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Saturday July 29
Murfreesboro, TN #2 (DCI)
Alright, here are some thoughts from the two days I just spent at DCI
Mid-America. A little info. about me first: I marched division 1 for four
years and taught for 4 years after that. I currently teach percussion at the
university level. I was traveling with two other band directors from my
college and some of my students. I BY NO MEANS claim to be an expert. these
are just my humble thoughts from the show, so please no jumping on here and
saying I am stupid because my opinion is different than yours. I wouldn't do
that to you so please don't do that to me (isn't too bad we actually have to
include such statements on here?). I will not comment on every corps, just
the ones I can think of something to say about.
Blue Devils: I really enjoyed their horn book for the first two thirds of
the show. The closer lost me a little bit (not really sure why). My main
problem with them is I thought their drum line was distracting. I felt that
the brass would set up some really nice moments through the show and then
the drums would come in playing real loud or a lot of notes (or both) and
really detracted from what the brass were doing, rather than enhancing it.
Cadets: I like the new ending !!!! I think this corps is pretty clean and
has a very entertaining show with something for everyone. I also think their
percussion writing is better than I have heard from them the last few years.
They could win it all, if they don't peak too early.
Cavaliers: After the show on the field I was not too sure if I liked them or
not. I thought they were pretty clean marching wise but the drums seemed to
have an off show (could be where I was sitting). But after hearing them at
the victory concert I really like what they have going on musically. They
have a very good chance at winning it all.
SCV: I LOVED this show. I think they have one of the best written music
books on the field, with possibly the most musical percussion book on the
field (I think this may be Cassella's best book yet) and I thought the drill
complemented it very well. They do still have a lot of cleaning to do. If
they can get it done in these last two weeks this could be our surprise
champion this year.
Phantom: I also like this show a lot. They are doing a lot musically and
visually, and they seem to be taking more chances than I can remember
phantom taking in awhile. The drum line is MUCH improved over previous years
also. Also I was glad to see the show was not as dijunct I was led to
believe. Yes they are playing a lot of different pieces, but instead of just
taking every major theme from the pieces and smashing them together (99
Tchaik show) it appeared that they took one or maybe two sections from each
work and just used it. It reminds me much more of their 96 show. Still lots
of cleaning to do but a big step back in the right direction.
Glassmen: Great performance. This corps is very clean and performs very
well. I like the musical and visual programs. BUT, there is something
missing. They just don't seem to grab you and say "You will watch me now and
you will like it !!!!". Don't know exactly what it is they are missing. They
may be the cleanest corps on the field but it just seems lacking.
Crossmen: The old crossmen seem to be re-emerging this year. Now it is not
the groove machine of the past but I like what is going on here. I also
think the musical arrangements are very good this year.
Bluecoats: This is actually the first Coats show I have ever liked. Very
enjoyable music to listen to and well performed.
Blue Knights: Great program. The musical and visual programs both work very
well together and the corps seems to be performing at a very high level.
Possibly one of the best drum-lines I heard all weekend (go Ralph).
Madison: Again I liked the show design of this show and I think the musical
and visual books are much better than they have had since probably 95. But
(here comes the flame material :^) ) I just don't think they are very clean.
I saw them rehearse that afternoon and thought it went much better than the
performance. The show is very exciting, but it would be even MORE exciting
if it was performed better. yes they do a lot of neat drill that gets the
crowd going, but imagine what would happen if the lines were straight as
they did it !!! I think this is a potential championship design, but it is
probably 8-10th place execution right now.
Boston: I really liked the design of this show. Thought the rope drums were
very nicely utilized. Corps plays and marches well. Singing could use a
little work though.
Colts: They are getting better. The drum line has improved a lot recently as
has the marching. This could be the surprise 12th place corps this year.
Southwind: Very nice musical and visual program. I didn't like some of the
percussion writing (a little to busy for parts of the show) but everyone has
their own taste. This is a corps that has improved greatly from when they
were in Alabama.
Overall I think that the show this year are much better designed, and more
entertaining than the past few years. It's interesting that if handled
correctly ANY music, from Stravinsky, to Bartok In the Mood can be exciting
and entertaining. It all has to do with how it is presented and performed.
As for the B-flat thing all I can say is the band directors I took with me
couldn't tell a difference. They thought that cadets, bd, cavies, scv and
phantom all had great horn lines (some on b-flat and some on g). Again it
has to do with the performance of it, now what key the horn is in. If the
b-flat horns make it better for some corps more power to them. I am going to
the shows to hear the music, not what key the horns are in.
Tracy Wiggins
Freelancers 94
Black Gold 91-93
Went to Drum Corps shows #6 and #7 this weekend. Sorry for this being late.
I'll combine both into one review. NOTE: Due to O'hare's typically
attrocious traffic control, our flight into Nashville was 3 hours late, so
only got to view the after the break corps on Friday night. That said, I'd
trade the 5 shows I saw on Friday with all ten from Saturday any time.
Saturday's line-up & shows from the corps just can't live up to what was on
Friday Night (Cadets excepted) I'm gonna review in the order I think the
corps will end up in this year, based on what I've seen so far:
1) Cavaliers. Ok, my early reviews were wrong. This corps has a total
package. It's getting more and more exciting as the year progresses.
Probably the best thier horn line has ever been. Hat's off to the Cavies.
Guard is fantastic, although they've had major drops in both Indianapolis and
Murfreesboro. If they can clean that up, they will be right up there with
Cadet's guard. Drum line is simply a machine. There are some "cool" drill
moves (especially the "waterfall" move about 1/3 of the way through the show
with the arcs of brass anc CG falling front and center) & one lights-out move
right before the last 20 seconds of the show. What does this show need to
take it over the top? A last 20 seconds as intense as the build up to it.
From both a musical and visual perspective, the show peaks about 20 seconds
from the end right now. My guess is that something else is on the way. IF
it is, they can catch Cadets. If not, they are a solid second.
2) Cadets. I will admit I'm trying to not like this show because of the
switch to Bb horns, but I do like it & I think this is Cadets's best horn
line in a long while. Musically, there are some tough licks & then quite a
bit of horn book that is not as difficult as some years' past. Drum Line is
great, and Color Guard is stupendous. Cadets seem to be recapturing some of
the fan appeal they haven't held the past few years. Only Cavies have a show
to catch them, and that will take a herculean effort. I'm putting Cadets
second because I think Cavies have them for level of difficulty. DC is gonna
be great!!!
3) Blue Devils. I don't see them any higher or lower than this. I really
do enjoy their show. Great visual program. Music book is cool, but no real
impact points. I love the overall Hermann "Madness" feel to the show, with
the swirling/turning visual book & music. Great interpretation. This is a
neat, neat show. Just not a barn burner. I can't tell if it is the Bb's or
not, but I think this is the weakest BD's horn line has been in years. That
BD power is just not as prevalent. I think Cavies have a more powerful horn
line than BD. And BD's trumpets don't project like their sopranos have in
the past. In full chords, the sound does not have enough top and bottom.
