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2003 Drum Corps International
Show Reviews
As posted to R.A.M.D. and submitted to Sound Machine
Page Eight of Reviews
Listed are the dates and the show site, the reviews will be filled in, if and when
they are available or submitted. The following reviews are solely the opinion
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Saturday August 30
Scranton, PA (DCA Championships Prelims)
A little background info first.... been marching since '60, played
with DCI, DCA, parade, and Mini Corps... as sop and mello.
Shenandoah Sound - 12 members total 7 brass 1 perc 2 guard, 1
dm...nice to see a new corps out there... everybody exposed
(obviously)... best player was lead mello, did the smart thing with
show- had members play within their limits... welcome to DCA...
Sunrisers-much better than I expected, big sound from 15-16 horns...
nice to have you back.
Heat Wave-... show projected lots of energy...particularly in perc...
largest guard they've had...were scored correctly.
Kilties... any other year they make the top 12... much better than
Syracuse 2001 .... definitely performing at a higher level.
Carolina Gold.... if they continue to progress at their current pace
...look out!!!...excellent sop soloists... big brass sound.
SKY...marching best in a lonnng time...sops had "sky of old" sounds at
times ( a good thing).. nice to see marching battery... hold on to
this crew and build, and good things will come...
Corpvets... extremely talented... scord low in my opinion... knocking
on top 5 door soon... powerful brass, solid perc...much improved
Hurcs..saw them at Reading...was bored...Wow! most improved corps
since beginning of season... sop soloist -excellent!!
Grenadiers- when I heard they were playing Pat Metheny, I thought
..."oh no not another one"...Well I was pleasantly surprised.. fresh
treatment of music.. and a dyamite perc line....
Bush- much improved since reading, except I still think somthing's
missing, one of the corps that i thought was scored too high...
Renegdes...Holy Bleep!!!!! liked'em last year...loved them this
year... in forty plus years of marching have never heard a lead sop
line wail like this...sounded like 10 MAYNARD'S IN HIS PRIME...what a
sound! drill's been upgrraded...perc hot... seems like they were on
for 3 minutes..my favorite corps of the day...
Reading....Outstanding perc... marching very good..brass holding its
own... scored correctly...
Minnesota Brass... Usually one of my favorites.. I was slightly
disapointed today... normally outstanding lead sop line sounded a
little thin.... marched well.. I predict with day of rest they sell
the show and move up Sunday...
Empire.... Alway fun to watch... this year though I thought they were
down a bit talent,and excitemet-wise.In brass,..the sop soloist is
simply outstanding....thanks for an entertaining program.
Cabs....On Fire!!! Held my interst from start to finish... have no
weaknesses.. unless they really fall flat Sunday night...the title
moves back to NJ!!
Syracuse...Love the musical selctions (I played Tommy in '73, and
always wanted to Play Chase)... that said as good as they are (and
that's excellent), they;re coimng up a little short excitement-wise...
could prevent them from repeating...
All in all, the best prelims show I've seen in years...
Good luck to all Sunday....RCC
(note... havent looked at recaps yet... all thoughts and opinions are mine. i
refuse to be abused for feeling as i do)
ahh, prelims morning. Got to the stadium alittle later than i wanted to, and as
a result, sat on the 45ish, about 15 rows up. weather looked threatening, but
at least at the outset started off in the fans and corps favor.
First up Shenandoah Sound... 9 total members, playing a list of
great drum corps charts. hornline, for their size, projected well... lead mello
player wailed at times. percussion, what they had of it was well used. Unsure
about the two props which sat off to the sides, but they did help shrink the
field for the corps. guard work seemed a little unsure at times, but all in
all, a great showing, and gutsy...many corps wouldnt go out there atthat size.
my hats off to them.
Sunrisers... what a great moment to see this corps back on the field. i saw the
orange and got misty. and, nice show to boot! hornline had some power, and the
snares played very well. Basses seemed overpowering at times, but played well.
Pit, not in uniform, didnt play a lot but played well when they did. guard
performed well, and made me think back to Sun guards of old. and hey Glen, you
looked great out there! great way to return, loved the music, and i cant wait
to see you back next year.
Heatwave...... fun show and congrats! drumline again played very well, and the
brass sounded better than past years! latin section... or pit as it were... added
great fun to the show. drill also looked bestter than pervious years. Vic, how
true you were... welcome to Pennsylrainya! thank you again for coming north and
congrats on another class a title!
after the break(after 3 corps????) we're back for open class...and mother
nature doesnt look so friendly.
Kilties...... first off. congrats for performing in that hurricane and not
suffering any major issues. loved the show... upgraded in many ways since i last
saw you. i had a hard time seeing you by the end of the show...my glasses
needed wipers, and i am sure you had issues out there. drill more modern than
in past years, tho needed more velocity. percussion book... loved the scottish
feel in the snares. performed relatively well, tho you could have used one more
bass to balance out the sound. pit performed ok, except for a timing issue or 2
towards the end front to back on the hits. all in all, a great showing. the
only thing that could have helped you more was a trip east earlier so prelims
wasnt a first read.
Carolina Gold..... some years you wish 13 could get in. Such a huge improvement
over last year. beefed up size wise and the book was a blast... one cant go
wrong playing stuff from City of Angels. brass had some power and two great
screamers, and they didnt distract from the rest of the corps. percussion line
had some really nice moments, and played some serious meat. forgot to notice
the guard sorry.... the drumline held much of my attention.
CorpsVets. rain part two...maybe worse than during Kilties.
ok time for a joke at Duane's expense. the unis look like Madison this year.
they came off the end line like Scouts do. and Duane is Madison
alum... conspiracy? lol
seriously, great show. big step up from last year. corps moved better and i
loved watching the guard perform... they had so much fun out there. the purple
unis offset the corps nicely. hornline had a great sound, and power when
needed. drumline better and hey Andy.... our talks last year paid off eh? Worm
helping out could not have hurt. IMO, i had you closer to 90, but you made the
big show with your best show yet.I look forward to seeing it in dry conditions.
Skyliners..... many wrote this corps off for dead. I know at Reading i was
concerned. glad to see no need to worry. The NY sound is alive and well. a very
young drumline came a long way and what a pit! Sean, Mark great job! Hornline
had some great moments, esp in the ballad. drill, while not as demanding as
some, was performed well. Loved the old Skyline flags in NYNY, as well as the
old Skyliners flags up front. NYNY was goosebumps.... from your "oh yeah" to the
crowds reaction. the wedge... Konga..... pure Skyliners. gret job!
Renegades...... ok, i may come off biased here. but really, two words sum it all
up.... 'F#@$ ME" Ladies and gentlemen, California has a kick ass senior corps to
go with the juniors. Huge step up from last year in design and execuion... yes,
they were still loud, but they were quality loud. just seeing the mass of black
come on the field was impressive. the dm unis... one in white leather, one in
black leather, and one just in black fit the concept. opening brass hit woke
everyone up in the NEPA region. guard unis worked well against the mass of
black, and some quality work.... nice field coverage too. Opening move of
crabbing by the horns worked well under the Halloween groove, and the build to
Russian was so tasteful. drum line can groove and shift gears to major wail at
the drop of a dime. Russian Xmas.... what can be said. it's been done well so
many times, and you just added to it. Matrix.... way too cool, and design wise
one of the most creative things on the field. the mello effect w/the negaphones
was way too cool. what a full corps groove going on here. Loved the body visuals
from the movie in the drum solo under the bass run.... reminded me of 93 but cooler.
seriously cool and fit the concept. Pit... wow! holy toys Ed! legos, the
renebike(yes!) and quality parts. battery played very well, esp tenors(jan hyped!).
big step up from last year. Niner Two.... first off the dm on the box conducted
two meters at once. the dm on side 1 went with the right hand, dm on side two went
with the left. OMG i noticed a DM. corps handled the odd meters fine musically
and visually. some very tasty stuff in this tune, and it allowed for wailing too.
tasty drum licks, esp tenors. the repirse back into Matrix ending was well set up,
the corps hopped like moshers and blew the house down. loved the extended pause
for screamers too. this show ladies and gentlemen, was by far the funnest thing i
have seen in a long time.
Hurcs.... i missed you guys. due to the earlier rains, as well as the lady
behind me continuously dumping her umbrella on me, i was drenched. i did see
you from a bad spot, so while you looked to be very on, i'll comment on finals.
Quick run to buy dry clothes, i finally met Lee Rudnicki (thanks for the gift
lee) and Christine and i got dry t-shirts from the renesouvie table. what a
great guy. love him, hate him, the man is pure genkus.
Grenadiers.... Huge step up from last year. huge, young drumline. Note to drum
staff.... this line needs to be kept together. they remind me of Shore in
89... young and hungry, and with talent that in time will cultivate into a
monster. Metheney show was well sone... again tough to live up to great version
past, but you did it. Mr Abates drill for the most part was smooth and flowing
and challenged the members. Hornline has nice sound, and the guard unis worked
well with the yellow corps unis. perc line played well, tho there were some
issues.... i expect better at finals. Only issue i had with the show was in
First Circle..... when the tempo jumped i felt there should have been movement
to add to the tension, then the hold while you wailed out the end. but in all,
your best show, IMO since you came out in what 95?
Crusaders...... new direction worked well for the corps. great well known
classical tunes, and well played and marched. brass line, as expected from DA's
touch had the perfect blend of control and power. when the drumline was on,
they were on, tho at times they knew it and to me, seemed to overhype and lose
the moment. temporary issue i am sure. i could tell it was a Stodd
line... matched grip, but a controlled matched grip. loved the purple flags.
oh... jingle trees needed more jingle. but in all, great new look and
sound... way to go Cru!
Bush..... huge improvement... loved the warmup with the cd played over the long
ranger. nice use of a&e lol. hornline was on a mission, no pun intended, and
they delivered... such a well rounded sound. percussion, last years issue IMo
took a huge step up... kudos gang. guard was a show in and of themselves, esp in
the big block pass thru. also loved the rocket launching portrayed. in other
years, this show was top 4. this year, too may dogs in the house. regardless be
extremely proud of your effort...... it was well received here.
Bucs.... except for what seemed to be a tear in the opener, well performed.
brass line had some raw power, but the 8 sops held you back a little bit.
drumline played very well, and also had a great visual moment when they "buried
the sailor" at sea. guard carried the nautical theme off very well, and the
costuming was genius. another show that in other years, could have done very
well. add 10 horns this year and it would have.
Minnesota..... damn, you guys look like Westshore, and i mean that in the most
flattering terms possible. May i also say your drumline plays like them too.
show seemed a bit flat in the daylight, but well designed. the whole corps
handled the latin feel well, and featured all sections to the max. visual design
was definitely up from last year. percussion line... forget it. few could play
that book as well. i dont know where you placed at prelims but it had to be
close to the top. that snare split roll was so tight if you didn't watch hands you
wouldnt have realized it. Ballad was very well done, and loved the mallet effect
used by the snares and toms. Hornline had the right blend of power. one more
corps lost in the dearth of quality corps.
Empire.... How you guys found the will to perform today is beyond me, but as
someone who taught there alittle bit in 2001, i am proud of your toughness.
David, it was heartbreaking to watch you fight to keep it together. to the
whole Empire family past and present, my hearts went out to you.
Then the show! Someone near me called it Joey pero and his friends,
but it was a lot more than that. well thought out show, excellent use of the
broadway motif. loved the singing/drum lick trade offs... seeing DeFazio do
drum speak was worth it. the tap dance was also well done and fit the show.
color guard had some awesome moments and nice use of the props to show them
off. Joey was on fire on sop, and he had a mello issue but recovered well.
drumline did very well.... nice musical book. tenor line was especially on. i am
sure finals will be an even better show, and more emotion to boot. thank you
guys for keeping it together on a day that had to be painful beyond words.
Cabs...... one week after the big showdown i didnt know what to expect. nervous?
wad blown the week before? overhype? What we got was controlled, tho a touch
flat.... but well performed. Toughest drill in DCA hands down... at times maybe
too much velocity but well performed. guard work was much cleaner today and i
loved the brigther flags. Curt was on as always. drumline.... a ton of notes.
Maybe 4 or 5 too many in a few spots, but running like you were and playing that
notefest gets you props just because. bassline is a total scream, and IMO the
best in DCA this year and many others. ballad is a true tear jerker. For those
who say its a gift to Jimmy, sorry this corps deserved every tenth. looking
forward to seeing it under the lights.
Brigs............. tough act to follow after Cabs. yet you did it well.hornline
full of pwer and gobs of technique. drumline, when exposed played well, tho on
the move the book seemed a bit calmer... not a bad thing, but may have hurt on
the sheets. guard performed very well. Tommy was exactly what i
expected.... loud, clean and fun... maybe a bd knockoff, but so what? the tune
rocked. ballad was a truly touching thing to see and hear... best of the year i
think. Get it on... what a screamer fest. loved the Tommy references in the drum
feature. only thing i can see hurting you is the lack of velocity in the show
visually. again, i havent looked at recaps, but i can think upstairs that had
to hurt. dont fret tho... one more day to go. and if you dont pull it off, be
proud of what you have done. 2nd is not a bad thing, i've been there.
Off to the hotel and a quick nap, then I&E. great location. only complaint is
not enough people working the food and beer lines. oh and not enough beer.
Stu... what a job in I&E... made up as you went and 5th place... if you hadnt had
the drop who knows! Alisha, sorry i missed you hun! and that little blond from
brigs rocked. Bush loved the brass ensemble. saw some cool pit ensembles and a
few cool bass lines.
Crunchy Frog...... well. i cant explain it all. i do know Glens son stole the
show. Lee's Star Trek uni was funny. the chicken was riot. the cavies guard
person had me crying. Alisha had THE END on um... her end. Glen gave us an ECW
moment by doing flying elbow onto his trash can. DQ'd for illegal
instrumentation? lol. who cares. it was a riot to watch and Woobie, i want
mini corps... wow. gets better every year. Erie was on fire and gave an encore.
Renegades also wailed and Murray on set...good god! loved where he paused to
bring his bass back towards him. Poots were funny and Ghost Riders also did a
great job. Socal was well done... I tried to call you VKG... argh. I didn't know
who won til the next day, but i didnt care.
Line of the night from one of my band kids who came up to i&e..."Crunch Frog
was odd. Can we do that for indoor?"
Enough about Saturday. Sunday's review to come.
Jeff Ream
Saturday August 23
West Haven, CT (DCA)
This is my first review this year, and I won't be attempting to
comment on every corps -- just some highlights -- and strictly IMO!!!
The weather for tonight's show was perfect. The high temperature for
the tonight could not have been higher than the mid 70's. It simply
could not have been better! The guards were having a little of hard
time because of the wind and yet still managed to have a good show.
The crowd was huge and responsive to all of the corps performances -
including the exhibitions.
89.638 Bushwackers
79.813 Hurricanes
78.150 Skyliners
66.163 Sunrisers
Comments on selected corps (sorry, just a few-- I arrived late):
94.388 Caballeros - ""From Hawthorne New Jersey please welcome the
Hawthorne Caballeros""--wow! Wow! Crowd goes bananas! MY, OH MY, OH MY!
Cabs threw down the gauntlet tonight! They laid it on the line and
just went for it. This was the absolute best Cabs performance I seen
this year. They did an incredible job tonight - rock solid in every
caption. Just simply awesome! The control, dynamics and execution were
simply beyond belief. The Soprano soloists were all just
incredible - gorgeous and controlled sound! El Toro Furioso! Was beyond
furious! What a #@$^%$#$%$# mellophone line! If you want to hear some
crazy parts just listen carefully for the MELLO FURIOSOS! Horns!
