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The Sound Machine Archive Presents
2008 Drum Corps Associates Scores
Scores were last updated on Sunday, September 1, 2108

Listed are the show dates, the scores will be filled in as they are available.
All Senior Corps scores will be listed here so comparisions can be made!
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Sunday August 31

Rochester, NY (DCA Championships)  Check the Weather at the Show

Class A Finals
82.750 Alliance
82.463 Fusion Core
79.225 Chops, Inc
77.438 SoCal Dream

DCA Seniors Recap

Rochester, NY (DCA Championships)  Check the Weather at the Show

Open Class Finals
97.913 Buccaneers
96.513 Minnesota Brass
95.063 Empire Statesmen
94.913 Hurricanes
93.625 Caballeros
93.425 Bushwackers
90.013 Brigadiers
89.675 Renegades
86.763 CorpsVets
83.738 Crusaders

DCA Seniors Recap

Saturday August 30

Rochester, NY (DCA Championships)

Class A Prelims
83.838 Alliance *
83.025 Fusion Core *
80.900 Chops Inc. *
80.788 SoCal Dream *
80.650 Grenadiers
77.413 Govenaires
77.313 White Sabers
75.888 Carolina Gold
73.563 Gulf Coast Sound
72.963 Lakeshoremen
72.538 Frontier
67.500 Shenandoah Sound

* Top 4 scoring corps go to Finals

Rochester, NY (DCA Championships)

Open Class Prelims
98.138 Buccaneers *
96.013 Empire Statesmen *
95.875 Caballeros *
95.113 Minnesota Brass *
94.913 Hurricanes *
93.788 Bushwackers *
91.400 Brigadiers *
90.688 Renegades *
88.288 CorpsVets *
86.188 Crusaders *
85.538 Music City Legend
82.788 Kilties

* Top 10 scoring corps go to Finals

Friday August 29

Rochester, NY (DCA Championships)

Mini-Corps Competition
98.33 Star United
97.17 Mass Brass
95.17 Golden Eagles
94.23 Music City Legend
93.00 Ghost Riders
91.67 Minne Brass
91.67 Thunderbirds
84.33 Capital Brass
81.00 Amoskeay
81.00 Outlaws
77.83 Crossmen Xtreme

DCA I&E/Mini Corps Results

Saturday August 23

West Haven, CT (DCA)

94.213 Empire Statesmen
94.413 Caballeros
92.975 Hurricanes
89.688 Bushwackers

DCA Seniors Recap

Reading, PA (DCA)

95.538 Buccaneers
90.075 Brigadiers
85.238 Crusaders
79.975 Fusion Core
78.025 White Sabers
75.250 Grenadiers

DCA Seniors Recap

Sunday August 17

Johns Creek, GA (DCA)

85.075 CorpsVets
82.538 Alliance
80.238 Music City Legend
69.763 Gulf Coast Sound
65.925 Sun Devils
62.075 Shenandoah Sound

DCA Seniors Recap

South St. Paul, MN (DCA)

91.013 Minnesota Brass
84.325 Kilties
79.338 Chops Inc.
77.325 Govenaires
70.888 Frontier
66.725 Lakeshoremen

DCA Seniors Recap

Saturday August 16

Scranton, PA (DCA)

93.238 Buccaneers
91.425 Empire Statesmen
90.850 Caballeros
90.675 Hurricanes
86.663 Bushwackers
86.038 Brigadiers
82.375 Crusaders

DCA Seniors Recap

St Peter, MN (DCA)

89.888 Minnesota Brass
82.800 Kilties
77.750 Chops Inc.
76.925 Govenaires
71.538 Frontier
65.900 Lakeshoremen

DCA Seniors Recap

Douglasville, GA (DCA)

85.563 CorpsVets
81.550 Alliance
81.000 Music City Legend
70.175 Gulf Coast Sound
65.163 Sun Devils
62.763 Shenandoah Sound

DCA Seniors Recap

Saturday August 9

Kingston, NY (DCA)

90.475 Hurricanes
90.038 Empire Statesmen
89.038 Caballeros
84.738 Bushwackers
77.550 Fusion Core
75.538 White Sabers

DCA Seniors Recap

Saturday August 2

Waterloo, NY (DCA)

88.463 Empire Statesmen
85.852 Brigadiers
81.825 Crusaders
75.550 Fusion Core
73.775 White Sabers
73.075 Grenadiers
70.900 Carolina Gold

DCA Seniors Recap

Hendersonville, TN (DCA)

83.638 CorpsVets
79.375 Music City Legend
79.175 Alliance
70.813 Gulf Coast Sound
59.463 Shenandoah Sound

DCA Seniors Recap

Sunday July 27

Racine, WI (DCA)

85.350 Minnesota Brass
80.325 Kilties
74.313 Chops Inc.
73.525 Govenaires
64.688 Lakeshoremen

DCA Seniors Recap

Saturday July 26

Chambersburg, PA (DCA)