Guard is wonderful, and probably the best equipment work I think I've seen
out of them.
4) Santa Clara Vanguard. While they are in fourth for now, I can see
someone catching them. With the next 4, any of them have that potential.
SCV has a nice show, and I enjoyed it. The same
"take-you-away-to-another-moment-in-time" presence Vanguard has had the last
3 years just doesn't seem to be there at this time. I agree with the other
reviewer that said that SCV doesn't seem to have their usual confidence. It
is apparent in their individual body carriage and marching. Very
uncharacteristic posture, interval and feet problems for this late in the
season. Horn line is also weak. While the power chords at the end of Adagio
are impressive, I was expecting more. Stained Glass is not a real effective
closer. Not enough intensity after Adagio. Guard is very physical, and
movement is great. I think this is the best SCV's guard has been since '91.
I hope SCV pulls it together. They are still great, but suffering in
comparison to the last 3 years. My friend was so excited to see SCV for the
first time ever after all my talk about them. He loved them. I wish he
could have seen the last 3 years live & he would have gone bonkers. They
just don't have that "mystique" yet. If they can find it, they will solidly
retain their 4th place spot. If not, someone may pull out a finals week push
to catch them.
5. Phantom Regiment. I will admit personal preference may have them this
high. I also think they have a realistic shot at this spot. I wouldn't put
them in 5th between the 2 nights in Tennessee, but I think this spot is not
out of reach. Visually, the corps has found some additional meat & impact,
particularly in Rite of Spring. Biggest achilles are average drill & a show
that takes 3-4 minutes (near the end of Petroushka) before they hit some
velocity. Musically, the book is wonderful -- intense, incredibly complex &
with several very high points. It's probably one of the hardest music books
ever put on the field -- by anyone. Transfigured Night just gets better and
better (I do hope they unleash some additional power at the high points by
finals, though). And Rite of Spring is becoming one of the highlights of the
year (along with all of Boston's show). They are really starting to sell it,
and some of that trademark "Phantom" is slowly starting to peak out in both
Transf. Night & Rite of Spring. The closing minute of PR is still in my head
3 days later. I can see them anywhere from 5th to 8th, but they are miles
ahead of the last 2 years. PS -- Phantom's white pants look stunning on the
field. It takes a lot of guts these days to not wear black & cover up all
your dirt. Thank you PR!!!
6. Blue Knights. Powerful, interesting show. I cannot stand the new
uniforms though. Must everyone look like a darkly-attired boring high school
band now? Since when does everyone need all this black? It worked for
Phantom, it doesn't for everyone. It really reduces BK's visual impact from
a drill perspective. While Cavies & BD have Black pants, they also have good
offsetting color. Not so with BK, even down to the ugly black plumes. Guard
outfits, by contrast, are the best in DCI again. They look stunning. Some
great guard work too. I was expecting more excitement out of BK based on
previous reviews. Perhaps it's just the 1st showing effect & I'll like them
more in DC. Outstanding drum line -- I don't see how Glassmen beat them in
percussion. Better total package than Glassmen, and infinitely more
7. Glassmen. This corps is such a waste of great talent. IT's time for
G-men to find some new musical arrangers. The arrangements are limp & just a
big tease. Everytime they start to unleash some melodic power & get you
interested, they cut it right off & go back to just the pit or some soft
unmelodic lines. They are improved (significantly) from Indianapolis, and
are starting to march better. The first flag (The Red ones with the
quasi-logo for G-men) are nice. The show overall is "nice" and getting
pretty clean. The color guard unis and look looked especially unappealing
after Blue Knights. I didn't dislike this show this time, but it still
doesn't do that much for me. They can clean & possibly hold 5th. What they
can't control is if someone below them like BK, PR or Boston can clean up
what are much better programs & pass them. This is probably the best battle
for 5th we have ever seen.
8) Boston Crusaders. Wow! Goose-bump city. This is what designing a drum
corps show is all about. I hope Boston can keep this design team together.
If they do, they will be even more of the new best thing than they are now.
This corps is so much more mature than last year. They are going toe-to-toe
with PR & nipping at BK & Glassmen for good reason. Horn line is gaining
power as the season goes on & has double the power of last season. I, for
one, realy enjoy the singing at the beginning of Con Te Partiro. It makes
the horn re-entry even more emotional. And boy, does Boston have a luscious,
full low brass sound. Outstanding. Do they need to clean up the signing,
tune it, and add some more soprano? Yes. Does it work? YES. Drill is
wonderful, too. I think Drum Line may be what costs them any spot higher
than 8th -- IF ANYTHING DOES. I hope some other corps show designers are
studying this Boston show very closely. This could be the future of corps
shows -- fresh and new with deserved respect for past traditions. Boston is
the real wild card this season -- and threatening to end my annual "Phantom
is my favorite show" (well except for the past 2 years) opinion -- It's close.
9) Do Scouts deserve to be beaten by Crossmen? Right now they do not. They
are also capable of catching Crossmen, I believe. As usual, overall quality
of visual program and drum line are the Scout enemies. The show just doesn't
have the visual sophistication of the other top corps. Most of the blame
lies with the color guard & its integration into the show. Crossmen are
light years ahead of Scouts in visual design & color guard. It really is
time for Scouts to find a new Color Guard staff. The guard is the worst yet
from Scouts, after what I thought was a nice guard last year. They just
don't add impact to the show. The drum line does add impact to the show, but
boy are they dirty. I think that is why so much of the crowd doesn't often
understand Scouts' placement. Drum Line is hard for the crowd to judge. Do
I enjoy this Scouts show? Yes. It is getting better. Horn line drill is
nothing inventive, but it is exciting. I don't see Scouts higher than 9th or
lower than 10th. I don't like saying that, either. I'd much rather they
have a juggernaut show like 95, 97 or 99. I thought they deserved their
placements each of those years, but I loved each one of those shows.
10) Crossmen. Do Crossmen deserve to be beating Scouts? It's damned close,
I will say that. I think they are winning based on their visual program
right now. This is a big step back in the right direction for Crossmen after
last season. The corps uniform is way too dark for the show they are
playing. (See the coments above on Blue Knights). I don't particularly like
the guard outfit either. But, that guard can sure work some equipment. The
horn line is getting stronger & fuller than they were in Chicago &
Indianapolis. Still too thin, though. Especially when you compare them to
Boston or PR. I like the show, and think the arrangements are pretty fresh.
I don't see them as a threat to anyone above them on this list, except for
Scouts, though.
