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Show Reviews
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Saturday July 17
Orlando, FL (DCI)
This review is mine opinion and mine alone of the corps the show and anything else
I feel like commenting on. grammar and the use of , - ! ? will be at my discretion.
STADIUM; I love the citrus bowl, lose to the field not a bad seat above row 5 in
the house. the one big complaint I have and I told some friends who work with dci!
tape down the flag pole ropes at the top of the stadium. All you hear is clang CLANG
CLANG. the whole night as the corps play. IF any one got the apds let me know if you
can hear them. if they want to make money off an early season recording they should
at least go out there and see if anything sound that might ruin the apd.
Ok I said I was going to do it by order of score but..
I am starting with teal and heat wave..
(they both are a small corps and I think they should go first)
looks about the same as last yr in size. again with a water and beach theme ( duh ) I
really liked the girl from ipanema! the drum line was very good ( some breaks near the
end of the show ) horn like was good few missed attacks and releases but still a good
job. ! AND GOD BLESS THE OLDER GUY IN THE HORNLINE. the guy is about my dad age and he
is marching his butt off. all I can say is BIG BRASS B@LLS rock on!. over all very good
senior corps performance.
63.200 Teal Sound
NEW UNIS nice ! loved the drum majors uni!!! I was at first a little iffy with dream
theatre music, but great div3 show. this drumline can play. little fuzz here and there
but hey it like there 3rd or 4th so still got time.. hornline pretty good just the normal
hits and misses. over all they are in the hunt for div3 finals and the top few spots I
think. good job.
OPEN CLASS (in the order of score not by night so deal with it ..)
90.225 The Cavaliers
OO7, HOLY CRAPOLA I was shaken and stirred!!! . VERY crowd accessible show and that might
but the kicker that keeps them at the tip top of the food chain. EVERYONE in the world
knows this music and theme. unless you where in a cave until just now, you know it.
drumline, CLEAN CLEAN, it not the hardest book they have ever done. don't get me wrong
when they get in front of the corps for a solo they throw down ! BUT when they go behind
corps to play its clean but it isn't very hard a book in the back field. sorry but it
isn't. BUT IT IS VERY VERY CLEAN if you look at the scores the they are cleaner then any
one out right now. but the level of some of the writing is keeping them from being the big
mean dog holding the drum trophy. the pit wow these guys are the over all expression of
the music they are having a ball ! if there was a keg of beer near the timpani it would
look like a frat party great great job. the hornline holy snikeys! this a rockin hornline
the sops(sorry old school here) are smokin tight 16th note parts wwooww. one bari did take
a fall in the show but was up in 2 counts. over all GREAT SHOW!!! I don't see any one
passing them if they keep pushing.
89.900 Blue Devils
drumline clean,clean,cool spot on, near perfect it a little rehashed from last yr but it
works. ( but lets face it you cant really get to original anymore ) wonderful pit. AMPS
IN THE PIT. devils have the set up of the night the keyboard had there own power supply
EACH there own on e.q. EACH and a P.A. Speaker on the front this the most hidden set up of
the season I almost didn't realize they had amps. the hornline again like cavies spot on
perfect, the front row must of had wind burn after the show.. over all this is a cool
freakin show.. until the end.. I don't like the train leaving effect SOUNDS COOL LOOKS
COOL but I had this HUH feel as did most of the People in the stands ( one guy went "are
they done" ?? ) this part of there show is what's going to kill them at finals. everyone
since the first apds have turned up the ending to there show cavies and cadets have, and
I think they might get passed but cadets and maybe scv because if it there is a slim chance
but a chance none the less..
89.300 The Cadets
I was not in to the show music at all from a apds from June. I was thinkin this was going
to be a low yr for them .. but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it not. the rewrites have 180ed this corps
new drum solos added horn parts and new drill from what I have heard. drum line is playing
tons tons of notes, SOME attack and interpretation problems (VERY FEW) but they are playing
more notes in half there show then anyone else. horn line they have some power, balance and
they are pretty loud. I see them 2nd or 3rd at finals....
88.950 Santa Clara Vanguard
WOW this show has some big BIG b@lls it a cool show I loved it scv know how to make music
with a style all there own. this show is a show right out of Gayle royers secret files it
seems .. I felt like it was the early 80s-90s again this show is all power and grace. the
drum line clean, fast, powerful nuff said. the hornline DITTO. the one problem with the show
it is freakin hard hard drill some forms are not hitting bend lines curves are not forming
up. IF THEY CLEAN this they could be 2nd or 3rd MAYBE even 1st ( big maybe ). wonderful
87.125 Phantom Regiment
this show style wise if kind of a 90 degree turn for them. don't get me wrong I loved it
just the opener didn't feel like phantom show .. the ballad is when the hornline shined and
it built to the end of the show.. the drumline was clean great parts.. some meat and tater
in there but I think some people (judges) are not getting then show. the over all package
just seemed cut and pasted and the ruff edges are showing. the members are playing there
butts off and playing it well.. I think this show will come down to the over all package
not the performance.
86.350 Bluecoats
Wow they came to play!!! drum line is super clean hornline is one big party when they stop
and blow. they will be 6th or 7th they just need to keep cleaning. not the most memorable
show but I was enjoying it..
85.450 Madison Scouts
oh my god. the unis have changed but it still the mad mad corps from wis. this was a unreal
show god they can throw down, I had goose pimples threw most of the show .. the company front
move was and is the best ever when it comes to just cool moments in drumcorps.. drumline was
rocking hornline was the loudest of BOTH SHOWS. and the ending was a almost carbon copy of 88
I was up with the rest of the crowd 20 second before the where done yelling like a tard
wanting more, and they gave it.. keep cleaning boys I want to see you in the pbs broadcast
(hint for dci put the company front to the end of the show on the broadcast!!! DUH )
85.200 Carolina Crown
wow those chicken tender at the food stands where great. honey mustard was not to spicy and
the coke was cold and refreshing.
(rant mode on)
LISTEN I LIKE CROWN 2000 IS one of my favorite shows BUT I am smart enough to know what
your d@m show is about. I am not a retard this isn't atom splitting 101 its drumcorps I knew
they would not cut out the talking and singing because it to big a part of the show.. I am
afraid what the response will be a finals will there be booing on the finals tape ? if there
is this will be a bad bad thing for the corps ONE: the kids will be crushed TWO: if you did
it again the next yr its just doing to get worse. THREE kids will leave to go where people
are not booing.
PLAYING!!!!!!!!!! not talking or singing GEEZ
(rant mode off)
84.700 Boston Crusaders
very very cool show I was waiting for the talking to start but it never came. over all a
good show kind of a safe show not to risky not to boring just ok....
82.050 Blue Knights
wow nice to see them come out to play they had a neat show lots of energy and they are
wonderful performer show I a little dirty in all areas but they can fix it.. good energy but
the music really didn't stay fresh in my mind. but I know I enjoyed the show..
81.800 Spirit from JSU
standard spirit show lost of great moments little ruff in a few sections. they will have to
clean if they want to move up and/or stay in the top 12...
80.700 Crossmen
the crossmen this show rocks but I don't think it is selling to the judges at all. I don't
know why.. it is a little dirty they are playing there buts off I hope when they go head to
head in Denver they move up because if they don't it going to be a chopping block for some
staff in the off season and they kids can not grow if they keep seeing new people on staff
every yr. for god sakes name a corps who is in the top 5 who have a corps staff has not been
there more then one yr.. cavies cadets devils scv they have al had pretty much almost the same
design staffs ( one or two change in some (cadets/ginno)) but over all they don't change..
this isn't NASCAR where they change pit crew chiefs and drivers like underwear. keep working
crossmen !!!
80.075 Glassmen
they are on the end of returning to the top 12 after a "what the f$#K happened season last yr
the show is clean but the show is also a safe show. it was a cool performance but I wanting
some thing to pull me out of my seat. they may have to add some new moments to push into the
top 12 again it may just need to be head to head to get a good read from the judges as to
level of playing and show book so we will see..
77.825 Seattle Cascades
sorry but I had to go pee and I didn't beat the usher back to the top of the stairs. sounds
good the crowd like it.
75.000 Capital Regiment
I don't know what the judges are looking at but this show could be on the edge of the 80's its
is clean every cool, the drumline and horns are balanced and very little ensemble problems.
they had a great great show.. again it the head to head thingy .. but if they push the tempos
and add more energy we could have a surprise dog fight for 12th... ( personally I want them in
because I use to march out of Columbus in the early 90's before the (limited edition )corps
folded and later cap reg was born. so good luck )
74.150 Colts
the kids are playing there butts off but again it was a cut and past show and it isn't selling
to the judges or most of the crowd it didn't stand out in my mind at all and I always like the
73.450 Southwind
AGAIN a show the judges are not giving credit to .. lots of power, energy. but the judges must
be sipping cherry and waiting for the bigger corps to look at. the drums rocked the horn line
was great .. the drill was so so no real risk moves in the show.. but I like it a lot....
73.000 Kiwanis Kavaliers
crowd accessible show to a tee it was a great time watching them.. my only problem was the drill
again was not that risky. if you going to push the kids do it with the drill. drumline was on
fire horn where clean.. but I think the kavie screw fest as always will happen they never get a
break from the judge even tho they are playing a good show . but again drill book was not
71.850 Mandarins
small small open class corps.. but they are clean . as long as you don't pay attention to the
fact that the drum line over plays the whole show .. I am a drummer and I was beside my self
with the show they where to dang loud .. about they only time you could really enjoy the
hornline was in the slow parts of the show.. drill was very clean and that is always there
strong suit so they just need to get the drumline to relax..
70.125 Magic of Orlando
what the h3ll happened they come out last yr on fire. this show isn't well thought out the
book in the drum line is 60/40. 60 % is to easy 40 % is challenging. the kids are having a
ball playing but this book isn't going to fly its not the kids fault something exploded in
the design staff.. they need to push the tempos and do some fast fixes to at least make a
good showing in the end .. but the kids are working there butts off.. sorry .. and I am a
big fan....... and I like the sound track to the movie to ..
69.450 Troopers
(rant mode back on)
YEAR NOOO REALLY but they do it with style and skill and they should be much higher then what
they got they are not the biggest corps but they are not the smallest. drumline rocked and
the horns where very very good .. they show had the crowd into it and I think they just cant
get a break.. they deserve better because they are better then what you think judges.. MAYBE
OVER ALL a good show. parking was better. food was better then finals last yr..
SOVIES : where was the cool sovie stand from the vendors this was a regional in the vacation
state for goodness sakes you couldn't have talked a rep into going to Orlando for a weekend
geez come one.. and the weather stayed fairly well for Florida in the summer because it rains
some where some thing during the day and it missed the show completely !!
flame me or not that is how I see/saw it and that my story and I am sticking to it..
(god did I just do a country song reference?)
