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2002 Drum Corps International Media/Photos
2002 DCI Media/Photo Gallery #1
Below is a Gallery of videos taken by yours truely at the DCI Pacific Show on June 22, 2002. It was the
first show for all of these corps. I got a new Canon GL1 digital video camera and decided to try it out. I wanted to keep
the video and sound quality good without making the file sizes too large, so I split the videos of each corps into sections
depending on the flow of the show. The videos are still pretty big, but since most of you are used to downloading large
MP3 files these should be OK. But, if you are connected by a 56K dail-up, try downloading just one portion of each show.
You will need the Quicktime 5 plugin to view
these videos. Send any comments or questions to: scores@soundmachine.org
Click on a thumbnail to view the video!
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