11) Bluecoats. Didn't get to see them this weekend, but from previous
shows, this is a wonderfully programmed show, with a great brass line. Drum
line is vastly improved for 'coats. They could easily fall anywhere between
11th and 13th, but I seem them in 11th. Just a gut feeling.
12) Carolina Crown. Will admit, haven't seen them. This is totally just a
guess, more based on what I don't like from Colts.
13) Colts. I have to hand it to the kids & staff with the Colts. They
could easily have given this season up -- BUT THEY HAVEN'T. The are cleaning
up & adding intensity to the show. The horn line is generating some real
power now. Gotta love the Colts for that. I think their undoing will be the
music book. Visually, they do some nice drill, but musically, there is too
much modernistic, uninspiring music. They have a few nice phrases (and they
stick with you). The most notable are a few ballad pieces & then the music
leading up to their early season ending where they finish the next to last
peice in the plus sign. The end of their show could be their undoing,
though. I don't know what the staff was thinking. It just does not sell.
Not melodic. Not moving. Not exciting. Just inexplicably kind of angry and
dissonant. If they overcome all this and make finals anyway, I will stand up
and applaud the teaching staff and kids whole-heartedly. They will have
earned it.
14) Southwind. Didn't get to see them, either, but have several times this
season. Southwind is a future finalist. I just don't think they have the
musical maturity & marching maturity to be there quite yet. I love the music
to this show. The guard adds a very classy touch as well.
15) Spirit of Atlanta. Don't know why some people were so down on them.
While this show doesn't rip you out of your seat anywhere, I think it is
their best show since '91. They are now taking steps up the music & marching
maturity ladder. Horn line generates some nice power & is melodic. The
arrangements are ok. Flag silks give Spirit some depth & polish they haven't
had visually in a while, although the guard uniform is not pleasing on the
eyes, or flattering to those wearing them. I hope they corps can build on
their progress for next season & push to get back to finals. I've heard they
are very young & have only 6 vets in the horn line. If that's true, and they
can keep the corps together, they could have a bright future.
16) Pioneer. Didn't get to see them, either, but have several times before.
The best Pioneer has been. Maybe they will decide to keep moving away from
the Irish rut. I sure hope so. They did it this year with a very
entertaining Brigadoon. The kids love to perform, and is sells their show.
They might not have the maturity and polish of those above them, but they
remember an old Drum Corps staple -- showmanship. Nice job, Pioneer, on a
good year.
17) Troopers. Unless a Div. II corps pulls out a great show (Last year's
Patriots show would catch this Troopers show), Troop may edge back into
Semis. They have a nicely designed show, and are much improved. Their best
work since 95. The battle moment is nice, and their arrangements of old
classics are tastful and modern without losing character of the music. A
corps that has more dirt musically and visually than they can hope to clean,
but one that is announcing that Troop is back. Their biggest weakness is
Color Guard. Please, please please work on some fundamentals and clean the
guard up. They are really holding the visual program back right now.
Don't know enough about Div. II/III this year to rank the rest of the open
class corps, but here is what I though:
Tarheel Sun -- I don't know what to think of this corps. At times, they seem
to have taken a step forward musicality wise. At other times, the design
quality of the show (and visual performance level) makes you wonder if their
staff really understands Drum Corps and what it takes to put it all together.
I'll have to see them again. I don't think they will make top 21.
Kiwanis Kavaliers -- Didn't get to see them, but have before. IF they can
improve their sound and close up all thier holes, they might have an outside
shot at top 21. The show is well-designed. It's too bad they don't have a
bigger corps to perform it with.
Beatrix -- A nice surprise from Europe! They were pretty good, and exceeded
my expectations. Nice, large corps. Sound was pretty thin and top heavy.
That's all I remember.
Bud Phelps
Cumberland, MD (DCA)
And now, some "tape-delay" thoughts about the DCA Drumfest show held last
Saturday in Cumberland, MD:
A great show, as usual! It's a pleasure to work with Bob Andrews and his
Drumfest contest committee...this is easily one of the best-run, most
well-promoted shows in the activity today.
Each corps is sponsored by a local business or organization; each corps is
given the "red-carpet" treatment in terms of practice facilities and so
forth; the show is heavily promoted through the local media and has turned
into a major event for the community each year; and it's held at a nice
stadium in beautiful Western Maryland. The only downside: they keep hiring
me as the announcer!!!!!! (heh heh)
As far as the corps' performances:
The Reading Buccaneers did their best show of the year, in my opinion...a
much-improved brass sound from recent weeks and a killer percussion section.
One minor criticism: the Bucs could "loosen up" a bit during their victory
encore performance.....after all, it is a SENIOR corps...I'm not saying the
corps should go out of character and screw around or anything like that, but
a few smiles and perhaps a bit of conversation with the audience would be
The Hawthorne Caballeros were clearly the crowd favorite...a damn good job,
but with a few brass timing errors evident out "on the wings" of some
formations. I think the Cabs' hornline is playing so well as a general rule,
that any minor problem sticks out more than it would otherwise. In any case,
these errors surely will be corrected by championships over Labor Day
Connecticut Hurricanes: nice job with the "Celtic Pride" show, transporting
the audience, musically and visually, to the Emerald Isle. An excellent pit
percussion section and color guard really helped "set the mood."
Skyliners: the corps got off to a bit of a tentative start, then picked up
steam as the performance went along, ending with a big sound and a big
standing ovation. These guys play well and are a lot of fun to watch, and
it's great to see them back in the thick of things in DCA!
Heat Wave: talk about having fun! Their "Postcards from Florida" show,
including a sing-along, percussion feature on hibachis and coolers, and a
hilarious "strip-tease," was a big hit with the audience. And drum major Vic
Kulinski Jr. was looking spiffy in his "Florida Senior Citizen" uniform!!!
Steel City Alumni corps opened the show with the National Anthem and a few
tunes from their parade/exhibition repertoire, and the Yankee Rebels (alumni
corps) did a full field show of favorites from their past, tuning up for
their Friday night exhibition performance at DCI semifinals in College Park.
The U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps closed the show with a powerful
performance...this has got to be the most in-tune brass section in the
entire marching musical activity!
That's all, folks... after the dust settles at DCI championships, come join
us in Scranton, PA, for the American Legion title show Aug.19.... it should
be a great night!
Fran Haring
Friday July 28
Murfreesboro, TN #1 (DCI)
General Comments: The weather was great! Around 70 degrees and no rain (the
threatening front had disssipated by that time.) Seemed to be a bigger crowd
than last year. Unfortunately, we got to the stadium as Pioneer was taking the
field, so I have no comments on them, Kiwanis or Taipei. Seats were just inside
the 40 yard line on #2 side, row 10 of second deck. At last we were set to go!