Please understand that I really appreciate all the work that the young men and women put
into their shows. This is not meant to be critical of their efforts.
Here goes.........in order of appearance
Teal Sound
Nice job. Need some work with high brass.
Actually this is one of my favorite total prgram shows. I loved the "Songs from the Heartland".
It is the type of show that almost everyone in the crowd can get into. Very entertaining and
would love to see it again. Colts have no problem putting out a good sound. I hope the show can
be cleaned up so that they can make SemiFinals.
Capital Regiment
Nice job, but the typical Capital Regiment show - Judges like it, crowd has trouble buying into
it. They were much cleaner than I expected. This could be the year they make some moves.
Oh my........very sloppy. I am use to seeing a very polished Mandarins Corps. This show had many
problems, from marching to playing. The concept is a bit of a stretch. I'm sure Ray will get the
job done but they have much work ahead of them.
Blue Knights
I like this show much better than their shows of the past few years. But it's not rocket science
to figure out that the judges are going to do whatever it takes to get them back in Top12 in
their home town. It reminds me of the SkyRydes in Dallas. That being said, they are really much
improved. Good job.
Magic of Orlando
OUCH!!!!!!!! What a train wreck! I can't believe this is Magic. What in the world is going on?
The show design is ok but it is either too difficult for the members or they need some quality
rehearsal time. I'm not sure this show can be saved. I kept sitting there and thinking about the
Madison Scouts Show, "The Pirates of Lake Mendota". I was very disappointed.
Oh yessssssssssss. What a hornline. Great percussion also. The show is well designed. Some major
cleaning up needs to occur but this show has potential. I know I am prejudice, but I scored them
higher than Blue Knights.
Typical Crossmen show in design, but off the mark in performance. It was reported that they made
some design changes right before this show. Time will tell if it worked. And what happened to the
"kick-ass" guard? Far to many guard errors for the Crossmen. Right now I don't see them making
Madison Scouts
OMG!!!!!!!!! The Scouts are back! What a croud pleaser. This show is exciting from the very
beginning. Great horn line, good drill, great guard......a well executed show. I really need some
help understanding why their percussion seem to always score low. But this is a "don't miss"
Santa Clara Vanguard
Ok.....here is my first risky prediction of the season. SCV will be the corps that challenges The
Cavaliers for #1 come Finals night. This show is simply awesome. Visually it is a masterpiece.
Musically it is a masterpiece. All they have to do is perform it. I LOVED THIS SHOW!
Blue Devils
Wonderful show.....WHAT A HORNLINE. However, I hated the ending and expect it to change before
Denver. It was a big let down. They are in the hunt for another title. But there were times I
felt like I was watching "just another BD show". After watching them for 28 years I guess I
should be use to it. (My son will repectfully disagreee with me.)
Boston Crusaders
Nice idea but it doesn't hit the mark. The black and white boxes were a distraction from a really
good Drum and Bugle Corps. The show had it's moments but this is not a top 6 show.
Damn I liked this show. Am I the only one puzzled by their low score? I would have easily put
them ahead of KKavaliers and Southwind Saturday night. I guess that is why I am not a judge. It's
good to see the Troopers getting closer to a full size corps. The show is well designed but needs
some work on the finale. I expected a little more of a push.
Kiwanis Kavaliers
My son and I disagree on this one. I thought they did a good job with WestSideStory - AGAIN! I
was pleased to hear a fuller sound but what was the unmusical solo all about. Come on guys, don't
overblow and distort your sound. They need to work on balance.
I am trying to be kind and nice but..................what middle school band director designed
the drill for this show. How many times can you form a triangle? Obviously for Southwind.....many
many times. Besides the fact that the show is not that well designed it is marched with little
enthusiasm. The musical design misses the mark also. I wish the members well and hope they have
a better show to perform next year.
OK - another Glassmen show that must mean something to someone, but not me. I use to really look
forward to seeing them but the last few years have been a disappointment. This show is ok. It is
performed well but it just has no place to go. There are some great drill moves in it and a few
good musical moments, but for the most part it is "just there". I give a lot of credit to the
members who make this show work. Also, I liked the "red" of the guard at the beginning. But after
the opening moments it loses it's affect. Drop it already!
Seattle Cascades
Great job members. You made something out of a mediocre show. Maybe the designers were trying to
please the judges. While they may succeed in that, they will fail in winning new fans. I liked last
years show much better. I wish the members well and keep working this show. Maybe I will like it
better in Denver.
Carolina Crown
WHAT A FABULOUS SHOW! This show has the potential of moving into the top 6, maybe as high as 4th
or 5th. The only thing holding it back is the vocals. They add nothing to the show. I was in ther
middle section of the Citrus Bowl right off the 50 yeard line. We could not understand any words
of the singing and very few words of the speaker. Get rid of it. Crown, this is your year to make
some real noise at DCI Finals, but not with the singing. The opener is GREAT! I found it difficult
to get back into the show after the vocals, which is a shame since the closer is great also. The
members really marched this show well. GREAT JOB, CROWN!
The Cavaliers
What can I say........Here is the DCI 2004 Champion unless SCV gets hot. I don't think the Cadets
or BD can touch them. What an amazing show. The drill is unbelievable. And musical score is awesome.
This show is a wonder.
The Cadets
A typical Cadet performance - well done. The musical score was better than I expected. However,
two alarming aspects of their performance (of which the judges and I didn't agree!)
1. The drill design had many problems. Several times we saw guard and corps members trying to be
in the same place at the same time. Actually, we also saw corps members running into each other.
It wasn't that the drill was so fast paced that it caused problems. It just looked like the drill
had not been thought out. This is not The Cadets I expect. I don't want the old "tick" system to
reappear, however, I can't believe there were that many obvious marching errors and they still
scored so high. Are will now giving points for "attempting" a difficult drill instead of executing
a drill?
2. The guard had many errors with equipment and marching. This was also not your typical Cadets show.
These, I am sure, will be fixed. But I was not impressed.
Phantom Regiment
I have to be honest and state the Phantom Regiment is one of my favorites year in year out. That
being said, I was not "wowed" by this show. The best thing it has going for it is the members. They
really sold the show. Great marching, good guard work, and of course that wonderful lush Phantom
symphonic sound. It's hard to go wrong with those elements. I was hoping that this would be the year
that Phantom challenged for the top 3, but not with this show.
These are my opinions and not intended to offend anyone. I love Drum Corps and respect all the
hard work put in by everyone invovled with this activity.
a.k.a. SpiritDad
Blue Devils -- Strong in all captions. I like the show believe it or not
but I’m not sure about the guard uniform. I thought for sure that they
were going to take that apron looking piece off... oh well. I love all the
train sounds produced. Oh, best soloist of the weekend and no close
second, goes to that young man from Blue Devils (talk about range). I
will have to see the show a couple more times to really understand the
ending. Right now I don’t see that ending winning the championships.
SCV -- This is my FAVORITE show! And probably the best complete show SCV
has done in many years. Whether this show wins in Denver or not it is
one that will be enjoyed by all. It is just wonderful to watch from
start to finish. The color guard really compliments what’s going on
with a typical complex fast Vanguard drill. It’s amazing how
recognizable all of SCV’s music is. Don’t count this show out. If they
clean this beast it is unbeatable.
The Cavaliers -- The James Bond show is coming right along and they are
adding all those little nuances that make the show click. Finally saw
the ending they put on it.... damn they are running around like mad men.
Cavies guard is fun to watch too as they jump and somersault around. We
all know this show is visually packed and we can hum their music once
the show is over. Now here is where many of you will disagree with me
(especially you Cavies fan); come Denver I see this show finishing 3rd.
That’s right 3rd.
Cadets -- To really appreciate this Cadet show you have to watch it from
upstairs. People keep talking about baton boy, but I say; "spin baby
spin" (but what happened to that one toss that got away from you).
Cadets have been in the thick of it all since the first show they met
Cavies (remember 77.70 -- 77.00) and I still think that this show (as
well as the judges) has what it takes to win it all. I love repeating
myself and history shows that Cadets have a way of finishing strong. I
don’t know what George tells those kids but they become demon children
and the month of August has had their name all over it. Never count the
Cadets out even if you’re a Cadet hater! We’ll see come Saturday night
in Denver.
Boston -- I hadn’t seen Boston since Louisville. The staff must have
been reading what was being posted on the R.A.M.D. because they took out
all of the amped narrative. Personally I think it was the right
decision because what Boston does comes across strong enough. I like
this show. Boston has a very talented confident guard, but then again I
may be a little bias because I’m a huge fan of the EMASS guard circuit.
Boston could find itself as high as 6th or as low as 9th.
Phantom Regiment -- This was my first viewing of PR. They had a
difficult task at hand writing a show that would make me forget about
that amazing show from last year. I didn’t feel that PR should have
been that close to Cadets; more like a three point separation. I have
always loved PR’s color-guard in how they interpret the show (I wasn’t
too sure of the uniform though). The horn line, as we all know, can
play their butts off. As you can see I don't have much to say about
this show. PR could place as high 5th or as low as 8th.
Madison Scouts -- If Madison can start their show with the energy they
finish it; they will end up 5th in Denver. Madison had their wake up
call not making finals a couple years back; (we were all disappointed)
they have since done all the right things to continue to make them one
of the most liked drum corps. Always a crowd favorite and in Orlando it
was no different.
Blue Coats -- Bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue!!! Is having another
consistent year. Good guard, nice sounding horn line, drum line rocking
and a visually enjoyable show. Blue is right in the mix to either place
high or somewhere around 8th. This is going to be one hell of a finish
in Denver.
Crown -- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; "I LOVE THIS SHOW".
Crown has such an attractive uniform. Come on Crown staff; figure out
what it is you need to do to push these kids over Blue Coats and Boston.
Most of the guards I felt were affected by the humid weather conditions
in Orlando which caused several drops. But this is another talented
guard I enjoy watching. This show is packed with strong moments, the
opener, the Rent piece (still love the vocals), the beautiful ballad,
Rhapsody and the heart shaped ending. This will be a favorite in
Glassmen -- This was also my first viewing of Glassmen. I really liked
the opener but the rest of the show I just watched. It’s really going
to be hard to explain why this corps should not make finals (boring will
not be good enough). I’ll leave that up to our judges to decide.
Blue Knights -- Thank God for Blue Knights the championships are in
Denver (and I'm not saying that's there ticket in). It shouldn’t be too
hard for them to get psyched up for their home crowd. With that said,
this is another corps which would be hard to explain why they didn’t
make finals. Playing some recognizable pieces from past years; a very
strong opening fanfare. BK’s marching style has been for many years one
of my favorites. They do so many cute and pretty things with their feet
and bodies. I pick BK to be performing on Saturday night in Denver.