Sopranos! Baritone! Contras! Dynamics, balance, control, and
execution! Yes it was all on my face! Yes you guys got it all....well
done job. The guard was without a doubt the best on the field. I have
not yet seen the caption awards, but if they did not win best guard,
some judge deserves to be shot. The drum line has more general effect
and music written in than ANY corps in a while. Theses guys are
running all over the field. The arrangements of this incredibly show
is awesome!
verall this show definite contrast within itself, the guard is good,
the horns are incredible, and the drum line is En FUEGO. Theses guys
are hungry! And they let you know from the minute they hit the field.
I can I simply said, "CHAMPIONS!!!!"
p.s. their performance of PRAYER, made some lady next to me cry.
92.863 Brigadiers - had a solid performance tonight. The horn line
really sounded terrific, as did the drum line. However, they need more
demanding visual program and the excitement level just was not as high
as it could have been. The performance was not flat or bad- just not
cranked up as high as the competition. They might have been psyched
out by the huge response Cabs got, or perhaps it's just my read after
being energized by Cabs. I most say I was quite disappointed, I was
excepting a more musically and visually demanding show.
90.350 Buccaneers - what a performance! Good job tonight. The more I see
and hear this show, the more I like it- it's simply beautiful.
Overall a great night for drum corps! Brigs and Bucs as usual were a
class act! Both corps played a selection of their program for Cabs
after a well deserved victory! Can't wait to see theses corps again at
Scranton next weekend! To of you all best of luck next weekend!
Ruddy Brito
Erie, PA (DCA)
With the excitement of DCA championships weekend in full swing, I
thought I'd post my review of last week's Erie, PA, show for
everybody's enjoyment...
My only senior corps show of the year. The first time ever I will
watch the Empire Statesmen live. A senior corps show within a two hour
drive of Cleveland. On top of all that, the Erie Thunderbirds as the
host corps!
I arrived at the stadium around 6:40 PM and immediately ran into Jeff
Gibbens, his family, and some members of the T-birds. After a round of
hellos, I made my way to the stadium ticket booth. Before I could even
get in line, "Poopsie", another T-bird and commander of American
Legion Post 11 in Erie, hooked me up with a ticket almost right on the
50 yard line. Thanks for the excellent vantage point!
After entering the stadium, I ran into Annie and Woody Woodhams, who
were selling souviniers for the Statesmen. Annie and Woody are my drum
corps Mom and Dad. I've stayed at their home many weekends for
Statesmen rehearsals and shows and they are two of the kindest and
most incredible people I have ever known. That is why it was my honor
and privilage to ask Annie and Woody to represent me as my mother and
father when Rachel and I marry in December. They accepted, so my
evening was already complete.
My seat was indeed a choice location. I was on the 47 yard line on
side 2, three rows up in the upper section of seating, perfect blow
zone location. The weather was beautiful, with sunny skies and
temperatures in the lower 70s, perfect weather to perform in and watch
the performance, as well.
The show started with the presentation of the colors by a combined
honor guard and a saxaphone duet of the American and Canadian national
anthems. With only four corps performing in competition, there was a
group of exhibitions before and after the competitive portion of the
show, starting with the Erie All-City High School Marching Band. This
band is made up of members from the four Erie high schools and
performed selections from City of Angels (a la Madison Scouts
1991-1992). The band only had drill for the opener and did not perform
their closer, but it's very early in the marching band season, so I'm
sure they'll improve greatly.
The first drum corps performance of the night was by the Danville
White Sabers. The White Sabers are a parade and exhibition corps from
Western New York. Sporting new uniforms (very nice looking, by the
way), the White Sabers performed drum corps favorites like Malaguena,
Georgia on My Mind, and When Johnny Comes Marching Home. A very
entertaining group and well appreciated by the crowd.
The competitive portion of the show began with Shenandoah Sound from
Sterling, VA. This is Sound's first competitive season after a decade
of parades and standstills, as well as many appearances at DCA I&E and
Mini-corps competitions. This corps reminded me of the Marion Cadets
of the mid-to-late '90s as they only had seven horns, two
percussionists, and two colorguard. The horns more than made up for
their size with their sound, as every member of that hornline plays
his/her heart out. Sound performed selections from Gettysburg, Jesus
Christ Superstar, Danny Boy, We Beseech Thee, and Oh Happy Day.
The Kingston Grenadiers came next, with a very entertaining
performance of music from Pat Metheny. The corps began with an opening
fanfare from Minuano, followed by Third Wind. the drumline comes in
front of the pit for their feature, with the snares playing on
suspended cymbals and tom drums to either side of their snares. The
ballad Dream of the Return softens the mood before leading into the
Metheny classic, First Circle. The crowd was definitely into this
show, feeding off the high level of performance energy from the
Grenadiers. While there was dirt musically and visually, this show is
a definite must see in Scranton next weekend.
The Empire Statesmen come into this weekend before championships as a
definite contender for the title, having spent the season within 1-2
points of the front running corps. Their show of 42nd Street is more
Broadway production than drum corps show, with a street scene
beginning the show, a large backdrop of lighted Broadway show signs,
scat vocals, dancing, flash and panache. The corps begins with a New
York fanfare, played backfield until the final chord, which rips the
face off all the audience members. The title number from 42nd Street
comes next, with sections of the hornline tapping and moving their
feet as they play the melodic line of the piece. The drum line is very
strong, especially the tenors, who get a strong reaction from the
crowd after their portion of the drum feature. I Only Have Eyes for
You is the ballad, with the backdrop changing to backstage as the
guard members change into sparkling blue and silver outfits for the
closer, Lullaby of Broadway. The hornline, while only 44 members
strong, are very tight and have a strong, powerful sound. This is
championship caliber show performed by a championship caliber corps.
As Bob Scott, the announcer for tonight, loves to point out,
Rochester, NY, is home to TWO finalist senior corps, Empire Statesmen
and the Rochester Crusaders. The Crusaders have made a major change in
programming this year, going with an all classical show of Sheherazade
by Rimsky-Korsakov, The Swan by Camille Saint-Saens, and Danse of the
Bacchanale, also by Saint-Saens. Personally, I doubted that this
switch was a good idea for the Crusaders, but they have proved me
wrong. The music is very well arranged and very entertaining to listen
to. The drum line performs with high energy and is improved over the
past few years. The drill bothers me, however (why are sopranos out
around the 10 yard line during the final push of Bacchanale???).
Overall, I see the Crusaders moving up from their 9th place finish of
With the competitive portion of the show completed, two more
exhibition groups came on, giving the tabulators plenty of time to
figure out the scores. First of those groups werethe Pipes and Drums
of the Erepa Grotto. This pipe and drum band performs regularly in
Erie and the surrounding area and has earned many awards in
competition. The band has also performed multiple times with the Erie
Thunderbirds, leading to their invitation to tonight's show. I have a
soft spot in my heart for the sound of bagpipes, as my grandmother
loved groups like the Black Watch from Scotland, so I really enjoyed
the Erepa Grotto tonight.
Closing out the performances tonight was the host corps, the Erie
Thunderbirds. As always, Jeff Gibbens, Tommy Davenport, and the rest
of the T-birds blew the stands down with the brand of old school drum
corps and showmanship. The Thunderbirds will be returning to DCA
Mini-corps competition next weekend with a show of music from Maynard
Ferguson and look to defend their 2002 title, as well as their 7th
Mini-corps title.
The results from tonight's competition:
Participation awards to the Erie All-City High School Marching Band,
the Danville White Sabers, and the Pipes and Drums of the Erepa Grotto
High colorguard: Empire Statesmen
High brass: Empire Statesmen
High percussion: Empire Statesmen
High visual: Empire Statesmen
1st place: Empire Statesmen 92.163
2nd place: Rochester Crusaders 87.038
3rd place: Kingston Grenadiers 81.725
4th place: Shenandoah Sound 57.650
The contest concluded with a combined performance by the Erepa Grotto
Pipes and Drums and the Erie Thunderbirds of Amazing Grace.
Kevin "Gadget" Gamin
Saturday August 9
Orlando, FL (DCI) Division I Finals
Every year, my family and I have given a review of the corps at Championships.
We usually do this at semi-finals, but opted for finals this year. Each of us
tries to limit our comments on each corps to just a few remarks, commenting on
what we liked or didn't like, or overall impressions. In order to provide a
frame of reference for the comments made, here are our backgrounds in drum
corps. I marched from 1978 to 1988, and have been to Championships every year
since 1978. My wife is deaf, and she has attended Championships ever year
since 1993, and she attended in 1991 as well. My daughter is 11, and she has
attended Championships every year since 1996.
SPIRIT - 84.4
He Said - A very solid and entertaining performance tonight. I thought the
show was a bit cheesy in spots and the design was bad in the closer, but the
overall show was very enjoyable.
She Said - They have a nice nostalgic show. The cymbal line was really neat.
And the Little One Said - They were great! I liked the flags and the drill
where they make the clock and the hourglass.
Magic of Orlando - 85.6
He Said - They did an outstanding job tonight. I love that horn line! The
show design is excellent, and the performance in all captions was great.
She Said - Their show is very pretty and very entertaining. I am happy to see
them in the top 12. They are always one of my favorite corps.
And the Little One Said - They looked like they were having fun. They did a
great job. I liked the flags and the music sounded so clear.
Crossmen - 86.9
He Said - They had a much better show this evening. They were really energized
and did a great job of performing; however, the horn line tone quality got a
bit rough at the end of the show. I didn't think they moved up over Crown.
She Said - They did a nice job. They did a nice job of using different colors
throughout the show. Their guard was a little disappointing - not as good as
in the past.
And the Little One Said - I liked how the guard puts on different colors, and I
like how the drums jam on the rack thingies.
Carolina Crown - 86.65
He Said - They had an absolutely fantastic performance tonight! The guard was
incredible, and the drum line was truly awesome. This has to be one of the
best designed shows on the field tonight, and the corps did a great job of
performing it.
She Said - I really liked them. They really performed their hearts out, and it
looked like they really wanted to please the crowd. What a color guard!
And the Little One Said - I really liked the songs, the new uniforms, and the
costumes. Oh, yeah, and the guard was great!
Madison Scouts - 89.1
He Said - There were moments in the show when the Madison of old was in your
face. Unfortunately, the moments were few and far between. The show design was
a disappointment. The performance was great. That horn line can play - I just
wish they played louder. Several of the soloists cracked tonight, but the
overall show was still performed very well. The drill and guard were major
improvements over last year.
She Said - I was very surprised. It was not a typical Madison show, but they
were much better this year. Their show was really fast paced - they were
really flying at times. I think the new uniforms are ugly.
And the Little one Said - I liked the beginning where they run in line and
throw a man in the air. I liked the flags and the guard dancing, and they were
MUCH better than last year.
Bluecoats - 90.75
He Said - Another excellent show from them this year. Once again, they have a
terrific horn line and guard that really did an outstanding job tonight. I
could have done without the theatrics trying to sell the Capture and Escape
concept. The rest of the show stood on it's own - the theatrics added nothing
in my opinion.
She Said - WOW! I really liked their show. The guard uniform colors really
contrasted nicely with the corps uniforms. The show was really fast paced. I
loved how it builds at the end.
And the Little One Said - I liked the flags and the drum line and the music.
The music was a real toe tapper.
Boston Crusaders - 90.95
He Said - What a fantastic performance tonight. They were really on. This was
one of the more entertaining shows on the field in all respects. The guard had
a few problems tonight, but they were not major detractors from an awesome job.
She Said - I really liked the opening to the show. It was very interesting,
and really caught your attention immediately. I hated the pink flags in the
middle of the show. They do not fit at all. I liked the end of the show when
the guard tosses their flags over the horn line in succession until the last
flag in the center remains.
And the Little One Said - Their show was excellent and the music was really
exciting. I liked the guard because they were awesome, and I liked the drill.
It was cool.
Phantom Regiment - 94.75
He Said - I love this show. The musical selections are my favorite of the
year, and the arrangements are fantastic! The horn line is powerful - loudest
of the night. The guard did not have a very good show tonight, but the rest of
the show was fantastic.
She Said - They did a fantastic job. The crowd clearly loves them this year -
some of the best responses of the evening. I do not like the all white
uniforms. I wish they had all black again.
And the Little One Said - They were really, really, really good. I can't stop
singing the music. The flags are really boring because they are all the same -
just with different colors - and it's not even a cool flag. The guard dropped
a lot tonight.
Santa Clara Vanguard - 94.7
He Said - They were on fire tonight. What a performance! They should not have
dropped a place tonight, but should have widened the spread over Phantom and
closed the gap on Cadets. I absolutely LOVE this show!
She Said - The color guard did not do a good job tonight. There were several
drops. The drill was really fascinating - very fast and clean. The cymbal
line was really cool.
And the Little One Said - They were excellent. The music was really loud and
weird. I liked the beginning how the music switches from side to side. The
colors were really pretty.
Cadets - 97.1
He Said - They performed a lot better tonight, but visual execution was
probably the worst of the three nights. Forms were not clean, bodies were
bouncing, intervals were scary. But they performed the snot out of the show.
The guard was amazing and the drum line was tight. The show design is good,
but doesn't knock your socks off. The horn line sounds like it runs out of gas
at the end, because they are spread out from end zone to end zone - and don't
have the power to compensate.
She Said - Their color guard is simply awesome! They have some really neat
drill moves, but all of them were re-hashes from prior years. Otherwise, the
rest of the show didn't really do anything for me.
And the Little One Said - They were really good tonight. I liked everything.
But Blast does that one song a lot better.
Cavaliers - 97.25
He Said - They did a fantastic job tonight! There was no comparison to
quarterfinals, where they almost fell apart in the opener with the massive
phasing side to side (score and placement in Quarters was a huge gift in my
opinion). The entire corps was performing their hearts out, and really got
into the show. The crowd was very responsive, which cranked up the energy
level even more. Awesome job! They deserved second place based on execution,
but their show had the best overall design on the field, and was the most fun
to watch in my opinion.
She Said - CHAMPIONS! WOW! This show is visual eye candy. They have
everything. The show is very entertaining, and I simply cannot believe how
fast they move. We can stay for the encore if they win.
And the Little One Said - They were so good - they were all fired up. I liked
the guard costumes and the white man's groove part, but I didn't like the
flags. The arrows were kind of ugly and they were all the same for the whole
show - boring!
Blue Devils - 98.8
He Said - The performance and execution in all captions was fantastic - the
design leaves much to be desired. The music gets old after the second
listening, and there is once again not all that much musical development - just
a lot of snippets and repetitive phrases with the occasional melodic line
thrown in. It's practically minimalism. It's not a bad show - just not a very
good one in my opinion. Honestly, I think they have the worst designed show on
the field tonight, but clearly the best performed show - thus, earning the
first place finish.
She Said - The color guard was incredibly good. They dance really well. The
drum machine part was kind of cool, but the drill was really boring. If it
wasn't for the guard, I would have fallen asleep.
And the Little One Said - I don't like the flags or the costumes. The drums
and the horns were really good. I just really didn't like their show. And I
REALLY didn't like that gross part in the opener where they play the really
gross sound thingy. They should be in last place.
Here is my review of DCI finals.......
Spirit.... another fine show.... really sold musical book, which worked well, and
they were competent in all segments.... I felt score was a bit low...general
judging statement; it is not necessary for judges to "hammer" the first corps
or two on in finals, and it is ok for there to be less of a spread from 12th to
first if the performances warrant it, even less than 10 points from 12th to
Magic... another fine performance... brass played well, percussion
competent... good drill.... show has some strong impacts...
Crossmen..... drill seems a bit tame compared to other finalists, and they
didn't execute well in places...some ensemble playing seemed a bit
insecure... good horn impacts, though, and some fine jazz phrasing later
on.... crowd loves ending....some tasty percussion..brush work cool... I actually
felt both Spirit and Magic had stronger programs tonight......
Crown.... hornline plays with fine quality, and the coordination in this show
was excellent.... arrangements much better than last year, with some fine
impacts... some fine guard work and competent percussion... I felt they should
have held semis placement.....