General Disclaimer: I am a brass player by trade and a drill type. I watch the
brass/percussion drill and listen to the brass/percussion. I don't watch the
CG, even when they are the focus. Sorry, but that's the way I watch a show.
General Blanket Statement: I appreciate the efforts of all of the corps
members, staffs, support personnel and everyone involved with keeping drum
corps alive and well.
My Opinion: (What I Liked or Disliked.)
Southwind - I was wondering if Les Preludes would work on the field.
Surprisingly, it did. The brass plays well, although the pitch center wavers at
times. Percussion played okay. Overall a more refined sound. The visual program
was okay, but I really would like to see them spread out a little more (use the
backfield more). The Holst lost some clarity between the parts in the brass at
Carolina Crown - I like the music. The drill is much better written than past
years. What I saw Friday, however, MUST have been a down show. It was just a
flat performance. The marching looked tired and the individual marching
was...... well......blah. I didn't get any impact from any aspect of the show.
I really want this corps to break out and REALLY succeed. Hope they get it
Bluecoats - I like the music...... It's not Bluecoats. I never really liked the
Bluecoats arrangements before (with the exception of last year) so I guess I
can let it grow on me (and honestly, I think it will). The brass plays well,
yet it seems reserved. Visually, the drops on the front sideline sometimes get
in the way visually. Overall, a good program.
Phantom Regiment - 1) New unis - They are growing on me. I actually like them,
I think. However, lose the tassel at the end of the sash and the belt. The belt
is cutting them in two. Makes them look short. change those two things and I'll
really like it. 2) Welcome Back, Phantom!!!!! This show is quickly becoming one
of my favorites. The drill is well written and is executed fairly well. Yes,
there still some cleaning to be done, but I like this package. Friday night
they seemed to have some of that Phantom spark that has been missing from years
past. A confidence, a surety. Go to Wal Mart and buy some more!!!! The end
needs some attention, but this show is really cool. (More opinion - They were
better than Boston. Performed cleaner. Better visual program... although the
judges disagree) I'd like to hear more bottom in the brass, but this seems to
be an arrangement issue.
Boston - Entertaining. Very GE oriented. Not clean, both musically and
visually. Sorry, but it really looks muddy on the field. The singing needs to
be worked on, primarily getting a more projected sound out of them. Really like
Red. And yes, my opinion is that they are scoring higher than they are
SCV - This show is growing on me. However, they need to go to Wal Mart and get
EVERYONE some of that confidence that PR picked up. There's a LOT of really
cool things going on, but they have to clean it up. Bartok is coming along and
Adagio is SWEEEETTTTT! My only request would be to build the last chord all the
way to the end of the chord and really get the blood boiling!!!!! Stained Glass
needs cleaning. This is one of the toughest drills out there this year, but
they have to make it seem effortless, which they aren't yet. Come on, SCV!!! Go
out there with the confidence you need to perform and the heart to REALLY get
to the audience.
BD - I won't comment on the Bb's - I already did that in another thread.
Visually, it's an easy book. Musically, there are only so many ways you can
cook a chicken and only so many ways you can present the same melodic motif. It
just gets boring. Yes it's clean and well performed, but it gets older faster
than day old bread. If SCV has a good 2 weeks, they should catch BD.
Cavies - A good book, both musically and visually. Has some definite cool
spots. This show will grow on me. Still needs some "Attention to Detail" but
will be in the hunt for the title. Show has room for growth, as does SCV's.
Think BD are just about maxed out.
Good luck to all of the corps as the season draws to a close and thanks to all
of them for entertaining all of us.
Bobby Patrick
88 Florida Wave
Thursday July 27
Sevierville, TN (DCI)
Here's my rather subjective take on last night's performances:
Scenic City-7th (36.10)-This is my hometown corps, but I have to be honest.
I have never seen a worse designed show. I think the kids are working hard
and probably doing their best, but the arrangements are so weird and
difficult that they must be having a hard time making it happen. Even
played well, this show would be hard to enjoy. The hornline was really
rough. Decent drumline, though. They've grown from last year. I hope this
doesn't discourage the kids from coming back.
Spirit of Atlanta-6th (72.65)-Spirit's show was better than last year's I
think and their hornline is a bit stronger. There were some nice musical
moments, but visually the show was fairly dull. Even during the up-tempo
stuff they took such small steps that it seemed there was very little
movement going on. Overall, a pleasant experience plus the first big sounds
of the evening.
Boston Crusaders-4th (83.90)-Very nice show. Great music with some cool
drill. I have to admit I hated the singing-partly because I don't like it
when field units sing and partly because I don't think BAC sings all that
well. They had a big sound and pretty busy drill (although it seemed a
little messy at times). I'm not sure how they compare to other
middle-of-the-packers (except Madison-see below), but they were better than
last year I think-for what that's worth.
Madison Scouts-5th (82.80)- Wonderful performance! Wonderful playing!
Wonderful marching! I have to agree with all those who think Madison's
getting shafted this year because they were clearly better than BAC. This
is the some of the coolest music they've ever played. And it was very
exciting. Their execution didn't seem to be off a bit from years past. The
famous Madison sound is still kicking and their drill was just as frenetic
but tight as ever. Simply put, they were great all the way around-way too
low of a score.
Glassmen-3rd (84.80)- I couldn't get too excited about their show. They
have a very big sound (especially down low) and a competent drumline, but
there's something dull about their show. I think they're going to be
overtaken as they move toward finals because of that. The rich sound was
awesome at times and there were some wonderfully musical sections, but I
didn't think they were any better than Madison.
Blue Devils-Tie 1st (90.65)- Great show! This is one of the coolest shows
BD has done in a while. The Bernard Herrman film scores were arranged
masterfully. The Bb horns sound very nice, but the highs get lost at times.
A couple of important Soprano and Mellophone parts were not heard clearly
when everybody was playing out. A tough drum book was executed very well.
In fact the whole show was really tight, except for some sopranos struggling
to make pitch near the end and those aforementioned balance problems.
Overall, an exceptionally cool performance. Not quite first place, though.
Cavaliers (90.65)-Tie 1st- Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Brass, drums, color
guard were all exceptional Extremely well executed show. This is a new
piece to me and some parts were a little hard to grasp, but really cool
musical stuff was thrown in liberally throughout, so I had plenty to wow me.
I almost never watch the color guard in any corps, but I watched these guys.
They were unbelievable. I've never seen so many flips and tumbles and other
acrobatic wonders. And when they bring out these big blue (water, I guess)
flags and the horns split open in some kind of fast scissors step at the end
I got major chills. Big, big sound from the brass line-very tight and the
drum line was just as good. I thought they bested BD because of those few
flubs the Devils had and the fact that the Cavies seem to sell their show
better-especially near the end.
We had good seats. The stadium affords a good view (Smokey Mtns in the
background) and the sound was fantastic. The mass playing of America/O
Canada was LOUD what with Madison, Glassmen, BD, and Cavies out there.