Spirit -- Everyone keeps talking about Glassmen and Crossmen sitting on
the bubble. Spirit has an experience sounding horn-line and a visual
package many have enjoyed this summer. No one has really staked claim
to the 12th and final position and it could be Spirit. Someone will not
be marching under the lights on Saturday. Who will it be; Crossmen,
Glassmen, Spirit or Blue Knights? Maybe we can suggest a tie for the
12th position.
Crossmen -- I can’t imagine Crossmen not making finals; oh don’t worry
this will not be the year. Once they get comfortable with the rewrites
and do what I’m now calling "the mad clean" they should be ok. Crossmen
never fail to have me grooving in my seat. The drum line produces such
a nice pulse to the final piece that it creates such a.... you know that
feeling; hairs stand up on the back of your neck, you’re head's
rocking with the beat and you’re completely feeling what’s going on the
field (horn-line, drum-line, color guard). Hang in there Crossmen.
Troopers -- Like so many others I wish the Troopers would field a full
corps and compete for one of the finalist position come championships.
I still love the Troopers and continue to support them. An enjoyable
show. Strong drum line and the ever popular star burst still present.
Mandarins -- I was excited to see Mandarins because I had heard so many
good things about them. These guys are good with only thirty something
horns. They are a sure finalist once they figure out how to field a
larger horn line; somewhere around 58. Best color guard uniform goes to
this unit; complimented the corps great, plus they handled their
equipment well.
Kiwanis Kavliers -- I keep waiting for this corps to make its bid for a
top twelve position. They certainly have the numbers.
Colts -- I really don’t know what to say about the Colts this year. I
will say this is a tough year because there are so many other good drum
corps this year.
Magic -- If this were the start of the season Magic would be a sure in.
Reality has it that they just don’t have enough time to clean what they
have. When I saw they in Louisville I was so surprised how unprepared
they were (I based that on watching the colorguard). I love the theme
of their show. It has Magic’s name written all over. Lots of fun stuff
going on. Crowd favorite has to be the druken sailor part with all the
water being thrown all over the field --great moment! Kudos to the
color guard you’ve really cleaned up your act since I last saw you.
Much more confident telling the story "Pirates of the Caribbean".
All of the comments made are my opinion and mine alone. I am a fan of
the activity who appreciates what is being done on the field. My thank
you goes out to all the performers of each drum corps (Divisions 1 -2
-3). You have made this one exciting year!
Fan of the Arts
Saturday Show Only
Troopers- Really cool show. This was obviously a crowds show that the judges
aparently didnt like. I thought that the drum major was excellent and had a great
presence. The hornline had a little kick to it but there were balance issues.
Visualy the Troopers were ok as far as execution but the design was there. Im
really wondering why the Troopers were not ahead of at LEAST Kiwanis Kavaliers
and possibly South Wind.
Kiwanis Kavaliers- Sorry but to me this show had been overdone. However asside
from some buzz saw solo work the hornline had a decent balance and power. The
drill was messy but overall the show was what I would call, OK for this time of
South Wind- The score was a bit high IMHO. The brass played decently but
nothing too impressive. Some moments where individuals in 2nd trumpets were
blaring obove and beyond their more balanced comrads. The drill was fairly clean
but very boring. Folks I know that im sounding like an ass but im just describing
what i saw and felt.
Glassmen- This was a typical Glassment show in that it was full of loud major
chords and block triangles. I really loved the deep red explosion from the gaurd
at the beginning. The brass sounded somewhat bright in the middle voices. Visual
execution was notably better than the first three corps. Glassmen will need to
either make this show squeeky clean or change the design.
Carolina Crown- Woa Mama! What a freaking brassline! The Balance is there, the
talent is now there. The show design is of top 5 caliber. The ONLY thing holding
back Crown at this juncture is IMO not necessarily the amped voice as many have
said, but one or two very difficult drill moves that are not quite clean as of yet.
While I do like the amped voice, I do think that there has to be a way of balancing
out the sounds so that everyone can hear the voice harmony section. The drill
overall is very clean accept for a few mentioned difficult moves. Bohemian Rapsody
is wonderfully done. I thought that I might not like the down ending to the show
but it is only fitting as the song goes with a gong at the end with the hornline
backfield. There is a presence this year with Crown as though they KNow that they
are good and of top quality.
Blue Coats- BLUEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Wow Just as good as Crowns hornline but with
just a different sound approach. I noticed that they only had 7 tubas with one
obvioulsy missing as there was a consistent gaping hole in the drill. Visually the
blue coats were ON. I think ive finaly figured out why they look soo good visualy
other than just being good. Their long plumes create continuity in thier vertical
posture. It sort of hides any faults in upper posture. The execute a very cool
rolling ripple of a block form near the openign of thier show. The crowd loved it.
The only glaring mistake was two separate occasions late in the show where some
trumpets stood out in a major way. The Blue Coats are well on thier way to a 4th
or 5th place finish unless crown can take that spot over them. I think Phantom
while very good, could possible finish below both blue coats and crown because of
show design.
Cavaliers- DCI Champs without ANY doubt in my mind. Noone is going to catch them.
Once again they blow everyone off the field visually and they execute it. Thier
brass is very clean but not much better than the 4 corps behind them. THe success
with this corps comes with its stellar design and visual execution. DCI Champs
Cadets- Very loud but sometimes distastefully in my opinion. Visually i saw many
times where base drums were colliding with the hornline and looking very confused.
The drum line was musically great. The Cadets show design seemed off and this is
going to prevent them from any run at the top spot.
Phantom Regiment- Another wonderfull hornline but visually dirty. Again, show
design here is holding phantom back from a GE point of view. Very clean hornline but
unless changes are made to the show, I think phantom will be fighting for 5th with
crown and blue coats.
Thursday July 15
Powder Springs, GA (DCI)
Overall comments:
It was perfect night for Drum Corps! The weather was wonderful. The college, I mean
high school, it was held at was great. The stadium was perfect for watching drum corps.
Carla Morris did a fantastic job putting this thing together, and the McEachern High
people did an awesome job as well.
Court of Honor 66.30
I love this corps and the possibilities they have. It is amazing to see what they have
done in their short life. The thing I noticed right off the bat with these guys is that
the brass section has a very controlled sound. The percussion section did very well, as
did the guard. The guard was just having a plain old good time out there and just doing
their thing. (isn't that what it is all about?) This was a very fun show and I know the
kids had a good time performing, you could tell. If they continue to clean both musically
and visually they really could be right up there in placement in Denver.
Marion Glory Cadets 64.70
I am not too fond of their uniforms. The thing I noticed right off the bat was it seemed
that there were two sets of the same type of uniforms on the field. Some were much longer
than others. I really was not impressed with the first part of their show, I guess really
until the closer Mars . The marching and music was kind of "muddy" at times. I don't
remember much about their guard. The do have a good drumline that had a couple of nice
Troopers 71.30
Wow! The Troopers are back. I was very impressed with their show tonight. It had been about
3 years since I had seen the Troopers live, and with everything I heard about their show,
I was very anxious to see what was going on with them. It was worth the wait. I loved this
show! It seems that all sections are much strong than years past. The brass had a wonderful
sound, full sound to it. For some reason not much is jumping out at me about the drumline.
The guard was good. I did not care too much for the blankets being used in the ballad. They
just kind of seemed out of place there. This year is a great step in the right direction
for The Troop!
Seattle Cascades 75.35
I just did not get this show. I have liked their shows in the past but this one seemed to
lack something. The first half of the show, to me, seemed kind of "blah". The brass had a
nice sound. The only thing that stands out to me about the percussion section was the moving
timpani during one of the last movements. It was kind of distracting more than adding to the
overall effect. (For those who do not know. They have two sets of timpani that start out at
the two back corners of the field, then the progress forward, stopping and playing along the
way till they finally come to rest on the forty's near the front.) I found myself watching
to see if they hit any other marching members during the progress. There was one close call.
Plus, I found it hard to hear the parts they were playing. They kind of got lost in everything
else. This was not my favorite Seattle show of the past few years.
Carolina Crown 83.30
I love this show! It is an all around wonderful show. I will go ahead and get this out of the
way... I did not like the singing and the beat poetry. I could have done with out that.
Actually, I had some friends with me who have begun getting into drum corps over the past few
years, and when the singing, and then the poetry started they just kind of looked over at me
with this perplexed look on their faces. That aside, this show rocks from beginning to end.
The Brass, OMG the brass, is amazing. A nice, full, and I do mean FULL, sound. I am so glad
that this part of the corps has stepped it up a notch, because to me it seemed like this was
a spot that was lacking in years past. And these guys seem light years a head of where they
were. They have a wonderful guard. I did not like the uniform they were wearing. (I guess you
can call it a uniform.) But, they added a lot to the show in the guard work. And of course,
Bohemian Rhapsody was a crowd hit. I like the arrangement they have done with it. It keeps a
lot of the original song intact, which I was concerned would be lost in the transition of the
song from radio to field.
BLUUUUcoats 84.60
Wow! I know the Bluecoats have been moving up over the past few years, but I just really could
not get into their shows. But, that was before this year! This show and corps is freakin'
awesome! This could very well be the my favorite Bluecoats show ever. All areas are strong,
but their drumline and guard was kicking butt last night! The block of guard work going on in
the middle of the corps as they are moving across the field together was awesome, last night.
They were really moving as one. At that point, my friend leaned over to me and said, "Now,
that is what a guard is supposed to look like." The arrangements fit the Bluecoats perfectly
and everything in the show fits together perfectly. The Brass had a nice rich sound. The
drumline was tight last night. They have several features through out the show that they
absolutely nailed. Heck, if I was arranging for this line, I would feature them as much as
possible as well. Amazing...
Cavaliers 89.55
Should have just went a head and given them the other points and let have been a 90.00. The
Cavies were definitely having a top show last night. They never cease to amaze me. The music,
the drill, the guard...everything fits together so well, and it absolutely captures your
attention and holds you there. You get to the point that you are afraid to blink because you
don't want to miss something. The very beginning of the show is something to see! It is hard
to describe, but WOW, the drill and effect is amazing. It was strange going into this season
thinking about the Cavies doing James Bond music, but what they have done with it really
works for them. They have made it their own and still kept the musical selections true to
their nature. Another awesome part of the show is where they are whistling part of the song.
It is one of those moments that can give you chills. They have the total package with this
show. This was definitely the show you will leave humming to or whistling to.
Spirit 79.70
[Warning Spirit Fan Review Following...]
I had been waiting a long time to see Spirit on the field. I had seen clips all the way
through All Days, but was just waiting to see the whole package together. This show really
works well for Spirit. Yes, it is different from what you might be used to from Spirit, but
it is truly a great vehicle for them. I thought the concept worked well on the field. Spirit
has seemed to grow and mature in a lot of areas over the past few years, but this year it
seems like all areas have stepped it up. The guard is absolutely amazing. (Not sure what was
up with the score last night...) They are incorporated into the show very nicely. I was
concerned going into this show because many people had commented on Spirit's brass seemed to
be lacking something or holding back. Well, the boys and girls in the brassline must have
eatin' their Wheaties or something because they were ON last night. A very nice, rich and
full sound. Loud, but controlled. The drumline was awesome, as well. They had several nice
features through out the show. The snare line was tight last night. And the plates were...
well, they were what we have come to expect from them...Freakin' Awesome! These guys rock!
