05    19.10     20.60           91.55
 Phantom Regiment       29.6    22.85    18.85     20.25    0.1    91.45 
 Blue Devils            29.6    22.55    18.50     20.65    0.1    91.20
 Madison Scouts         29.2    21.75    18.75     19.95    0.1    89.55
 Bridgemen              29.2    22.05    18.40     18.30    0.3    87.65 
 Spirit of Atlanta      28.3    22.80    17.60     17.80           86.50
 27th Lancers           28.6    20.30    17.60     18.35    0.1    84.75 
 Blue Stars             27.8    21.65    17.25     18.10    0.2    84.60 
 Crossmen               27.2    20.20    17.60     17.55    0.1    82.45 
 North Star             26.0    20.10    17.35     18.20    0.3    81.35 
 Guardsmen              26.8    20.20    17.00     16.75           80.75 
 Kilts                  25.8    19.10    16.40     16.15    0.2    77.25

Comments: 1978 was the 2nd year in Denver, and one of the most hotly contested DCI titles to date. The top three corps were within .3 of a point of each other, and only .1 separated the top two, SCV and Phantom. Color guard was listed as part of GE M&M: it accounted for 2 points of the 10. The two highest scoring guards were SCV and 27th, with a 2.0 each. After them, there was 6-way tie at 1.9: Phantom, Blue Devils, Bridgemen, Crossmen, Guardsmen and Kilts. Madison & Spirit scored 1.8, and the Blue Stars and North Star scored 1.7. 1978 Recap courtesy of Randy Gardner, as posted on RAMD.

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