This was my first and only live drum corps experience of the season. Now I
can't wait until the TV broadcast!
John Phillips
Wednesday July 26
Gulfport, MS (DCI)
Unlike the northerns, the people in the south like to welcome anyone new to
the area. I hope all of the corps enjoyed thier stay on the MS Gulf Coast.
The corps caught the weather here at a very good time. A few weeks ago we
had 100 degree weather (120 heat index).
Allegiance Elite-51.85- I thought thier corps had a nice sound for being so
small. I had the priveledge of listening to them play a stand still
performance at Hancock Bank in Gulfport. Brass line needs some work on
attacking. I heard alot of sops missing those tonight. Other than a bass
drummer dropping his stick the show was good for thier size.
Tarheel Sun-60.65-Im glad the corps rid of the sun on the front. It was a
distraction as well as an eye sore. The rifles have improved dramatically
from what I saw marching as another member of another corps. The brass line
turned it up a notch when they came to the kneeling down and pulling your
back section. Overall good performance. I hope there is more punch in the
brass line.
Troopers-66.35- The corps I think have broken out of the old military
tradition with the color guard uniforms. The show itself was patriotic and
added a nice feel of American pride. I want to see the show again sometime
soon. Overall good job but needs more work in the brass line. Alot of
release issues, attacks not where they should be. I think I even saw feet
out of step! thats not too good but something that can be fixed.
Southwind-78.35- Southwind has improved from last year. The color guard
really knows thier stuff and lack the credit they deserve. Rifle line was
not perfect, there were a few drops, but overall very good job. Brass line
teased a little bit near the end..almost sounded like the corps was going to
use that cheesy ending from last year!
Carolina Crown-81.15- Very dull and boring show. I went to thier rehearsal
the day of the show. They wonder why they dont place higher. At the show I
heard a lady of a girl who marched in the corps saying "they should have
been first" And she said it loud enough during the presenation of scores.
Give me a break..who paints drill spots on the field? only YEA would do that
fun filled stuff. Bass drummers during practice were missing thier spots.
I dont have anything positive to say about the corps or the staff. Good
luck next year.
Blue Knights-87.00-Excellent show!! Noone seems to give the corps respect
that they deserve. I told one of the brass staff they had the best mello
line out of any corps tonight even over Cadets. The horns have a killer
book. I was very impressed with the one guy whose arm was disabled. Im
sure he played the hell out of the mello. Overall very exciting show. I
liked the color guard uniforms. Looks almost like the ones from last year
:) even better!!! Drum line was on the money except for retreat (smiles)
tenor dropped his stick. It would be a shame if the corps did not place in
the top 4 or 5.
Cadets-92.10-To tell you the truth I wasnt very impressed with the show
musically and the drill design is not as demanding as Ive seen in previous
years. I really liked the (playing of the other horns) and the tenor
feature. A friend of mine watching the color guard saw 2 or 3 drops in the
rifles. I bet Big Bertha will be after her! During the show the Bflat
trumpets were too edgy..i could also hear more air then i heard sound coming
from the trumpet in the victory arc. I think the idea of using different
keyed instruments is totally breaking the "drum and Bugle corp" tradition.
They might as well call it drum and keyed instruments instruments
international. Drumline will have to be on the money to take the drum
trophy. Finally this show is not a 92..its more along the lines of 88 right
now. This is also not a championship caliber show.
My picks for the top five 1. Cavaliers 2. SCV 3. Cadets 4. BK 5. BD
Splooie 99
Tuesday July 25
Baton Rouge, LA (DCI)
Well, let me start off by saying that I went to the Houston show and
saw most of the corps this past Sat. Monday night I gotto watch the
Blue Knights rehearse at a local high school. These guys have an
awesome show and are working hard to get the dirt out. I wish them
luck. The day of the show I went to the Cadets clinic. It was neat to
watch how they rehearse, and also to be able to get a sneak peek at the
show. What they do is simply amazing. Also, the hiughlight of the
weekend for me I think was being able to talk to the nursefor the
Cadets, who has volunteeered and travelled with them for 32 years. All
3 of her kids marched and aged out with the Cadets, and now her and her
husband travel and volunteer with them. I was able to sit and talk
with her for about 45 minutes. It was amazing to hear some of her
stories. This is something I will never forget.
On to the show:
Tarheel Sun: They were extremely sloppy, and there was only one point
near the end of the show where they produced any kind of sound. It was
very out of tune, marching was sloppy, and just plain bad. I hope they
find something that works for them in the future.
Troopers: I saw them in Houston and they were much better there. This
was just an off night for them. They seem to have a bunch of holes
which makes the drill seem awfully dirty. They have a real bad balance
in the hornline, and the marching was way off.
Southwind: 2nd time seeing this show also. I love it! It is exciting
from beginning to end, great hornline, good perc, and the guard has
really improved. They had 3 falls though: one soprano in the
beginning, a snare during thier feature, and then a contra fell during
a congested set and ended up getting stepped on and not being able to
get back up for a few moments. It is a great show though; I hope they
squeak into finals.
Crown: This is a great show, their best effort yet. It has excitement
in the music, an improved brassline, good perc, and the guard rocks.
The marching still lacks at times, and the drill could be more
exciting. Good show though. . .I see them around 10th or 11th again in
this tough year.
Phantom: This show grows on you. The hornline has gotten soooo much
better. They had an awesome sound tonight. I think what the show is
lacking is an opening that grabs you, and then precision in the
marching. People have been talking about them catching Boue Knights
and GMen. I doubt that will happen. As good as PR is sounding, there
is so much more to the BK show, but I will get to them in a moment. PR
is headed in the right direction, but they won't rise back to the top
tier this year.
Blue Knights: I love this show!!!! There is a ton of complexity, GE,
musicality. . .ETC.!!! I enjoyed 99 a great deal, and this show is
even better. The design of this show is flawless. If they get it
clean where it needs to be, I see them as high as 5th, maybe even 4th.
SCV: Great show, again. Everything about it is vintage Vanguard. The
ending is not what many expect, but it works within the context of the
show. I am not sure though what else they can do to make this show
better. Hard to say where they will end up come finals.
Cadets: All I can say is. . .OH MY GOD!!!!! This show is simply
amazing. I really think it is or will become my favorite show of all
time. It has awesome music played by an outstanding hornline (thank
you Mr. Cipriani), an amazing drumline (10 snares!!! clean as a
whistle), awesome guard (as usual), and the show is visually stunning.
The show off section is a showstopper, sure to get everyone on their
feet, even the biggest Cadet hater (yes, we know you are out there). I
know I have biases, I need noone to tell me this, but this show is the
real deal. It is going to take something of the divine for the Cadets
not to win this year. I know this is a bold statement, but those who
have seen the Cadets this year probably agree.