Man, they are all business on the field. The drill and visual aspect was wonderful, which is
a big change from Spirit in the past. It is nice to see the visual side of things a step up
for them, and them keep the nice musically sound they have. I figured they would have broken
80 tonight.
Overall comments on scoring...
It was great to see Troopers score jump up.
I would have thought Spirit, Crown Bluecoats and Cavies' scores should have been a bit higher.
It was nice to see Court of Honor place a nice high score.
JT Gazaway
Wednesday July 14
Columbia, SC (DCI)
The setting for this show is a medium to small size high school stadium and the
weather hot, humid and sweaty. I have traveled to the Columbia show three of the past
four years which is a four hour drive from Raleigh, NC. The crowd was excited and full
of anticipation and appreciation.
Marion Glory Cadets. Division III. Strong percussion and tentative brass in sections.
Color guard numbered about five and gave great effort.
Kiwanis Kavaliers: My impression was that this show was stronger for them than years
past. Percussion performed well and brass seemed shy in sections.
Colts. How many ways can you be polite while saying dirty, dirty, dirty. Guard was
off in synchronization and sequencing significantly distracting. Sound not as full as
years past.
Crown. Strongest brass, percussion, ensemble, guard, drill and music book I have ever
heard or witnessed from them... ever. Very impressive until AMPS. I came in with an open
mind about the amps stuff. Here is this wonderful book and drill strolling along and then
abruptly a quartet of singers each with a microphone and cable that connects them to the
ensemble area sing some god-awful song. It gets worse. A guard member strolls adjacent to
this quartet as they finish, armed with a wireless microphone/headset and voices something
about love. I get the sequence out of order or missed something that accompanied this
because I just about died. This adds ZERO to general effect or anything else. AWFUL!!! If
this segment brings someone joy or pleasure rather than embarrassment my opinion would be
that they have a low standard for entertainment. This book spans classical to Queen and is
well done, except... see middle section. Most people around were attempting to justify this
newly added phenomenon and positive change. I am not polite about it. It truly is AWFUL!!
This is like High School Band.
Madison Scouts. No amps. I believe this corps is headed in the right direction, but I
miss the attitude and altitude. Upper octave almost non- existent. Better drill than years
past, solid percussion and guard. Not as sophisticated a drill or music book as Phantom.
Got a great reaction from the crowd.
Crossmen. I like the new uni's and sound of the brass book. Solid show but missing
something. I think the pit was amped but was not at all distracting.
Phantom. Opened with a contra tango. The brass had some brief harsh tones in sections
but was best of the night. Pit was phenomenal...no amps. Percussion was a bit dirty but
appeared be best of the night. Guard was very good in sequencing and synchronization.
Euphoniums have similar runs as last year but did not seem as strong... yet. They have a very
sophisticated show that seemed several points ahead of Madison despite final scores. I am
not clear why, though they were clearly the best corps of the night.
I have followed or been involved in drum corps in one way or another since the early
70's and have been open to change. I enjoy the pits being powered because it adds to the
musicality of the show. However, if lyrics and voice over's are considered to add some
positive value to a show, then maybe my days are over as a drum corps supporter. Because
as Crown showed me, I no longer share the same taste buds and if this is considered to
have an entertainment value I will keep my money in my pocket. It is not creative and I
am not dumb. I would pay to experience six great corps than to experience 20 in mediocrity.
Took the wife and kids out to see the corps for the first time this year, and managed
to get our money's worth! The weather was hot, but bearable, the fans were generally
respectful and attentive, and the corps put on an entertaining contest that showed off
how far they've already come, as well as how far they have to go before they reach Denver.
Marion Glory Cadets - Somone on their staff must have said (while listening to
a symphonic recording of Gustav Holst's magnum opus), "You never hear THESE 'Planets' out
on the football field...." Well, you can't say that anymore. Mars works way too well to
leave out, so they superimpose it on EVERYTHING else, but aside from that, Saturn, Uranus,
and Neptune are quite good. The brass tends to have TQ&I issues due to volume (there aren't
too many members and they're TRYING to be loud) and attack/release issues due to drill
demands, but the talent is there. Drums are also muddy, and those guard members sitting on
the sidelines need to get into the show SOON. For all of this, I enjoyed the performance
for it's concept, energy, and frequent effective musical moments. Good show, Cadets!
Kiwanis Kavaliers - <sigh> Someday, these guys are going to get REALLY good.
Their guard gave me lots of attitude, the horns and drums believe in what they're doing out
there.... Someday their staff will realize that some things work and other things DON'T.
Show concept? West Side Story generally works. Rehearsal/cleaning routine? Let's just say
they were more effective and somewhat cleaner than Marion, but not by all that much, so
whatever they're doing, IT AIN'T WORKING. Enjoyed the show, but felt bad for the kids whose
staff can't seem to get them to the next level.
Colts - Ladies and gentlemen, the Colts are once again the undisputed champions
of the state of Iowa. Enjoyed the music, the hornline played as a line, the drums were all
on the same page, and the guard was a functioning unit. Drill design was evident, if not
too clean, and they delivered a solid performance. Similar to Kiwanis, though, they have
another level to go. There's no reason a corps with this talent shouldn't be competing with
the likes of Crossmen and Crown in a show like this. Lots of visual dirt in (relatively)
easy areas like body positions, horn moves, and drill sets. Lots of musical dirt in things
like attacks, ensemble, and rythmic accuracy, also in not-to-difficult areas. CLEAN! CLEAN!
CLEAN! And a tad more GE in the design wouldn't hurt either.
Carolina Crown - First wall of sound of the night, and another entertaining show
concept. The voice amping grated on me mentally (I haven't ever heard the like before in
drum corps and I don't know if I'm ready for it), but it was good in its execution, and
provided some good GE moments. It is NOT their best show ever (Jekyll and Hyde was far
better, for instance), but it was fun and fairly clean. They need to get perfect at their
act to stay ahead of the corps (plural) close behind them, though, because the difficulty
factor just isn't there. Nice to have the hornline back, and I hope they can tweak the
ending to make it a bit more final.
Madison Scouts - Well, HI there, colorguard! Best one of the night, without
question, and the performance quality of the corps as a whole has definitely gone up the
last couple of years. The new unis are pretty good, and make for an effective visual
program even when imperfectly executed. (~_^) Nice moments in the percussion, and the brass
will challenge other corps IF they can reign it in in a couple of spots and play with
accuracy, tone quality, and balance ALL the time, as well as rythmically and powerfully.
Slow-spinning company front is nice, but doesn't really go anywhere - do something
interesting with it and it will be POWERFUL! Right now it's just nice. A few ensemble
glitches musically and visually, but they've got a ways to go before they top this show
out. They look well on the way to 90.000.
Crossmen - These guys.... Once again, they ride the fine edge between the glorious
and the disastrous. The opener has a TON of stuff in it, and the corps is finally getting it
together and cutting down on the mud. Ensemble still needs work in the ballad, but it's
getting pretty. Puma has some energy now, and the part where all the sections trade off with
their little licks and cool stuffs which are currently an ensemble nightmare... it's never
going to be heard or seen again. It's out as of Orlando, and all of the musical and visual
ticks that go with it. The judges have started giving up the numbers for the show design,
now the corps needs to finish getting the mud out (the easy errors, too, folks! It doesn't
work just learning the hard stuff...). Oh yeah, and get the low brass to play with the
conviction of their lead trumpets. If the progress keeps up, Madison and Phantom need to
keep an eye over one shoulder. Of course, if they lose steam now, they may never break
Phantom Regiment (sorry, white doesn't work on this background, black is boring,
and there are already three corps in red!) - These guys won brass and drums, did well in
their musical ensemble, and executed their visual program like they owned the place. They
were the only corps of the night to make you think "Huh: these guys may just be for REAL."
Watching them I wondered just how Madison had managed to stay close to them, though on
second glance, PR's show is a harder sell, both musically and visually. Boy those guard...
outfits... are just something else. Errors in performance also count more heavily against
this show than they do against Madison's. Still plenty of dirt here, as well (no one at
this show is on pace to take the title in Denver), but clean it up and it will sparkle
almost as well as last year's show, I bet.
Altogether, it was a creditable mid-season effort on the part of the performers, and
I'm very grateful that the powers that be consented to my attendance.
That's how it happened. I was there. ^_^
PFC Dave Ballard
Saturday July 10
San Antonio, TX (DCI)
It was a great night of drum corps in San Antonio. My wife and I had great seats at
the top of the plaza level (floor level) right around the 45 yard line. We attended the
clinic prior to the show put on by The Cadets, mainly because I had not done a lot of
research on their show and wanted see and hear it at least once prior to the show. I
will share more on them later. We ended up sitting by a family of newbies. . .which was
great because they had a lot of questions. On to the show. . . . (as I go through I
will be sharing my wife's thoughts on each corps).
Esperanza entered the field first. I have never seen or heard Esperanza and did not
know at all what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised with their product. I really
enjoyed the design of most of their show; however I really did not like their treatment
of "Octobre". Anyway, right off the bat, I knew from being at the Dallas show that
Esperanza would not be in last tonight. Also, this may sound odd, but the thought came
to me that they might be like what freelancers would be if they were still on the field.
Ty's thoughts: I thought they were really good. I liked their visual better than the
Next was Southwind. This is one of the corps I had seen in Dallas. They have improved
since then, but still a lot of visual dirt. I do enjoy their enthusiasm and aggression.
Ty's thoughts: I did not like the neon things that are supposed to be snakes. The color
scheme was not good, but I enjoyed the music.
Troopers came on third, and they also had improved since Dallas. Sadly, they simply do
not have the horses to pull of the show designed for them. Also, you can tell they are
still on G. . .to me it is a shrill sound and much less in tune. I hope they continue to
build in the coming years.
Ty's thoughts: I liked some of the music, but it is obvious they need a lot of work.
Capital Regiment once again impressed me. I really enjoy their selections and the balance
and blend of their hornline. Their weakness is definitely their guard.
Ty's thoughts: I thought it flowed well, but the flags were not together.
Seattle Cascades are just as good as they were 2 years ago when they made Finals, IMO.
It just seems there are more corps who are doing better now. I really enjoyed what they did;
it reminded me of what Glassmen tried to do last year, only a better design.
Ty's thoughts: I enjoyed the color scheme; it matched the theme and the music well. Their
marching was not the best, but overall I liked the show.
Magic of Orlando is really trying to pull things together. I saw a different attitude
tonight in the corps than I saw two nights ago. Also, they did not march with the silver
sashes tonight. . .not sure why. They are still very dirty. . .and there are some very simple
things like foot position that could be fixed easily. They do have crowd appeal though.