Madison.... visual programming is no longer an issue, and they performed
well... not my favorite Madison music book, but they still showed some strong
impacts and serious range demand...... drumline had some demanding stuff.... I
felt they should have been 7th above Bluecoats due to superior demand and
Bluecoats.... had some strong impacts, and their forte was strong execution in
many places.... drumline played well, but book a bit safe compared to other
finalists.... arrangements left me wanting more in places....
Boston..... fine show, arrangements, and coordination, which sold to the
audiece.... drumline really getting there...... some minor execution/quality
issues in brass, but a full sound.....
SCV... very difficult show with great coordination...... brass struggles with
quality in opener, then improves...big impacts and they play with emotion and
sell the program.... drumline can hang with anyone.... a better brass performance
level throughout would make them a serious threat.....
Phantom.... they saved their best for finals.... tremendous brass sound and
impact..drumline not shabby, either.... perhaps could have a bit more visually
which would put them right there in the hunt.... I had them a strong 3rd.....
Cadets..... stellar performance level tonight..... drumline smoked (and
won)..... brass played their tightest job of the year..... still could have used
more impact at the end of Malaguena and Rocky Point, but it was still
effective. I had them in 2nd tonight.
Cavaliers.... opener worked well..... had some minor timing issues at places in
the show, both individual and ensemble..... evident in some slight phasing in
the feet.... baris lost control when they attempted bigger impacts... musically,
the show goes downhill after the opener, and effect was almost exclusively
visual. The visual book is top shelf, but musically after the opener is an
afterthought.... I am puzzled that they beat Cadets (or Phantom/SCV) in music
effect, and they can thank that judge for keeping them in second, as without
his number they were 3rd..... I had them in 4th tonight........
Blue Devils...... tremendous performance... hornline is stellar, drumline not
totally razor, but a tough book well played... visual very tight and staged
everything well..... sold the show.... incredible range and dynamic demand
handled... champions...
General.... God again intervened and cleared the weather in time, and boy it
wasn't good that day...... good crowd...... Marines gave good prelude show, and
played some traditional stuff well for the corps to march in to for finale....
Well, after getting back from Orlando & re-couping, thought it was time to share
my thoughts on Finals week & the season. I'm going to combine all 3 nights of
Division I competition into this one review, so hang on - it will be long.
For reference, I marched with Black Gold in 1990 and also taught & toured with
them after that. I also started college as a brass music major, though later changed
that. I've also written some drill in the past, and in terms of what I'm most
knowledgeable about it goes like this: Brass, Visual, Guard & Percussion, in that
order. Percussion is the one area I know very little about.
This is my 15th Finals to have attended in a row, and I'd have to rank it in the
top third of that grouping, weather aside.
Pioneer -- First, Kudos to Pioneer for a remarkable improvement in performance
quality over 2003. Drill was not stellar, but was a huge step up from last year.
Brass & Percussion were also solid & clean. The show itself was not overly memorable
EXCEPT for the color guard. The guard uni was hideous. They looked like construction
barrels & were just about as visually interesting & impactful in the show. Pioneer
used to have fairly large & respectable color guards. I wonder what has happened?
There are many Div II & III guards out there now with bigger numbers & better
programs. I wonder what has happened. Pioneer, IMO, needs to seriously think about
stepping down to Div II next year.
Troopers -- In a testament to the strength of the Div I competition in 2003,
Troop was about 100% better in 2003 than in 2002. They actually came across as a
competitive corps this summer. They were far, far better than just 2 points ahead
of Pioneer, but the gap in front of them was about right. I really liked this show.
It was a nice update on Casper traditions, with a solid drill (best I've seen from
them in a long time) and some accessible music with western flavor, but not throwback
tunes. The horn line was young, but put out a nice full sound. The guard, while much
improved from 2002, is still the weakest link in the corps. This group is definitely
headed in the right direction -- and just might be a sleeper for Semifinals in Denver
next year. I love the new unis & hope they pull it off. On another note, is it really
fair for Pacific Crest to have bumped Troopers out of DCI membership status (top 21)
when PC is not a full time touring corps? I don't think so. Go Troop!
Southwind -- Another quality show that was better than last year's product but
bumped to a low placement due to the bar continuing to be raised. Musically, I really
liked the book. The brass line was powerful, but did not always have a nice sound.
Drill was a step up from last year, but still way behind the SemiFinals corps of this
year in terms of demand and effect. Color Guard was very hit or miss in this show.
They had some beautiful, impactful moments such as the gold double flags in the ballad.
They also had several points where they did not add to the show (the curved gold poles
were a big dud & way over used). I'm still waiting for this group to deliver on the
promise they showed in 2000, and I'm beginning to wonder if they will. Perhaps the
turmoil in the MSDBCA hurt S/W more than it did Madison? Or perhaps it's the presence
of 2 more new mid-south corps (Memphis Sound & Eklipse) that is hurting them.
Kiwanis Kavaliers -- While considerably smaller this year, Kiwanis took a huge step
forward in 2003 from an execution perspective -- at least in brass, percussion &
marching. In all 3 areas they were clearly better than Southwind. A nice, clean show
that reminded me in several ways of the old Dutch Boy style. The beattles music did not
do much for me, though, and the guard did next to nothing that added to the show in my
opinion. This show, to me, was like the lite-pop Adult Contemporary station you find on
the radio. The show could have benefitted from a bit more up-tempo, on edge parts to the
brass book. Too much mellow music for my tastes.
Capitol Regiment -- This show is an enigma to me. There were parts I really liked,
and parts I really didn't. I thought the drill was picturesque and innovative in places,
and muddled and uninteresting in others. The same goes for the music. The strength of
the corps was definitely the color guard, and congratulations to Cap Reg for taking
their guard program to such heights in such a short time. It was only a few years ago
that their guard was tiny & an after-thought! Musically, not my favorite arrangements,
but the show did grow on me as the year progressed. The grouping of Pacific Crest,
Capitol Regiment & Mandarins was indeed very, very tight. I think the judges got it
right, though. Mandarins had more demand & PC had more GE.
Mandarins -- You've got to admire this gritty little corps. Every year, they bite
off a huge chunk of demand, and by finals week they pull it off. The show was rough
around the edges as a result, but had a lot of nice moments. The show was very much a
Glassmen/Phantom Regiment greatest hits show, and the Steppes & Bachanalle parts of
the show were very effective. The color scheme in the guard was wonderful. Just a very
well thought out & designed show -- reflected by strong GE scores. With just a little
bit better execution, they would have made Friday night's show. Definitely the best
Mandarins show ever, in my opinion -- as well as the largest. I would love to see them
keep growing & moving up!
Pacific Crest -- Well, it can be debated as to whether or not the corps should have
made Friday's show, but they were definitely right there with Mandarins & Capitol
Regiment and I had just as much difficulty seperating the 3 as did the judges. I think
the guard made the difference for PC - both individually and in terms of overall impact
to the show. The cubes were nice & used very effectively. The corps was not as clean as
either of the other 2 in their grouping, but was more impactful, IMO -- agian thanks to
the color guard.
Colts -- A nice year for Colts, especially musically. Unfortunately for them, the
rest of the "finalist" caliber Div I corps have passed them by from a show design &
impact perspective. Without such a solid hornline, the Colts would have been in jeopardy
of even making Friday's show. Color Guard in particular has taken a big step backwards,
from both a design & performance perspective. You can't compete for Finals when your
color guard is in 20th place! The drill design, IMO, was also a weak point for Colts. I
miss the big, wide-open drills Colts used to do. Musically, the show has some nice
impacts, with the ballad being a nice highlight.
Seattle Cascades -- In many a year, this would have been a top 12 show. The
competition was just too tough this year & Seattle did not have the spark & execution
to push them over the edge -- with the exception of their wonderful horn line. That was
a very meaty book played by Seattle -- and they played it very well. The show was a nice,
sophisticated latin style. I thought the drill was a step back from last year, and not
executed as well either. In the end, I did not think their color guard measured up to
last year's edition -- or that of those above them in placement this year. Still, great
to see a very solid show from this corps & I hope they come back with another great crew
next year!
Glassmen -- Ok, this group still sells a T-Shirt that says "Sill Bored?" I want them
to add a giant YES underneath it. Glassmen had a solid set of performances in Orlando -
and in the past probably could have placed as high as 10th. But they deserved to be no
higher than 14th in Orlando. The hornline has definitely regressed this year, and did
not match the improvement rates of other lines during the year. I absolutely hated the
color guard program, all the way down to the uniforms. Visually, the corps marched
pretty well (much better than Blue Knights or Spirit), but it wasn't enough. The final
missing piece for Glassmen was the disappearance of what has been a top 6 caliber drum
line over the past 6 years. Not up to that standard this year & with a grouping so tight
between 10th & 15th, that could have made a huge difference. I really, really hope this
will push Glassmen to go in a different direction creatively.
Blue Knights -- I was very surprised that Spirit edged them out of finals, as I felt
BK had a much better performance on Friday than they did on Thursday. I liked this BK
show the most I have liked a BK show since 1998 in Orlando (I still love that show). The
music was haunting & memorable. A nicely designed & executed color guard show as well.
In looking at recaps, it was their brass score that cost them their finals spot, and I'm
not sure I agree with that. The had a strong horn line with a well balanced, dark sound.
Look out for BK next year in Denver. I'd be shocked if they don't roar back into finals.
Definitely 2003 was best BK show of the past 3 years.
Spirit of JSU -- OK, we all knew it was coming. For weeks I'd been saying that that
Jim Ott Flag was bound to come out during Semifinals -- and sure enough -- there it was.
Kudos to Spirit for saving it for the Let it Be Me tag for the end -- keeping an element
of suprise & setting up a wonderful GE moment with great goose bumps. I guess that flag
was worth about a point and a half? (SMILE). Whatever the case this was a nice show. It
seemed to be the least progressive & innovative of all the top 12 shows, but a very
solid hornline carried this corps in my opinion, and never got enough credit from the
judging community. Visually, the corps just does not march that well. They LOOK like a
college marching band out there. I was a bit surprised -- but not necessarily
disappointed -- that they made Saturday's show. I hope they take their visual design &
CG up another level next year, or they may not be so lucky next year. After all, a Jim
Ott flag will only work once.
Magic of Orlando -- Man, did this show come a long, long ways this summer. I was not
sold on it in Louisville, or even in Denver. But by Finals week, they obviously belonged
in top 12. I enjoyed the music book, even though it was a bit relaxed & lacking in up
tempo & intensity. I actually really enjoyed their version of Mass and found it to be
very "Florida-like" if that makes any sense. By far the best color guard Magic has EVER
had -- with terrific performance & flag work to compliment some very nice silks. This
corps has such a terrific uniform & it gives them a very clean look on the field --
accentuated by their very nice marching style. Highlights of the show for me was the end
of the opener (very exciting) & also the neat drill towards the end of the show where 3
cymbal playes keep a line that other groups keep hitting as the corps keeps morphing
across the field (very cool once you catch it). I just pray that they work out their
finanical issues and are here for the long haul. While it would have been almost
impossible for this edition to live up their 2002 show, I did really enjoy it & it's one
of those shows I want to keep seeing again.
Carolina Crown -- Hard to argue with their placement, as I thought their performance
actually peaked in Quarterfinals. In none of the 3 nights did Crown's spectacular guard
live up to their performance in prelims in San Antonio -- with several drops all 3
nights. Still, this is a guard and a show to be cherished for a long time. As I've said
before the hangover from YEA is definitely history. This show brought back the old Crown
that I know & always loved. A terrific, memorable drill & wonderful music made this a
complete package. With better execution musically, this corps could have challenged the
6-8 pack. In the end, it was horn line that cost them 9th, but still -- by far the best
horn line from CC in a long time. I hope, hope, hope that those young kids (this was a
very young corps, making what they did even more awesome) keep coming back to Carolina.
If they do, they could be only a year or 2 away from top 6. And I LOVE the new uniform.
Way to go Crown. One of my favorite shows of the year. Just brilliantly designed.
Crossmen -- As visually stunning, exciting and innovative as Crown was, Crossmen were
just the opposite with a been-there, done-that, unispiring visual show (which was not
marched well either). What saved this corps was a very strong music book & performances
from their horn line & drum line -- and I agree with them moving ahead of Crown on that
basis. The judging for both corps was pretty much dead-on, in my opinion. Crossmen had
their best show of the week on Saturday, and got rewarded for it.
Madison Scouts -- Madison is back -- back to their middle of the bottom of the top 12
status. Not yet back to top 6 caliber. But -- I wouldn't count them out now! It's amazing
how much this corps has improved in one year -- and especially in color guard. I did not
like all aspects of the guard's program, as their was way too much attempted-macho
preening that was not fitting to the show, but this group had many of the same kids that
were there for the 2002 meltdown. With a better drum line, this corps might have been 6th.
If they can keep escalating their visual design and find a drum line, we could have a
legitimate top 6 again sometime soon. We'll have to see. Musically, this was a nice show,
with vintage Madison impacts, yet designed very freshly. I still loved the moment at the
end of the ballad when the bright 2003 flag comes out to transition to the rest of the
show. Very simple, yet very, very effective. And -- I LOVE Madison's new uniform. It's a
great step forward for them and I hope they keep it relatively intact.
Bluecoats -- Maybe Blooo's best corps ever, but certainly not my favorite. I would
definitely have 1995 and 2001 over this edition from an enjoyment perspective. While the
concept was neat, there were parts of the show that seemed to drag on. I'm not sure why,
to be honest. What a nice rich horn sound this corps puts out. Can we say Texas talent?
Color guard seems to be the weakest link in this corps now and will need to be addressed
if they want to move higher than the 6-9 range. Another uniform (though old) that I
really love & hope that never gets changed.
Boston Crusaders -- I just love the intensity the kids in this corps put into their
shows, year in and year out. I wish that translated into more power by their horn line
though -- my only quibble with this year's edition. I did not agree with the huge score
the corps got in Semis & thought the Quarters & Finals scores were more on target. Another
nicely designed, beautiful ballad from Cru as well. I do wonder where this corps goes from
here, though, and I think next year will be very telling to see if they can move on and up
in terms of design & innovation. I hope so. I've really enjoyed Boston the past 5 years &
3 top 6 finishes in four years is a terrific accomplishment.
Santa Clara Vanguard -- VANGUARD!!! Wow, did they work the hell out of this show this
year. I thought it was "neat" but not overwhelming in Denver, but by Finals week, they
really worked hard to sell this show. The amount of intensity & energy in this show was
unmatched by anyone -- anyone -- in DCI this year. I didn't even have a problem with them
beating Regiment in Quarters & Semis. That said, they peaked in Semis & their Finals night
show was not as crisp or clean. Some of the last major drill moves were very sloppy & it
took the wind out of the sails of the end of the show. That cost them 4th, in my opinion.
Still, this has to rank right up there with 1989 & 1990 in terms of the level of
performances out of the entire top 5. The gap in score between SCV, PR & the top 3 was far
too large, IMO. Both SCV & PR should have been in the mid 96 range. Where will this corps
go musically next year? I hope in a new direction. While I liked this show a lot, I'd like
to hear something more "beautiful" from SCV next year. We shall see...
Phantom Regiment -- 3 words -- Oh, My, God! Was this corps special or what? One of the
best music books I've ever heard. I will admit my bias towards Regiment, absolutely. But
-- my one big gripe with judging throughout finals week was the brass caption. This corps
should have been first or 2nd in brass -- and no worse. To be only 2 tenths ahead of SCV &
behind Cavaliers & Cadets was crazy. At least they finally got some of the credit they
deserved in Ensemble Music on Saturday night, but again, that score was low to me.