After the show I went to the Cadets food truck to tell the nurse lady
how much I enjoyed the show, as she had told me to do. She just lit up
when I showed up there to talk to her about the show. It was a great
First off, it was a WONDERFUL night for Drum Corps (considering this is
South Louisiana), daytime high of only 90 and near record lows at night
of about 68. Tiger Stadium is a great facility to hold a show. Its very
big (holds 85000+) as good sightlines and has all chairback seats
between the 20s. Seats are a little tight, but I think DCI would do
well to consider coming here for finals week. Its only 1 hour or so
from New Orleans and all of its fun (;-))and the crowd was very good.
Lots of high school kids, and they didn't applaud as much as I thought
they should have, but the event was still very well attended. I would
guess on the order of 10,000 people were there.
rant #1 - First of all why can't shows get started on time? I know this
is only the third year of this show, but it seems like it never gets
started on time (about 15 minutes late by my watch)
Ok now, to the part that you came to read.
1st up - Tarheel Sun
I promised myself I wouldn't say anything negative about this group,
and I still won't. However, there are many, many, many, many things
that need to be addressed with this group. I think that they have the
potential to be quite good. But first off, the brass book isn't very
well written (read:voiced IMHO). The arrangements are kinda blah,
especially considering the past Wayne Downey versions (although the
Harmon mutes are a nice touch). The percussion book is OK, but nothing
to write home to mom about. The guard- well lets just think about
redesigning the unis. The drill is VERY Dirty and hard to read. I think
that smaller groups like this should stay more to the center of the
field between the power zones (35 yard lines). There also isn't grab
your attention kind of GE to speak of. Some cute things are done in the
interaction of the guard and horns, but overall there just isn't much
here visually. There were also numerous timing tears from left to right
and front to back and the show almost fell apart three times. There is
one person at least from every section overblowing, and numerous other
sounds that need to be a little fuller. I think a couple of miles of
running a day and a few more breathing exercises would help that
though. Also they fell prey to the cardinal sin in the pit - DONT WATCH
THE CONDUCTOR!!! Some several times the pit wound up almost a full beat
ahead of the hornline. Nice job considering your age and experience and
good luck in the future.
Rant #2 - What is with the midriff showing for girls - no shirt for
guys look going on now? Unfortunately I could tell from up good ways
that there are some people that SHOULDN'T be wearing these. I don't
mean to say that they can't perform, but I think more flowing outfit
like Phantom's would be better suited for certain body types.
Next Up - Troopers
Wow, what an improvement this group has made in the three years since I
have last seen them. I love the arrangements; I know some people aren't
into the contemporary harmony thing, but I found the ideas expressed
refreshing, especially the arrangement of America that was interesting,
and kinda funky, while keeping inline with traditional drum corps
style. What strikes me most is the difference in the voicings of the
horns. Much darker sounds than Tarheel Sun. Overall I liked this show,
much higher maturity level than previous years. I still never tire of
the All-American corps!
When I marched with Magic of Orlando in '95, we toured early season
with these guys and we gave them the name "Suckwind' NO MORE!!!! This
show is great. You can DEFINETLY tell the Madison influence on these
guys, in ALL areas of the production. Starting with Scott Boerma's
typical clarity of lines and faithfulness to the original concept, the
music is entertaining and attention getting without being old-school. I
never thought I would EVER find Liszt on the field, but the arrangement
of Totentanz/Les Preludes works really well. The Horner is okay, my
wife is a HUGE fan of that soundtrack and Im sick of it, but it is nice
on the field and has some nice dynamic contrasts. The percussion
writing is excellent as well, challenging the kids without being over
the top (they might want to consider changing the staging of the snare
line in the feature, when they pulled the 2nd snare from the left
absolutely bit the dust.Hard). The guard makes effective use of props
and the drill is straight out of 97 Madison and others with the
rotating blocks and merging lines in the closer. Overall a very
effective and entertaining show. BTW this corps took a #3 Phillips up
the ass tonight as far as score and placement, While they still have
some notable timing problems and some occasional overblowing, they
deserved better than a 4 point spread and actually might have performed
better than Crown. (oh to be a fly on the wall in that critique...)
#4 - Carolina Crown
Okay, I am Really not a Crown fan, not since we competed against them
in 1995. Since then, not one of their shows has ever grabbed me and
made me pay attention to them. The Spanish thing doesn't do it for me.
Spanish music, especially movie soundtracks, rely pretty heavily on
storyline for them to make sense, and with Crown doing a more abstract
presentation, it is just lacking. The show seems flat with fewer
(total) dynamic contrasts than I would have liked. They don't perform
it too badly, although I would have placed them about .2 BEHIND
Southwind. (IMHO) and BTW put the pit where it belongs - in the pit.
You have too many timing problems now to set up in the field like that)
#5 - Phantom Regiment
I love 20th century classical music, especially Stravinsky and early
Schoenberg. I liked this show especially the multi-tenors that the
drumline uses in the closer. Something is missing here, a certain je ne
sais quoi.... The show is truly powerful and glorious, but is just not
the Phantom of old.The arrangements are there, but the balance isnt.
Baritones are kinda weak, which makes it a little thin, but a STRONG,
nice full contra sound helps out a lot. percussion is strong. A few
timing tears from left to right and from the horns to the pit, but not
too bad. no major performance problems to speak of. THE UNIFORMS
SUCK!!!!! I love the guard unis, dresses over leotards, and the colors
are nice too, but the tan color of Phantom belies the dark nature of
the music they play; it just plain and simple doesn't work.
#6 - Blue Knights
WHOA! These are not your father's BK. New unis (drop the white sash
though - try the white in some other fashion) and a HYPERACTIVE drill.
Asking baritone players to do what looked like a 3 to 5 jazz run while
playing fff and pivoting and going back in a different direction at 160
bpm+ is a bit extreme. Either they are trying to serve that they will
do anything for GE to get in and stay in top 5,or the drill designer is
on crack. The music is nice, very brass band (nothing wrong with that).