Ty's thoughts: She likes the purple, and she enjoyed the design (pirate outfits and props),
even though they do not pull it off very well. The performing by the guard entertains the
audience but distracts from seeing the sloppiness of the marching and sound.
Blue Knights do have a shot at breaking back into Finals after a 3-year absence. I am so
glad they have returned to their style. I loved the Trittico references, and the dots on the
guard unis were awesome. I also really enjoyed the percussion feature with the fighting scenes
with the rest of the corps. Very cool visual program. I hope they crack back into the top 12.
Ty's thoughts: It was a really good show. . .rockin'. The color scheme fit the mood, and
they were cleaner than anyone before them.
Bluecoats again amazed me. This is their best design ever and possibly their best corps. I
have not seen Phantom or Madison, but I would like to think the Bluecoats could hold their own
with them. They have a great and complete visual program, and they sound awesome. I love their
Moulin Rouge ballad. . .very effective. I also really enjoy the tease ending, followed by the
features and the silent drill. . .awesome!
Ty's thoughts: I liked their show very much. They really portray the theme well with their
guard, along with the music and the entire design. They integrate their guard very well into
the visual program, better than most of the corps I have seen.
After seeing The Cavaliers in Dallas, I knew they were strong, but did not know how they
would stack up against the other top corps. . .more on that soon. They were again very solid
tonight, although they had amps trouble . . . right on the downbeat big static, and then more
static when the whistle portion began. I will give them one thing big time. . .their
trumpets/sops are smoking! I really enjoyed their sound. The ending still leaves me dry, but
I doubt it will stay the same. One note about the fans. . .it seems Cavies have a ton of what
I call groupie fans. This is not a knock on the corps, but more people in the audience. The
reason I am calling them groupie fans is because they are obviously not there for the show, but
only to cheer for the Cavies and namely some one person they know in the corps. The rest of the
show, these groupie fans near us were rude and obviously not interested in anything any of the
other corps had to offer. Then during the Cavies, they cheered as loud as they could with every
single thing they executed, no matter how easy or difficult it was. Annoying! Anyway, back on
topic. . .Cavies are solid, but I still do not think this show will win. My opinion. . .they
are winning based on cleanliness, and when some other corps get cleaner, Cavies will not be
Ty's thoughts: I think the 007 idea was a great one. Most of the music was great, but the
ballad should have been something like "For Your Eyes Only". I enjoyed the ending more tonight
than I did in Dallas, but it still needs something else. I thought they performed really well.
Santa Clara Vanguard portrays the Scheherazade theme so well. . .in every aspect of the show.
The hornline and percussion are very solid. The guard had some major troubles tonight. I will
give them credit for performing a very difficult guard book, but I counted at least 15-20 drops,
and a lot of them at high impact points in the show. This show, if cleaned, should contend for
the title. It has everything and more.
Ty's thoughts: Aside from the guard the show was very clean tonight, and I loved it. The
design of the show is very good.
The Cadets had publicized so many changes during this week, that I was not sure what to think.
I knew they had come close to Cavies last night, which meant things were still going well after
so many new things added/changed. All I have to say is thank God for Sacktig and Bocook! This is
the kind of show that brought me and many others I am sure to love this corps. Even though this
is unfamiliar music to most, this show is vintage Cadets. It has velocity, great arrangements, a
great visual design, and an awesome guard. Those who have said this show has what it takes to win
are right, IMO. I think had they been on the same level of cleanliness tonight, they would have
won. Say what you want about baton boy, but he is awesome. . .all we heard were ooohs and ahhhs
every time he threw it up in the air. April has written a great guard book, the drumline is smokin,
and the hornline sounded great. This is definitely their best show in many years, and I see no
reason why it won't be up there contending in a few weeks. Lots of minor things to fix and clean.
. .right in the thick of things.
Ty's thoughts: I thought their show was extraordinary in that they had many challenging
maneuvers for all the performers, and they nailed almost all of them. I thought the baton boy
was amazing, at one point he was twirling four batons at once and caught the high behind his neck,
not mention the several back flips and things he would complete before having to catch the high
baton. The guard had trouble with one of the shirts coming off when the guys lose their shirts.
However, the show had me engaged from start to finish, and this was one of the few shows that
forced me to jump up and scream.
All in all, a great night. I have not seen BD, but judging by their scores I see BD or Cadets
1-2, SCV or Cavies 3-4, with an outside chance for SCV if their guard can pull off that book, and
they generate the GE their show should receive.
Michael Bodine
Reading, PA (DCA)
ah Reading. Always fun to hang out down there. Seats were about the 40, about 4
rows from the top. sitting w/the Mignemi's was fun. represented was low brass,
high brass, percussion and guard. we covered it all.
I'll be honest i didnt notice a lot of guard stuff. as i wasnt doing an
official write up i didnt take notes.
LVK...nice strong start after the lil drum licks. Horns stronger since i saw em
in Lewisburg and definitely sound more than what they have, especially at the
big hits. Drumline definitely on fire in the opener....playing w/a level not
seen by this corps til now. The arrangement seems more fleshed out now, and
held my attention better...the hornline 16th note section was very clean.
Ending was quite strong and feet seemed to be much better here. Lento w/out the
mutes projected better and blended better w/the vibes. keyboiards do a great
job here. nice use of chimes in the scoring also. Build into the hit seemed to
die a bit but the brass recovered well. drum solo to start bacchanale was
strong, tho horns seemed tired. battery section features started good, but got
dirty. I appreciate what they're aiming for as a drummer, but the achivement
wasn't there until they ramed as an ensemble. backfield section was very cool,
built up to a nice hit. corps covers a lot of ground for it's size and doesn't
lose much sound. Overall their best showing to date, and they could be a player
when Denver or whatever suburb D2/3 finals are in rolls around.
Bush: Side note: Dena Berry, West perry alum, girl you conduct so very well.
Also Jerome, thanks for turning and waving when we yelled MAKE OUT.
Intro statement w/metallic laborlike sounds and body visuals by brass very
cool. Nice mysertioso build to New World Hit. 25 brass sounds bigger here and
surprised many. very strong low brass. Drum book best i have heard from Bush
since 94 and performed well here. drum break in new World was creative and
performed well for July, and brass re-enrty was strong. In fact whole corps was
strong thru the end of the piece.Amber Waves was not a Star rip off as most
are, but arranged well.Pit score seemed like it could have used more, but it's
early. low brass clearly a strength here. interesting perc scoring leading into
William Tell Overture. here brass, especially upper voices seemed a bit tired.
bass line very active here. maybe it was staging or where i sat, but leading
into the down section, the perc seemed to overpower them a bit. down section
seemed a little lifeless but picked up as drum solo kicked in. very aggressive
book with some mid season performance issues. I swear that one roll section was
from 93. bass line strong in the traditional Bush way. Bras re-entry helped
them gather some steam charging into the ending which featured some recap
moments musically and the corps ended strong. Clean up the drums and add some
horns, and this show will definltely make some noise come finals.
Hurcs: Make His Praise glorious starts strong, but brass seemed to tire after
intro statement. Corps does march better than last year at this time, but the
brass seems to struggle at the current tempo as a whole. Percussion seemed
better than last year. Maybe it's me, but tthe arrangement kinda drug. I'll see
again, so i may change my mind. Song ends strong, but with what follows, it
just seemed out of place. Gershwin section started off nice and bluesy w/a few
themes going on at once into a big hit. Off into Porgy and bess we go w/some
nice solo work. build into big bump n grind section alittle rough but the hit
itself was good, especially the sop work on top of it. sond ended
strong...corps has some power at slower tempos. Stand alone drum solo next, and
IMO, pit contribution wasn't very audible. aggressive battery writing
w/performance issues, but the intent is clear, until the ending which comes
abruptly. Ballad of Mariah...ahhh. well done but hit came kinda quick. battery
seemed to over power brass...may have been my seat tho. I still liked it...old
school Hurcs updated. Then...bottom bass kicks in. then you know it's Mag 7
time. arrangement very similar to great years gone by, and battery writing
enhanced the build nicely. i expected the sop solo leading into the big hit to
go quicker...lil drum brek there kinda lost me. But then, viola, nice Mag 7
push to the end, which seemed a lil flat...maybe a lil more oomph is needed.
All in all a nice lil show, but needs work both on n off the field. some design
issues getting cured could help a lot.
Sky: biggest corps in years. that's good. No tenors...not good. I do understand
they are on the way, which is good cause many times the battery book when
exposed seemed empty w/out em. cymbals in berets..well...didnt look like Sky.
Sorry Cecily, but that uni works w/either not headgear or a shako only. Onto
the show...nice build to hit in Rhapsody in Blue, but build to end of hit
seemed a bit weak til brass finally kicked in hard. fascinating Rhythm up
next....Screech did well here. Reminded me a lot of 90 Westshore's version.
Corps seemed at their best playing a swing feel here. Tune ends strong tho.
More Porgy, and it seemed to flat line a lil til it picked up into the Concerto
In F section. lack of tenors most noticeable in perc solo. Keyboard section
w/one extended run similar to the one in Guys and Dolls. When cleaned up this
will be incredible. I was hoping for the 93 backsticking underneath it. Tune
ended strong tho, and has potential to be really cool by finals when tenors are
in there. btw did notice guard here, and i liked em. I got Rhythm
section...wow, i swear Screech lifted the 90 Shore charts and blew dust off
from here til almost the ending. Not thatit's bad but i was like "OMG, i am
playing theparts from 90 and they fit". A Shore alumni near me looked over and
we both laughed. ( if you want the drum score call lol). Brass seemed to tire
after drum break, which when they get t there will be a nice powerful ending.A
nice recap ending helped the corps finish strong. best version of Sky, IMO
since 94.
Cabs: I'm always critical of friends, and i have many here. When i saw them at
the Harrisburg indoor show i was afraid they bit more off more than they could
chew. i thought it was too fast and too many notes, and i envisioned them
running like madpeople and performance errors galore.
I envisioned wrong.