Musically, from GE to Brass to Ens. Music to Percussion, this corps was absolutely
stunning. Maybe their best musical package ever, and that's saying a lot from a corps
that's given us shows like 87, 89, 91, 93 & 96. Visually, the corps was much stronger than
the past 5 years -- and that allowed them to return to the elite top 5. They were the
weakest of the top 5 though in visual -- both in design & execution. They just didn't have
as much demand or things going on than their peers. While the guard was beautiful in the
opener & closer, they got lost in many other places. The choice of guard uniform was poor.
Particularly weak to me was the design fo the guard's show during the Lord's Prayer.
Unbelievable musical moment, but less than memorable color guard impact. The piece was
screaming for something much bigger & more impactful from the guard. That said, all visual
opportunities were trumped by astounding musical design & excellence. Were they 4th overall?
Debatable, but ok. BUT -- not by the margin the actual scores gave us. The show will live on
in my mind for a long, long time, and the end was just an incredible rush. So many, many
memorable other moments, too -- the booming low brass entrances in Wild Nights I, the
percussion wedge, the haunting, aching opening notes, I could go on & on. This was a show
that was over before it even started, or so it seemed. Up one place each year. Is 3rd next?
If they continue the visual improvement to match their music (and please, please, please
hold on to Paul Rennick, Regiment!!!), it's quite possible.
Cadets -- Cadets were robbed. Based on Saturday night performances ONLY, they should have
beaten Cavaliers (I'll get to that). 3rd on Thursday & Friday? Yes. Saturday? No. While not
innovative by any stretch of the imagination, this was a solid, solid drum corps show. VERY
VERY clean, and lots of excitement. The corps marched as well as I can remember, with a nice,
demanding drill to boot. I thought the closer was the weakest part of the show. While the
rest of the top 5 were cutting edge in different ways, I found Cadets to be predictable,
vintage drum corps. Nothing necessarily wrong with that, though, and I enjoyed their show.
Cavaliers -- The Green Machine definitely peaked on Friday night. I will say that I
enjoyed this show more than any Cavalier show since that wonderful 2000 Niagra Falls show.
Musically, this one was just much more interesting than 2001 & 2002. What was missing was
quite the same level of execution. I thought a couple of noticeable tears musically near the
end should have cost them 2nd. Otherwise, a genious of a show design, with nice highs & lows.
The ballad was haunting. Congrats on a very succesful year in my eyes, Cavies! Now, please,
please, please bring back a real music book next year.
Blue Devils -- In a league of their own on Finals night. Interestingly, I actually thought
that Cavaliers were better on Thursday & Friday. BD just out-executed everyone this year. And
that color guard? One of DCI's best ever. Wow. Also, by far the best, most demanding drill
ever attempted by BD. In fact, I still stick by my assertion that they may have had the
hardest drill of any corps this year. That's not saying it was the most impactful or
innovative -- but they really flew this year -- with terrific technique & control. Musically,
this show was very strong, but I found it more interesting earlier in the year. Not sure why.
Definitley deserving of first place, though.
Here were my thoughts by caption & a few other things:
Guard -- BD
Brass -- Regiment
Music Ensemble -- Regiment
Percussion -- Cadets
Vis. Ensemble -- BD
Visual -- BD
GE Music -- Regiment
GE Visual -- TIE -- BD & Cavaliers
Best Musical Programs this year:
1. Regiment
2. Blue Devils
3. Cadets
4. SCV
5. Cavaliers
6. Crown
Best Visual Programs this year:
1. Blue Devils
2. SCV
3. Cavaliers
4. Crown
5. Cadets
6. Cavaliers
Favorite overall shows:
1. Regiment
2. Crown
3. Blue Devils
4. SCV
5. Cavaliers
6. Cadets
Overall, a terrific year. Congratulations to Crown, Madison & Phantom for terrifc
improvments over last year, and a heartfelt thanks to Phantom Regiment for making me
fall in love with drum corps all over again. I want to see this show again tomorrow.
I'll never forget it, or the joy they have given me this year.
Harvey Phelps
Friday August 8
Orlando, FL (DCI) Division I Semifinals
FIRST OFF To the Orlando sport committee and the Florida citrus bowl!
WORST PARKING EVER. who thought of parking cars over the lot where you
septic tanks are buried?!? I mean REALLY after the show walking back i
almost barfed up my funnel cake for god sake i am glad i had a few garbage
bags in my car so i could wrap up my shoes or i would have been smelling
citrus bowl funk all the way home.
ANY WAY........WOW what a show!
Drove over from daytona beach got there just as Pacific Crest (79.30)
hit the field never got to see them .. but when i heard them it made me walk
faster to the gate!!!!
Colts (80.05) kinda slipped a bit this yr but i think a lot of corps stepped
it up a bit and they got caught with a entertaining SAFE show.
Seattle Cascades (81.65) Nice show didn't really stick with me. i know they
had some nice moments just cant say they totally impressed me but they made
semis so ..
GLASSMEN (84.50) whaaa??? the biggest drop out of the top 12 i can remember
( if it isn't "THE" biggest sorry ) this wasn't the kids fault they played
there butts off. the show again seemed like it was a bit on the safe side..
BLUE Knight (85.35) clean.. not to exciting few good impact points but just
not a crowd pleaser..
SPIRIT (85.50) lots of emotion in this show they came to fight .. and made
it. have some moment where i was just floored . for me they should be higher
in score..
Magic (86.50) home town show didn't really want to have a repeat of 1998 on
there home turf... came out with a lot of emotion and power. very nice and
pretty clean..
Crossmen (87.75) BONES was in the house so that was a nice feeling have not
seen him since Allentown back in 1994 ( what happened to the crossmen
stitched in to the inside of the cape???) Great show had the crowd rockin.
Carolina Crown (88.35) very clean show .. nice moments but.. if they have a
bad night i see magic or crossmen passing them.. the unis .. kinda bland and
i think the majors uni should have at least been opposite colors of the
corps ( all purple with tan lines on the chest).
MADISON SCOUTS (89.75) WWWWWWWWWOW! talk about a come back. great to see
them in the top again, talk about power and you can just feel the power off
of them from start to finish. i didn't like the unis when i saw a picture
back in the winter. but all together i can live with them.. drumline was
out for blood, horn line was loud and "soft" very nice and great sound. they
might have a chance catching the bluecoats if they take it up one more
BLUOOOOOCOATs (90.40) I really like the show great drill nice show over all
they just have to be on there game to keep there place.. he capture and
escape concept was cool and they performed it well
Boston Crusaders (92.00) holy cow what a show brought the people to there
feet during the show.. i was not expecting 15 snares for the beginning of
Phantom Regiment (94.65) what was the brass judge listening to he gave them
a 19.00 in brass???? are you freakin crazy my band director i work with
about went into coma from there show she was almost in tears .. drum line
was rockin
SANTA CLARA VANGUARD (95.15) wow wow wow drill was clean, music was rockin,
drum line was outstanding. i must say i spent the whole show watching the
cymbal line they are scary scary people and i loved every minute of it..
Cadets (96.55) the show was great, but it felt like they where holding
back.. i know it sound funny but they played clean, played clean, preformed
and brought the crowd to there feet, but it did make me freak out like ever
other time i have watched them.. are they waiting for finals to jump up a
spot ( they could do it).. by letting it all hand out .. drums where on fire
they might win drums this yr.
Cavaliers (97.25) drill was CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN .. but they show just doesn't
to do it for me.. i had the same feeling from watching star in 1993, but i
love stars show now after witching it a thousand time! i can see that
happening with cavies show .. WORST GUARD UNIS EVER !!! bar none "African
tree frog on acid" sorry i don't see a 4 peat .....
BLUE DEVILS (98.50) WOW they came to play and they did! loud tight, clean
drill, attacked where dead on. drumline had me out of my seat and screaming
they are going to be hard to over come by the top 4 or 5 could be done, but
it will be a upset if it happens....
Over all a wonderful show not a bad seat in the house i was on the lower
level, right side, on the 25 and could see every thing. i was happy cause
most of the drumline staged there solos in the right and right near the
30-35yd line !sweet!
the stadium might not be the best. but you can see the whole show from even
a semi low seat.. cant wait to have it in Orlando again i am going to the
whole week next time..
wish i could go tonight to finals tonight but i have things to do .. will be
sitting at my computer to get scores.. wonder what they will be doing in the
net for finals..?
these are my comments alone and my opinions if you have a problem with them
read the constitution and get back to me.. you have the right to ..
any problem with grammar and spelling, try reading the words of a rap cd
lyric fold out mines canet beez that's bad.. sizzle buu dizzle.
Cj in daytona beach, fl
Thursday August 7
Orlando, FL (DCI) Division I Quarterfinals
Here is my review of DCI quarterfinals. Please note that I missed Colts (had
to get a ticket down to the gate for someone to get in) and I missed Crown
after the rain delay... sorry that I missed them.
Pacific Crest...... great to finally see them..... they had a decent show, and
were competent in all sections... jazz phrasing in middle was excellent... a bit
cleaner and they would have been in a bit closer, but a great job to make
semifinals..... this corps has a bright future.
Pioneer..... had some decent moments... arrangements left me a bit flat... the
hats didn't work for me personally..... I felt drill was a bit ambitious for
younger/smaller group, and would like more emphasis on the musical product... 9
Southwind.... big impacts.... musical arrangements are not totally effective, and
they will need to step up visual book a bit if they wish to move up the ladder
in the future... the talent seems to be there...
Kiwanis..... decent execution at times..... musically they need more happening if
they choose to be more competitive......
Troopers...... I liked them... growing in size, and I felt their arrangements
were on the right track..... some fine impacts.... youth/inexperience and
execution main factors holding them back, but if these kids would hang in for 2
or 3 seasons, they could climb the ladder....
Mandarins..... good execution at times, although individual horn errors stuck
out of the smaller ensemble at times. They need more effective arrangements to
become truly effective... it doesn't help them to do tunes that were "smoked" by
Phantom, as they are far short, and yet now competing in open, ie not a good
choice.... I felt their number was a bit high.
Capital Regiment.... they have great potential, as they did a fine job for first
year in open.... this was another corps who selected to do Dvorak, which again
had been "smoked" by Phantom in the past, and fell far short. However, they
had some big impacts, decent competency in brass, percussion, and visual.
Execution held them back a bit, but this corps could do well in the future if
they grow and retain members....
Glassmen.... whereas they had finalist level execution, they did not have
finalist level effect, and this showed in the audience. Opener wasn't too bad,
but the show went downhill after that. Hopefully these results will help them
realize that they must carefully select and arrange music that will connect
with the audience.
Seattle...... had some decent moments, and horn line had some big impacts, but I
couldn't help but feel that they could have had more effective arrangments.
This, and perhaps a bit tighter execution, cost them some spots this year....
Spirit..... they smoked today. Tight execution, and decent arrangements played
with intensity that had the crowd cheering on their feet. I felt they were
clearly superior to Glassmen, Seattle, and Blue Knights, especially musically
and effect-wise, yet the panel obviously didn't think so..... fortunately the
semifinals panel would "get it right" as they passed them into finals......
Blue Knights.... some big impacts, especially early in the show, but there were
also quality issues, especially later in the show. Visual book seemed decent,
but musical book didn't sell, and seemed to have continuity problems.... they
need to look at their musical programming as their problems are similar to
Glassmen..... I felt their score was nearly 2 points too high.......
Magic.... fine job today..... hornline was on, and they have a good visual
program... music well arranged... Sanctus a bit slow for my taste, but they did
play it well, and the reprise was handled well at the end of the show.....
Crossmen....... the show is easy to follow and enjoy..... visual programming
seems to be a bit down from the other finalists.... performed well, and good
impacts, but I felt they could have been tighter in all segments.... crowd loves
the ending....
Madison...... they have fixed the visual issues from last year, and marched a
good show..... horns still have big impacts in places (but not as much as the
past)... I think musical arrangements weren't Boerma's best, but there were
still some good moments, and percussion is coming along.... I felt they should
have edged Bluecoats due to having a more demanding show and better
Bluecoats..... tight execution in many places was their forte..... improved
visual from past years..... horns have big impact, but something seemed missing
at times from the arrangements..... decent percussion, but other lines had more
Boston....... fine, entertaining show with fine audio/visual coordination... good
impacts and effect.... brass execution not always there..... drumline really
getting there..... good show
SCV..... perhaps the toughest show on the field, well arranged and outstanding
coordination.... horn quality issues in opener hurt them... horn quality improves
for the rest of the show, and they play with emotion and impact, which connects
with the crowd... stellar drumline can hang with anyone.... a tighter brass
performance would put them stronger in the hunt....
Phantom... I take back earlier review comments about the arrangements.... they
have really grown on me, and I think perhaps my first viewing was critical due
to a down performance job. They had a great brass sound which they maintained
throughout, and played with emotion that thrilled the crowd.... drumline is no
slouch, either...... I could have used a bit more visual impact from the guard,
and I think visual programming/impact may have cost them a title shot.... they
may have a few too many body movements with the hornline.... they have made
tremendous recent strides and if they continue, look out......
Cadets..... a very clean job today, and they sold the show pretty well also... I
would like to hear them let it rip a bit more (ie louder/faster...) at the end
of Malaguena, and the end of Rocky Point..... they are rapidly starting to
execute at a very high level.....drumline and guard stellar..... I felt they
were 2nd today.....
Cavaliers.... some fine quality in the opener.... good balance, blend, and
intonation, and that arrangement works.... show declines musically from that
point.... drill is great....some execution problems evident for a title
contender..... they did try to open up impacts, but the fact they haven't done
that earlier this year caused quality issues (that didn't show up in the
score), especially in the baritones. Music comes across as being secondary to
visual in this show, and arrangements past the opener lack musical
substance.... balllad is too long, especially the ending, and the individual
spin move becomes redundant for me. Drumline had some dirt. I had them 4th
today, behind Phantom and just above SCV, with execution only keeping them out
of 5th.
Blue Devils.... clearly the winner today.... extreme musical demands, both brass
and percussion, handled very well. Brass has great control with a wide dynamic
range, as well as extreme range demand in the sopranos. Great soloists... drill
execution superb and stages things well.... strong, competent drumline.... not
100% razor clean, but are quite good when you consider the demand...not my
favorite Devils arrangements, but I love the way they play the daylights out of
what has been given to them... brass in ballad is fabulous..... champs....
General... good crowd... divine intervention fixed weather problems in time for
the start of the show...... this stadium has great sound (don't get lost in the
surrounding neighborhood, though...)..
General judge question.... with the new CG judge, do you guys ignore dance? Not
only does much (not all) of it come across to the audience as ineffective (and
sometimes disturbing seeing males doing extremely "feminine" moves), in many
cases the timing, quality, and attention to detail in this so-called dance is
simply not good, yet not showing up score-wise.
Saturday August 2
Allentown, PA (DCI) #2
Well, my prediction is now solidly "Blue Devils" --- although the scores
assigned show only a 0.75 margin, they creamed the Cavaliers in my opinion.
Devils (95.45) went on first, audience responded again and again throughout the
show. Seamless attacks and releases, crazy percussion exposure and execution.
A GE machine with attitude! First time in a long time I've really, really
liked the Devils. Smooth, "to the edge but not over" ensemble playing was
luscious! Won 7 of the 8 subcaptions. I wonder if the brand of brass
instruments purchased and used makes a difference? Devils (tonight) and
Phantom (Friday) both had distinctly different, "meatier" sounds versus the
other corps. I imagine it also has a lot to do with those that operate the
Cavaliers (94.70) had to follow. What they do marching-wise is nothing short
of miraculous, but there's more to drum corps than marching, and that's where
it ends. Obviously sloppy brass attacks, intonation and releases (compared to
the Devils) were covered by an annoyingly loud pit section, particularly the
keyboards (while the brass was trying to sprint from place to place and keep
from knocking out their teeth with their mouthpieces). Several guard drops at
key moments, and in addition an errant rifle cracked a contrabass squarely
about the head and shoulders. They just didn't have a good night. Audience
reaction was pleasant and polite but not overwhelming. All this said, if they
had been "on", who knows what the margin would have been.