MAJOR timing tears in the opener-it got a beat apart and almost didn't
recover (it took about 8 measures as it was to get stable). As always,
the hand painted flags lend a nice color barrage to the field, almost
covering the field like a quilt in a ballad section. A nice show with
wonderful potential, but I don't know if they have enough time left to
clean up. Next year send everyone to dance school instead of just the
sopranos, they weren't half bad :-)
#7 - SCV
Adagio for Strings is loud!!!!!!!!!!!Everything you hear and read about
that chord are true. It is truly the hair raising moment of the summer
(other than the finale). The opening prayers for Kirkegaard is
beautiful. The piano Concerto and the string quartet excerpts are
raucous and effective. my only qualm with adagio is that it is way too
fast and needs a little more sensitivity in the moving lines and
That is aggravating to watch. The percussion like is phenomenal,
especially the bass line. Not a contender show, (needs more visual GE)
but very nice indeed.
and finally... #8 The Cadets
Ladies and gentlemen, introducing your 2000 DCI World Champions.... oh
sorry I Cant say that yet, but I will be surprised if they don't win
title #8. This show has got it all. It is a thrill to be an observer of
it, and it looks like it is fun for the kids to perform. (kids...humph
im only 24...) This isn't there hardest show, but it is just difficult
enough to provide a challenge. It is easy to watch. The time clock
effects at random tempi at the beginning is a GREAT effect. You all
know about the tenor features, the individual snare features and the
brass players fingering each others horns. By the far and away, these
get the highest applause factors of the evening. my only qualm with the
corps was the smartass trumpet player who stuck a slightly sharp double
F# at the end of the retreat and held it over. I would have expected
that from Madison or a jazz corps, but not a classy org such as you.
Practice the self-restraint you are taught and be a TEAM player.
(Although I have to admit, I did my share of screaming way back when at
retreats)GO CADETS!
Rant #3 - I was one of the people that was in the camp of G Bugles or
die. Now I am not so sure. After hearing the Cadets tonight, they had by
far and away the biggest presence of all of the hornlines tonight. The
richness of colors and the tonalities available in the keys selected offers
some exciting possibilities. I don't think that I mind it, as of right now.
Let me get a few more years of exposure before I make a final judgement.
I think the Cadets have it right this year. Too many of these shows are
emotionally disconnected from the audience. (and they wonder where the
GE is going) The Cadets are proving you can do a challenging show and
still engage the audience.
It was a wonderful night, and I look forward to next year!
First of all I just want to say these are my opinion and mine only. As I am a
percussionist so forgive me if my brass and colorguard comments are a little
less than the percussion.
Red Stick Thunder Pagent of Champion
Location: Tiger Stadium on the campus of LSU in Baton Rouge, La
Ok for anyone that went to the show last year you know it was rained out by one
of the heaviest thunderstorm in a long time in Baton Rouge. Great to see that
there was no rain and the a pleasent surpirse of a cool front pasting through
Louisiana for the show.
First on Tarheel Sun (Cary, NC)
Music: Channel One Suite & Suite for Jazz Band and Orchestra
This was my first time seeing this corps in person. I know they are a
relatively new corps and tackling Channel One Suite for music was a challenge
for them. Not only performing the music but going up against the history of
the music (i.e. Blue Devils). I must say the arangement was different and
very refreshing. Now on to business...Tarheel Sun had major problems last
night. Hornline missed attacks and held over after releases. The begining of
the show is strange in my opinion with the comical gestures and acting of the
corps. Drumline wise they also had problems. Their book was interesting play
the played a lot of odd timing figures that did not fit many times through out
the show. Otherwise, improvement over their past lines. I can't remember a
lot about their colorguard (sorry).
Troopers (Capser, WY)
Music: America the Beautiful, America's Struggle, America (from West Side Story),
Amazing Grace, Stars and Stripes Forever
I must say right off I'm not a big Troopers fan. But this was a good show by
"America's Corps." The musical theme of the show was very well intergrated and
the arangements were nice. The Troopers drew the first major in-perform
ovasion at the end of the battle scene. This show is mustr better than last
year's show and the seem to be on there way back. Drumline was solid. Although
their drum book was not anything to yell home about. They did a fairly descent
job of executing the book. Don't remember anything about their hornline...oh
wait...their soloist. The soloists were having problems all night long.
Overall another step in the right direction for the Troopers.
Southwind (Lexington, Ky)
Music: Intermezzo and March, Legends of the Fall, Les Preludes/Totentanz
Southwind was really impressive. They have come a long way since moving up to
Div I. This show was executed really well. First thing I notices was how much
better they marched than the Troopers or Tarheel Sun. The cologuard had very
pretty burgandy colored outfits. Southwind has really matured and the hornline
had a descent sound. Drumline was solid except for when a snare fell down
during the drum break. (He made a nice recovery though). Very niced designed
show but I really don't see how Legend of the Falls fit with the other two
pieces of the show. I think Southwind will push really hard for a Top 12 spot
in about 2 years.
Carolina Crown (Fort Mills, SC)
Music: The Mask of Zorro
I usually like Crown but I didn't get into this show that much. First of all
this year is the best marching unit I've seen from Crown. To me in the past
their marching has been a MAJOR problem. The hornline was ok. I must a
comment on the colorguard. When I first entered Tiger Stadium this colorguard
past me wearing black spandex and skinny little tops and the male members where
only wearing pants. I was thinking those are some trashy outfits. Well it was
Crown's guard. Those outfits, even those sexy, was a bit too much for me. But
putting that aside, Crown's guard did a GREAT job of performing. The equipment
work and dancing was very solid. This group keeps getting better. Now for
the drumline. I expected a lot more from a Paul Rennick line. They played
well but they did not grab me. The front ensemble was dull also. As with every
other line of the night problems playing inner beats solid. But switch this
show is much better than last year's show. The crowd had a mixed reaction to
it. We'll see how they will do at Final, but it's really good to see them
marching better.
Phantom Regiment (Rockford/Loves Park, Illinois)
Music: Juex, Petroucka, Transfigured Night, Rite of Spring
Ok...I now the new uniforms have gotten mixed reviews on here. I liked them.
It made Regiment look more military, but I hope it's only a one year deal.
Good music and decsent hornline. To me this year's Regiment hornline has a
really bright sound to it. Good choice of music and intergration. One problem
of this show to me is the drill. Very boring to say the least. They did not
have that visual moment that you seek when you watch a drum corps' show.
Drumline is getting much better. They seem to have left the dark days behind
them. Recognition must be given to Brian Manson and his staff. The front
ensemble is really becoming one of the top 4 front ensembles in DCI. Very warm
tones from up front. The field percussion is playing much better than previous
lines for Phantom. Rite of Spring is great. Very solid percussion writing at
the begining with the snares and tenors all playing tri-toms with cymbal
connections and either another tom or a picolo snare in the center of the
tri-toms. Now if they only had more drill.....
Blue Knights (Denver, Co)
Music: Montage and The Essence of Time
I like the new uniforms expect for the white piece in the front. Colorguard
had on some skin tight white outfits. Isn't DCI supposeto be a family event :)
But the guard outfits added excellent contrast to the primary corps' uniforms.