88.863 Buccaneers
83.275 Brigadiers
82.030 Bushwackers
72.200 White Sabers
69.400 Carolina Gold
59.425 Shenandoah Sound

DCA Seniors Recap

Lawrence, MA (DCA)

86.513 Hurricanes
85.538 Caballeros
84.850 Empire Statesmen
76.450 Crusaders
69.475 Fusion Core

DCA Seniors Recap

Cudahy, WI (DCA)

83.888 Minnesota Brass
78.450 Kilties
72.938 Chops Inc.
72.550 Govenaires
64.650 Lakeshoremen

DCA Seniors Recap

Houston, TX (DCA)

65.250 Gulf Coast Sound
59.375 Frontier

Atlanta, GA (DCI)

12:00 pm Show
All Age Class
74.588 Atlanta CorpsVets

DCI's Offical Recap

Sunday July 20

Fremont, CA (DCI)

All Age Class
80.250 San Francisco Renegades
73.363 SoCal Dream

DCI's Offical Recap

Denton, TX (DCI)

All Age Class
52.988 Frontier

DCI's Offical Recap

Saturday July 19

Lewisburg, PA (DCA)

86.263 Buccaneers
83.150 Caballeros
82.063 Empire Statesmen
78.338 Bushwackers

DCA Seniors Recap

Endicott, NY (DCA)

83.750 Hurricanes
80.000 Brigadiers
75.800 Crusaders
71.213 Fusion Core
68.525 Grenadiers
66.263 White Sabers

DCA Seniors Recap

Gilroy, CA (DCI)

All Age Class
76.600 San Francisco Renegades
70.950 SoCal Dream

DCI's Offical Recap

Thursday July 17

Dallas, TX (DCI)

All Age Class
51.175 Frontier

DCI's Offical Recap

Houston, TX (DCI)

All Age Class
61.875 Gulf Coast Sound

DCI's Offical Recap

Sunday July 13

West Covina, CA (DCI)

All Age Class
75.000 San Francisco Renegades
70.375 SoCal Dream

DCI's Offical Recap

Saturday July 12

Clifton, NJ (DCA)

84.975 Buccaneers
81.788 Caballeros
80.388 Hurricanes
79.550 Empire Statesmen
76.388 Bushwackers
68.625 Fusion Core

DCA Seniors Recap

Buffalo, NY (DCA)

Sorry, Show was cancelled
White Sabers

Long Beach, CA (DCI)

All Age Class
70.500 San Francisco Renegades
69.875 SoCal Dream

DCI's Offical Recap

Saturday July 5

Rochester, NY (DCA)

76.425 Caballeros
76.063 Empire Statesmen
70.363 Brigadiers
69.438 Crusaders
60.575 White Sabers

DCA Seniors Recap

Manassas, VA (DCA)

80.538 Buccaneers
77.088 Hurricanes
68.788 Music City Legend
68.238 Fusion Core
64.900 Carolina Gold
62.288 Sun Devils
55.613 Shenandoah Sound

DCA Seniors Recap

Palo Alto, CA (DCI)

All Age Class
68.600 San Francisco Renegades

DCI's Offical Recap

Tuesday July 1

Richmond, KY (DCI)

All Age Class
65.850 Music City Legend

DCI's Offical Recap

Sunday June 29

Riverside, CA (DCI)

All Age Class
68.000 SoCal Dream

DCI's Offical Recap

Coon Rapids, MN (DCI)

All Age Class
73.375 Minnesota Brass, Inc.
66.375 Chops, Inc.
62.250 Govenaires

DCI's Offical Recap

Saturday June 28

Bridgeport, CT (DCA)

78.300 Buccaneers
73.450 Hurricanes
73.113 Caballeros
69.425 Bushwackers
68.413 CorpsVets
65.075 Crusaders

DCA Seniors Recap

Denton, TX (DCA)

61.375 Gulf Coast Sound
56.375 Frontier

DCA Seniors Recap

Walnut, CA (DCI)

All Age Class
65.875 SoCal Dream

DCI's Offical Recap

Madison, WI (DCI)

All Age Class
76.000 Minnesota Brass, Inc.
67.125 Kilties
63.750 Chops, Inc.

DCI's Offical Recap

Friday June 27

Racine, WI (DCI)

All Age Class
66.000 Kilties

DCI's Offical Recap

Monday June 23

Mankato, MN (DCI)

All Age Class
70.000 Minnesota Brass, Inc.
61.125 Govenaires

DCI's Offical Recap

Sunday June 22

Stockton, CA (DCI)

All Age Class
  EXE   San Francisco Renegades

DCI's Offical Recap

Stillwater, MN (DCI)

All Age Class
72.750 Minnesota Brass, Inc.
65.375 Govenaires
59.125 Chops, Inc.

DCI's Offical Recap

Saturday June 21

Wildwood, NJ (DCA)

76.863 Buccaneers
72.800 Caballeros
66.100 Bushwackers
55.700 Fusion Core

DCA Seniors Recap

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