Madison and Bluecoats tied for third (88.70) with the Crossmen behind by only
0.25 ; all 3 corps had very, very good shows and shows that were pleasantly
different from one another. Got there late, so these are all the corps I saw.
Overall, Saturday impressed me a lot more than Friday. However, after seeing
the Cavaliers I wonder if the Cadets might sneak into 2nd? Their book is not
as impressive, but they're way, way cleaner and seem to have changed to the
positive more dramatically over the last month or so (momentum?).
Take care.
I just finished the long ride home....here's my review of Saturday....I'll do Friday
before Monday....
Troopers... they are on the right track.... impacts were pretty strong, and I
liked the book. Sopranos were pretty good.... mellophones had intonation and
quality concerns, and unfortunately were exposed alot. At any rate, they have
much to build on.
Glassmen... musical show did not sell......there were some interesting ideas,
especially first few minutes..... arrangements simply not very effective,...
performance level ok, but not stellar.... I don't see them in the
night show next Saturday.........
Seattle... although perhaps a tad sloppier, I felt it offered a bit more than
G-men... this show has some comporitional concerns, too. Prediction is this
product comes up short, too.
Spirit...displayed confidence and solidarity in all captions. Some
entertaining moments..... Performance level and appeal gives them a great shot
next week...
Blue Knights... big impacts at times, however, show is out there from a musical
standpoint..... they had some strong performance and sometimes not so
strong..... I thought they were a tad overscored.....
Crown....they are not getting credit for really fine horn technique throughout
their show....intonation, articulation technique and uniformity, and blend were
among the best of the evening. I wasn't high, but visually they seemed up to
snuf, and perc. was strong, too. I felt they were underscored, and should have
beaten Crossmen and neck and neck with Bluecoats......
Crossmen.... improved since Thursday... they sold things well tonight, and Bubba
was a big hit that they played pretty well.... they had some good stylistic jazz
playing tonight. However, they srill have some ensemble and individual issues
(not necessarily major, though)... For me, performance level will have a large
factor in where they should place........
Madison...made it known early in the show that they are not going to take it on
the chin by getting whomped in visual or guard this year. I thought horn line
had a bit of a rough start, but gained mementum as the show went on. Design
obviously improved... corps doesn't "let it rip" as much, however, they really
showed excellent dynamic control, and still had some very big impacts. Soprano
demand was very intense. They are not only "back", but if they return most of
their members next year, look out. Had some fuzz, but recoveries were quick.
If they are on next Saturday, they could take 6th, and I think they will battle
Boston for it.......
Bluecoats....they are proficient, and some interesting musical moments, but
they had trouble connecting with the audience. They perform ok, but there were
lapses tonight..... I had them behind Scouts......
Blue Devils.... they were tops hands down tonight. Hornline has a terrific
performance level.... they not only were cleaner tonight, but their dynamic
range is nearly double that of Cavs. There is some absolutely incredible music
demand in the show both in percussion and brass, and folks, they are getting
pretty clean. The brass played with great expression and consistently
excellent quality of sound. They have strong marching technique, and they don't
lose their sound focus even when having extreme visual demands. They have to
be the front runner for the gold next week.....
Cavs.... going on after Devils amplified their musical weaknesses..... limited
dynamic range (ie nothing above forte) and continuity problems with
arrangements..... crowd response was lukewarm at best for the majority of their
show, noticeably not strong at the end, and most of response was to
visual..... Drill is strong, and so is percussion....Brass has good quality and
clarity most ot the time, although not their best tonight, but the limited
dynamic range really flatlines them. They really have not addressed these same
problems I pointed out end of Juee...at this point, not only do I see Devils
pulling away from them, I think they will be overtaken by Cadets, and even
possibly Phantom and SCV......
Judging... not bad.... again, I had scores just a bit lower, expecially the
musical caption scores... I had Devs over Cavs by over 2 full points as I would
have had a substantial margin in music effect, as well as a caption sweep.....
Weather held up.... stadium much improved... good crowds.... Devs played great in
victory concert...........................
So, after 4 1/2 days of band camp, off to Allentown I go, for what is probably
my last junior shows ever. I feel slightly sad on the drive in, but the rain
kills some enthusiasm. Great stuff in the allentown paper all week, i hope the
articles were snipped onto here and DCP. The park wasn't as full as i expected
on Friday, but again, given the weather, what can one expect? Only us true diehards
would brave this crap.
Pre show see lots of folks I know, especially w/Cap Regiment, such as their
drum staff and pitter Jami Mills, a DCP reg. Lots of familiar faces in the
crowd.... always good to see Geoffrey, met Tom Moore, see Jimmy Cosetti, Adam
was conveniently within talking distance and i could go on and on.
Food good. Shopping area crowded which is good for DCI and the corps. Didnt see
a lot of tshirts i liked but i'll be back tomorrow... I wanna see LVK, Christine
needs food and i should get some too to kill the nic fit. Taped version of the
national anthem. Um hello... we have bugle players across the street?
Stadium looks great with all the revisions. my only advice is
smooth that damn hill by the spectators entrance out. With all the work spent
on the place, you could spend a few bucks to do that, as i saw many older
people struggling with that hill. Also, Show commitee needs to have people in
place BOTH nights to keep spectators from entering their seats during a corps
performance. if this had been done, i wouldnt have missed half of Pioneer.
The corps for Friday from the 7th row 45 yard line:
LVK....great addition to the show. much better in almost all areas since i saw
them at Reading. snare line however had a rough night. Firebird is much better
and Ave Maria is absolutely gorgeous...this staff maxes those 18 horns to the
fullest. guard much cleaner, and IMO, they have a shot at D3 finals.
Pioneer. Safe little show, lots of individual errors. I couldnt believe the
percussion errors this late in the season on simple things like attacks. the
Hurricanes hats looked good. veryt wet snare sound, rude on the buzz. brass had
a few issues so my brass neighbors pointed out. all in all, the same as Pioneer
shows every year. would have seen more, but i had jackasses in my way all night
getting in their seats despite the fact the corps was on.
Capital Regiment: wow. Should have been over an 80 in my book. Murph wrote a
killer battery book, and the pits hand flew all over the boards. Brass seemed
very strong, and the guard from what i could see was handling the work well.
Some feet issues, as i understand that has been the achilles heel all year.
percussion section is a strength, and IMO, should have scored higher. Great
ensemble brass sound in the ballad. btw watch that pits hands...wow.
This is a corps whose future looks brighter every year. I cant wait to see
where they end up next week.
Southwind: I like the black sash.Overal, the show seemed kind of blah, at least
to me, and i thought the ending should have been better. I liked the hidden
references to Lezghinka in the show, as well as other familiar melodies of the
pieces SCV did back in the 70's. A little lower than i expected... i saw they
dropped 5 points from the night before. Drumline had some moments... and some
not so nice moments. brass had some power. very nice brass sound and projection
in the ballad. Pit left me bland...i was hoping for more.
Mandarins: I liked em this year. Very cool show design, especially with some of
the color guard role playing stuff( poor brass judge got a little wet) snare
issues abounded, but hey it could be an off night. great pit sound. great use
of bacchnale w/out being blatant Phantom rip offs.
Colts: Wow i wanted to like them. But the music left me flat.Some really dumb
percussion errors for a week before finals. please go back to doing more
interesting music. your show choices since 99 have been worse and worse.
Kiwanis Kavaliers: Last year they started on a trend of coming back to planet
Earth and picking shows that was good for them. This year's Beatles offering
fell back off that pathway. When my fiancee, a die hard Beatles fan has to
admit she didnt recognize all the Beatles tunes listed, there is a problem.
Performance wise They should have been much earlier..... they really made Magic
look that much better. only thing that kept my attention really was when the
guard did their little strip tease act taking off their white tops.
Magic: As we jokingly called "stuff everyone else made famous"....but, we liked
it so much we stopped calling it that. Great strong openingin Sinfonia Vocci,
and finally, after seeing 10 million bands do it, a version of Abrams Pursuit i
liked.Sanctus was cool...slow long build and boom, Easter Symphony...loved the
use of the bongos in Sanctus. so Wayne can write non jazz stuff eh:) drumline
strong...good job drum staff, have the pit play out a lil more.
Boston: Love the show, however one thing bugged me, and really bugged
Christine.... in visual school they say do not put big black things on the 40's,
because they cover up the field...unless you have grand plans for them.
Well, these big black things Boston used for maybe 32 counts at the end, and if
you sat low, you missed a lot of stuff that was hidden behind them. Otherwise,
I had not one issue with the show. should explain visual scores being low tho.
Loved all the little 2000 moments stuck in there between Bolero, Time to say
goodbye etc. body work and drill gimmick/ge moments fantastic. brass line
played very well, with control and power, and the percussion smoked, especially
the 15 snares...loved the low tuning, but be careful it makes you sound fuzzy
when you may not be. loved the tenor tuning. this show still has a chance to
pull away from Coats and Scouts. Thank you for the 2 Conquest hits... I chanted
both times, tho not many others did. Attention all... I saw G stand and applaud
Boston... hell has frozen over :)~
SCV: wow. i am not sure what to say here to adequately explain this show to
someone who hasnt seen it. This opening, with the tradeoffs from side to side,
and matching drill is ingenious, and the bottom bass, who goes all over the
field, seemlessly ties in when the full corps is together for the first time.
strong brass sound, and honestly the Bb's sounded G to a horn person with me.
The guard is absolutely awesome, and the color of their unis works well against
the corps proper. I will state for the rcord after seeing all of the D1 corps
now that NO ONE SHOULD BEAT SCV IN DRUMS. and that Cadets did is a joke. shame
on you Mr Prosperie. Ladies and gentlemen, and drummers too, check this line
out. forget the "see em in the lot crap" see em on the move it's even better
then! The show flowed so smoothly....great recap at the end of the show.....the
cymbal V...you name it this show has it. Am i ranting? Possibly. But ladies
and gents, this corps was on fire, and in the eyes of many last night, the score
was too low...maybe even should have been first.
Cadets, the corps with no hometown up next. Definitely cleaner, but Fanfare and
Allegro goes nowhere...actually, coming out of Fave Things, you need something
more attention getting. The sound is slow to start...first drum break, and oh
look, the same lick they have been using for a few years now....w/some not so
clean diddles. congrats on high drums. Malaguena is still enjoyable, but watch
the execution on the cowbells snares. Brass lets it rip, but imo, SCV was louder.
All in all, bery much like Boogie Woogie, just w/malaguena from a set up into the
park and bark, and thanks sops for hanging over the end. Rocky Point, IMO is
wasted as the closer. After the high energy rip faces off attempt in Malaguena,
RPH just seems to come off lame til 1/2 way thru, esp w/the fave things inserts.
Hey people got the Zpull...ok good job, unlike Hershey.
Final thoughts.... better yes. Only pit I couldn't hear all night.... gee thats
odd. I noticed that in fans reactions, they either hated all things YEA/CAdets,
or believed they were the second coming. there is no in between with these
guys. I also noticed several anti A&E yells from the stands while George paced
the sideline. 94? not IMO. cleaner yes, but not that far ahead of SCV and Phantom
and nipping on Cavies heels. high drums...... please, not on Hoppys best day.
and George, you're a distraction when you pace on the sidleine.also ,when you
gesture crescendos on the sidleine, isnt that coaching, and isnt that illegal?
Phantom: Given all the online hype, i expected the second coming of 89 or 96.
Now dont get me wrong, they are by no means bad, but they werent what i
expected...off night perhaps? drumline much improved(thank you MR Rennick)
strong brass as always, and the return of the crab step...yes horn players
marching like men(tee) tho i dont know why they skipped in there. they look so
damn cool in white again.......some things should be. loved the intro...such
quality brass sounds. such a gorgeous build to it. the ballad is girgeous...one
their best...and nice to hear battery in it, tho the release was kind of iffy,
and could have used a little more power. very end of the show left me
flat...great build...then...off. i hope they have a bar or 4 more coming to
make it bigger. Congrats to Bree for her solo flag dance stuff... well done
kiddo, you made Mburg proud!
Cadets line played everyone for retreat... nice lil beat. Wish I could have heard
electric wheelchair instead.
You know the scores, no need to post em.
Saturday... wake up, go play mini golf at Putt U on rt 309. I won, tho I will
admit Christine had me down after the front 9. then I kicked ass on the back 9,
while she well... she sucked. Hence, I won by 12 strokes and finished one under
par. Then to lunch, and then her dream, to see the Cavies rehearse. Got to see
Sluggo finally, and he is as cool offline as he is online. Truly one of the
good ones in this crazy game of life.
While talking to some cavies people, I asked what was up w/the drum scores...
they said basically no one is cleaning the snare line, and as such it's hurting
them. So, I walk to drum arc to check it out. Now i am no expert, but I have
cleaned a snare line or 3 in my life, and let me tell you, cutting the line,
pointing at a kid and saying fix it 20 times is not the way to clean the line.
Example...... during the whole sit down stand up part, they have a cool thing
where they are righ hand on the side of the drum, left hand doing a good old
fashioned ballad cup type of motion....cool lick. However, they have like 8/9
different approaches to the drum happening. So instead of taking 5 minutes to get
everyones approach on the same page, they just cut and say fix it. No wonder
their drum scores are as they are. This is a young line, and that kind of
attention to detail should be mandatory, and should happen often, as the younger
the player, the more likely they need to do it til it comes to be second nature.
I know as part of a senior corps line of experienced players we did it. I know
to some my comments are not nice and hurting the kids, but sorry, the sacred
green cow is not above some criticism. And what is hurting the kids is not my
comments but the staffs in actions. Aside from that bugging me all day, great
ensemble rehearsal. nice to see that Cavies are like everyone else in how they
rehearse and their is no secret trick to it.
Back to the park... Crossmen alumni out in full force, and i see tons of
familiar faces. fire up the hibachi, and away we go. now this is drum corps...
J Birney, the park at Cedar Beach, brats, dogs, beers, and friends. Lots of
compliments on my anti a&e shirt too. (oh and hey Matt... should have heard the
Crossmen alumni....ya know that perception we discuss... its widely held there.
In fact, YEA was called a curse word by one alumni)
Souvie buying was fun, except SCV was out of hockey jerseys in normal human
sizes(anything above an L) DCI was out of mid season cds, so mine get shipped
Monday. Tshirts much beter this year than the last few, and my fave corps got
what they deserved from me.
Singer for the national anthem had an issue or two... started too high. Good
try tho, tough piece.
and the corps...again, 7th row, 45 yard line.
Troopers: I hate the black pants. bland bland bland.at least get a stripe. More
up to date show design than in recent past....however many brass issues, and it
isnt cause of the horns used, it cause of the players. drumline extremely
strong.. great train effect. the show seemed to drag a little in the middle,
but they picked up again towards the end, and all in all, the best they have
been for a while now. Oh before I forget... pre show... sunburst and old school
rifle exchange w/dm in the middle... absolutely awesome.
Glassmen: I want to be polite. Ok, that super fan of theirs was loud as always.
Nice opening impacts, then they kinda lost me. drumline performed well, but the
new staff seems to have lost that Gmen sound i liked so much. Ballas dragged
on, and some brass performance issues. decent quality of sound tho. until fire,
its tough to tell which element is where, tho the drumline and the wood toys
let you hear the fire pop...tho some of the pops sounded like booboos. the
ending to fire left me flat. the closer, just seemed to be a build to a big
hit. this is not a finals year for them.
Seattle: the new kids are back....and outside looking in. The show is missing
that spark they had last year...hunger and entertainment appeal. guard unis fit
the show. nice into moment big hit, but brass tuning wasnt there. perc played
well, and brass has power....but the show just doesnt have it. guard does some
ok spanish type dance, but overall, the music picked doesnt help get the crowd
going like last year.