The corps is better than this time last year in all segments. IMO the drill is
written smarter and looks tougher than it may really be. Sure they move, but it
doesnt seem like running for the sake of running. Show starts off strong w/pit
playing an extended triplet run that morphs into duple meter. corps entrance
was incredibly strong and battery book powered under the uni hits. right off
the get go, the bass line shows they'll be a notefest. No real ensemble issues
despite spreads and tempos. corps explores dynamics well in opener and shows
off all voices. hornline 1th note run thru the voices well performed for July,
and the corps powers the song home. Battery seemed to be having an
exceptionally strong night. Ballad started off very nicely with a nice blend,
tho i noticed a drop in power due to Bb. Mr Hawkins again shines, covering alot
of ranger w/outstanding quality. Build to hit seemed to be a lil rough
powerwise, buti think you guys were gassed. After that opener i would be. Pit
added nicely here, especially for impact. next sont( i dunno the names sorry)
the corps exploded uptempo and loud. battery was wailing away. Nice exposed
"guard solo" before the ending of the hit. Nice chance to shine for low brass
leading into drum break. Tenor line is sick, and so are basses. Oh hell, so is
the snares. bass break w/low brass was scary. Tenor and mid voice next and
again sick. i missed the snares i was recovering from the tenors. Nice build to
a halt and stop only to power to the call to bulls slow section featuring may i
say the CLEANEST open roll at a slow tempo i have heard since Bucs 2000 in
Jupiter, Snare visual added to the crescendo. Then the Rumps, kinda like last
year but embellished. bassline again a tour de force underneat....drum break to
full corps hit and screaming sop, then building back to the final statement,
w/Freeball himself screaming. this ending is a full charging, run and blast
ending and is cool.
My only complaint...it is here they choose to unveil the water drums. IMO, they
look like an afterthought, and many people missed them. The corps is going nuts
behind them......what made them work last year was they were featured, now
w/the chaos behind them, they seem like an idea that looked good on paper. When
and f the guard gets done and they have their unis, this corps will be on pace
w/Empire. Can't say about Brigs, won't see em til hershey. If the guard gets it
done, game on.
Bucs: Again strong intro to Festive Overture, esp low brass. perc scoring here
supports brass well. Nice job by mellos after the big hit, as well as pit.
corps marching a lot better than lewisburg. guard equipment holders/props held
equipment beter tonight, and usage as props seemed more defined. Perc seemed
either on or off, no in betweens here. The good was good, so when the not good
gets there, look out. noticed a snare w/a cast on not able to play but
marching. festive ended strong, but the upper brass holes become evident as
you can hear sops get tired. Ballad was very pretty, esp low brass. again you
could hear sops struggle due to the fact the few there have to work harder. Pit
ending very well done. Loved the into metallic intro to the 10th. felt like a
possible ensemble tear about to happen but it got back in at big hit. nice bass
break. nice tenor break. nice snare break. then as the corps goes into the
extended build section it seemed on the edge of a tear again. next perc break
had a few issues. brass re-entry seemed a lil weak, maybe they were tired.
Rifle/sabre toss down the 50 needs to be all rifle. you cant see the sabres
thru the props.Then the 5th. down beginning a nice feel, and the backfield
playing leading into when the corps turns around was good. sops again sound
tired, but give em credit they never gave up. Drum break here was performed
well for the most part. Nice build to the big hit and the retardando was well
done. corps strong at the big push and they finished the show strong. IMo, perc
a lil off. I liked em at Lewisburg, andi think the drums can be in the mix.
horn holes need to be filled asap to maximize that caption.
Surf: Ladies and Gentlemen, Elvis will enter the building. The beginning was
very veags feel music wise, but i expected more story telling visually. Gotta
love the open collars sticking over the jackets. DM's pimp daddy suit was a
nice touch. Opening statement strong, but can be stronger. Corps plays the
Vegas lounge feel well, and bass line does a nice job giving the walking 8th
note feel. Battery performs really well in their features here. Next tune
seemed a lil rough.In fact, IMO arrangement couldhave built more. the feel was
there, but oomph could have been bigger. The build up to Elvis and the curtains
was IMO too long, and kind of distracting. Pit however did a nice job of
playing to fill it in.However once the curtain is up and the Dm gets back up on
the box, you know fun is coming. From behind the curtain you hear the infamous
2001 theme, Elvis long time intro.. As the curtain opens, you have 100 Elvis's
looking at you playing away. Into Jailhouse Rock we go, and the horns doing
Elvis fance moves was great. Those kids had Elvis down pat.Elvis the Pelvis
move at the end was classic. When they kicked into CCRyder iwas dying....we
used that as a bus hype in Shore in 89/90. Horns did seem tired here, but no
one noticed...we were laughing too hard. Sond ended strong, and loved the Elvis
coming forward to uh sing err play Cant help Falling In Love. Nice seque into
My Way. Strong recap of CC Ryder/jam session ends the show. I was waiting for
someone to announce Elvis has left the building.
good show top to bottom. Rumors of Bush's demise exxagrerated. Sky definitely
imrpoved and hurcs can definitely hold their heads up once a few issues are
Bucs...fill the holes.
cabs...get the guard done. You're ahead of last year at this time.
Jeff Ream
DeKalb, IL (DCM)
a few quick points on a few corps... I only got to see the senior division, but
here goes.
It was a perfect night for a show, not too cold, and certainly not too hot.
Clear skies, and a great crowd.
Chops : Really cool show, we dug the heck out of it. Those guys look like they
were having a lot of fun. The DM had to be the most comfortable during retreat.
Govenaires: Really thought these guys just wanted to have a good time and play
in front of a great crowd. The DM interaction with the crowd was a good break
from all the hoity toity stuff going on in corps these days. Great job!! Nice
~ Side note. I did feel both these corps (smaller class A sized corps) were
much too spread out for thier size, which creates an almost automatic timing
tear. Try condensing the forms and it should help things out a bunch. My .02
Kilities: Loud, Loud, and more Loud. The older gentleman soprano soloist stole
the show. He was SMOKING HOT! Hearing Scotland the Brave touched our hearts, as
it is part of our ceremonial slow march medley. YEAH!
Renegades: I thought the run through during the day was better brass wise, but
intensity wise, I felt Saturday night was on FIRE! I am a huge fan of the Evil
crew, and though MBI was much cleaner, the Renegades were hyped, and it came
right through to the crowd who fed off it like a mouse on a crack rock. No, I
do not know what that means. I could have used a little more cowbell (Will
Farrell). The Renegades may not be the cleanest, but they will have that
Scranton crowd ready to mosh right in the stands! Love the 'rave' block.
MBI: What can be said except these guys are clean. The tenor line is damned on
fire, right from the first downbeat. This drumline could smoke alot of DCI top
12 lines IMO. I saw the show for only a few moments, then went out to greet a
friend in the 'gades. MBI is a contender, no doubt.
Afterparty: It was such a pleasure hanging out with all generations of corps
people. People sang songs, the beer was plentiful, the pizza was cold, and the
stories were fun. I have to say that my experience on a personal level with the
SF crew over the past few years had been great. Nice people, very hospitable.
Not to mention the red headed cutie in the pit. The Kilities were there as well
as MBI, and we all had huge laughs at how the cops herded us from one parking
lot to the next, knowing damned well we were just good people having an
innocently good time. Scranton cops should take notes.
Best of luck to all, and thank you DCM!!!!
Thursday July 8
Erie, PA (DCI Atlantic)
I am a Senior Music Education major at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. Trumpet
is my main instrument but I will try to comment on all of the sections of each corps.
I marched with Kiwanis Kavaliers in 2001.
Lake Erie Regiment- Voices at the Crossroads
This was the best show for this corps in the last couple of years. Nice performance
in all categories. Percussion and Guard being the strongest. This corps really
frustrates me. Erie could support a much better corps than this but they don't have the
financial support. To get the financial support they have to get better numbers and that
is not going to happen until they get more user friendly shows. The best high school
programs in the area are known more for their Jazz and popular music shows. I think for
a little while they should bite the bullet and program a show that will attract more
participants and get some better numbers. I don't know if Erie could support Div I but
the easily could support a solid Div II. Again though this show was a good improvement
over years past.
Kiwanis Kavaliers- Tonight
This show was slightly better for them than years past but it was safe. It was safe
visually and musically. They only had five or six mellophones which I strongly question
with the size horn line they had. There wasn't any middle voice to the horn section at
all. The show was pretty clean the design has some flaws though. At the end of the show
part of the drum line starts to play on garbage cans which could be cool. But they don't
really do anything with it. Once they get there they play for 15 seconds or so then they
rest for a while. It could be so much more effective. Some of the Brass arrangements
where questionable and could have been written more effectively. This show was just was
easier than the rest of the corps. They need to start to push the difficulty and see
what happens.
Glassmen- The Voice of One
No, this show does not work at all. It is boring the visual is very aggressive and
they move and play a ton but BORING. This show does not catch the audience at all other
than the 35 seconds of Appalachian Spring. The corps has good musicians and they march
well but there is very little for the audience to take out of the show. This show just
didn't work. Especially the guard costume thing at the beginning. I thought those
costumes where dumb and need to go. (Hopefully that wasn't something Martha Graham did)
Spirit-The Architecture of Life
I really liked this show. Not loved just liked. I think this is a good show for
Sprit. Horn line plays well as wells as the drumline. Visually they march with some of
the same technique as the Cavaliers. I am not sure if I liked such a profound knee
movement though throughout the ballad. They did it very well and it was quite uniform I
just found it distracting. They have a couple of nice park n'barks near the end. The
one write after the Great Lover quotes from on the town seemed a little odd and was
lacking a profound melody. Other than that I loved the brass book. I had them in front
of glassmen by a couple of points. Mostly for GE.
Carolina Crown- Bohemia!
This show was great. I see what people are saying about the singing and the poetry
section. The poetry bothered me more than the singing. I think the could do more with
some of the brass writing during seasons of love (A trumpet solo- like the gospel soloist
on the recording) to make it more interesting. This horn line plays very well. When I
heard what they where doing with mixing the popular music with the serious music I was a
little skeptical and they pull it of well. They had possibly the best feet of the night
with the least timing problems. Not sure if I like the soft ending but I guess it worked
well with the theme of the show. This overall is a good show though I am not sure how
much room they have to go with it. They could get caught by JSU and Crossmen.
Crossmen- Unity
Great music, great arrangements, great drill. But SLOPPY, DIRTY, MUDDY. They could
have had the best designed show of the night. But they had by far the worst feet of the
night which caused many problems. Their ballad could be great but there were some major
phasing problems tonight. Hornline can put out a ton of sound though it is a little top
heavy. They could use some more baritone and Contra sound. This drum line can really
lay down a groove to. They just can't keep their feet moving. The guard adds to the
show well and the closer is just killer and the Plunger feature in the opener was cool.
A couple of the brass solo sections in the closer seemed to be a little to busy to me but
could be cool if they get it clean. This show has no where to go but up. It won't happen
though unless they start to march better. There are bands around here that have better
feet (They aren't doing anything near that difficult but still have better feet) They
still should have been in front of the Glassmen though.
Boston Crusaders- The Composition of Color
This is a great show. I watched them run a visual rehearsal in the afternoon for about
a half an hour and was a little nervous about their performance because they had some
problem with their feet while marching to the Dr. Beat. At the performance that was not
an issue. I liked all of the show except for the ballad. It worked well if you don't
know the song it came from.Lauridsen's O Magnum Mysterium is gorgeous when sung but I
didn't think that Boston's Arrangement did it justice at all. Just my opinion though.
This show is well designed has lots of GE in it and the brass and percussion played well.