Once again the Knights are playing really technical music that the cowrd in
Baton Rouge had a hard time getting into it. The music is good but very
unaccessible to many people. Colorguard and hornline was good. The marching
was really solid from the corps. I really not into there drill design but at
least they move. Drumline...what can I say. Field percussion was no doubt the
most aggressive of the night. (and no..playing tenors behind your back in not
aggressive) Snares and basses were descent, but the Knights' tenor made there
field percussion go. Front ensemble was a disappointment. I ashame that the
front ensemble does not play with the same emotion of the field percussion. I
find the front ensemble's book to be much less demanding that the field
percussion. Knights need to find a balance between the two units. Overall,
good techincally demanding show.
Santa Clara Vanguard (Santa Clara, Ca)
Music: Prayer of Kierkegaard (Prayer No.4), String Quartet No.4 mvt 5 Allegro
molto, Piano Concerto No. 1 mvt.3 Allegro molto, Agnus Dei (Adagio for
Strings), Stained Glass.
Ok I'm bias towards SCV. This is the first time they have been back to
Louisina since 1990. This show is much different than last years show. I hate
to say it but the 2000 year lacks intensity. The opener is very interesting
and very subtle in it's delievery. After the prayer SCV cranks is up in the
second piece. Very demanding drill with a lot of reaction coming from the
crowd. There was a nice drill segement when the percussion sprints from the
other side of the field and meets up with the brass and then the whole
formation rotates. Adagio for Strings was performed very well with nice volume
and control during the loud parts. The ending of the show does not make you
want to get out of your sit. It's very anti-clamatic and did not get a good
response. The cowrd seem to wonder, "Is that it?" Though the show is good
it's not on the same level yet as last years show. Will it get
there...probably not...Why? One word...percussion. There must have been a
high turn over rate in the line from last years line. The front ensemble was
solid as usual, but the field percussion was really dirty. The was actually a
snare player on the end of the line that played extra notes at one point. I
know they have a lot of split parts in the book but that was a mistake. The
5th bass also fell during a drum break. (I can see why...very demanding drill
at 180 bpm) Overall, a good show that enjoyable. But making a
prediction...probably a 5th place show depending on the Glassmen.
Final corps of the night:
Cadets (Bergenfield, NJ)
Music: Music from Walt Disney World's Millinium Celebration
I've seen a number of people that are declaring the Cadets the 2000 Champion
and have not seen the Cavies or Devs. I'm not going to say the Cadets are
going to win but I'll be surprise if they get anything less than 2nd. I really
don't like the Cadets personally, but this is a great show. The GE of the show
is unreal. Solid in all three phases: drumline, hornline, and guard. This is
one, if not the best, shows I've seen from the Cadets. (or any corps) I don't
know where to began. Great control through the whole show from the hornline.
Marching was solid from the whole corps and the guard work was great. Now on
to the percussion. This is a solid Cadets line. The writing seems much
different that the past. I'm not going to comment on the behind the back
playing by the tenors or the bass drums running around playing runs on each
other drums. That more of the GE aspect. It's fun to watch but....it's a lot
of "Tricks." Though most of it's clean. Overall very entertaining show with a
lot of GE. I think people are getting caught up in the GE and the tricks of
the corps (the tenors, basses, and the hornline playing each others' horns).
But as I stated before this show has every chance of being the best. We'll see
when the meet up wih Cavies or Devs.
Overall opinion of the drumlines: Clean inner beats. All the lines had
problems executing the low stuff. Also, many lines had problems balancing
front ensemble and field percussion.
Also want to say thanks to the Baton Symphony for bring DCI back to Louisiana.
But in the same turn, $26 dollars is a lot for a non regional ticket.
Well these are just my views on the shows.....
Bowling Green, KY (DCI)
Ok, this is gonna be super short--it's 4 am and I just walked in the door from
the show....you guys know the scores, so I'm just gonna give a few comments in
the order of performance. Ok, flame guards are on and now for the review:
Capital Regiment--first time seeing these guys, really enjoyed their show,
horns sounded tired and weak (could have been it sounded as though most of the
show was played in unison by the entire line), they have no need for two drum
majors (and even if they did, try to make the patterns the same), had VERY nice
visuals....Great job, I'm glad I saw you guys!
Americanos--these guys are MUCH improved since last I saw them, but that is to
be expected (that was their first show!). VERY nice soloists throughout the
entire show!! Thought the guard could use some work on "attacks" and catches.
Can't say I understand the "visual aids"???? Great job tonight, Americanos!
Keep it up! Hope to see you Wednesday night in DC!
Kiwanis Kavaliers--these guys have also done some major cleaning since last I
saw them (12 days ago in Winston Salem). The music they chose to play (now
that it was recognizable) is just not music I would have selected. Even though
I don't like "Miss Saigon" there is much better music that could have been
chosen......really enjoyed their pit, guard had it's moments...
Pioneer--Wow! I now understand all the fuss on here about Pioneer! These guys
are MUCH improved over last year. VERY nice hornline, drums, and guard. Nice
package overall....once they get their hornline numbers up, these guys will be
knockin' at Friday and Saturday nights door. The drill is kinda repetitive and
there were some feet phasing problems, but overall these guys got one of the
best crowd responses of the night! Great Job, Pioneer!!
Bluecoats--as I said in my last review of them....they perform very well, it
just doesn't do anything for me. I really appreciate the guard's
innovativeness!!! Pretty good job all around (guard girl knocked the crap out
of a baritone guy--knocked his hat off--ick) Nice job guys!
Colts--First off, new uni's don't do it for me....especially the black sleeves
(What WAS Cesario thinking!!!????). These guys don't have the magic they did
last year. Show seems flat and dull. Provide some interesting visuals, but
the music is just dull. Colts need to watch out, cuz Southwind is close on
their heels....
Crossmen--WOO-HOO!!! One of my favorite shows this year!!!! I love everything
about this show--Especially the guard! Some have said that the colors are
horrid and such, I think not. Their color is beautiful!!! Great show and
great job tonight!
Cavaliers--WHOA! This show is much better than when I saw it many moons ago in
Lexington, KY. Great show! I prefer the middle to end more than the
beginning, but that's just me. Guard didn't seem to be as "on" as they should
be tonight. Lots of drops and miscatches. GREAT hornline! Cadets need to
watch their back (even though the Cadets show is my MOST favorite of the
year!) Great job, Cavies! See ya tomorrow night!!!!!!!
Madison Scouts--What can I say??? I really don't believe that who I saw on the
field were the Madison Scouts. They were just a bunch of guys dressed up,
pretending to be them. =\ This show is not them. The whole jazzy Russian
music isn't going over too well (with me at least). Guard wasn't as bad as I
have heard on here. They've got some great drill though! See you guys
tomorrow night too!
Cavies encore--GREAT JOB! The replayed their entire show and then ended with
"Rainbow". Great soloist on Rainbow. Ummm....the ones that stayed loved the
encore. Thanks Cavies!!!
I'm going to bed now. Gonna go see the Blue Devils rehearse later today! =)
Brandon =)
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