Spirit: What a show. Love the tributes to other corps in the ballad, with the
flags of Royer, Zingali, 27 and Bridgemen... 27th getting the biggest reaction
from the fans. loved the Let It Be ending to the ballad. Powerful hornline, and
i loved the time references in the show, and the 16th notes in the sops were
done well. 1979, boom Nutville updated and rocking...killer groove, true to the
original w/some added touches. App Morning rocked, even the lick right off Xmen
92.... nice touch. all these tribute moments to other corps was so cool... kudos
is you catch em all, I dont think i did. Oh wow... Let It Be Me company front
push.... so sweet... I actually had a tear hornline wasnt as loud as i expected,
and some drum dirt...but they are definitely in...now...will we see a Jim Ott
flag for finals? or one for Jason Lowe?
Blue Knights: interesting lead in to the show...turn around big hit...wanted it
to be bigger myself. lots of bass drums stuff....nice for impact. liked the
hornline singing drum speak in the opener. however the tune failed to keep my
fully engaged. ballad left me flat, and coming out of ballad seemed forced. so
does the closer. this should probably be the 13th place corps when it is all
said and done
Crown: God I love this show more and more. seemed a tad flat tonight tho brass
wise. Color guard with the rifles and the bells...wow...perfectly timed to the
perc score, and not a drop that i saw....such a perfect marraige of music and
visual(yeah but Sharon says i dont notice guards) perc beginning is so sweet,
and brass entrance is wow...clean and powerful. Stained Glass is a highlight
must for all....really. i know i mentioned it above, but i cant get it out of
my head. Carol of the Bells seemed a little flat intensity wise, but was still
clean. here is my hope for Crown to make a huge surge this coming week in
Crossmen: before I do the show, lets set the scene. The back stands are gone.
Just a big wall now. Corps is setting up for the on field warmup, and from
BEHIND the back well, in a lift cart, comes Bones, w/lights inside his shirt so
he can be seen. by far the coolest Bones entrance ever. and a huge hype to the
kids and the corps.seriously, when people noticed him(and everyone was looking
for him), the place went nuts, and rightfully so. ok Bones, top that in
Ok, then the corps came out, and Rainbow is still, the highlight of the show.
great brass impact, and again the guard w/that colored fabric is wonderful. St
James was grooving, but didnt seem to have the power of previous viewings.
drumline performed well here, and the guard added what looked to be a green
top, which helped trmendously. I could hear the Chez influence on the sop
soloists. Blue Rondo... perc scoring much clearer w/execution up... til the
singles at the end of the break. Also, the very ending lick is kinda disjointed...
feels like shots thrown wherever for being shots. brass re entry was smoking,
esp the hit for Blues. Closer smoked...thank you for hiding the drum racks in
the back. now please, I beg you clean that section... man what dirt at times.
I know its difficult, but difficult is only so cool if it isnt clean. Becky
held that last note long and loud, and the crowd replied to it. You go Xgirl
(and be ready for band camp in 2 weeks). Some Cadets fan here said it's a
bando show... horseshit. In fact, they are the new Madison... hear that crowd
reaction when their score was announced at retreat? Boos, then cheers. Ever
hear that before? this is solid drum corps, and is light years more
entertaining than the YEA corps who gets all the perks.
Madison: the new unis aren't that bad... would rather the old ones. visually
their feet look so much better under Jamey Thompson... no more herky jerky
motions on direction changes. Color guard much improved. Loved the fleur de lis
on an angle... twice even! Looking at the recap, the drum score hurts, and it is
noticeable... I love ya Madison, but its no conspiracy.
Nice attention getting opening with the basses and the toms, and the 8 to 5 at
160 by the brass....opening impact could be bigger. however from there, the
opener seems to drag a bit, then picks up leading to the ending....dug the
screamers too. loved the hint of Rhapsody in the beginning of the
ballad... followed by some way we were... nice touches, as were the flags of
yesteryear. the perc groove immeadiately out of it was nice..... some dirt, but
a good feel, and the horn hits were nice. next ballad was to me more effective,
leading up to the big push..... closer seemed to drag....way too much up n down
sensations. when finally approaching the end, then it felt like a good tune
should. All in all, way improved, and no conspiracies need apply. What are those
poles for. Please, they make not one damn bit of sense. lose them and see scores
go up, betcha 10 bucks.
Bluecoats: Man, Ian looks short even on the podium( Sorry Dude, you knew it 's
been coming since Mburg HS 1998) the crowd didnt boo...they blued. a step up
for Blue in sophistication and story telling, but it works well. nice opening
and great pit sounds (good job Tom) opening impact is nice and builds to a
bigger impact...and boom that Coats groove is underway...nice brush work by the
snares, and what a tenor line. Balld time, and loved the tango feel,
referencing 01...pit scoring here makes it all come together, and what a brass
sound played backfield. Loved the whole pursuit and capture thing, told well by
the guard, who in all red stuck out in all the right ways. the whole framing
sections of the drums was cool, as was the final capture of the soloist. lots
of up and down in the middle, but it works and doesnt lose the crowd. My only
concern is that the ending is big enough.... feels like it needs 8 more bars of
power to nail it home.
BD: Wow. Hands down.... this is the show to beat. I&E like opening w/the drums is
way cool, and performed well. I know some people complain that every old BD song
in the world is in there in some way, but they make it work. They also have
visual demand like BD never had before. I remember the old joke that BD never
goes about 140. Now I dont think they go below it. Brass entrance way cool
visually and musically. what power the hornline has, and the ensemble sound is
wonderful... drum scoring fits in so well. The dissonance thing where the dm cues
side to side is way cool, and the chord they resolve on is so sweet. This show is
so high energy... it feels to me like SCV did last night. Blue Rondo is a joy to
the ears. drum rack is back, and the run all around it to make a cool effect and
cool notes. is it the toughest thing played no but its clean and adds to the
effect.... and just looks damn cool. Ballad.... concierto de aranjuez, and what
a sound... and what high note! Scat singing and a killer tenor lick... into West
Side sotry and some serious pedal tones. Snare lick w/split 16ths player to
player was sweet... touch watching their hands who was on the 8ths and who had
the upbeat stuff they made it look that easy. Diggin the take 5 section. Wow what
an ending... running, blasting horns, the drum racks again, and the guard is non
stop... some tosses were higher than than I was off the ground in my seats. This
show has it all, and I dont think it can be caught? #11 anyone? This show is for
real. This show should be the champion.
Cavies. Ok so I saw them rehearse, so I know the show a lot better, music still
flat except for the Miles Davis hit... thats the only time I remember them at ff
or above. Yes they run/march well, and the visual gimmicks are cool, esp if
upstairs. From the 7th row, I saw feet phasing and a bass drummer out of step.
also saw a rifle take out a mello player. the new ending leaves me flat... I
understand the whole "cycle" thing, and how it ends basically be replaying how
it starts, but it just was.... well blah. Esp after BD. Not sure how they won
ensemble music. Can't win every year, and this year, unless god intervenes, they
won't. musically they still dont have enough loud to go with the soft, and you
can still hear feet coming thru the horn in some of the running. Btw nice on
field warmup of Korean Folk Song. Perc execution... well, see my comments about
their rehearsal. Pit was fabulous. Quick fixes.... clean the snares.... add
volume.... and pray.
Final thoughts. well, if A&E isnt repealed, this was my last DCI show. That
fact saddened me, and really has my fiancee in a fit, but honestly, I liked 10
shows out 22... less than 50%. And with amps and crap coming, well I am not
supporting it, just as I dont pay to see marching band shows. If this is going
to be my last show, I know I didn't pay over $100 for my seat, like next year at
Denver, and I went out at a stadium with a ton of drum corps history and
traditiion tied to it. If you are a DCI director and you read this, I beg you,
propose that A&E be revoked. After all your executive director glared at my
anti a&e shirtt by the lower level mens room when he saw it. To the kids....
keep plugging.... I know it looks like crappy weather in the hell hole known as
Orlando, but end your year as best you can, and thanks for making what is
probably my last year of DCI a fun one.
Sorry for any typos a bad thunderstorm rolled in and i am getting offline
before i edit.
Jeff Ream
General observations:
After BD, I thought I had seen one of the best drum corps shows ever.
Then Cavaliers came out and completely redefined the concept of drum
Right now, the difference between BD and CAVs is execution. BD is
nailing their show. Cavaliers have far more visual demand and are still
struggling. If they perform this show to its full potential, they will
blow everyone out of the water.
The corps that most impressed me progress-wise was Crown. They have
matured enormously in the last few years. Musically, a wonderful show.
Kudos to the person who designed their guard uniforms - they look great
on all body types.
Madison was great, but did not blow me away. Execution is there.
Clearly, they are playing to the judges with the drill and music. Good
enough for top 6, but if they want to make a title run, they are going
to need a lot of whatever Mike Gaines is smoking.
My top picks in various categories:
Music Repertoire
1. Blue Devils
2. Crossmen
3. Spirit
4. Crown
5. Madison
6. Bluecoats
7. Cascades
8. Troopers
9. Cavaliers
10. Gmen
11. BK
BD held my interest all the way through. Ditto for Xmen. Spirit had a
nice overall show and great moments, e.g. LIBM frumpany. Crown has
really matured. Madison was intense, but melodies didn't grab me until
the final number. Can't say anything bad about Coats; loved the tango.
Cascades woke the crowd up after Gmen. Troop has a nice, vaguely
identifiable selection of americana. Cav, Gmen and BK have a completely
different concept of music, just not to my taste.
Music Performance
1. BD
2. Madison
3. Xmen
4. Bluecoats
5. Crown
6. Cavaliers
7. Spirit
8. Cascades
9. BK
10. Gmen
11. Troopers
BD is nearly flawless, comparable to their best lines. Madison has a
gorgeous, lush sound, but hits are not as loud as usual. Sound thinned
out at the end of the show. Xmen, what can you say, just great
full-throttle sound. Biggest crowd reaction. BC is very smooth, but
not maxing out the excitement level by a long shot. Top 4 clearly in a
class of their own. Crown is starting to come on, but still a lot of
rough spots and almost no upper register. Cavaliers have pretty much
sacrificed their entire sound production for the sake of fast drill.
Lots of individual and ensemble gaffs. Spirit and 'Scades are putting a
lot of energy into the performance, but don't have the mature sound
yet. BK, Gmen just not executing. Troop put on a well-controlled
performance for a smaller, younger line.
Visual Design
1. Cavaliers
2. Everybody else.
Let's face it, Cavaliers have made all prior notions about marching
pretty much irrelevant.
Visual performance
1. BD
2. Cav
3. Mad
4. BC
5. Xmen
6. Crown
7. Spirit
8. BK
9. Gmen
10. Cascades
11. Troopers
Again, BD performs a fast-paced drill to a freakin T. Cavaliers have
the most difficult show I've ever seen and pull it off pretty well, only
there were some pretty flagrant ticks. Madison has a drill comparable
to BD, and marches it almost as well. Had a few ensemble breaks, but
their recovery is amazingly fast. BC is smooth but doesn't seem to have
all that much demand. Xmen and Crown have improved tons since I saw
them at the meadowlands. Everyone else needs to spend more time working
on intervals, phasing, dress, cover - the basics.
Vincent Ferrera
Allentown PA, August 2, 2003. - J. Birney Crum stadium. After a week of
"putting it on hold" the Blue Devils and the world champion Cavaliers finally
had the opportunity to "duke it out" on the field and gain supremacy and
confidence going into Championships week.
Two contests since Indianapolis have been rained out where both superpowers
of drum corps were expected to face off. Blue Devils finally eeked out a
victory over the Cavaliers in Indy, but since then...... they have been
waiting.... tonight was the night......
A sold out crowd wittnesed both the duel of the favorites and an impressive
line up. It was thrilling to look left or right and see a packed house, not so
thrilling to be jammed like a sardine in the souvie area.......but that's a
good thing.
Again, like Friday..not a bad corps or performance in the house...... pretty
much everyone has done their off season homework and shows are full of crowd
appeal, sophistication, and good 'ole drum corps..... I also noticed corps are
starting to look less and less like a carbon copy of each other, and the top
supercorps..... kuddos for those building on their own strengths and identities.
Troopers led off with a fun show, warm up received a great response as they
achieved a "suicide" and a sunburst. The corps was a solid little package with
an appealing "safe" show..... guard was too small to be really effective but they
did have a nice complimentary book. When wil lthe day come that the Troopers are
back among the elite ??? Year after year, we wait, we hope...... I love this
corps, as does everyone, I just wish they could get the right pieces in place to
make Casper a formidable place again.
Glassmen were next and I was excited to see what they had done in a months
time. I was disappointed.... Gone are the inovative, breakneck drills, in its
place, a generic, unexciting visual program.... guard ??? Who came up with the
idea to have the guard use blue gumballs ?? messy, ineffective and sophmoric......
that alone is enough to make one sigh......... I did notice alot stronger
execution, and alot more confidence in the brass line but where is the emotion??
The concept of the elements is completely lost, it seems, in the show... I see
nothing representing them, nothing telling the story of them...... I have no
doubt this is going to place in the 13-14 range come Orlando. I hope they get a
wake up call like Crown did last year and it will be interesting to see what
next year holds.......
Seattle Cascades were next..again Lots of internet hype, not much in the way
of it on the field. Their show was a nice solid production worthy of associate
status but missing the polish and pizazz of a finals caliber program. Guard is
improved over last year, brass is playing well, but not many memorable moments
as of yet. What they do, they do well, but what they do isn't as exciting or as
well staged as could be....I think they are locked into 15th place unless Colts
make a surge.
Just why has Spirit been placing so low ???? Well...I was about to find out...
and after watching this show/hearing this show... I havent a clue..... seems like
they are rebounding scorewise anyway and will be in finals.... I can almost
guarantee you that. The whole "time" theme is designed very well as the corps
takes just the right amount of time to develop it before the hit you full force!!
Hourglass effect with guard "pouring" through is also nice and clever...... The
drill is quite tasty, pleasing to the eye, and starting to be executed rather
well... hats the key to the placement of this show...execution, once they master
it, the emotion will ooze out. Love Nutville, made me realize just how good jazz
sounds on the field and realize that hardly anyone does it anymore..... The
"tribute" section is very classy, just enough "schmalz" to make it extremely
touching and tasteful. "let it be me" ..wow !! Was I the only nerd who stood for
that?? I see this show in finals, I would like to say securely but Im not judging
the field..I say they have "it" all over the Glassmen, BK, and Magic.... so expect
to see them Saturday night.
Blue Knights disappointed me...sorry to say. What the &$%# are they playing??
I expected so much more based on the internet, I was disappointed and couldnt
understand how they were beating Spirit and Magic........ I cant recall one
highlight of this show. Guard has white uniforms, better than the ones offered in
early season photographs. Brass played well, whatever it was they were playing.....
too many "visual " things and body poses...they are sorta silly, as is the
"chugga, chugga" whatever the corps was chanting.... I heard chuckles, did nothing
to enhance the show or showcase the talent. This is not a show for finals and I
see them thirteenth...... if not lower.
Carolina Crown, the "darlings" of the '03 season were next..and they did not
disappoint. All the issues I noticed and wrote about early in the season have been
addressed and refined..this show is hot !! and you can tell that the memebrs A)
know they have a good show, B ) know they are loved by the crowd, C) are confident
of the positive review and it shows in their performance. Everything works in this
show, solid GE , solid guard, brass and percussion playing well, staged well, ...all
good things. The show just whizzes by, timewise and its over before you know it.