I tried to tune out all of the narration. This could fight for top five but I doubt it
more like 7th place or so.
My rankings:
1. Boston
2. Carolina Crown
3. Spirit of JSU
4. Crossmen
5. Glassmen
6. Kiwanis
7. LER
I am going to try to make a couple other shows later this month. Should be an
interesting finish to the season. If you where in Erie and agree or disagree with my
thoughts let me know at brentjohnson@adelphia.net.
Brent Johnson
Dallas, TX (DCI)
The weather was quite nice tonight, and we were very lucky to have great seats. Most of
the audience are Texas band kids and their directors. Groups get tickets by sending the in
the money and then having tickets mailed back. . .so you get no choice in the matter.
Somehow, we ended up right in front of the press box, smack dab on the 50. Not sure how
it happened, but I did not complain.
On to the show. . .
First off were the Troopers. It had been a long time since I had seen them live (2000 I
think), and after hearing so much about a resurgence here on the net, I was excited to see
their product. I enjoyed the design of the show; Chuck has done a great job on the
arrangements. There were some real nice GE moments, good integration, and it was classic
Troopers style throughout. Unfortunately, they do not have the horses to pull it off. I was
glad to see the staff gave the kids a challenging product, and hopefully in the next couple
of years they can look back and see how they have grown.
Southwind came on the field next. They looked huge performing after Troopers. I do not
like the new unis. . .way too much black. One thing I appreciated from this corps was their
aggressiveness. Maybe that has something to do with their association with MDBCA??? Anyway,
they had a show that seemed like it would be a lot of fun to perform. A lot of visual mud
though. . .lots of forms not hitting, and some almost collisions. Guard was nice, but the
color scheme was somewhat offensive. Too much lime green. . .and not basic enough for me
(if that makes sense). I enjoyed them and thought they were better than at this time last
Next came Capital Regiment. I remember their New World show from last season and thought
it was nice, but beyond that really did not come into tonight with any preconceived ideas or
expectations. I was very impressed with them. This is a corps we should be seeing contend
for a finals spot in the coming years. They had a very rich sound to their horn line, and
the visual design was nice. I hope they keep the staff in place and keep the kids coming in.
This corps seems to be headed in the right direction.
My wife and the other director I was with had asked me to predict placements prior to the
contest and I told them more than likely it would be in the performance order (last to first)
and the only possible switch would be with CR and Magic. I was right on. I am not sure what
is happening with Magic, but after what I saw and heard tonight, it makes me think a lot of
the off-season rumors might have been true. I hope not, but I was kind of in shock. The show
design itself is not that bad. . .the crowd seemed to enjoy it and relate to it well for
obvious reasons. The performance of the product however is an entirely different story. It
honestly looked like they had started learning the show a few weeks ago. There were a lot of
simple things that were very dirty. . .like foot position in holds, horn angles, tons of off
step and muddled forms. This is not at all the same Magic that came back with such force the
last 2 seasons.
On to the field marched the Bluecoats. They were received well since Texas seems to be a
second home for them, and it was announced they march 15 Texas kids. I have always thought of
the Bluecoats as a jazz oriented corps with a lackluster visual program. I was never really
able to enjoy them visually until about 4 or so years ago, and it seems they improve in that
department each season. I had heard an early season recording of them and was not too
impressed. With that said, let me just state that the Bluecoats were AWESOME! This is by far
the best Bluecoats show ever, IMO. Not only were they very clean, but they sounded great, and
the show is designed very well. I honestly thought they might have been a bit closer in score
to the Cavies. There has been discussion about who will be the next first time top 4 corps.
If Bluecoats continues with shows like this, then they will be the one. I was floored and so
was, it seemed, the crowd. They received a rousing standing ovation at the end for a great
Last tonight were the Cavies. They have once again a very solid corps, strong in all
sections. I was not sure how it was going to work out with them doing Bond, but I enjoyed it.
There are some downfalls with them this season, IMO. The integration and cohesion that they
have been able to achieve the last few years is not at the same level. Even with the new
ending, it was not certain when the show ended. It took a few seconds for the crowd to realize
they were done. I guess after reading so much about this late ending added weeks into the
season, I expected more. The other director and my wife both said it best when they were done.
. .the gist of it was that even though it was clear Cavies were cleaner, emotionally Bluecoats
had a decisive edge and the show they performed brought the crowd to their feet.
I will see Cadets and SCV on Saturday and hopefully get a better read on things at the top.
If what I have been reading about those two corps is true, along with BD's big scores, I don't
think Cavies will contend. They are of course a top 3 or 4 corps this season, but I don't feel
like I saw a world championship show tonight. I did feel that way when I saw BD last season
here in Dallas.
It was a great night of drum corps and I am very much looking forward to Saturday.
Michael Bodine
Wednesday July 7
Broken Arrow, OK (DCI Central)
It's 1:30AM and I'm a little tired but I thought I would let everyone know how I saw
the Broken Arrow, OK show before I hit the sack. First let me say, very helpful and
courteous staff at this show. Very nice stadium, wish it had more concession stands
TROOPERS 63.85 - This corps should make semifinals this year. Bigger corps than
years past, but still a little small, great arranging and brass sound, good percussion
and an improved color guard. I really love hearing Magnificent 7 and Taps at the end
of the show. Very well planned and arranged show.
SOUTHWIND 67.25 - Love the new corps uniforms, didn't like the guard uniforms, but
overall a great looking corps. Nice brass book and solid percussion performance drove
this corps tonight. They have a very nice sound and the arrangement of Music from the
Mummy sounded great. Great job brass and percussion arrangers. SW had a nice looking
color guard that knows how to spin. Clean up some lines in drill and stop the drops
and bad catches in the guard and this corps can move up. Great job members.
MAGIC OF ORLANDO 68.70 - I've heard good and bad about this corps and after seeing
them for myself I believe they can move up with some hard-core cleaning. This corps
has a great show, good brass book, solid percussion book a guard that could knock your
socks off if they can get their act together, but poorly written visual book. The brass
seem to be rushing through some parts and it made it sound not so good in places. The
feet need to be clean along with some reworking of drill. The color guard needs some
work on catching equipment and timing, but they can be a great guard with some hard
work. This corps has a good foundation, now they need to get down and dirty and build
the rest of the house and once finished and cleaned it will be awesome. With some
cleaning and reworking they can move up. Oh by the way, loved the walk the plank part
of the show along with the drunken pirates scene.
CAPITAL REGIMENT 72.05 - Great sounding corps and I really like the uniform. This
is my first viewing of this corps since they began back in 1999. They have a really
nice arranged musical book and a good looking visual book that should take them into
semifinals this year. I really liked the opening trumpet choir and drill work, and the
music of David Holsinger is fitting this corps perfect. The color guard uniforms were
a little too bright for my taste with the bright lime green in the opening section.
Overall a great corps and a great performance tonight.
BLUECOATS 80.80 - Love the large, talented and awesome color guard. This guard can
spin and move. Nice drill integration with the guard and corps. Nice loud, solid sound
coming from this corps. Their Mood Swings show had a lot of people in my section grooving
and bouncing during the swing/jazz/groove section and everyone standing by the end. Great
performance tonight by the Blooooooocoats. I think they will end up in 8th or 7th place
in Denver. Defiantly would see again.
CAVALIERS 85.55 - WOW, This corps is the king of visuals and movement. The Cavies
have an awesome show that has everything in it. The brass book is well written and
performed well. The Cavaliers can get loud, but can play musically. The percussion book
is written and performed like a champion. Solid, fast, and aggressive in parts is all I
can say about this great drumline. They are now starting to add little visual enhancements
to the show and it's some jaw dropping, fast moving, take a double take visual book. Love
the color guard costumes and this guard knows how to spin and move. This corps is really
starting to make the James Bond 007 look come to life both musically and visually. My
friend said looks like the guard is performing magic out on the field because they way they
handle flags and rifles. I really liked the flag designs. Wonderful show and performance.
They crowd loved every moment. Standing O at the end. This corps is #1 or #2 in Denver.
Well, I didn't stay for retreat so that's all I have to say. Until next time when I
check out the D2 and D3 corps in Oklahoma City on July 29th and 30th.
Oklahoma City, OK.
What a great day for drumcorps it turned out to be yesterday! Sunny, not too hot, a
little windy, and no hint of rain.... My wife and I arrived in Broken Arrow at about
3:30 and tailgated by ourselves in the parking lot to eat our turkey sandwiches that we
brought from home... mmmmm.... turkey.....
We then headed up to the stadium to watch the Cavaliers' "clinic" (practice). During
this practice, there was a camera crew that showed up from one of the local TV stations.
They waited till the Cavies did a full run-through to film anything (or so, that's how it
looked to me...). The entire time the news crew was there, I was thinking, "Man, I just
KNOW they're gonna call this a "band".... grrr..." but then, I thought what difference does
it make? What's in a name, right? (Please let's not flame Jeff for this...). I will go into
detail about the Cavies show in their part of the review, and since I saw them the most, I
will have more details about their show than others.
The mayor's "rousing" proclamation- The mayor of Broken Arrow got in front of the crowd
before the show started with his proclamation in hand. After about 30 "Wherefores", and
"Whereas" (how would you write that in the plural form?) he declared July 7th, 2004 as Drum
Corps International Day.... in Broken Arrow.............. whoopee. I did think, "So, are they
gonna have a parade today in honor of Dan Acheson, and put him up on a float?....."
Before I go into the actual show, I want to warn the casual reader. I "give away" parts
of the shows and things that happen in them, so if you don't want to know, please stop
reading now....Also, I tried to get a count on each of the corps, but my count may not be
accurate, so keep this in mind..(I know, kind of defeats the purpose...)
TROOPERS 11 pit/19 perc/17 guard/40 horns/2 DM- 6th place:63.85
I was looking forward to seeing the Troopers, as it had been a couple of years since I
had seen them. In the opening set, the corps in on side A in a "swirly" form. As the opener
begins, they bring this form forward, towards the 50. As this is happening, the snares are
double-sticking. They eventually come forward to provide a big impact. In their ballad, their
are horns, in groups of four, forming squares, and they rotate clockwise while playing. In
"Rodeo/Houston", there were many visuals going on that were interesting, and added GE. During
a park n' blow section, the whole corps put one leg out as a visual, but a few of the members
forgot to do this...maybe this was just added? Later in their program, (I think it was during,
"Riders in the sky") the snares where "monkey-sticking", which was neat... After the "fake"
ending, they marched towards side B's endzone, playing "Taps". The horns made a circle around
around a lone guard member. As the guard member raised his flag dramatically, the horns
crouched down, and "struck a pose", as the percussion, which was in a half-circle to the left,
took their hats off, and bowed their heads as they leaned. Surprisingly, there was no "SHOOP!"
to be heard...(I'm joking, because this final form reminded me of Cavaliers' 97' show ending.)
