Here is the recap sheet for the very first DCI championship, held in
Whitewater, WI, at Warhawk Stadium on August 18, 1972.

                               CAPTION TOTALS

 Corps                GE    GE   GE    GE    Brass#1 Brass#2 Musical  Total 
                     Brass Perc  Vis  Total   Exec.   Exec.   Anal.   Brass
Anaheim Kingsmen      9.6   9.5  8.9   28.0   13.9    13.0     4.6    18.05
Blue Stars            9.7   9.0  9.1   27.8   13.3    13.6     4.4    17.85
S.C. Vanguard         9.3   9.4  9.6   28.3   12.8    12.2     4.7    17.20
27th Lancers          9.4   9.1  9.3   27.8   13.7    13.3     4.1    17.60
Argonne Rebels        9.5   8.1  9.5   27.1   12.0    13.1     4.8    17.35
Troopers              8.9   7.8  8.7   25.4   12.8    12.6     4.0    16.70
Des Plaines Vanguard  9.3   8.9  8.8   27.0   13.0    12.5     4.4    17.15
Kilties               8.1   8.0  8.6   24.7   11.8    13.0     4.3    16.70
Cavaliers             8.0   8.2  8.1   24.3   11.4    11.8     3.9    15.50
Muchachos             8.1   8.6  8.4   25.1   12.5    11.6     4.2    16.25
Bridgemen             8.5   8.4  7.0   23.9   13.0    12.5     4.2    16.95
Bleu Raeders          7.5   7.8  6.8   22.1   11.7     8.9     3.6    13.90

 Corps          Perc.#1  Perc#2   Perc.    M&M #1  M&M #2   M&M  
                  Exec.    Exec.   Avg.      Exec.   Exec.   Avg.
Anaheim Kingsmen  17.3     17.3    17.30     24.6    24.9    24.75
Blue Stars        17.0     17.2    17.10     24.9    24.9    24.90
S.C. Vanguard     16.7     17.6    17.15     24.7    25.1    24.90
27th Lancers      16.0     15.8    15.90     24.0    25.3    24.65
Argonne Rebels    13.8     13.7    13.75     24.4    25.2    24.80
Troopers          14.1     14.7    14.40     25.5    25.6    25.55
D.P. Vanguard     12.3     13.3    12.80     24.1    24.7    24.4
Kilties           14.6     14.9    14.75     24.7    25.6    25.15
Cavies            14.5     14.9    14.70     24.7    25.4    25.05
Muchachos         12.6     13.1    12.85     23.2    25.3    24.25
Bridgemen         11.2     13.2    12.20     21.1    24.0    22.55
Bleu Raeders      12.7     15.1    13.90     23.1    25.0    24.05
                              FINAL SUMMARY  

 Corps                  GE    Brass    Perc    M&M     Pen     Score
Anaheim Kingsmen       28.0   18.05    17.30   24.75           88.10
Blue Stars             27.8   17.85    17.10   24.90           87.65
Santa Clara Vanguard   28.3   17.20    17.15   24.90    .2     87.35
27th Lancers           27.8   17.60    15.90   24.65           85.95
Argonne Rebels         27.1   17.35    13.75   24.80    .1     82.90
Troopers               25.4   16.70    14.40   25.55    .1     81.95
Des Plaines Vanguard   27.0   17.15    12.80   24.40    .1     81.25
Kilties                24.7   16.70    14.75   25.15    .1     81.20
Cavaliers              24.3   15.50    14.70   25.05    .1     79.45
Muchachos              25.1   16.25    12.85   24.25           78.45
Bridgemen              23.9   16.95    12.20   22.55    .2     75.40
Bleu Raeders           22.1   13.90    13.90   24.05           73.95

One item of note: the score for the 27th Lancers is .05 lower than the one in the FINALS 1972-1996 LIST. I'm not sure why.... I hope you all have as much fun looking at this as I did!! 1972 Recap courtesy of Randy Gardner, as posted on RAMD.

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