Drill changes in the mid section are evident and the corps is now more complete and
confident heading into Orlando..they could catch Crossmen, which would be no small
Crossmen were next and much improved since early July. Guard has added colored
"tops" to their uniforms for each segment of the show. Over the rainbow seems to
have been changed a little, the crowd ate it up, I still feel it's holding them
back a little...... Next number is really swinging and jazzy. The visual program is
refined and clean and they are selling their show now. They bring the house down
with the end of their show and it is quite crowd pleasing. This is a fun Crossmen
show, like last year and the year before it...it will do well in Orlando.
The Scouts were next, the crowd just ate them up. Welcoming them onto the field...
alot of "welcome back" were shouted. Wow, what an opening statement..the colorguard
is absolutley dazzling witht their yellow & black silks. These boys can spin, and
spin well...... a most improved guard and noticeable and welcomed change. Drill is
vintage Scouts with sharp execution and broad field coverage.....Brass sounds as
they have always, the music fits this corps image well. Crowd didnt react as loud
or as positive as I thought they were going to, I expected more from the crowd,
don't know if they were stunned, or expecting more.......this show fits right into
"DCI" and today, while still providing excitement and accessibility that the fans
want. This is a good, solid show with lots of effect and lots of things to enjoy...
it will easliy be either 6th - or 7th.
Bluecoats...... Solid execution, appealing show design, competent guard and a
pleasant sounding musical book. Again the tango section was quite appealing, done
so well......... The capture/escape theme has been expanded on and the crowd liked
it. Wonderful silk design, and good equipment work, for the most part. To take a
line from the great Michael Boo... "Great corps, wont offend anyone" that is so true
of the Bluecoats this year. Look fo them in the 6 - 8th pack come Orlando.
The nerves set in, the stomach was in knots and the tension buit as the Blue
Devils were on next. Were they for real ?? Were they just another victim of "Internet
hype" ??Could they really stay ahead of Cavies ?/ Was Indy a fluke ?? Could the
drumline deliver ?? Can the guard really be better than ever ?? Well, for the first
time this season, the corps has lived up tot he "hype" Not sure what I was going to
see but what I did see stunned me. I was silent. I usually scream throughout a BD
show, this one had me silent..... in stunned appreciation, almost a dropped jaw
effect...... This 2003 Blue Devils corps is on a different level than every other
corps out ther...ahead on everyone. This is the most professional, most polished
group of individuals I have ever seen come out of Concord in a long, long time....
the old cliche' "they make it look easy" is out of the closet for this show. It is
absolutly thrilling, almost perfect. Scott Chandler is an absolute genius, simple as
that. The total integrated package, is what the Blue Devils have this year. No weak
spots...... For those who like to "whine" about the BD drill..... faghedaboudit!!
It moves, its hard, its demanding, its intricate, its exposed, its packed with "wow",
and highlights the music even better than they have ever done. It doesnt stop... it
flows from one set to the other with the most perfect transitonal skill I have
seen...... And the brass is playing throughout each pattern/set. No park & bark,
like some other corps........ Its a seamless effort. The guard has the most
demanding book of anyone out there this year. Probably the most :notes:, the most
diversity in style and the execution is flawless........ they toss high...real
high... they toss alot... I mean alot... oh, and they are clean as a whistle ...again
they do some dance, but as is the BD style, the dancing is so sophisticated and
fits the music so well, its appropriate..almost called for in the parts of the show
where it is. With all this, I still see room for the show to grow. The ending is
still in need of confidence, as good as it is.... once they can clean it up, they
really shouldt have anything to worry about, as long as they dont get too cocky, and
keep their minds on the task at hand, victory is within their reach........ Wow,
what a show.
Cavaliers were next. There was something wrong tonight. They had major confidence
problems. I dont think they expected to be upended in Indy by the "Blue Crew" and
then have the whole week to sit and stew with it. Their performace was tentative. As
I have been saying all along...If you have no emotion, you arent going to sell the
kind of show the Cavaliers have. Sure, wonderful execution, and awesome display of
talent..but what are they doing ?? what are they playing ??? The music took us
nowehre.... we wanted to embrace the corps, be apart of it... it is too sterile of a
show, not enough peaks and valleys...... all of the "wow" maneuvers they were famous
for are now commonpalce and predictable...... there was no fire in this performance.
Guard uniforls are just plain silly, again, and even more blatant when "knocked down
a notch" Theres no reason for the guard to look like that..again, whne you have a hard
sell such as the Cavies show, you need all aspect of your corps working full steam to
sell it... the guard just detracts and "cheapens" the effect desired. The reverse
ending was kewl, I liked it, but not nearly as "wow" needed to not only beat the
Devils, but hold off the hungry sharks nipping at their heels. Its upt ot hem.....
No emotion, no title, even so, I dont think they control their own destiny
anymore......... Spin cylce could either clean house or be washed up.
When scores were announced, and Cavaliers were announced in second, the crowd went
nuts, many standing... it was weird, but the crowd was delighted that the Blue Devils
beat the Cavaliers....... talkng to many after the show, it was unanimous that the Blue
Devils were just simply amazing, better than they had expected and Cavaliers left them
a little flat.
East Providence, RI (DCA)
My day started out sucking real bad because I spent the night in the
emergency room with my daughter, but she is ok now.
Every year the Matadors schedule one of the quarterly alumni meetings on the
afternoon of the show and it always seems someone will show up to this meeting
that doesn't go to the other meetings. So I always run into someone I haven't
seen in a long time & that's always fun.
The show............ First up, Matador, Sunrisers, & Buccaneer alum. Ritchee
Price opens with the National Anthem. He always does a great job! Then an
ensemble from St. Kevin's Emerald Knights with 2 outstanding numbers really
entertained the crowd. The show sponsors are always kind enough to give the
Matadors alumni assoc. time to induct the newly elected members into the
Matador Hall of Fame. Then the full St. Kevin's corps did an excellent job
reminding us all about that great corps from the past.
First up in competition, The Sunrisers............. I made my mind up
earlier this week to buy something from their soave table & what was sitting
there right when you walk into the stadium? Their table! I only have a limited
amount of $$$$ to spend so I decided my support was going there. I bought one
of their cd's (that should make Charlie happy). It was so great to see them
on the field! They have some nice concepts, some good ideas, but alas just not
enough bodies to pull it off. Still, a lot of heart & determination. Sunrisers,
sometimes you just have to put your head down & push you way through the bad
times. You've done it before, you can do it again.
Hurricanes...... this corps loves their program & it shows! There are many
times during the show when they make the whole audience smile. The guard
works it! Sometimes the guard makes the corps look twice as big. So I'm
thinking, ok, a show about Las Vegas. How in the world are they going to work
Mag. 7 into a show about Vegas? Then, when they actually do it, I
say............. of course, it's so obvious, how
dumb can I be? It fit's beautifully! I've heard how young the drum line was,
and yes they are, & it shows but that's ok. I had nothing but fun watching
this corps, & I can't wait when I see them in 2 weeks in West Haven.
Bushwhackers......... I am rapidly becoming a fan of this corps. This corps
has guts & quality! They do not shy away from difficulty just because they
don't have 50+ horns on the field. I have always appreciated them for being
a good corps, but now I really enjoy their show. Seemed to be strong & show
good balance through out every section. Size probably hurts this corps. It
should not, but probably does.In the last 10 years DCA has done a good job of
getting away from the "bigger is better" mentality. But I can't help but think
this might be a factor.
Caballero's.............. WOW! The best Cab's corps I have seen in years!
Took top guard, well deserved. I thought the Cab's were going to win the show
on the strength of visual marks. Yes, I know the Brigs won visual, but I still
think in the end the Cab's will be stronger. The one thing I can pick on is
the placement of the battery through out much of the first 1/3 of the show.
They just seem too far back & disconnected. It just could be that the stands
were kind of low, so my vantage point wasn't the best. The Cab's were only
0.3 behind the Brigadiers, and have so much still to clean I think come
Scranton they could pull the upset!
Brigadiers................. OH MY WORD! In the past, as with Bush I would
think an excellent corps but didn't move me. Especially last year, they were
a machine but a bit flat. Well, this year they are a machine with raw emotion
that fills the stadium! Technically, flawless! And that's the reason I think
Cab's have a great shot at overtaking them. It doesn't look like they have
anywhere to go. I'm not saying they have maxed out, it's just that, the Cab's
had many spots in their show where they were downright dirty, and only lost
be 0.3! Brigs. music & visual were both incredibly clean, but as with the Cab's
I have a problem with the Brigs visual show. It looked like the brass spent a
good 1/4 of the show marching around in a block. All the lines were straight,
the form sharp & clear but it just seemed too much of the same thing. And that's
where the Cab's can catch them. Musically, I give Syracuse a slight edge,
but visually once it's cleaned, I think the Cab's should be able to edge
them out. As far as the overall show, amazing! They have so much quality I thing
they could give many DCI corps a run they are that good!
So, even though my day didn't start out great it ended super. The best E.P.
show I have ever seen. My complements to the Greater New England Drum Corps
Assoc (GNEDCA) for a great show!
I know! I didn't post scores. They are already posted & I can't find them.
It's late!
Bill Roderick
Friday August 1
Allentown, PA (DCI) #1
I hadn't been to Allentown for a show since '99, so
when my friends encouraged me to go, I was thrilled.
The stadium has been revamped and really is nice!
Great job!
The corps:
Lehigh Valley Knights: The only division 3 entry
tonight. Their show seems to be a bit of Fantasia
with an attitude! Visually very much improved over
2002, alot more movement and BETTER movement as well.
Musically these kids can play!!! Guard was awesome
(way to go Jon!!) Their scores seem to have then
right near the top of division 3 and as an alumni of
when they were the Lehigh Valley Chieftains Sr. Corps
- I have a soft spot for them. NICE JOB ROD YETTER!
Division 1 corps:
PIONEER: Not a bad effort at all, they are smaller
than I thought they would be. I do like the show
alot. Guard had some rough moments but some good ones
too. Nice drumline, not sure how they are scoring
though, but sounded nice. Best of luck Pioneer.
CAPITAL REGIMENT: My first viewing of them Live -
ever. Ive seen a video from when they were in
division 2 or 3 (cant recall). I've been reading
about everyone's dislike for their "Brave New World"
show based on Dvorak's 9th Sympthony.... But I LOVED
IT! It was refreshing and new, abstract, challenging,
and still had moments that fans can say "hey I know
that tune!" BTW - Guard was EXCELLENT! I was please
with their show and my first impressions are good ones
- THANK YOU Capital.
SOUTHWIND: Havent seen the live since the later 90's,
the season right before they went innactive. It was
nice to see the larger corps out there. Nice package
but at times lacks something. Drill has been a
critical point with many fans and reviews Ive seen,
but it does have some really awesome moments. Nice
job guys!
MANDARINS: Somebody should tell these guys that they
are NOT a full size corps.... but ya know what? They
dont care - There is CLASS and DIGNITY leaking out of
every area of this corps. I WAS IMPRESSED!!! Very
nice show. This corps can march, play, spin, and
dance with the best of them. They just need a few
more members. 40 in the brass was kinda small but
with a few more bodies in the corps in general and we
could see the Mandarins making finals for the first
time. AWESOME!
COLTS: One of my favorite corps. I was dissapointed
with their placement last year. And after reading how
young the corps was this year, I was not expecting all
that much this year..... I WAS WRONG! Yes they are
young, but these kids are still trained well, they
march well, and the show is exciting from opening to
ending. They start off in this cross formation... and
end in the same formation. It got a huge smile from
me. All sections seem to be pushing and trying to
improve on their placement over last year. They sound
they produced was a finalist sound. Nice Colts and
congrats on cracking 80 tonight!
INTERMISSION: very boring. I give it a thumbs down.
KIWANIS KAVALIERS: This show is based on some Beatles
songs "All You Need is Love". It had some nice
moments, but I wasnt sure about alot of the visual
package. Some things just didnt see to work for me.
And the show was a little choppy, not too well glued
together. The ending seemed to come out of nowhere.
The members are doing a great job with the show - no
doubt! Guard was very good from what I recall.
Overall I really have nothing "bad" to say about them.
Just keep cleaning it. Best of luck to ya.
MAGIC OF ORLANDO: My first live viewing of them since
they did the Chuck Mangione show in 99. This has to
be the COOLEST show I've seen from then ever! And the
most intense! They open with much of the brass
carrying lil bells (right?) and some of the guard with
these mirrored panels. The show was called "Silver
Voices". Marching was awesome, hornline was
controlled but STRONG, drumline - fantastic as always,
guard - same thing: great! Their drill was very very
cool!!! Im pulling to see them make finals once
BOSTON CRUSADERS: NICE! The one friend I had with
me, I think it was his favorite corps of the night.
They really did some major stuff out there.
Definitely they are trying to hold onto a top 6 spot.
With a show like that, when they are "ON" they should
be able to pull it off. The show is sorta like a
sequal to their 2000 "Red" show, it is called "Bravo"!
Many memorable moments that reminded me of their
"Red" show.... NICE... keep plugging away and that
6ith spot is yours gang!
the theme. They used that to their advantage and alot
of the drill seemed to have areas where different
sections would make a path (sometimes and odd one) in
order to get to their spots. I loved this show from
beginning to end - others don't, but then again I love
abstract shows that are different. Every section of
this corps was tight and if they keep up this late
season momentum, could there be a top 3 spot again?
They beat Phantom for the 2nd night in a row, so we'll
see how that goes over next week. All They need its
to overtake the Cadets, a good challenge but stranger
things have happened!
CADETS: Great show, but somehow I just didnt find
Malaguena to be the best selection for the show. It
was awesome however and they did it very well - nice
rendition of it... kinda different! The opening was a
moving warmup - something not seen too much in DCI.
Rocky Point Holiday was by far their best section
tonight - very slick! They moved alot as I expected
they would and the Z pull was very much appreciated -
and they did it SOOO well!!! We'll see how this show
ends up by next week.... FINALS!
and finally..
PHANTOM REGIMENT: I was very excited to see this show
and they certainly didnt dissapoint me. Seeing them
in ALL WHITE was truely awesome! I remember when they
came to Hershey in the Black for the first time.
Anyhow, Everything seems to be here for this corps,
the visual package is VERY well written, especially
the ending where the guard moves from spread across
the field to this dance section on the right side -
nice idea Phantom! They now have to be careful - They
got overtaken by SCV thursday night and tonight.
Either SCV is surging or Phantom is slowing down. But
regardless of where they place this year I fully
enjoyed this show.... AWESOME!!!
DCI never stops getting my blood pumping, every year I
go and it just gets more exciting everytime. I might
be there again tonight to see slate number 2. We'll
see however. But if you decide to go - you will
totally enjoy it! Take care and best of luck to ALL
corps next week.....
Jeremy J. White (LVC alumni)
Sorry this is kind of late. I wrote a detailed review this morning after
the show and when I submitted it somehow I got logged off and lost it all.
Let's try this again shall we . . .
This is my 2nd show in two nights. My wife and I went to the West Chester
show last night where several of the corps performing tonight also competed.
So it should be very interesting to see how they do tonight. We drove from
northern NJ and got in the stadium right at 7:30pm. Unfortunately we missed
the Lehigh Valley Knights who apparently performed before 7:30pm. So I can't
comment on Lehigh Valley. Sorry!
We used to see this corps alot when we lived in the midwest especially when
we went to any Wisconsin shows. Performed relatively well as we viewed them
from the sidelines. Hornline not very big but put out some decent sound.
Percussion seemed okay. Guard had some issues but decent. Overall a good show
but lots of dirt.
My wife liked their royal blue uniforms. Nice constrast with the green field.
Very good "Brave New World" show with strong brass and solid percussion. Guard
seemed to be pretty good too. Really liked Dvorak's "New World Symphony"
selections. Performed well tonight as a whole in all sections.
Their "Dance Portraits" show was played very well by the hornline and percussion.
Guard did very well too but the one issue was that because the corps yellow
uniforms were brighter than the guard outifts the guard did not seem to stand out
that well and may have not been as effective visually. Good show though.