The troop looked like they were marching 3 holes, but I could be wrong. They were pretty loud
for their size, especially when they park. I attribute this to the G bugles...An enjoyable
SOUTHWIND 11 pit/25 perc/31 guard/53 horns/2 DM-5th place:67.25
The first thing that struck me about Southwind was how large they were this year. It looks
like to me that they have added a few members since last year... The second thing that struck
me was their uniforms... big improvement. Here are some highlights... In the opener, the
percussion is "pushing" a snake of horns, giving the snake movement... at the end of the
closer, the corps forms a large block and they "make like the Cadets" with a "meat-grinder"
type move... lots of movement, but not real clear right now (give them time...) In the
percussion feature, the pit? brings out some tambourines and starts playing them on the field,
near the sideline... later during this same feature, the quads and bass drums are on side B,
and the basses put down their drums, grab a stick, and walk up to the side of the quads and
start playing one of their hands for them.... very cool... It reminded me of Cadets 2000 with
the horn players....the crowd ate it up. I could tell the crowd reaction excited the corps,
because there was a baritone that was overblowing during the park and blow section shortly
after (again, give them time...) In one section, the corps trades-off a large run of notes.
This was a little dirty, but not terrible. Later, the corps is playing backfield...as they
turn to face front, I expected them to let us have it (with a ritard...), but they didn't... I
thought they could add some GE by doing this, but I'm not a show designer... At one point in
the show, the corps makes an "anch" in the the drill....Looked like they were marching 2 holes,
but who knows?... Crowd enjoyed them... If they can add some more GE, they will be great!! Oh
yeah, the guard is MUCH better than last years... good job, guys (girls..)!!
CAPITAL REGIMENT 11 pit/16 perc/23 guard/58 horns/2 DM-3rd place:72.05
The first thing I did with Capital Regiment was yell for Brandon!! Those of you who are
regulars on the sound machine know what I'm talking about... A note to color guard
instructors/designers... Please stop with the ugly colors!! They hurt my eyes!! Capital
Regiment's guard starts and ends in lime/neon green (part of the uniform, not the whole thing
like Cavies last year...) Highlights: After their ballad, the lower brass, whom we had not
really heard that much till then, just crank it up, and take over for a little while... that
was nice... Their best GE moment of the night came during the park n' blow section ("Scootin
on hardrock"?) As the show started, and they started to play the doxology, I didn't really
care for the arrangement. Later, they reprise the doxology, and it seemed like a better
arrangement than before, but similar...My personal opinion is that Capital Regiment had
southwind beat individual-wise, but Southwind had Capital Regiment beat in ensemble music,
but I didn't see the recaps... Not much crowd reaction for this show...
MAGIC OF ORLANDO 11 pit/17 perc/28 guard/62 or 66 horns?/2 DM-4th place:68.70
Next was the Magic of Orlando, with their show entitled, "The Warriors, classic cult
movies gone bad..." Just kidding... (If you see their guard uniforms, you'll see what I mean,
as I thought they looked like the warriors..) I digress... Highlights: In one part of their
show, the guard holds up this large "plank". On top of it are a guard girl and guard guy.
They don't do much up there, but try to keep from falling off. I thought they were playing
"king of the mountain" at first.... At the climax of the music, the female guard member falls
backwards off the end of the plank and splats on the field (no, they caught her...) This
reminded me a lot of Magic's 94' show where at the end of their ballad, the guy gets wrapped
in cloth and is pulled/falls backwards off the box.... Now, when I first heard of the show,
and later when I saw the guard, I thought, "Hey, like Madison Scouts' 97' show..." well,
during one part of their show, the whole guard grabs these large, clear jugs of water, and
starts to walk onto the field with them... I thought, "great, a direct rip-off..." BUT, they
make it work for them. A horn member is seen marching "drunk" during this piece, and at the
climax, the guard throws the water EVERYWHERE ALL OVER THE FIELD... it's like a water
explosion!! In short, it worked... crowd ate it up, including me... The thing that pissed me
off about this show the most was nothing to do with the corps itself, but during the ballad,
it seemed like everyone in the audience had to talk!! VERY ANNOYING!! The guy to the left of
me started talking, then the guy to the right of me started talking, then the guy BEHIND me
started talking..... People, SHUT UP!!!!! I would have said something to the gentleman to the
left of me, but he was a newbie, and he was an elderly gentleman, and I believe you should
always respect your elders... even if they drive you nuts.... so, my solution to his
talking?.... I switched places with my wife, who was sitting to the right of me.... not
solved, but better.... I digress again... All in all, Magic seemed a little "off" tonight,
although it's my only viewing of them this year, so who knows? But, the crowd really enjoyed
them... If they can clean up the drill and some playing issues, they will have a "real" crowd
BLUECOATS 10 pit/22 perc/36 guard/59 horns/2 DM-2nd place:80.08
I'm surprised to look at my notes and see hardly anything written about the Bluecoats...
I think this is because I was so busy enjoying their show, I didn't write down as much..some
of the things I remember: GUARD-Thank you!!! What a great guard (besides the uniforms)!!!
They were the first corps to not have any "ghastly" colors in their flags... The hornline
looked kind of small on the field... reminded me of Crossmen 97.... One part of the show took
the crowd's breath away...you could literally hear the crowd "GASP!!!" when the guard hit a
unison part in a large diamond in the middle of the horns...awesome. I also remember their
GREAT soloist. This guy is cookin!! He's out front of the hornline, with lots of attitude....
go get em!! Some really great park n' blow sections, which the crowd really enjoyed... you
could tell the crowd was in to this corps... The only disappointing part of their show was
the ending, which kind of fell flat.... If they put a better ending on this show and clean it
up, they will be a real crowd favorite!!
CAVALIERS 11 pit/19 perc/34 guard/64 horns/2 DM-1st place:85.55
The Cavaliers have another great show this year. I was worried when I heard they were
playing music from James Bond films...and the last three (the WORST three..)? Anyway, fears
have subsided, as I have seen for myself that they have it all under control... The opener has
the hornline and guard kneeling to backfield, as the contras start playing, they rise and do
the "sliding lines" move from 90, 91, 98, etc... to form a box around a single guard member...
this happens in the lower-left of the form first, then in the upper-right of the form, all
while the pit is snapping their fingers to the beat...they continue to the impact point, and
as they hit the impact, the corps is in a diamond form with the guard in a diamond form above
and to the right... as they play, the guard meshes with their diamond... at the end of the
opener, the corps is in a block near the sidelines. After the "bing, bing, bing...." by the
xylophones (listen to the APDs to hear what I mean...), they do a visual where they crease
their hats and throw that arm down.... very cool and funny..crowd loved it... they then put
horns up immediately after and snap to the backfield as they start pulling parts of the block
out to form other smaller blocks, eventually forming a linear form, like a "V" on it's
side.... sidenote: It seemed like in this "V" that there were two holes... it was like this
for the clinic each time they did it, and for the night show, so it's designed that way....
just wondered why they didn't just make it completely solid.... Next, during the percussion
feature, they have a "gunfight" between two horn members on side B, on both sides of a
horizontal line... the horn players act like their horns are guns as they run to the opposite
end of the line (from the right side to the left)... also in another part of the percussion
feature, the hornline forms three solid circle forms, arranged like a pyramid..... the guard
is in a linear circle around each solid circle, with flags around one circle, rifles around
another, and sabres? around the other.... as the corps plays a lot of notes, passing it
between the circles... (again, listen to the APDs...) During the third piece, Jeff Fiedler
came out on the field, mic in hand, and proceeded to sing "Goldfinger"!!!! Okay, that's not
true at all. Just a joke, people!! Really, though, during the third piece, the percussion is
in a circle near the backside of the field, side A, and the hornline is spread out in a large
solid form.... as the pit whistles the James Bond theme, the hornline does the "wavy" drill
from 98 or 2000's shows... the percussion circle continues to rotate and move towards the
audience, picking up hornline members along the way.... very strange..I'll have to see this
move at the end of the season to truly appreciate it... later in the piece, after they
transition to a samba-esque feeling, the hornline is in a circular block near the sideline...
the members of the hornline start to "fall off" of the circular block in "rings" starting
from the outside, and moving in... as a trio of sopranos wails..... as they finish, they
stirke a pose...During the fourth piece, the guard is in a large circle on side B while the
hornline is in a horizontal, rectangular block form on side A.... as the hornline moves the
block, they do the "compression" move from 99.... at the end of this ballad, the corps "hums"
(no amps) to close... In the fifth piece, the hornline forms a large solid block form on side
A, as the different sections come in to play parts of the melody, they are rotating and moving
lines in all sorts of directions... they finally wind up in a solid block form near the
sidelines... they then quickly turn to the backfield and run into a giant triangle shape....
then, they invert the triangle ala 89', as they do some visuals with their hands and arms,
making a "gun" and shooting it... In the closer, they form a large company front, slightly
bent as they hold a note, then they snap to backfield and run into a large "H" pattern on side
A, near the endzone, but the "H" does not have a "crossbar" on it, so, essentally, two
parallel lines are formed... as they hit this form, they hold another note as the front part of
the "H" is facing forward, and the back part of the "H" is facing backfield.... they then
proceed to RUN...I'll explain... groups of two or three horns break off from the very front
and very back of the "H" at the same time... this happens as the "H" is floated to the right...
these broken-off horns RUN up, inbetween the paralell lines, and as they meet in the center,
they form a block rectangle as they move slowly out of the left side of the form.... this
continues until they exhaust the lines.... they wind up center field, near the sidelines, and
there looked to be a lot of running drill, similar to 89 and 90 during the percussion feature
for those shows... they wind up with the majority of the hornline in a large, spread out block
form near the sidelines, with some horns in a linear square form just above them with a lone
guard member in the center of this square... clearly they are trying to tie the ending to the
beginning, which I understand, but the ending kind of just fell flat. What do I think? I think
the ending is not done yet. I think we will either see something added after this current
ending, or this ending replaced by something more exciting. I asked someone on the Cavaliers
staff who was sitting near me if the ending was done or not, and he answered, "I don't know....
I don't know anything about that, I'm just a truck driver...." D'OH!!!!
RETREAT!!!!!! (run away, run away!!)
For retreat, they had 98 High School percussionists come out and play the corps on the
field. They played ONE piece, and the stupid thing got stuck in my head (think "Go Take State",
but not quite... anyways, they announced the scores, which I posted above in my review....
I was a bit surprised to see such a spread between Capital Regiment and Magic of Orlando...
I thought it should have been a little closer than that, but one of the judges was one of the
Czapinskis, so..... JUST KIDDING FOLKS!! (not about Czapinski being a judge here, as he was..)
Again, those of you who frequent the Soundmachine's website will know what I'm talking about.....
maybe. Anyway, thanks for reading my review!! I hope I didn't offend anyone, although these
days, I'm sure I said SOMETHING to offend SOMEONE... let's hope not...
Jeff Gray
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