This is their first year in Div. 1 and they put out a strong show to contend with
the other up and coming Div. 1 corps tonight. First off, their corps uniforms are
very Asian looking and really cool. Plus the guard outfits were very unusual and
cool too. Their show, "Black Market Bazaar" really had alot of challenging
hornline sections, particularly in the trumpet section. Their runs weren't super
clean but you had to appreciate the fact their effort to try to play such tough
brass figures. Alot of cool visual effects and they really do act like a big corps.
Their percussion particularly the snares are very clean and have some great drum
breaks. And the three large skin covered Asian looking drums were effective both
visually and musically. Great job!
Here is a corps that really has a great sound right off the bat. Their show
"Symphonic Visions" starts with a full fanfare opening and alot of energy. The
rest of the opener though was a little unclear musically. But throughout the show
the brass was very solid. The jazz section was swinging with good soloists. The
coolest part of their show was that their last drill set, an angled cross, is the
same as their opening set. Good closure. Hope to see them clean some more and
perform with more emotion next week at championships.
Now to be honest I have never been a big fan of this corps. And I was reminded why
with tonight's show. The "All You Need is Love" theme is okay but the arrangements
have alot of cheese and cliches in them. The corps performs well enough but the
music takes the listener nowhere emotionally. The guard was good but did some
interesting body movements in connection with the whole love theme. I just don't
think their instructors program this show well to make a big impact at all. Left me
very flat. But the kids did their best with the program.
Their show "Silver Voices" was the first show to really get the crowd going tonight!
Cool use of these small bells played and spread all over the field to create a cool
effect and the guard carried these rectangular mirror type props the accentuate that
"glassy" feel. Great hornline. Alot of power. Saw them Thursday night at West Chester
and they played very well. Tonight they did the same. Percussion was very solid too
playing a tough book. The guard was on tonight too and had alot of good tosses
including one male guard tossing a rifle and catching it behind his back. Very
impressive. Exciting show which at the end truly brought the crowd to its feet
without hesitation. Great job!
This corps has alot of confidence and it shows. "Bravo" sounds and looks alot like
their "Red" show since they started with Bolero again and drill wise were running
right away. Great brass sound, especially in the trumpet. Alot of fullness and great
range too. Percussion was very clean and articulate. Guard was throwing up alot of
great tosses and making clean ensemble catches throughout their show. I really like
their very original arrangement of "Malaguena"--alot of great ideas utilized musically.
They made the crowd roar at the end too when they hit their last set and final chord
and two of the guard climbed atop platforms on either side of the pit percussion and
waved these huge red flags. And then after the last chord the entire corps falls down
to the ground in a dramatic fashion. Wow! The crowd really loved it! Totally rocked!
We saw SCV at West Chester and really liked their abstract "Pathways" music and visual
show. Really thought their brass sounded even better tonight than at West Chester--much
more focused with the stereophonic brass opening section with the brass split on either
endzone. Great sound from the horns and percussion were just rocking tonight again! Alot
of difficult drum figures and they nailed them. And the "get down" drum break in the
middle of the show was very cool! Really liked how they used a vertical file drill set
at the first big hit of the show and then did the same set at the close of the opener
but approached from the other side of the field. And I liked the small brass ensemble
that used the mutes in the middle section to back up the soloists. Guard in blueish
outfits performed very well too and nailed pretty much all their tosses. We just loved
how precise and snappy their horns up and marching style is. Very impressive! Powerful
ending musically and visually. Great show!
Well I knew the Cadets had their hands full after a very strong performance from SVC.
We saw them at West Chester and really liked their show particularly the guard and
percussion. The brass was a little weak and had alot of dirt in their playing. And I
hoped that they would really bring a much better brass performance tonight. And I wasn't
let down at all! Right from the warmup and the opening contra section solo and soli I
knew that their brass was on tonight! They sounded so much richer tonight and not weak
as the night before. And most obviously to me the brass was very clean. Didn't hear any
brass fracks at all tonight. Love the brass swells when the corps is on the right side
of the field and does some brass tilts to emphasize the swells. Lots of fast drill in
"Fanfare & Allegro". And the percussion was simply great all night! So aggressive and
yet so clean! Soloists in "Malaguena" were all on tonight too and alot of cool drill
movements too. Crowd loved the shout sections of course. "Rocky Point Holiday" was great
too with all sections performing very well. I like the collage ending which musically
brings various show motifs into a huge "Rocky Point" push and into the familiar z-pull
stretched from the middle of one endzone to another with great space intervals and no
loss of intonation quality in the brass. All sections of the corps tonight were really
on fire! Great performance! Alot of GE tonight.
It was tough to follow both SCV and the Cadets high GE productions. But their brass in
"Harmonic Journey" are so amazing to listen to. Right off the bat the trumpet entrance
in Pachabel's "Canon" is so clean and full and those baritones are so rich its amazing.
The tone quality of the brass is so gorgeous and the articulation in the "Wild Night"
and "Ostinato" piece was just amazing! Percussion was very solid and it was great to
see them again after seeing them the night before at West Chester. I noticed more of
their drum breaks. But their drum book isn't as meaty as SCV and the Cadets. Guard was
very good but as some have commented to me, the black guard outfits combined with the
white corps uniforms (which I really like seeing again) actually make the show visually
bland at times. And there is some hard drill in the show but it's not as complex as SCV
and the Cadets. And after a while the body movement thing got tiresome to look at. I
believe the body movements were good but overdone. Plus even though the corps ended
strongly pulling the corps into a tight cluster the crowd really didn't respond in a
very emphatic way jumping to their feet until the last chord was done. There is a lack
of GE in the show now and I'm not sure why exactly. But the crowd's slight hesitation
at the end to give a standing "O" was telling. But no doubt a top 4 performance!
Well a great night of drum corps with no rain even though the forecast was for rain
all night. The Cadets won convincingly tonight and SCV came in second beating Phantom
for the second night in a row. Hmm . . . Well we will see what will happen next week at
Dr. Love
Allentown, Pa. August 1, 2003. - On a night where cloudy skies delivered much
rain and much more chance of rain, The real threat emerged on the field at J.
Birney Crum stadium, home of the 25th anniversary of the Allentown DCI East/Eastern
The competition tonight was absoultey solid as there was no real weak corps, no
real deficiencies in performance, and the venue offered a top notch, smooth running
show that many other event coordinators should take notes from.
Bad weather hampered the region most of the day, the sun never really showed, but
for the most part drizzle and dark skies were the order of the day.
The stadium was pretty full for a friday night show.....I, sat right smack on the
fifty yardline, halfway up the stadium....this is what I saw.
Lehigh Valley Knights presented a solid show that was fun to watch and easy to be
entertained by......If they were a larger corps, the confidence they showed could
easily have propelled them into Open class, if they chose that route....since they
didn't look for them to do some damage in their respective division.
Pioneer were next. Smaller than they have been, especially the guard. The guard
was in fluorescent orange coats, not very appealing. The show "The Spirit of the
Pioneer" was nice but this corps is having trouble selling their show. Nothing
memorable stood out from what I can recall. They did do a god job of keeping it all
together but I felt the music lacked spirit and emotion and it was a tough sell. I
hope this corps can rebuild and rebound and be competitive again.....
Capitol Regiment were next. I liked the colorful guard outfits and the guard was
quite capable. The hornline was full and rich with a solid deep sound, needed to
sell "New world Symphony" and they did.....It was loud, but controlled. The visual
program was mature and improved over last year.I think they could wind up in the
17th spot if they can clean their product.
Southwind came on the field next and I immedieately knew I didnt like their high
school band style colorguard outfits.....Gold/Burgundy.....simple. The show had some
nice moments but again, nothing really stood out. Patterns were nice, music was
arranged nice, guard used curved poles ala 83 Freelancers.....A nice effort, a
pleasing show, but I felt Cap. Reg is the corps to take the 17th spot this year.
Mandarin = performance. This corps is polished, sophisticated,and fun. They are a
somewhat small package, but boy can they sell a show. Brass and percussion were tight,
played well together, and hepled to enhance each other without drowning the other out.
Guard was very good, and fun to watch....lots of stuff to enjoy. I noticed alot of
maturity in this corps and at this rate, could be top twelve in a year or so.
"Bachanalle" was the highlight, lots of stuff going on in the pit. Good show. Could
challenge for 17th in Orlando.
Why the Colts went on so early is a mystery to me. Why the Colts are scoring so
low is somewhat less of a mystery, but still...they could be closer to the middle of
the pack. As usual, the opening statement presented by the Colts is top notch,
exciting, and GE packed. I think the problem with the Colts is actually simple......
since 1993, the Colts have offered solid, consistent performances, but they are all
similar, similar in design, similar in performance, and similar in emotion. I
personally love...adore their style, I cant get enough but it seems like DCI, or
what DCI is looking for...has passed them by a little...... I think for them to
make a run for finals again, they need to mix it up a bit...other than that...
awesome, appealing show, solid execution and wonderful total visual program. I'm
pretty sure they are locked into 16th place, could catch Cascades, but 15th would
be the highest they go.
Kiwanis Kavaliers, smaller than last year, presented a Beatles show. It was fun
and entertaining, but its lacking the sophistication to be competitive. Guard was
good, drill was good, arrangements were unique but they haven't got the "oomph" to
get any higher than the lower third of the pack.
Magic of Orlando shocked the he** out of me !!! I wan't especting them to be so
darn good.....and my God !!! that is excatly what they were......FIrst off, their
field coverage is awesome, they utilize the entire field, with ease, and do it agian
and agian. Guard is integrated into the show well, and their work and equipment are
simply beautiful. This show, to me, is miles ahead of last year in terms of appeal
and accesiblity.....Brass is solid and is selling their book with conifidence, as
is the percussion section. If I had to pick one show to see again from this entire
line-up, it would be this !! Look for them in finals.
How can you be "mad" at the Boston Crusaders......they have a show that works so
well, is so appealing, and so full of GE and crowd appeal that you just have to
overlook the fact that they are "getting away with murder" in regards to show design
and re-hashed moves and maneuvers. First off, the guard is the best they have been
in terms of execution and demand since the late seventies. They have a book that
highlights their skill effectively, and they rise to the ocasion. The actual silks
are beautiful and highlight the show perfect. The music is well known...... full of
highs and lows, latin in flavor and solid in its appeal......anyone sitting on their
hands during this show is dead. It's a given this show will do well..I say anywhere
from 6th through 8th..that's the level it is on design wise and difficulty wise...
maxed out, it will be 6th..the interesting thing is..what will Boston come up with
next year ??? Theres no way they will be forgiven if they continue with the
predictable, overused drill moves and stylings.........next year is a very important
year for the Boston Crusaders.
Santa Clara Vanguard was next, fresh off of their first victory over Phantom
Regiment. After reading about Phantom Regiment all year, then seeing that SCV topped
the "hype" machine.....I was a little disappointed...not to take away from the fact
that its a good show, but because of this forum, and forums like it..I expected
more..... a whole lot more. This is my favorite SCV show since 2000. The drill is
simply insane. Music, while not well known, is easy to read and easy to get used to.
Guard uniforms are nowhere near as bad as the pictures would leave you to believe....
actually quite nice. The guard is performing very well. The show is extremely
demanding, but it lacks alot of emotion, and thats going to be the key heading into
Orlando...if they can sell this how, they will do well, If not ?? fifth will be their
home. Tonights performance seemed a little forced...they seemed tired......but all in
all,a good showing......there is just too much green in the uniform,and the shade is
too light....thats my only complaint.
On came the Cadets.....what a big improvement in design and performance since Juy
6th ! This show was definetly the winner tonight, but I expected it to be closer.
Vintage Cadets running throughout the show, solid patterns in the drill, outstanding
colorguard, solid transitions. Only beef here is theres just not enough layers of
depth, not enough "show" to really challenge for the title. What they have is
appealing, and is done well, but I am left wanting more.......Predictable Zzzzzzzz...
pull was awesome to me, not as effective as I thought it would be......I do see this
show, however, making a leap over Cavaliers, but thats more of the fault of the
Cavaliers, than the true measure of this show......
Phantom Regiment...the mighty Regiment, back in white.....playing classical music...
with a solid guard, improved percussion section and quite possibly this years best
hornline. I gauge the Regiment by how fast the show goes by....If they are done, and
I'm wondering "Already, it just started" ?? I know it's a godd solid show......well,
it seems like the show just got off the ground and before I knew it I ws wondering
where the time went. This is quite possibly the best Regiemnt musical book in over a
decade......the maturity in the brass line, the depth and diversity, the layers of
sound, the dynamics... any and all cliche's aplly. You will cry, you will cheer, you
will be awed......... absolutely fabulous. Visually, they are a pretty package, solid
sets, smooth transitions, somewhat predictable but totally effective...... a total GE
drill, typical vintage Phantom Regiment drill....... Guard is beautiful, I felt they
are integrated very well...loved the work, loved the emotions they tried to sell....
Percussion is improved and for the most part I expected this show abve SCV, many
others did also...this show could be as high as third come Orlando...its up to the
members, their commitment to the show, and how well they peform...bravo Phantom, you
are back in a big way.
I was a little disturbed to see the Cadets that far waw, score wise, from SCV and
PR..... I expected maybe a point toal...and SCV seemed flat, yet beat Phantom......
I dont see any three taking the title home, but if anyome has the best shot, as far
as solid show to overtake anything, it has to be Phantom Regiemnt, Cadets are pretty
much maxing out, and I see them doing well, but not the top spot.
I know this is late, but....... here is my review of DCI East on Friday.....
Lehigh Valley Knights (exh.).... sorry... missed them
Pioneer..... big snarelins (9).... percussion had some good moments.... horn book
was ok, but seemed to be lacking in effect, and many quality issues.... I
thought drill was a bit ambitious for experienece level of corps..... new hats
didn't make it for me.......
Capital Regiment..... great job for 1st year in open..... big full sound... they
were best at their impact points.... some of New World arranging stretched a bit
too far from the original for me..... competent percussion which was well
Southwind.... corps was competent, but not stellar.... I had trouble getting into
their arrangements........
Mandarins...... they were proficient, but again, I felt they had trouble
reaching the crowd emotionally, especially in the 2nd half of the
Colts....I fell they have a well-written music book, which they played with pretty
good expression,emotion, and dynamics. I did notice some marching problems...phasing
in feetwas a big problem, and this did show up in their visual numbers....if they were
cleaner there, they would be right there with others in the finals hunt...however,
it's a tough year, and I see them coming up short, but they could catch Seattle,
Glassmen, and Blue Knights.......
Kiwanis..... they performed ok tonight (a bit better than the night before), but
the show lacks real emotional impact.............
Magic..... Magic was much better tonight than at West Chester..... baris had a
significantly better night..... drill looked good up high.... my big qualm is
Mass... it just sits there, tempo is too slow, and thus flatlines
emotionally.... the rest of the show is fine......
Boston.... my first view, and I was impressed..... power, emotion, well-arranged
book, good coordination, and much effect.......... fine job.
Santa Clara.... they were a tad better than at West Chester.... they still have
brass performance (articulation and quality of sound) issues.... great impacts
and emotion.... drumline smokes..... terrific coordination.... the show defines
"Vanguard", but I am afraid the performance level will keep them out of the
hunt, unless magic happens at this weeks' rehearsals.....
Phantom.... also a better performance than at WC..... hirnline has great quality
for most of the show....... I am still not totally sold on all of their
arrangemsnts ( I like certain parts, though)... competent drumline.......
Cadets.... very high performance level tonight.... they STILL need to hike the
tempo at the end of Malaguena, and also must open up the impacts both there and
the end of Rocky Point.... they are not going to catch Devils, but they should
catch Cavaliers, because the show has more going on musically than Cavs, and
they are getting pretty clean.....
weather held.... good crowd........ stadium improvements all good.....
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